Meant To Be

By Hash_Browniez

274K 11.1K 6.8K

When Naina Mittal walks into the pristine Headquarters of The Maurya Group, one of the world's largest conglo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
🕯️ शुभ दीपावली 🕯️
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
In The Loving Memory
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Sneak Peak
Chapter 29
शुभ दीपावली
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: Sneak Peak
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Sneak Peak
शुभ दीपावली
Chapter 34: Sneak Peak 2
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 17

5.3K 246 49
By Hash_Browniez

Hiya *waves*

No major development here. Just a filler chapter.

I was writing a completely different chapter but l was yet to complete it and it was putting me on a writer's block.

With exams still on my head, l couldn't put my head into some great plot but l still wanted to put out something instead of waiting till next year for inspiration to hit me.

Since you guys always wait patiently for me to update, this is sort my token of appreciation for all the love you guys have for this book.

Coming back to DLF Towers, l asked the concierge to have someone get the bags from my car to the penthouse. Standing in the lobby I called Aaryan and told him l was home while the helpers placed all the bags in the cart.

We rode the elevator upto 20th floor. I was about to knock on the door when l realised no one was home. Using my keys, I opened the door with and turned on the lights. The bell boy pushed the cart in placed the bags on the living room table.

I got a call from Raina about their arrival at the airport just as l thanked and tipped the bell boy for his help.

Closing the main door, l came to stand in the middle of eerily quite living room. It was weird being home in the evening and not hear chachu watching whatsapp videos in the living room on full volume or have Rohan yelling at his team mates in a game or have chachi and mummy making sure no one forgot their Tupperwares at work.

With no noises coming from outside and no one but me inside, my home was quieter than a morgue.

"Fours day like this? I don't if l should be happy or sad." Realising l was talking to myself like a loon, l walked into my room and placed both my car and home keys on the holder.

It was 8:30 already, so I ordered food from Swiggy and went for a quick shower. After shower l settled in the living room in a T-shirt and shorts to separate Anjali and Sonali's bags from ours. While sorting the bags my eyes caught a note on a box in a Gucci bag. Frowning, I pulled out the box and plucked the note.

Thanks for everything, Naina

Unwrapping the paper from the box, l opened the lid only to find a vanila scented perfume in it. I smiled. This girl! I picked up my phone and texted Anjali.

Naina: Thanks for the gift. But you really didn't need to.

Her reply came immediately.

Anjali: I did. And it smells so good, it would drive Veer crazy. ; )

Cheeks flaming, l was about shoot her a scathing text but the ringing of the doorbell distracted me from the task at hand.

At 9, l settled in my room with food and and my laptop. I watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S. while l ate my food after which l moved to the couch to start working. I couldn't work on my bed knowing l would fall asleep in minutes but l had some important work to do.

The clock had struck midnight by the time l decided to take a break. Getting out of bed, l stretched and took my utensils to the kitchen sink.

I looked outside the window by the granite shelf to see that it was a clear starry night. The lights from other towers and cars from the distant highway created a picturesque view.

(This but at midnight)

I wasn't really sleepy, so grabbing my laptop and phone, l went to the pool on third floor. Gentle breeze was ruffled my hair as l put my laptop near a chaise.

Quietly sitting at the edge, l dipped my legs in the pool enjoying the cold sensation on the hot night.

I guess it's great that Aaryan and Anajali are going to Mussoorie. Delhi's heat is atrocious in July.

A frown marred my face when l came to the realisation that all of my family and close friends are off to cool locations. I placed my arms behind my back. I could imagine Rohan, Raina and Sonali at the airport teasing and laughing with their friends. I could see mummy and papa sitting in the lawn of our townhouse in Pune discussing politics or chachu-chachi huddled on a sofa watching TV.

I closed my eyes as a gentle sigh escaped me. Though l loved that everyone l cared about was content wherever they were, l couldn't help but feel just a little bit lonely.

In moments like this when everyone had a confidant to turn to; who did l have to disturb at 2 am?

Aaryan's name popped in my head but l quickly shook the thought aside. Great friend or not, it was time l started giving him some privacy.

I cracked a smile with my eyes still closed and my face tilted heavenwards. I mean, the poor boy is getting married. I am pretty sure he wouldn't appreciate me calling him at midnight making him stop his... activities. I laughed at the thought. I guess, l just found a payback for all the time he has disturbed me at night for fun.

A ping from my phone brought my attention to the phone. Now, that it was a new day, reminders for the meeting today were popping up.

I sighed looking at the reminder of a 9:30 meeting with the Sinatra Senior management. I have already told them that we won't pay the bribe but now we have to deal with the repercussions. Tomorrow we will have to brainstorm on the current status of the company and create a plan of action for its future.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes even as l felt a heavy burden settle on my chest. In no management course do they teach you to deal with the guilt that comes with choosing the lesser of the two evils. To deal with the pressure of having so much at stake with every decision.

I opened my eyes to look at the star studded sky as far as l could see. Papa had no problem making decisions like these in his time. Probably because he never looked the other way. His heart didn't mind what his eyes didn't see.

Papa had a book to follow and he did-word by word, line by line. The company policy was―is―his Gita and he makes every decision based on it. Like Adi, like every other businessman and women, he easily followed his mind and instincts far more than his heart.

Something that l still often struggle do. Something that made Adi the obvious choice for the CEO.

Yet here l am.

I sighed.

Fighting the pressure, the guilt. Fighting for my sanity.

The thought made Anjali's words echo in my head.

You have always fought for everything in life. He seems like someone who would fight for you.

Would he?

Who knows?

My brows furrowed as l realised that l spent the whole day pondering if he liked me for me without considering the possibility that he may not even think of me as somone more than a friend.

But then I snorted. Really, Naina? To sing for you, to send you flowers, to tell you the secrets he did, to take you to meet his family? Either he likes you or you are in the deepest end of friend-zone.

Hearing another ping, l saw the European delegates accepted the invitation to a meeting on Saturday. Just as l forwarded the thread to the VP (constructions), a whatsapp notification popped on my screen.

My stomach fluttered when Veer's name accompanied the message. सौ साल जियेगा ये।

Veer: Hey
         Sorry. I had busy day.

Mentally calculating, l realised he must have just come back to his hotel if he wasn't still working.

Naina: Still working?

Veer: Nope. Just came back to hotel.
         Whatcha doin?

I giggled.

Naina: Swimming

Veer: At this time? Wait! What time is it back home?

Naina: it's midnight.

Veer: It's 9 here but it's so quite. It feels like 2 at night.
Why are you swimming at midnight?

I smiled.

Naina: I am not swimming. I just have my feet in the pool. Soaking and stargazing.

Veer: Nice. Me too. Though l can only see the Aegean Sea from my window but the sky is beautiful here tonight.

Naina: Is that how you relax?

Veer: No, I was actually just waiting for my food.

Before l could type something more, he got offline. After a few minutes another notification popped on my screen.

Veer: My food is here. I will change, shower, get my food and then we will Skype if you are not asleep. Is that fine?

Naina: I am pretty sure l won't be sleeping any time soon.

Veer: Gotcha

About 20 minutes later, my phone pinged.

Veer: You there?

Naina: Yup

Veer: Calling you in two.

I fired up my laptop. Dragging over a small table l placed the laptop on it. Sitting sideway with one of my legs beneath me and the other still in water, l picked up his Skype call.

"Hey," l said as my screen lit up with Veer's face. He was sitting in an arm chair with his food in front of him. To his right was a huge glass window.

"Hey, lioness," Veer said running a hand through his still damp here.

"What's up?" I asked as he picked up a plate and spoon to eat his food.

"Hungry as hell," Veer replied putting a scoop full of fried rice in his mouth.

"How did you get Indian food in Greece?" I asked.

"Perks of being a billionaire. l had a craving for some spice tonight," he said going for another bite.

"Are you trying to make me jealous by calling while eating?" I teased.

"Is it working?" He quipped.


"Then, l am," he shot back with a satisfied smile.

"Is that so, meanie? Wait, l will go get something to make you jealous," l said getting up. Veer raised his brows but I quickly rushed down the stairs. I took out the pizza from the fridge and put it in over for heating. While it heated, l grabbed the carton of chocolate milkshake and put a scoop of ice-cream to it. I had bought some yesterday on my way back home after the disappointment l felt one day when l had found an ice-cream box in the fridge only to find it filled with peas.

l took the tray of my food and went back to my spot. Veer looked up when he saw me pop back up on the screen. He watched me sit back down while still eating his food.

"It's rude to make someone wait half-an-hour on call," he said picking up his salad.

"Half-an-hour? I wasn't even gone for five minutes," l said putting my tray beside me.

"Yes, that's how long five minutes feel without you," he teased making me laugh. "Sure."

"What did you get?" He asked and l rose my tray up for him to see. Amusement filled his eyes. "Chocolate shake and Pizza? Okay, maybe l am just a bit jealous but you are such a dork."

"Dorks are the future," l said taking a quick bite of my gooey pizza. "What are you having for desert?"

"Ras Mallai. Do you like it?" He asked showing me the yellow ball of deliciousness.

I nodded. "I do. But nothing really beats my love for chocolates or ice-creams."

"So, you are also a three-year-old?

"Chocolates and ice-creams defy the barriers of age and time," l shot at him.

"Or seasons" Veer completed with a chuckle. His contagious amusement made me laugh too. Talking and eating with him like this didn't make me feel so alone in this huge home anymore.

"You really are at the pool," Veer said after a few beats of comfortable silence. I saw on my side of the screen that the blue of the water in pool reflected on my face.

"I told you. Wanna see?" I asked.


Hearing affirmative, l picked my laptop and placed mt laptop on my lap with its camera towards the infinity pool.

"Gorgeous," came a single word from my laptop. I smiled. As I leaned forward, my hair fell on the screen of my laptop.

"Haina," l said trying to see the view l had seen a hundred times from his perspective.

"It also feels like l am sitting right beside you." My smile turned to one of longing.

I wish you were.

Placing the laptop back at its original position on the table l asked, "So, how was your day?"

Veer closed his eyes, leaning back in his chair. The material of the shirt stretched over his flat stomach distracting me from the conversation.

"Awful," he replied bringing my attention back to the subject.

I winced at him in sympathy. I knew that CEO's only called a day bad when it's an absolute train-wreck. Been there done that. "That bad, huh?'

He groaned placing the leftover food on the tray. "Lioness, it was a shit show. I can't tell you how close l was to punching someone. I had to do back to back meetings, conferences just have the company aligned. The owner's a trust fund baby and the managers are wreck. I will need to reshuffle the management,  If this wasn't important for the Euro Project, I would have dropped this company as if it was made of fire."

I ate my ice-cream quietly while hearing Veer rant out his frustration. Sometimes all you need on a bad day is to have someone hear the mess you had to go through.

Veer sighed. "I did fire the owner today but it wasted a lot of time. Now, l have a long day ahead tomorrow."

"And on Monday since you are part of the Euro project," l said putting my milkshake down.

"Hmmm. They are announcing the qualifying bids for three of our categories today and two on Monday. We already are the communication partner for all six phases," Veer said with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Yeah, l heard. The qualifying bids for four of mine will be announced on Saturday and three on Tuesday. We could get the winning bid for six phase steel partner by Saturday."

"With equity of Mittals, there is no competition," Veer responded making me smile.

"I hope so. Now, you are going to see much more of me," I said smugly.

He put the back of his palm on his forehead and sighed dramatically, "Oh, the torture!"

I laughed. "That's pathetic acting."

"You are just jealous of my skills," he mock glared at me.


Shaking his head, he asked, "Anyway, how was your day?"

"Much easier than yours," I said finishing up my pizza. Veer leaned back in his chair. "Really? What did you do?"

"I went shopping," I said raising my arms like a little kid making Veer laugh.

"The whole day?"

"Yup," l said happily eating my ice-cream from the shake. "Aaryan and Anjali's roka is coming. We needed to finalize the venue, the food, the music then get dresses, shoes, accesories etc. So, the entire day was all about shopping and talking with my family. Though a little hectic, It was perfect."

Speaking of perfect.

"Veer, do you cook?"

He blinked, surprised from the out of the blue question but replied nonetheless. "Yes."

"You do?" I asked unable to keep the surprise out if my voice

"Why do you sound so surprised?"

"Well, l didn't think you would have had the time to learn."

"I lived in a PG. My roommates were shit at cooking and food delivery service didn't exist back then. So, l was their saviour. I am not a sous chef or anything. I Just know the basics to survive."

Oh, well. There you go sonali.

"So, sounds like you had a busy day," Veer said finishing his main course.

"Yet, It was one of the relaxing once l have had since taking over the Mittal's."

"So, shopping relaxes you?" Veer teased again throwing my question back at me. I gave him a mock glare.

"No, a day with my family relaxes me. But I also like relaxing like this-" l waved my hand towards the pool. "-soaking and stargazing. Both the water and the infinite sky calm me."

Veer nodded slowly and looked out of his window as if trying to see what is it that calms me so.

"The endless sea and the infinite sky. When they meet at the horizon, it's a reminder that if it's possible for the opposite ends of a spectrum to meet then everything else is possible too."

When Veer didn't say anything, l turned to look beyond the pool and buildings at the horizon meeting the boundless sky.

"When you look up and see how big and vast the universe is you realise how small you are. It stops me from letting the money and power get to my head. And the sea," l let out a content sigh, "it gives me hope to know that to every problem there's an ocean of solution out there."

"Meadows do that for me," Veer said softly after a few beats, bringing my gaze to him. His face rested on his palm with his elbows on his knees.

"I love road trips. When you go for long drives and see the wide fields, the valleys, the meadows rollout beyond the horizon, you realise how limited your perception is. There's so much that lies beyond what eyes can't seen and it give me hope"

His eyes unfocused. I could imagine him going over some lovely memories. "It gives me assurance that when your eyes tell you this is the end of everything, all you need is a bold step forward to see it's not. It gives me peace to know that like the hidden paths jn the fields, there are unseen paths that l can find if only i just adjust my perspective a bit."

He laughed a little. "But sprawling lands aren't good for my ego. So, l go mountain climbing too. Standing on the top of the mountain looking down at the valleys  make you feel like the king of the world."

I smiled. "So, that's how you got to the top at the park?"

Veer let out a deep chuckle. "Yeah. I used to go trecking or mountain climbing with Bhaiya or dad all the time," he said but hesitated a little before continuing, "l got busy afterwards. I haven't gone trecking in years."

"We both need a vacation," l said finishing the last of my now lukewarm chocolate shake.

"We do," Veer said but didn't offer anything more. We sat in comfortable silence after that.

I felt something wet on mouth so l licked my lips. From the corner of my eyes, l saw Veer gazing at me with a small smile.

"What?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him. Veer pursed his lips trying to hide a smile. He placed his face further into his palm before saying the most unexpected thing.

"You look like a monkey"

I gasped, my stomach dropping. "Excuse me?"

Veer tipped his head back and laughed. The white shirt stretching over his muscles. I glared at him through the screen till he sobered enough to speak.

"You had a moustache of choclate around your mouth and you tried to lick it clean. That reminded me of the time l saw a monkey do the same thing," he said showing me a toothy grin.

When l just squinted at him through the laptop, his grin got wider. "If not monkey, then it would have to be cow. I don't think you would appreciate me calling you a cow," he said with a deep chuckle.

My glare intensified. Had he been here, l would have buried him alive. "Well, I don't appreciate monkey either,"

"It's the truth."

Blushing, l poked my tongue out at him sending him to another bout of deep laughter.

"You are making fun of me when you are supposed to tell me that l am prettiest girl in the whole wide world." I pouted.

"That's statically not possible," he said amusedly. The mischief glinting in his eyes only aggravated me further. A muscle ticked in my cheek. Done with him, l moved the cursor to disconnect button. "You know what? Good night." He sobered instantly.

"Lioness wait-"

I cut the call without letting him say word. I glared at the laptop peeved. How dare he call me a monkey.

And a cow!

It's not that l haven't heard it from Rohan or Aaryan before but hearing him say it was...pinching. Sighing, l grabbed my laptop, phone and food to go downstairs.

At 2, l was lying on my bed wide awake scrolling through my phone. Veet hadn't called back after our previous conversation but l had mollified since then.

I sighed. He wasn't serious. He was just teasing me like he would tease his any other friend. But l just had to go and over react.

Lying on my back, l picked up a pillow and buried my face into it. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Ughh!!\What's wrong with me? He was just kidding and l cut the call in his face. He probably thinks l am a weirdo now. God! Why did l have to get so flustered?

Well the guy you like called you a monkey and a cow.

I scowled at my conscious.

I don't like him.

Sure. Whatever.

Huffing, l lifted myself up on my elbows and lied on my stomach. I rested my head on my folded elbows and looked at my phone. There is no point in waiting. Maybe l am just over reacting again. He probably didn't even think about our conversation again. 

A yawn made its way out of my mouth. Since l was getting a bit sleepy now, l did a quick scroll through whatsapp to check for any important message before going to sleep.

Veer: You're still awake?

I paused. Mentally having a war if l should reply. Would he think it's too clingy? Should l show some reluctance? Shaking my head, l started texting, there's no point in playing game. I have to do that too much anyway at my job. I would like to have some one aside from my family whom l didn't need to fight for power play.

Naina: Can't sleep

Veer didn't respond and disappointment started to pool in my stomach. I should have just ignor-

The loud sound of my phone ringing made me almost jump out of bed. Veer was calling. l swiped green on the call and put him on speaker.

"Hey" his deep voice echoed in my room.

"Hi" l replied softly.

"You sound sleepy"

"I am groggy from lying in bed. That's not sleepy."

Veer hummed. I felt a tad bit upset that he hadn't called to apologise but l quickly shook the feeling aside. He had nothing to be sorry for. He was just teasing me like Aaryan or Rohan does.

"So, l am leaving for India today. Would you like something from here?"

"No, not really,"


"Hmm. Okay. Surprise me," l said lying on my stomach and placing my head on my crossed arms.

"I will." I could hear his smile from the other end.

"When's your birthday?" I asked Veer to see if l could give him the watch.

"October 5th. Yours?" He replied quickly.

"December 19th," l replied. So l can't gift the watch to Veer on his birthday. I will have to think of some other occasion.

I heard rustling of sheets on the other side of the call. Veer was probably settling  in for the night. I wonder if he sleeps without a shirt on.

I stiffened.

Why on earth did l just think that?

Shaking my head, l pulled up the duvet over my body. Right then my eyes moved to the time on the corner of the phone. My eyes widened. It was three here. He had a busy day and here l was keeping both us awake for my sake. Not wanting to go but still needing to the right thing l said, "it's midnight for you too now. You must be tired. I should let yo-"

"Stay," he said simply.

I hesitated. "Don't you have to be up early tomorrow?"

"I think we are both used to being up till late when the reason is worthy. So, stay with me, lioness," Veer said, his tone low but firm.

"Oh okay," l said liking the fact that he wanted me to stay immensely.

"Soooo....if you are not sleepy then what do you do when you can't sleep?" I asked just to keep the conversation going.

"I am usually too exhausted do anything but collapse on my bed. But in case l am awake, l usually read. It helps me sleep." He replied.

"What do you read?"

"Account's reports," he deadpanned. I giggled. "Effective."

"Quite. I like classics. Wuthering heights, Sherlock series, 1984, war and peace, you know the usual."

"And you called me a dork."

"I am proud nerd."

Yeah, a nerd who can cook, sing, play basketball, ride horses and run a billion-crore empire.

"What do you do?" He asked. I frowned then it struck me that he what he was asking about.

"I listen to soothing music."

"Did that not work this time?"

I was about to reply when an idea struck my brain. Smirking, l said, "No, l tried but l had some one else sing for me recently and his voice stuck in my head."

There was a pause at the other end before a soft laugh reached my ears. "I think I know where this is going."

"Then you better start."

"You want me to sing you to sleep?"


Hmm.. What will l get in return?" He asked. I heard the smugness in his tone

"Anything," l said with dismissal.

"Anything?" He asked. The huskiness in his tone making me stop. I knew l was dangling a bait in front of a hunter. But his voice.. l couldn't bring myself to back off.

"Well. T&C applied," I said just to have my own edge.

"Hmm. Be careful lioness. Because l will encash it later," he said again in a tone almost daring me to reconsider.



I waited patiently for a few minutes while Veer was silent on the other hand probably contemplating what to sing.

Ek din kabhi jo
khud ko taraashe
Meri nazar se tu zara,
haaye re

Aankhon se teri
kya kya chhupa hai
Tujhko dikhaaun main zara,
haaye re

Ik ankahi si daastaan daastaan
Kehne lagega aaina

Though his tickled my ears, what calmed me inside was his choice of song and its lyrics.

Jo ho raha hain
pehli dafaa hai
Aisa hua,

Ek din kabhi jo
khud ko pukaare
Meri zubaan se tu zara,
haaye re

Tujh mein chhupi si
jo shayari hai
Tujhko sunaaun main zara
haay re

Ye do dilon ka waasta waasta
Khul ke bataaya jaaye naa

Jo ho raha hai,
pehli dafaa hai
Aisa hua.

"Which Naina was this song for?" I asked even as a yawn escaped me.

"There is only one Naina who I'd ever sing for."

I smiled even as my eyes felt heavy. "There's only one girl l would be awake at midnight for."

"There's only one guy l would be awake at 3 a.m. for," l said closing my eyes.

"I am honoured to have such a privilege then," Veer said but his voice seemed to come from farther end.

"I really really liked you way of calling me beautiful," l murmured sleepily.

I heard Veer say something about shine and star but l was too far gone to give it a coherent thought.


Yeah, pretty cringe, l know.

But that's all l got.

Guys, is it just me or did skype really let microsoft and zoom get ahead of it? Covid could have been for skype what demonetization was fot paytm

Anyway, hopefully, l will be able to push out another chapter around New year. Till then

Follow =)

Thank you for reading!

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