Sweet Summer Night

By BwiYoon

4.1K 218 42

A compilation of Vyoon oneshots πŸ’š More

Off Limits
Best Friends
End Of The Year Show (Part 1)
End Of The Year Show (Part 2)
My Center; My Muse (Part 1)
My Center; My Muse (Part 2)
My Center; My Muse (Part 3)
The Heir
Business Project
First Love (Part 2)
Come Back (Part 1)
Come Back (Part 2)

First Love (Part 1)

151 11 6
By BwiYoon

Summary: Wedding planner, Yoona, had to plan the wedding of her first love, Kim Taehyung.

Note: Lyrics are italicized and there are narrations in between them.
            This story is composed of two parts.


"Good morning Ms. Wang, please have a seat." I greeted my new client and motioned her to sit on the chair across from me.

"Good morning Yoona, my fiance is running late today since he still got a lot to do in the company." I just have her a courteous nod before grabbing the albums 

"Would you like to see some designs first so you can discuss it with your fiance when he gets here?" I asked and gave her the albums as she said yes.

I let her see all the designs and styles we've done before asking her.

"What kind of wedding are you planning?" I prepared my notebook and pen to take note of everything she'll say.

Ms. Wang stayed silent for a moment, probably thinking about the wedding they're bound to have soon.

"I want a grand wedding. You know, the typical wedding of the century." She said while giggling to herself

She must already be imagining the wedding. 

"Would you like to elaborate on the details?" I asked and waited for his response

"I want diamonds and crystals everywhere! On the carpet, altar, tables, anywhere we can possibly put it! We should also be generous with flowers! And spotlight! It should only focus on me!" I let her continue to ramble on the kind of wedding she wants to have

While she kept on talking and talking, I didn't notice that I spaced out and there's only one thing written on my notes.


Well, that speaks enough for me. I guess it's enough since I'll be the one planning their wedding and that word means we will waste tons of money.

"What's your limit on the budget?" I asked

In my own opinion, it won't be that good to have a wedding with no budget limit.

"Limit where? Our wedding will have no limits! Not on the diamonds, not on the crystals, and most especially not on the money." Ms. Wang said sassily

I can already say that it's one of the spoiled couples. This won't be easy planning.

"Okay, Ms. Wang, what about your pla---" My sentence was cut off when my phone rang.

She looked at me with raised eyebrows so I politely excused myself to answer my phone. 

"Mr. Kwon" I greeted as soon as I answered the call.

[How's my favorite wedding planner?] I chuckled at his greetings as I continue to walk away from my office.

"Doing great sir, how may I help you? I have a client right now so I really can't stay on the phone for long." I respectfully explained my situation since leaving while on an appointment is just really unprofessional.

[I'll handle your client! You should prioritize your CEO.] He started to whine again like his best friend, my grandfather.

"That will be bad for my reputation Mr. Kwon, we both know that." 

[Fine! But you better come here to my office as soon as your appointment is finished.] I recalled my schedule for today and realized that I have many things to do.

"As much as I would love to, I have another appointment, Mr. Kwon. I need to leave as soon as my appointment finished because my next one is an hour away." I said and I can already see him pouting right now.

[Your schedule is packed for the whole day?] Mr. Kwon asked suspiciously and I just chuckled at his antics.

"Yes sir. I'm also working overtime because I still have some papers to finish." I said before starting to walk back to my office as I sense that our conversation is almost over.

[Fine! But you better come here when you have the time okay?] Mr. Kwon said and I immediately agreed before ending the call.

I was about to enter my office after fixing my appearance since I ran back here when a voice filled my ears.

"Where is that wedding planner? I've been here for 10 minutes already and she still haven't returned! I can't believe I canceled my meeting for this." 

The voice was muffled by the wall between us but it sounds so clear to me. His voice is familiar but it makes me feel unsafe and insecure. Those words are supposed to offend me but it is nothing other than his mere presence. 

What is he doing here?

Why is he here?

What am I supposed to do?

Am I supposed to do something?

Why am I still affected?

Questions filled my mind, not leaving a space for me to think about anything else. It took me minutes to calm myself down. My courage is not enough but there's nothing more I can do. I'm going to face him anyway.

"I'm so sorry about that, it's a call from the CEO so I really couldn't decline it." I mentally tapped my shoulder as I managed to walk in confidently and didn't even stutter.

"Good morning sir, I'm Im Yoona and I'll be your wedding planner." I greeted him as I took my seat across theirs.

I observed his reaction and almost smirked as he still seems so shocked.

"This is my fiance! His name is Kim Taehyung. He doesn't really like talking to strangers so I apologize on his behalf." Ms. Wang said and I almost wanted to laugh.

A businessman doesn't like talking to strangers, how ironic!

"I understand, have you two decided about the motif and designs?" I asked as I motioned to the albums in front of them.

"Yes, the colors would be white and gold and the flowers that I want are..." Ms. Wang started to list all of the things they have discussed while her fiance remained silent all the time, only nodding once or twice if she'll ask him something.

"Is this all that you have on your mind right now?" I asked them as our meeting is soon to end.

"Yes, my mother suggested this company for us so I trust you to give me the wedding of my dreams!" She squealed and hit Taehyung's arm lightly while he just chuckled at her.

"Anything you want to add Mr. Kim?" His eyes went wide as I spoke to him for the second time after five years.

"No-no, all good." Taehyung obviously tried not to sound affected yet miserably failed, but I didn't pay any attention to that and just closed my notebook.

"Then that's it for today! Our next meeting is in two days and by then we'll start talking about details!" I said and as usual, Ms. Wang offered her hand to me while her fiance reluctantly did the same.

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" Ms. Wang stated while she gets her purse from her seat.

"You too," I said before walking to the door and opening it for them.

As soon as the couple was out, my knees gave up on me and I can finally breathe. I knew being in this business will do me bad one day. Unfortunately, the time has come.

Did I think that being a wedding planner and ending up planning your ex's wedding only happens in movies? Yes! But why is it happening to me now?

"Shut up, Lim. You're done, it's over." I slapped myself twice before I had the courage to once again stand up and gathering myself.

I still have work to do so I can't break down now. Not when my family depends on this job and one wrong move, we'll all end up on the street.

"Shit!" I muttered to myself as I glanced at the clock and realized that I've been sitting for 10 minutes already.

All the things that I need for my next appointment were just shoved in my bag and some are on my hands. I ran to the elevator and waited until it reached the parking lot before running and placing all my things in the backseat.

"Yoona!" Someone shouted my name but I'm in such a hurry so I didn't bother looking back.

I'll just explain and apologize to them when I return but for now, I need to leave.

"Yoona, wait!" Someone grabbed my arm that prevented me from getting in the driver's seat and I almost hit the man on the face in irritation.

"I don't have time, I need to go," I said and tried to once again get inside but they just pulled me stronger causing me to look at them.

My heart instantly skipped a beat and my lungs stopped breathing as the familiar scent and face overwhelmed me.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kim, our appointment is over and I'll be late for my next one if you don't let me go right now." I mustered all the courage that I had to face him again confidently.

"No, we need to talk right now," Taehyung said sternly but I don't really have time for this.

"It's you who needs to talk to me right now and I cannot give you my time as it is not on my hands at the moment. So please excuse me while I'm still being polite," I removed my arm from his grip and opened the door to my car before it got slammed close.

"Please, Yoona, just give me a minute," he almost sounds like he's begging but knowing him, he's just using that to get what he wants.

"What I've given you right now is more than a minu---"

"Stop being so heartless and talk to me! I can't bear going to this wedding planning until we have talked! So please! Just for once! Understand me!" Taehyung said with his jaw clenched so I can only conclude that he's trying to stop himself from exploding right now.

"I understood you for more ways than one and all those brought nothing good to me so I don't think trying to understand you now will actually be a great choice. How about you try to understand me? You and your family know very well how poor I am. I have a family to feed and I won't be able to do that if you keep taking my time. So fuck off and go to your fiancée!" I shouted at his face with no hesitation.

Taehyung looked so shocked at my outburst so I took that as I chance to finally get inside my car and start driving away.

As I continue to drive away from my company, I tried to take deep breathes every time tears start to well up in my eyes.

It's been so long since all of those happened but the pains never felt, even the slightest bit, better.

"Mom, dad, this is Lim Yoona. The woman that I've been talking about. We're celebrating our sixth anniversary next year so we're already planning on getting married on that day."

I gave Mr. and Mrs. Kim a sincere smile as Taehyung introduces me to them. To be honest, I am so nervous right now and I feel like fainting but I don't think that'll show a good impression to them.

"Taehyung, why don't we talk for a second?" His mom said without even looking at my way once before her and his husband grabbed Taehyung away.

They stood from a distance to me, probably thinking that I wouldn't hear what they're talking about. Unfortunately for us, I can hear them pretty well.

"Kim Taehyung, are you crazy? You're planning on marrying that girl?"

"Mom, I---"

"Your mother and I allowed you to fool around with her for years, thinking that you'll dump her soon but marriage? That's too much to offer to her son."

"Dad, please don't ta---"

"Do you know her family or has she been lying to you? Did you know that her family lives in some shabby apartment and even with all of their salary for the year, they are nothing compared to what we earn for a month!"

"Who cares about that? It doesn't mean that Yoo---"

"Who cares? You're asking me who cares about that? Son, you're the only heir to our multimillionaire company and you plan on spending the rest of your life with some ignorant and cheap woman?"

"Don't call her that---"

"The answer is no! You will never marry a beggar like her! Not until your father and I die!"

"Mom, you can---"

"There's nothing left for you to do, son. You really can't marry her."

"But I love her! Don't you see that?"

"There's much more girls out there for you to love, Taehyung. Girls who deserve you more than her. You'll be just fine."

They continued to speak but I cannot comprehend more as the sharp words stab my heart. I can only force myself to stop crying and sobbing out loud as I don't want to make even more of a fool of myself. I'm already pathetic enough in their eyes, I can't add more to that.

"Yoona, I'm sorry but we just have to schedule this meeting some other time. My parents are feeling ill right now so why don't we just go on a date?" Taehyung said without meeting my eyes yet trying to sound reassuring but I know that there's no next meeting.

"It's fine. I actually have something to do, so why don't we just have a date some other time?"

Before he can say anything, I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him as tight as I can, ignoring the judging eyes Taehyung's parents are giving me.

Little did I know, that will be the last kiss, last hug, last meeting, and last moment that we'll ever share.

"Ms. Lim? Are you alright?"

I snapped out of my thoughts as Ms. Hwang shook me slightly. Right then, I realized that I had been recalling some memories from the past that I've hidden at the darkest place of my mind while at the meeting with my client.

"Right! I'm so sorry about that. Where were we?" I asked the couple and trying my hardest to focus on planning their wedding.

Why does he need to appear now that I've been more stable? Why now when I never felt better? Does the universe just really want to make my life miserable?


It's already two in the morning and I'm trying my hardest to keep my eyes open as I brew some coffee.

My work ended at 4 but I also work as a barista from 4-12, and a bartender from 12-3 so I get a total of 4 hours of sleep a day. It's totally unhealthy but that's the only way for me to provide for my family and save some money for myself.

"Honey, one margarita!" A lady said as she half-sits and half-falls on the stool in front of me.

I just nodded in acknowledgment before starting to mix her drinks.

Many people had questioned me at how I stay sleepy even if the crowd is wild, more drinks are coming in, and the music is almost crushing my eardrums. Well, they should try overworking themselves so they know the answer from experience.

"Dude! Jiyoung would whine nonstop again if she knows I'm here!"

"Then we won't let her know so she won't whine like the bitch she is!" A familiar voice was heard from the crowd making me smile.

I knew my day would be better eventually. Even if it's this late already.

"Ahh! My favorite customers are here? Having the usual?" I asked as I sense them sit on the stool.

I expected a loud scream of yes but what I got was far from that, "Yoona, I thought you have this day off?"

"So you're now avoiding me and going here during my day off?" I joked at them and looked up only to see another addition to the group but he is definitely not a stranger.

"Oh, I-I had to cover my friend's shift because she's sick so you're stuck with me tonight," I answered Jimin's question as I try to avoid any more conversation with Taehyung.

"You should be resting now! You'll really get sick if you continue to overwork yourself and I'll have to tend your sick ass again!" Jin sais making me chuckle as I recalled memories.

"Oh if it's you again then I probably won't get sick ever again. You nag so much during those days that I thought I'll die from it," we laughed in agreement while I handed the margarita to the lady.

"So? What do you boys need?" I asked them as I placed my hands on the counter.

"The usual," the six boys said in unison making my head shake.

"You?" I looked at Taehyung and waited for his reply.

"One sunset rum," he said nonchalantly and the boys started hyping him up.

"You sure you can handle that? I already have two lightweights here to bring to their homes tonight and I don't think I can handle three," I asked him while starting to mix the drinks of the others.

"Don't underestimate our friend, Yoona. He mastered the art of drinking since the da---" Hobi is was cut off when Yoongi and Jimin both shoved their hands to cover his mouth making me laugh.

"Alright then, but just in case write your address here. All the others are there." I threw a mini notebook and pen to the counter and it slid perfectly in front of him.

You're acting perfectly, Yoona. Just keep it up for the rest of the night and you'll be fine.

My focus then went to mixing the drinks of the boys and served them one by one.

"Yoona! The manager needs to speak with you!"

I looked at him curiously before he just shrugged his shoulders so I just went inside the manager's office.

"Hey, boss. What's up?" I greeted him informally as we're all good friends here and he's not much into formalities.

"You'll probably hate me for this, Yoona," he sighed before leaning back on his chair and rubbing his temples.

"We won't know until you say it."

A silence remained between us for a solid five minuted before he finally spoke.

"Your friend is actually also assigned as a cocktail waitress tonight. There's already two bartenders out there and I'll need you to serve the drinks. I'll just add 10,000 to your salary for working another hour and doing this," he explained to me and I can only close my eyes and purse my lips.

There's not really much we can do. It's not like we both have other choice so I just have to suck it up tonight.

"You look good, Yoona," the manager said as he showed me a picture that he took while I was fixing my hair.

"Thanks! I'll get going now," I said before taking a deep breath and walking to the bar.

I'm glad that the outfit that we had to wear today isn't too revealing but the fact that my tattoo is fully visible makes me slightly edgy.

"Oh? You're serving today?" The bartender who replaced me asked as I went to the bar to get my first set of drinks.

"Yep, lucky me!" I said sarcastically before going on my way.

Okay, truth be told being a cocktail waitress isn't actually that bad. If you'll just put the hungry stares that you receive everywhere you walk. The customers here are disciplined enough to stop themselves from trying to touch us.

"VIP room," the bartender said as he handed me a tray of glasses and just with the drinks, I knew very well who are these for.

As I walk to the VIP room, I couldn't help but bite my lip in nervousness. Looking like this just to earn money? I'll only be proving to Taehyung just how 'right' his parents were about me.

"Here's your drinks," I said as I entered and walked to their table.

"Yoona?" Namjoon asked as I place all their drinks down and I only smiled at him.

The other boys looked at Namjoon in confusion but before once again looking at me and their eyes went so wide in shock.

"Don't you just work here as a bartender? No offense!" Yoongi asked in confusion so I decided that a few minutes of chat here won't get me in trouble.

"Yup, but we're short of staff tonight so I had to do the job," I explained to them

"I never knew you got a tattoo!" Jungkook exclaimed as he stares at my tattoo.

"When did you get that?" he added.

I stroked the part where I knew my tattoo would be before answering, "I got this the night when..." Taehyung proposed.

I immediately shook the thought out of my head and looked for a lie.

"I got too drunk and made the biggest mistake of my life," I lied but they all laugh so I just had to let out strained laughter.

"But I like it! If I see that in front of the mirror every day, I would get so motivated." Namjoon stated as a matter of fact.

Oh, if only you knew. Looking at this tattoo in the morning, for every single day of my life reminds me how big of an idiot I am for believing.

"Wish I could say that to myself, and I need to go now so enjoy your drinks!" I said before grabbing the tray and once again walking back to the bar.

The night went on fast and without me noticing, my shift was already over. I went to the locker room to change into my clothes and went out only to see the boys struggling to walk straight.

What's new?

"Aigoo... Let's go and get y'all home," I said as I walked to them and helped Hobi and Jungkook to walk as Yoongi is helping Jimin and Jin is supporting Namjoon.

"I'll carry Jungkook," Taehyung said from behind me and I didn't bother to argue with him.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked as we walked into the parking lot but in separate ways.

"To my car?" I answered hesitantly while trying to make Hobi stand up straight.

"I'll take them home," He said and before I can answer, Jungkook already spoke.

"What? No! I wanna go with Yoonananana!" Jungkook said in between hiccups and giggled afterward.

Taehyung then debated with his intoxicated friends in the middle of the parking lot before coming to the conclusion that they will all just come with me, just like usual.

"If someone pukes in my car, I'm throwing you all away," I warned them all as they struggle to fit themselves in the backseat of my car.

Others might think that they're very uncomfortable right now but this happened way too many times that I can count so I'm sure they'll be fine.

"I can't believe you managed to handle them all like this!" Taehyung sighed as he sat on my passenger seat making my brow rise because I didn't expect him to ride with us but I said nothing.

"I definitely deserve an award for looking after them for four years," I joked to lighten the tension between us before driving to Namjoon and Jin's apartment since they live the closest here.

"Absolutely," he agreed before silence fell upon us, only the murmurs and snores of the drunk asses at the backseat fills the car.

It was already 4 in the morning when we reached Taehyung's apartment. He lives the farthest from the club so I dropped him off last.

"You live near here?" Taehyung asked as I parked in front of the entrance.

"About 30 minutes away," I answered and expected him to go out of my car after receiving my answer but he didn't.

"You only have a few hours left to sleep. Stay here." Taehyung suggested nonchalantly as if he doesn't have a fiancee who'll go ballistic if she knew.

"I had enough drama in my life and besides, I stay over Hoseok's every time I drive them home," I answered to decline his suggestion.

"It's a 20-minute drive from here so just sleep here. You know there's a separate room and your clothes... they're still here."

A pang in my chest came and left so quick with the confession that I just heard. Why hasn't he thrown all of those when it's been so long.

"Come on, Yoona. You look so tired and I don't think you're strong enough to drive for another minute." Taehyung insisted

The exhaustion of 20 hours of working suddenly hit me hard and as much as I hate it, I think Taehyung's right.

"Okay, but only because I don't want to waste money on hospital bills," I told him before parking my car in the parking lot.

"I've told you before, you don't have to worry about your bills if only you just go to our hospi---" Taehyung was starting to nag at me and before he can continue, I decided to cut him off.

"I never did that before when I was your girlfriend so what right do I have to do it now that I'm just your wedding planner?"

Taehyung grimaced for a second before shaking his head.

What? I'm right, aren't I?

Silence once again settled between us as we got out of my car and walked into the lobby.

"Yoona? Oh my god! It is you!" Seulgi shouted making all the staff in here look at me.

"Hey, you're too energetic for this ungodly hour," I stated as I yawned but she just hit me lightly.

"Are you two together again? You don't know how much I missed you!"

"It's been so long since we saw you!"

The staff, who are also my friends, gathered around us and started speaking simultaneously making me giggle. It's such a pity that we had to separate ways.

"Okay, that's enough. She'll just stay here for tonight because she drove us home and her apartment is half an hour away from here." Taehyung explained causing the others to groan and I smiled at the fact that they really missed me.

"You have to visit us soon again, Yoona." Seulgi pouted but I knew I shouldn't bring their hopes high.

"I have no business here, you know that. And also, I'm too busy on work." I told them before we bid goodbyes.

The time we spent on the elevator was unnoticed by me as I started to feel even more drowsy.

"You can go straight to your room. You know where it is," Taehyung said as we entered his apartment.

I hastily removed my heels and moaned in comfort as the discomfort slowly left.

"Good night," I muttered before walking to my room with the support of the walls.

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