Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 22

3.6K 145 96
By Glitter_Crazy

Shoto's POV

After the hospital visit with Dokami we were all supposed to go home. But there was a small problem... Natsuo still wouldn't let go of Eimi. As much as we tried to make him let go of her, he wouldn't let up and it seemed Eimi was fine with the idea of having our big brother hold her for longer. Eventually we all came to an agreement, Eimi would come home with me and Natsuo while Grandma would go back home and call our aunt and uncle to tell them of the situation.

Luckily the old man was going to be back home at a later date so nothing would happen when Eimi was there. We weren't ready to have her in the house with that angry man until things could cool down. Or as much as they would, given that he is a fire user. 

The whole way home Natsuo still wouldn't let go of Eimi but we forced him to at least have her on his shoulders as to not look that weird when walking back. Eimi looked to be enjoying herself as she basked in the glory of a new found height that was much taller than what she would normally see. I made sure to keep an eye on her as we walked in case she were to fall off, even though I knew that Natsuo had a firm grip on her ankles.

We were also pretty lucky that we had to go pass Eimi's house to get back to ours so we stopped by and got some clothes for the little sleepover we were having I guess. Since Grandma made it there before us she already had Eimi's bag packed so we didn't have to worry about Natsuo not letting her go to get her things. Natsuo carried Eimi's bag on his arm while I walked beside him. I offered to carry her bag since he was carrying her, but Natsuo refused saying that he missed out on helping Eimi her whole life with little things so he was starting now.

When we got to the front door, Natsuo reached into his pocket to get the keys out while Eimi finally seemed to have enough fun on his shoulders and wanted down. But the way she decided to ask to get off was something I honestly didn't expect any less of her. 

"Hey Shoto, catch me!" She yelled as she leaned back off of Natsuo's shoulders. I quickly moved behind her and caught her as she fell. Natsuo panicked and turned around to see Eimi laughing in my arms as I rolled my eyes. Just as I softly smiled I heard a squeal behind me. Knowing that it was Fuyumi, I put Eimi down and let the hugging commence.

Just as Eimi turned around, Fuyumi came crashing into her, which also caused Natsuo to fall over as well. Before I knew it, Fuyumi was crying while hugging onto Eimi and then Natsuo joined and held both of them in his arms. Eimi finally started to tear up from being reunited with her old brother and sister and held onto Fuyumi's shirt.

I quickly, but silently took out my phone and took a picture of the reunion then put it back in my pocket. I smiled and then looked down at Eimi and saw that she was holding her arms out to me. I questioned her baby tactics but complied anyways. I squatted down by my pile of sobbing siblings and opened my arms to Eimi. She squeezed her way out from Fuyumi and Natsuo's grasp and grabbed onto my neck. I then stood up with her in my arms and that signaled for Fuyumi and Natsuo to get up.

"We should probably go inside, instead of crying on the door step." I suggested as Eimi rested her face in the crook of my neck. The others nodded and grabbed their things to go inside. Once inside I took off my shoes as well as Eimi's and made my way to my room, with Eimi's bag in hand. I put her down and gave her her bag and she looked up at me with a small amount of tears in her eyes still.

"You can use my room to change out of your gym uniform and into some pajamas." I said softly and patted her head.

She nodded and opened my door and then closed it once she was in. I walked back to the living room to find Fuyumi wiping her tears while sitting on the couch. Natsuo came from the kitchen with a tray of water and cups and sat them down on the coffee table. I sat down beside Fuyumi and leaned back into the couch, finally catching my breath from everything that happened today.

"Where's Eimi?" Natsuo asked as he sat down on the love seat sofa beside the couch.

"She's changing out of her gym uniform and into something more comfortable."

Right as I said that Eimi came out in a light blue pajama romper that had a panda pattern on it and some long fuzzy pink socks. She smiled and made her way over to the love seat and sat down beside Natsuo. He ruffled her hair and she giggled. Natsuo grabbed a cup of water for him and Eimi and then Fuyumi handed one to me and sipped out of hers.

(A/N the romper, I just thought it was very cute and that it's totally something Eimi would wear to sleep!)

We all sat there enjoying each others company before Eimi's phone went off. She smiled sheepishly and pulled out her phone from her pocket and checked who texted her. She quickly typed a reply and put her phone down. Fuyumi put her glass down and then stood up.

"How about we all do something as a family? Maybe play some games or watch a movie?" She asked and Eimi's face lit up.

"Ooo, can we watch How to Train Your Dragon? I haven't watched it in a bit." Eimi added excitedly as she jumped up. Fuyumi put her hands together and smiled.

"That sounds perfect! Natsuo can you go make popcorn, while I get the movie from my room? Also Shoto, do you mind getting a few blankets and pillows for us to use?"

"On it!" Natsuo saluted and ran off to the kitchen. "I'll make the best popcorn you've ever tasted!"

"Sure. Eimi, could you help me?" I asked while turning to face her.

"Of course! Where is the linen closet?"

"I'll show you." I said as we started down the hall. We all went around the house to gather the things we needed and brought them back to the living room. I placed the last couple of blankets on the couch as Eimi face planted on the ground with five pillows. She sat up and smiled at me.

"Let's make this area comfy!" She exclaimed and started pushing pillows and blankets around. I had an idea and ran off. I quickly came back with two futons and laid them down in front of the couch. Eimi's eyes brightened as she started to add pillows and blankets to them.

Fuyumi's POV

Once I came back with the movie in hand I saw Shoto and Eimi settling down on the piles of blankets and pillows. I smiled and went to check on how Natsuo was doing.

"Hows the popcorn coming?" I asked as he turned around with two big bowls full of freshly popped popcorn. He handed one to me and salted the other in his hand. He then salted the one he handed me and put the salt back.

"Lets go!" He said happily and walked passed me into the living room. He handed the bowl that was in his hand to Shoto who was already magically in pjs and under a blanket while Eimi was messing around with one of my cute food designed pillows. It happened to be my avocado pillow that had a detaching pit pillow that velcroed to the center of it.

I put the movie in the dvd player and grabbed the remote before I sat down beside Eimi, while grabbing the blanket closest to me. I turned on the tv and the adds and small commercials started to play before I skipped them to get to the play screen. Natsuo came back in his pjs and sat down beside me, grabbing a blanket as well. Good thing I changed into pjs when I went and got the movie.

"Is everyone ready and comfy?" I asked as Natsuo put the bowl of popcorn between us while Shoto still held onto his and Eimi's. Eimi hummed a yes as she piled some popcorn into her mouth and Shoto grabbed a couple of pieces and ate them. Natsuo nodded and I pressed play on the remote and the movie started.

We all had a good time bonding and watching the movie and eating our popcorn. By the end of the movie all the popcorn was eaten and it was pretty late. Natsuo stretched beside me while yawning when I looked over to Eimi and Shoto. What I saw almost made me squeal but I covered my mouth before I could make any noise. I swatted at Natsuo and he looked over.

"Awwwwwe! That's so cute!" He said quitely. I nodded in response and got up to get a picture. Eimi was fast asleep while leaning against Shoto's left side and Shoto had his left arm wrapped around her as his head was leaning on Eimi's, also fast asleep. I took a couple thousand photos, with and without the flash and luckily they didn't wake up from it. I looked over to see Eimi's phone and decided I would take some with hers as well so that she could have some. I did just that as Natsuo came over and took a couple with his phone.

"Should we let them sleep here or wake them up so they can sleep properly in beds?" I asked Natsuo and he looked conflicted.

"I don't want to wake them since they look so peaceful, but on the other hand they just had a big day with the sports festival and all so I think they should get some proper rest." He responded with a sigh.

"Yeah, I'll let Eimi sleep with me in my bed since she doesn't have one here. Could you wake up Shoto please?"


We both went and bent down beside our younger twin siblings and quietly woke them up. I helped Eimi up and lead her towards my room as Natsuo dealt with Shoto. Eimi quietly yawned as she shuffled along the ground behind me. We made it to my room and I lead her to my bed and opened the covered for her. She softly crawled in and snuggled with my avocado pillow and fell back asleep. I smiled and gently moved her bangs off her forehead and gave it a quick kiss.

I watched as she smiled in her sleep and snuggled deeper into my bed. I quietly made my way out of my room and back into the living room to find that Nastuo was already cleaning up all the pillows and things. I started to help him and soon we had everything back as it was before. We both said goodnight to each other and went to our rooms. 

I carefully laid down next to Eimi and quickly fell asleep.

Eimi's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I looked around and guessed from how the room looked that it was Fuyumi's. I rolled out of the covers and made my way to the door. I walked down the hall and found out where the smell was coming from.

Fuyumi and Natsuo were both making breakfast together and talking. I walked in and Fuyumi noticed me.

"Good morning Eimi! How was your sleep?" She asked me as I smiled and gave her a small hug.

"I slept pretty well, your bed is pretty comfy." I replied as I also gave Natsuo a hug as well. I looked around the kitchen because we were missing one other person.

"Is Shoto still sleeping?" I asked as I sat down at the breakfast bar. Fuyumi laughed as she cracked another egg in the pan.

"He's probably still sleeping. When he doesn't train in the morning he usually sleeps in for a bit." She told me as I got a great idea. Natsuo smirked at me as he saw the look on my face. He nodded and I took off towards Shoto's room then quietly opened the door. I looked in to see Shoto fast asleep under his covers as I tip toed my way over to him. I quietly counted to three before I jumped onto him, waking him up with a surprise.

He coughed and slowly opened his eyes to look at me. He closed his eyes again and rolled over. This caused me to fall off of him and start to pout.

"Shooootoooo, waaaakkkke upppppp." I whined as I shook his shoulder lightly. He groaned and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and then opened them and looked me in the eyes. He stared blank face at me and then reached his hand out to ruffle my hair. I giggled while we both stood up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the kitchen where breakfast should be done now.

We walked in to find that Natsuo and Fuyumi were setting plates filled with food on the table and we all sat down. We said thanks and started eating.

"What do you two plan on doing today?" Fuyumi asked as I put some egg in my mouth.

"We have two days off since we just did the sports festival." Shoto responded and I rolled my eyes at him. I hit his shoulder lightly and swallowed my food.

"That wasn't a real answer Shoto." I said teasing him a bit. "But I was planning on bringing Shoto to see mum."

Shoto choked on his food and started coughing as Natsuo handed him some juice. Shoto drank some of it and took a small breath.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yep! I did say we would go and see her after the sports festival, remember?"

"Oh, right." He answered and we all finished eating. Shoto and I got dressed and said goodbye to Fuyumi and Natsuo, then started our way to the mental hospital. We walked there in silence as Shoto looked to be in thought, so I decided to just let him think for the walk there.

Once we got to the hospital we walked through the doors and towards the receptionist. She looked up and smiled when she saw me and waved. But soon stopped due to seeing Shoto behind me. She looked confused at me and I explained that he was my twin brother and we both recently found each other again and were here to see mum. Also that I was wearing a wig the whole time and this was my natural hair. She nodded and gave me my card and made a new one for Shoto. 

I thanked her and grabbed Shoto's hand to direct him to mum's room. We went into the elevator and I pressed the 3rd floor. Once we were there I turned right and started down the hall. Shoto followed and I stopped in front of room 315. I read the sign to make sure like I always do and it said Rei Todoroki. I nodded and looked at Shoto. He looked to be deep in thought and I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He looked at me and I smiled.

"Can you wait here for a second?" I asked and he nodded. I pulled the door open and quickly entered and closed it behind me. I know she could sense my presence and turned to face me. She smiled softly and opened her arms for a hug. I came over and hugged her tight.

"Hey mum." I said as I pulled away.

"How are you my dear? Is school going well?" She asked with a small grin, happy to have a visitor today.

"It's going great! I've made friends with almost everyone in the class already, but I have a surprise for you this time!" I said happily. She tilted her head in question.

"Just wait, I'll get it." I said as I made my way over to the door. I opened it a bit and looked outside. I motioned for Shoto to come in and he followed. He stood there awkwardly until I pushed him forward a bit.

"Hello mom." He said and I smiled beside him.

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