Murder She Wrote

By fxckrauhl

13.8K 796 1.1K

A couples' good deed turns into something they have a hard time getting out of. A sadistic stranger takes ove... More

1. Veronica
2. Inconvenience
3. Lunch date
4. I Watch You
5. "Shit! Fuck! Shit!"
6. Temptation
7. Till Next Time
8. Lady in Red
9. Do You Wanna Get Out of Here?
10. Calls After Calls
11. You're Sick
12. Power
13. Research
14. Yoga & Tension
15. Lets Play It Safe
16. She's not crazy, You are!
17. I, too, Am Lifeless
18. I Know What You Did
19. The Snitch
20. I Spy
21. Greater Damage
22. The Truth
23. The Truth Pt 2
Part 2: Smooth Sailing
25. Fear
26. Past Relations
27. Picture Perfect
28. It's Over
29. Impulsive Liar
30. Sick and Tired
31. You're fired
32. Divorce
33. Heavy Evidence
34. Leave While You Can
35. You're A Monster
36. The Intruder
37. Locked In
38. Sorry I Can't Help You
40. Murder She Wrote
41. I'll Find You

39. Then Shoot Me

220 17 33
By fxckrauhl

"Are you ready to apologize..." I heard her voice from the other side of the door once again. For the past hours, she's been coming back every 5 minutes asking the same question. I've been responding with anger and hostile comments because I felt like it was the right way to respond to an insane person who clearly doesn't feel any remorse. But I've realized it's just slowing everything down and making the situation even worse.

I've been locked in this cold chamber for a day now and it was clear no one was coming to look or find me. Even if they were, I wouldn't even know since she confiscated my phone.

The one thing I had my focus on is getting that door to unlock. I came up with one plan which I think would help me greatly. Since all she wanted is for me to agree with her or at least make myself seem the bad guy in this situation then somehow she'll let me out of this place. I didn't know what else to do. This is the only solution I could resort to before I freeze to death. The door is way too strong to be knocked down, there's no doorknobs on the inside either. I'm extremely exhausted, with fear and hunger taking over me. My only option is to go along with that plan for now. Well at least till I completely get on the other side. Once I'm out then I'll do exactly what I intentionally came here for. To put an end to this.

"You're right...I'm sorry," I said through my tired out breath. "I was acting out of character, I'm sorry Veronica."

"You can do better than that Michael. Not only did you break in but you came here with a weapon. My trust in you is very slim right now," she responded. I didn't know if she was buying my fake apology or not.

"I didn't want things to turn out like this. Maybe I took it too far. I should've listen to you from the beginning, I would like another chance...if that's possible." I said in a low and forced sad tone. "I don't want us to end up hurting each other." I looked up, making sure to hold eye contact with her so my words are the slightest convincing to her. She did in fact look bewildered at my sudden shift of emotions. She was silent for a minute and looked down at my body that was still shaking uncontrollably from the cold.

"You're just saying that...if I let you out you'll just attack me," she responded.

"You know me better than I that type of person to do that? Honestly Veronica, I don't hate you and I'll never do anything to harm you. I've moved past the frustration I have for you, all I ask of you now is to let me go please...I'm hungry and tired."

She shook her head, still not convinced. I got closer to the door so I can get a better look at her face. "Look at me.." I said to her softly. "I'll forget this even happened. I won't even go to the police. I won't tell anyone anything. I'll even get out of here and never show my face if I have to..please let me go."

"I don't want you to leave me. The whole point of you being here is to be with me. Maybe you letting yourself into my house was a sign after all. We belong together Michael. Soon you'll realize it, you need me more than I need you," she said through a smile.

"Then you have to let me out. How else am I going to be with you. Let's just be together then...just like you wanted from the start...we'll start over I promise." I continued to persuade her. She furrowed her eyebrows and bit her lips, confused at the proposition that I just put out in front of her, almost falling under my trap. "Isn't that what you want. I'm willing to finally give that to you. We'll both forget this all happened. As soon as you let me out, all of that can happen. Doesn't that sound good?"

I saw her hand slid over to the doorknob for a second, she stood there fighting the battle of temptation.

"I'll be with you Veronica. You and only you." I said to her.

Then there it was, the clicking noise of the lock opening itself that I longed to hear. My heart nearly skipped a beat once I heard the lock completely open. The door swung open and Veronica with a bright smile on her face stood before me with her arms spread wide open. I can't believe it actually worked. Never have I seen someone be so fucking gullible in my entire life. If those words were the only words I needed to say for her to be head over heels for me again, I would've used that pathetic excuse a long time ago.

I chose my next actions carefully, I slowly walked up to her and embraced her invite into her arms. I wrapped my arms around her small waist, squeezing her tightly. I looked around the room for my belongings, which was on a table the last time I remembered. I could spot my phone and wallet at the far end of the room. Her arms suddenly then wrapped around my neck and shortly after I felt an object poking on my side.

"I want to be with you too Michael but it'll take some time to gain that trust back again," I heard her say into my ears. I looked down and saw my own gun pointed near my stomach. "I think starting over is a great idea. Now if we both act right, we might make it out alive." She pulled away and shot me a smile once more. Then she leaned in for a forced kiss, where she smashed her lips on mine and she held my neck tightly so I wouldn't pull away. Her lipstick smeared all over my face, and I was nearly out of breath before she pulled away.

"You look terrible and I'm sure you're hungry too," she said. She shut the door behind me. She instructed me to walk straight forward to the stairs while the gun was still pointed at me. She also asked to place both of my hands in the air so I wouldn't try to do anything to harm her.

As instructed, I carefully took some steps forward. I still had my focus on getting a hold of my phone but this moment wasn't the right time to pull any smart moves because eventually I'll be bleeding out with a bullet deep inside my skin.

Once I got to the stairs, I walked up until I got to the door. She stepped in front of me to open it. I proceeded to make my way out until I was standing in the middle of the familiar hallway. The smell of various of food mixed together hit my nose, almost making my stomach forcefully growl loudly.


"Isn't this great?" She said pouring me a cup of coffee and placing the plate of food in front of me. I looked down at the plate of organized eggs, french toast and pancakes. It was past noon, in fact it was 3:45 pm. I didn't understand why she was serving me breakfast at this time and I had no interest in eating it whatsoever. I looked up at her once again to observe her. She set her plate of food down in front of her as well and sat across from me.

"I didn't know what you'd like to eat and since you skipped breakfast I thought I'd give you options," she said sending a eerie smile at my direction. I looked down at the handcuffs that were wrapped tightly around my wrist and blocking the circulation of blood from flowing through my veins. I don't know why she thought it was necessary to have me in shackles when she still has a gun pointed at me.

"How am I supposed to eat?" I finally spoke.

"I'm sure you can figure out a way like you've figured out a way to sneak into my house," her words became sharp at the end. Her eyebrows sunk down and the smile disappeared from her face.

"You said you'd let me go..." I found myself getting impatient once more. I don't know how long I can pretend to act like everything is fine. It was hard trying to compromise with her but then, if I don't, there's a likely chance I won't make out of here alive.

"I thought we'd established that we'd be together and we're starting over....this is us starting over," she responded. "I've let you out of that room like you'd ask me to. The least you can do is enjoy this moment with me." Her words sounded a bit shaky and aggressive. Her personality was definitely different today from any other day. It's like her bipolar switch keeps turning on and off at the most random times and she's somewhat glitching or something. It was odd because I've never seen her act this crazy before. I know she's already aggressive and crazy but there's just something sinister about her today. I noticed she couldn't keep her hands in place either.

"Do you think is necessary to point that gun at me like that..." I responded.

"Where are my table manners," she slowly placed the gun down beside her and proceeded to eat. I stared at the gun, calculating how far it was from my hand and the almost impossibility of me reaching it. There has to be a way for her to take these handcuffs off of me.

"I quit my position at your old job today..." she spoke again. I didn't respond, I just sat there and listened. "It was getting lonely without you and I felt kind of bad of what I've done to you. I didn't mean to excuse you of something you didn't do but sometimes I just can't help it," she talked as if she didn't purposely mean to get me fired from my job and ruin my entire life completely. My blood boiled just watching her talk so calmly, pretending like she isn't the cause of everything that's been happening to me. I was fighting the urge

"It's fine," I said. "Can I use the bathroom? I've been holding it in for an hour now.."

She looked me up and down, suspicious at the question I just asked her. "I can't let you leave my sight."

"It's just two steps away—"

"You're going to try and free yourself. I'm not stupid Michael," she responded with no other further action.

"You can come with me if you don't trust'll be quick," I tried to get her to agree but she didn't look convinced. "I swear I won't do anything."

She picked up the gun again and placed it at my direction. Her fingers lingered around the trigger. "You have only a minute. If you try anything, this bullet will be skin deep into your body," she warned. She got up first, pushing her chair back with force. She grabbed my arm and pulled me up, pushing me in front of her so she could hold the gun behind my back.

Now that I got her to get me up again, I had one option in mind. This would be the only opportunity that I could attack her and make a run for it. However, this would require me to initiate the attack precisely. Since I'm walking in front of her, it would only make sense for me to use either my arms or legs to hit her while she's behind me, and knock the gun to the floor. I could easily elbow her and knock the gun out of her hand or kick her when she's least expecting it and grab her quickly.

The task itself would be difficult since I'm in handcuffs but I believe I can physically take her on if it came down to it.

With my luck, the bathroom was locked by the time we walked over to it. She didn't move the gun away from me however, she used one hand to unlock the door and the other to steadily hold the gun up straight to my face. As seconds passed, I watched the key in her hand go through the lock. That's when I took the chance.

I was hesitant at first but then I forcefully pushed her against the door hard by hitting my shoulder to her body. She tumbled back, losing her balance and eventually dropped the gun out of her hands. She quickly tried to retrieve the gun, that's was now a few inches across from my feet and her hands. I swiftly placed my arms around her neck, placing the handcuffs on her throat. She groaned in pain and tried to fight it off. I pressed the metal handcuffs even closer to her throat, causing her to choke. "You really fucking thought you could keep me here," I spat at her.

Her reaction was the opposite of panic, she started to laugh even though she was in pain. "You're definitely....dead...after this," she struggled with her words.

I kicked the gun further away from her. I pushed her to the side and grabbed the gun quickly before she could. I held it up to her and she froze in place. "Don't fucking move." I warned her. She raised her hands up in surrender.

"I would think twice before you end up doing something you regret Michael," she said to me.

"This is something I should've done a long time ago! You ruined my fucking life!" The level of frustration she caused me is far too deep to even express. My hands shook in place, not only because of my emotions but the uncertainty of what my next action would be. "Terrorizing me continuously. You're fucking insane and you deserve to die!" I placed the safety of the gun and took a few steps back, so I can distance myself from her and be closer to the door.

"Then do it. Shoot me."

I looked confused at her response. "This is all a game to you isn't it. You're actually enjoying this?"

"No. I want you to pull the trigger because I want you to realize the consequences that'll come with your actions..."

"There are no consequences, if I shoot you then its self defense," I argued. "I'm obviously the one captured and placed in handcuffs."

"You broke into my house. I have video evidence. If you shoot me in my own house, that would be the biggest mistake you make. Think about it, if you shoot me then what's next? Michael? You run to the police asking for help yet there's two fresh dead bodies in this house. How would you explain that?" She laughed once more. "The gun you're holding is registered under your name. It just would be too suspicious wouldn't it?" She tried to get into my head once again. Saying whatever it takes to make herself look like the victim. I wasn't going to let her.

"Your brother already told me where you keep everything about yourself in this house before you brutally murdered him," I said. "I'm sure there's files of your past or whatever else you've been hiding for years. Once I get a hold of that, there's not really much to explain to anyone. Just enough evidence that I need," I said to her, holding the gun with a tighter grip. "You may think you know me Veronica but I assure you otherwise."

She tried to keep her composure but I could tell how intimidated she was at the moment. I could see how weak she gets once her sense of control is gone. That's all she ever cared about, I'm starting to think the only reason she does half of the fucked up shit is to feel some kind of control. As if it makes her feel more dominant than any other person. There's no doubt that she has some kind of trauma buried within her. Some unfortunate event from her past clearly had a impact on transforming her into the person she is. At least that's how all psychopaths come to be.

I took a few steps back until I was an inch away from the door.

"If you're so sure about it, then shoot me," she challenged once again. "You seem to have everything pieced out."

My finger was placed on the trigger but a part of me was uncertain, I just couldn't make myself do it. The thought of killing her just didn't seem right to me. It's out of my character. I never shot anyone and I don't know if I'm ready to live with that kind of weight on my shoulders. I'd rather have her locked away for years and suffer alone in one spot till she mentally can't handle it anymore. Just like she's done to me.

"Do it Michael. Come on isn't this what you wanted? I'm a monster, I just ruin lives, fucking shoot me!" She yelled, echoing the house with her voice.

Then there was a sudden knock on the door. We simultaneously looked at the door, both of us ready to take upon the next action.

"Veronica open this door, it's Sierra,"

There was a dead moment of silence afterwards. I've seen her place her hands down shortly after, placing them behind her back. "Hey! Keep them up!" I demanded, holding the gun higher.

She didn't listen, my hands became more shaky. "I swear to god I'm going to shoot! I said keep your fucking hands up!" I yelled at her.

"Michael?" I heard Sierra's surprised voice from the other side of the door. "Are you in there?!"

"Yes I'm in here!" I shouted back at her.

"Oh Michael you've always been so easy to play with," Veronica said afterwards. Her hands were finally visible but she held a gun on her left and a silencer. My eyes widened at the second gun she managed to pull out. She quickly screwed in the silencer onto the gun. I pulled the trigger of the gun I was holding out of pure panic.

The bullet I've expected to hit her didn't come out. In fact, nothing happened. I pulled it again, hoping the gun was jammed. The thing I've feared the most is now a reality. The gun was empty. I was holding up an empty gun to her face the whole time while she demanded me to shoot her. She knew this whole time. I cursed myself mentally for allowing her to trick me like that.

I've noticed she was almost done preparing her gun, I threw the empty one to the side and quickly opened the door.

I swung it wide open and Sierra stood in front of me with a panic and worried look plastered all over her face. She looked over my shoulders first then focused her attention on my cuffed wrists. "Michael what's going on?"

"We need to leave now!" I took a hold of her arm and dragged her to the car she came in. "She's going to kill me! I need you to unlock the car now Sierra!" I yelled at her.

A shot was then fired towards the driveway. It hit the car window and shattered it to pieces. Sierra screamed, throwing herself to the ground. I could feel my heart speeding up. I then saw Veronica standing by the door with a cold look on her face. I ran over to Sierra and tried to force her up. "We need to leave! Give me the keys!"

"She looked disoriented and in shock, "why is she shooting at us!" She yelled. I snatched the keys from her hands and pressed the button to unlock the car. I got into the passenger seat and demanded her to get into the drivers. She ducked down and ran to the other side of the door. We both ran inside and Sierra started making her way out of the driveway.

Veronica continued to shoot at us, the bullets bounced off the side of the door. As the bullets were flying, we kept our heads down, making sure we wouldn't get hit.

Sierra continued to speed the car and I tried to catch my breath. My thoughts were all over the place and I couldn't think straight. Sierra's heavy breathing was loud, she had tears flowing down her cheeks. "Can you please explain to me what the fuck just happened!"

"She had me locked in there for hours and she wouldn't let me leave," I tried explaining. "I wanted to call you but she took my phone. She killed her brother and she was going to kill me.." my words were all over the place but I was also feeling disoriented. The realization of almost getting hit by those bullets was sinking in. I could've died right then and there...

"Why were you over there in the first place!" Sierra continued to yell. "God, I knew there was something off about her! I told you not to bring her into our home the first time! Didn't I fucking tell you!"

"Your yelling is the last thing I want to hear from you, can you please drive us to the house! We'll be safer there."

"What if she follows us? She knows where we live Michael," Sierra argued.

"It's fine, I have extra security there and weapons. Plus I need to take these handcuffs off."

"I don't think—"

"Sierra. Drive." I instructed her again. I looked around to car and it just occurred to me Starr wasn't even in here. The backseat was empty and I instantly started to worry.

"Where's Starr?" I asked her.

"I left her with my father, before I came out looking for you. I couldn't take her with me."

"You need to call your dad and tell him to lock every door in the house, make sure she's in a safe place," I said. "If she's coming after me there's no doubt in my mind she'll try to hurt both of you too."

"Michael..." Sierra spoke lowly. I looked up at her. She had an alarming look on her face. Her attention was on my leg. "You're bleeding.." She pointed her finger at my right leg.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I looked down to see blood oozing out of it, making a big red stain on my pants. Some of it even got on the car seat. "Fuck." One of the bullets probably hit me while we were running to the car. I rolled my pants up to get a better look, it was bad. The bullet is definitely deep, and it seemed like I was loosing a lot of blood already. I need to wrap it up before the wound gets worse and before Veronica ends up finding us again.


Hope you enjoyed 1/3 final chapters of this book. The last two chapters will be updated as soon as possible. I'm a little slow with writing because im trying to make this ending really REALLY good. most of you will be shocked lmfaooo


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