
130K 3.2K 1.6K

No one wants to get tangled in with seventeen, the most notorious and ruthless gang in Seoul, but what's goin... Еще

Aha ha
Z e r o
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x t h
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y o n e
T w e n t y T w o
T w e n t y t h r e e
T w e n t y f o u r
T w e n t y F i v e
T w e n t y S i x
T w e n t y S e v e n
T w e n t y E i g h t
T w e n t y N i n e
T h i r t y
T h i r t y O n e
T h i r t y T w o
T h i r t y T h r e e
T h i r t y F o u r
T h i r t y S i x
T h i r t y S e v e n
T h i r t y E i g h t
T h i r t y N i n e
F o u r t y
F o u r t y O n e
F o u r t y T w o
F o u r t y T h r e e
F o u r t y F o u r
F o u r t y F i v e
F o u r t y S i x
F o u r t y S e v e n
F o u r t y E i g h t
F o u r t y N i n e
F i f t y
F i f t y O n e
F i f t y T w o
F i f t y T h r e e
F i f t y F o u r
F i f t y F i v e
F i f t y S i x
A small thank you and a possible sequel?

T h i r t y F i v e

1.4K 35 28

The day seemed to drag on and J just spent it talking to the gang or chasing jun around the room as everyone looked at her. Girls who were jealous of her friendship with the gang and boys who just hated or wanted to be just like seventeen.

It was finally lunch time and they all sat together of course. J thought about chan and if he would ever remember her and it was just now dawning upon her how much she missed her best friend. She had the gang but it was different with chan. As they all ate and laughed at hoshi and Dk who were trying to see who could stuff the most apple slices in their mouths, Wonwoo stared at J as everyone's attention was on the other two who were now at 4 slices. He looked at how pretty she was, even up close. He looked at the little moles on her face and he realized how much he liked them. It was weird to think about but he smiled unknowingly as nabz shook him a little.

"You've been zoning out silly." She laughed a little.

J didn't feel jealous even though she had heard what nabz said, because as Wonwoo had said, they were 'each other's' now. Getting mad or jealous had no point because they were with one another for a reason.

Wonwoo saw that J had no reaction to nabz shaking him and being a little too uh friendly? And it sort of disappointed him. Was she not jealous because she didn't like him as much as he liked her?

They continued to mess around until jun abruptly for up announcing that he was bored. "Who wants a piggy back ride?"

"Ooo me me me." J suddenly shot up from her seat next to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo stared at her as jun kneeled down and J got on his back. Jun was spinning her around and he felt the jealousy bubble up again. Although this time it was worse. He saw as Jun started running around the cafeteria as everyone stared at him. No one dared say anything since they were all too afraid. He also saw as Jun and J fell to the ground with a thud as the members walked over to them laughing.

"Aye mate, be careful." Chan spoke as they reached J and Jun.

"You're heavy." Jun eyed J as he wiped fake sweat off his forehead.

"Liar. You're just weak." She shook her head.

"HEY. I'm older than you." Jun warned. "Your turn. Carry me."

He made grabby hands as Wonwoo lent J a hand to get her up from the ground.

"No way." J shook her head.

"You made me fall. You owe me." Jun narrowed his eyes at her.

"Fine fine." She rolled her eyes as she kneeled down waiting for jun to get on.

Wonwoo watched as he turned bright red and it seemed like hot air was going to come out of his ears any minute now.

J felt a heavy weight on her back as she tried to lift off from the ground with all her strength. Her legs were wobbling as the gang stood by laughing but she finally succeeded and stood up all the way with jun on her back. She started walking as he giggled.

"Stop moving so much." J grunted at the older on her back.

Jun just kept jumping a little on her back making her drop him as she laughed.

"You barely even moved. You have to carry me again." Jun pouted getting up from the floor.

"No way." J shook her head.

Wonwoo watched the conversation go back and forth as he reached his hand out to help J get up from the floor. Lunch ended quickly after that and they made their way to class.

'Did you see her at lunch?'
'Yeah. She's such a flirt.'
'Poor jun.'
'She needs to stop being so friendly with them.'

J heard all sorts of things around her as she entered her class with the rest of the gang. She quickly put it together that they were talking about her and seventeen. She giggled a little thinking about everyone finding out she actually lived with them.

"Hey." J heard someone in front her, making her snap out of her thoughts.

It was felix who was now waving his hands in front of J's face, smiling brightly.

"You alright mate?"

"Yeah yeah. What's up?" J turned her attention to him.

"It's been a while since we've hung out, I miss you." Felix pouted a little.

J laughed a little, earning wonwoo's attention. "We can hang out anytime! You know that."

She continued talking to felix as she felt Chan's eyes on them. She also saw nabz coming up besides Wonwoo.

"I'm hungry." Nabz pouted at wonwoo.

'Why?' J thought to herself. What was the reason bitch?

"So?" Wonwoo replied back.

J smiled at how he didn't reply flirtatiously.

"Actually I'm hungry too Wonwoo." J spoke up catching his eyes as they were already on her.

"I'll go to the school store." Wonwoo quickly got up heading for the door.

"He's getting me food." Nabz played with her hair.

"What's been up N? I thought you liked minghao?" J asked curiously.

"I've moved on. Wonwoo's gotten hotter these days." Nabz fanned herself with her hands.

J rolled her eyes a little as she sighed.

Wonwoo came back with more than enough snacks for J or well, everyone it seemed like. Nabz along with the gang took something from wonwoo's hands as he placed two different items on J's desk. A heart shaped bun and a carton of strawberry milk. J laughed looking at how cheesy a gang member could be but blushed when she realized she was lucky to be receiving it from him.

The days of that week seemed to drag on as J grew more annoyed and jealous of Nabz's antics towards Wonwoo. Her sickeningly high pitched voice even seemed to bother her now.  

"Come on Wonwoo, let me feed you this slice." Nabz spoke as the all sat at lunch on Friday.

J rolled her eyes and made her way to the bathroom. Although it seemed a little abrupt so jun quickly got up to go after her.

"What's wrong with you?" Jun joked walking behind her.

J didn't answer and kept walking which Jun found a little weird. He grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"I'll give you another piggy back ride if you tell me." Jun smirked in her direction.

"Nothings wrong jun." J laughed a little seeing him so happy.

"You're getting jealous, aren't you." Jun narrowed his eyes at her.

"I hate that word." J made a weird face at him.

"It's okay to be jealous, he is your boyfriend after all." Jun was now just teasing her.

"Shh." J shushed him.

"Wonwoo and J sitting in a tree-" jun started and J interrupted him.

"I'm gonna beat your ass hui." She took off running after him.

Jun stuck out his tongue as he continued running back to their seats. They sat back down in their seats next to each other as everyone stared at how breathless they were.

"What's up with you two?" Seungkwan asked while trying to put hoshi in a choke hold.

J shook her head and Jun laughed.

"It's obvious." Chan spoke up surprising J. "They're dating. Duh."

Wonwoo started coughing on his food as J and Jun along with the gang just looked at each other in amusement.

"You're perfect together." Chan smiled.

Wonwoo almost got up to beat the shit out of him when he felt Jeonghan's hand grip his shoulder to keep him from getting up.

Wonwoo wasn't necessarily mad. Of course he felt a little upset that chan thought his girlfriend was dating one of his friends but he also felt sad because he couldn't let anyone know he was actually the one dating her, meaning he couldn't be as close to her or show her off the way he wanted. He closed his eyes a little when he noticed J didn't automatically deny Chan's assumption.

"Let me take you out on a proper date Sunday." Wonwoo spoke up as they all walked into their house.

"Oh um sure." J nodded a little hesitantly.

'What does a proper date mean?' 'Does this mean we're actually together?' J's thoughts were running wild as she somehow managed to let juni cross her mind while thinking about her new boyfriend.

"I'm hungry." Hoshi rubbed his stomach a little as they all sat around the living room.

"I'll make someth-" J got up but Wonwoo pulled her back down.

"We can go out, you've had a long day today." He spoke still holding her hand.

J blushed a little and laughed loudly trying to drown out the thudding of her heart. Everyone looked at the two of them and made barfing noises. Wonwoo was so cute when he wanted to be. It surprised J at times.

Saturday morning came quicker than expected as J rubbed her eyes, coming out of minghao's room. He was doing better now so J thought she should leave sometime soon.

"Goodmorning princess." Jun unexpectedly spoke in her direction from the bottom of the stairs.

He was only making fun of her because of how hideous she looked in that moment. She had a little bit of drool on the corner of her mouth and her hair was all over the place. Although to Wonwoo it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. He didn't want to seem gross to his members so he contained the urge to pinch her cheeks as he shot Jun a death glare for calling her a cute name.

"Shut up hui." J rolled her eyes, too tired to think of a better comeback.

"I'm bored guys." Dino whined as the morning turned into the afternoon.

They all agreed with him as J started thinking of what they could do.

"You guys up for some badminton?" She perked up ruffling Dino's hair.

Wonwoo stiffened up at the sight but brushed it off soon after.

"We've barely ever played." Coups shrugged a little.

"I'm the best at badm-"

"Of course you are." Dk rolled his eyes, interrupting J. "You say that about everything you do."

"Fine then. Let me show you." J got up as everyone else followed behind to the back of the house where the courts were located.

"Let's play 2 on 2." J picked up the rackets.

"Coups, you're on my team."

Wonwoo frowned a little, wasn't she supposed to always pick him for things now?

"Alright then, I'll take Wonwoo." Dk picked up his racket as well.

The first few minutes of the game were spent with the rest of the gang choosing teams to cheer on while J let Dk win a few rounds before she actually started playing. Every time Dk and Wonwoo would win, they would both turn into hyperactive hamsters, kind of like hoshi. It was a new sight for everyone, seeing Wonwoo so hyped up but nonetheless it made everyone happy seeing him like that. Happy. He was happy.

When J started actually playing Dk and Wonwoo would duck at how fast the little shuttle came towards them from hitting the racket. As soon as coups and J won the round, coups hugged her and they started yelling in excitement along with most of the gang, besides Wonwoo and Dk on the other side of the net.

"Yah." Wonwoo yelled out in coups's direction seeing them hug.

Coups picked up on his jealousy and hugged J tighter and started jumping around together as he stuck his tongue out at Wonwoo making everyone else laugh.

They continued playing and it was all fun and games and J had to admit. Playing against Woozi and Mingyu was difficult. They had one player for higher hits and one for lower hits. J chose coups as her teammate all throughout the game because they seemed to understand each other's plays well. They made a great team and everyone saw it.

It was the last round and this would decide who was the overall winner. It was Mingyu and Woozi against coups and J. They were all sweating but J hated losing, she ran a little too fast to try to hit the shuttle as she fell to the ground harshly while still managing to hit the target over the net, making them win. She ran over to coups and they started jumping before she noticed her bleeding knee.

"You okay?" Coups asked as they all calmed down.

"Yes!" J smiled at him. "You're the best teammate ever."

Wonwoo heard this and sighed, he hated being jealous but he just couldn't help it when it came to her.

"You're bleeding pabo." Wonwoo managed to say as he took J's hand and walked towards the house.

"Ow. That hurts." J clenched her teeth as she sat up on the counter.

"Should've been more careful." Jun stuck his tongue out from the couch where all of the gang was now sitting.

"Just wait till I-" j was cut off by Wonwoo rubbing alcohol on her knee. "OWW OWWW." She yelled out.

"Stop being such a baby." Wonwoo rolled his eyes trying to be more gentle now.

"Well I am-" she stopped when she felt shy to say the rest of her sentence.

Wonwoo luckily didn't question it as he continued to wipe the blood off of her and put a bandaid on. J couldn't help but notice how gorgeous he really was. He had the most perfect features and J smiled feeling herself acknowledge the fact that he was hers.

"Check this out boss."

He pulled out his phone as a video played.

"Is that junhui? So now they're giving piggy back rides? We got them right where we want them."  He laughed watching the video

"She really is their weakness."  The other laughed as well.

"After years of trying to take them down, we finally have what we need."

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