Love Me Again: Business Marri...

Princess-- द्वारा

275K 6.5K 267

Matt and Veronica shared a love story. A love story that failed to have a happy ever after. Both of them thou... अधिक

[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 7]
[Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10]
[Chapter 11]
[Chapter 12]

[Chapter 5]

18.5K 487 25
Princess-- द्वारा

Chapter 5

Three days…

Nothing happened. Like, NOTHING. Matt and Veronica didn’t talk to each other at all in the three days they were together in one room. Not to mention, it was a HONEYMOON SUITE.

Veronica stared at her reflection. Was she really that ugly? Or was he just not attracted to her? She felt sad for herself. They were together in the same room and all she felt was his animosity towards her. The first three days of their marriage was like torture.

Somewhere at the back of her mind told her that it was just the start of her agony.

And she wasn’t wrong.

Ever since she moved into his condo, she barely saw him. Every day she would prepare breakfast for him but when she came home it was left untouched. His words every morning was “I’m leaving.” That was it.

When it came to dinner time, she made dinner for the two of them. But Matt never ate the food that she cooked. He didn’t even sit with her. Veronica always ate alone. And she slept on the king sized bed all by herself.

Matt always came home around 2AM. But Veronica didn’t bother asking him where he went even though every night she stayed up waiting for him. She was just his wife in papers. She doesn’t have to overdo the act. But whatever she does she couldn’t help but worry. She couldn’t help but get hurt.

She focused on her fashion business. She was gaining more and more clients. Every day she was busy with work and she never forgot to visit her Dad. She was always happy with her Dad around. She didn’t want to go back to the condo.

“How’s the newlywed?” the woman on the other line asked. Veronica was preparing invoices for the newly shipped clothes from Paris when her cellphone rang.

Sadness welled up inside her. She wasn’t quite sure what to say.

“Oh, Elaiza.” She smiled. Elaiza has always been so thoughtful. She always called to check on her. She was like the sister she never had. “I’m okay, especially now that you called.” The house is so silent it’s eating me out, she wanted to add.

“Great! I might pass by your shop tomorrow. Can we have a night out? I’ll ask Matt, if you want.”

“I’d love that!” somehow she felt better. She allowed a feeble laugh. “No need. I’ll talk to him. I’m sure he’ll be happy about it. He’ll be working late tomorrow.”

“He’s still working late?” her tone was exaggerated.

“Just tomorrow, he needs to do this huge presentation.” She answered but couldn’t help but sigh.

It was silent for a moment.

“I’ll talk to him. He still hasn’t learned yet.”

“It’s okay, Elaiza-”

“No, it’s not. I know my brother. He has this tendency to forget his priorities. And you should be the first in the list.”

“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, okay?”

“Yes,” Elaiza responded, drawing a deep breath to calm herself. “I’ll see you tomorrow at five! Give my hugs to Matt.”

“Sure, I’ll do that.”

“Goodnight! Bye.”

Veronica felt even more alone. She glanced at the clock. It was only nine o’clock. It would probably be another four hours until he came home. To distract herself, she focused on her work on the computer. She needed to kill time. She will survive this night. She definitely can. It just fuckin’ hurts.

The next day, Veronica could barely sit for more than ten seconds from the customers that kept coming in. Women who had one simple goal- to look fabulous. And most of them came from the elite society. She was happy every time her customers left with a smile on their faces.

Elaiza came just five minutes before five o’clock.

They watched a movie and went shopping. They ate sushi, and went clubbing afterwards. All of Veronica’s stress went away. It has been a while since she really enjoyed being with someone. She was grateful for Elaiza. They got along the moment they met. Probably because she was always sweet and cheerful.

She wondered why she hadn’t met her before. But she didn’t want to ask. There’s nothing worse than opening up the past again. Elaiza wouldn’t be thrilled to know that she ditched Matt ten years ago.

They danced and laughed. Time flew by so fast and it was past nine. Veronica offered Elaiza a ride.

“So, how are you and my brother?”

Veronica cleared her throat.

“Fine. Fine. We are getting along well.”

“Hmm… Are you sure?”  Elaiza angled her head, her tone filled with doubt.

“Well, he’s not that sweet… not that thoughtful… not that romantic but he’s got a really, really big–”


“Yeah, big. I know exactly what you mean.” There was a playful smile on Elaiza’s lips.

“I was supposed to say heart,” she laughed. “I meant, he’s taking good care of me in the best way he can.”

“Yeah… that’s what I was thinking. What did you think I was thinking?” Elaiza chuckled, then laughed even more.

“I’m so happy that you ended up together, Veronica. Matt has been a mess. Since I met him, he’s been a mess. I’m just so glad that God, destiny or whatever powerful force that is, bound you together. I know this is the start of his happiness. I can’t believe he’s smiling again! Remember during the wedding? That was the first time in a long time that I did see him smile!”

She wrinkled her nose.

“When you said, ‘Of course! I do! I do!’” she said as she clasped her hands together and flapped her eyes playfully.

She laughed, and then smiled to herself. Yes, she remembered. So it was really a smile.

“It’s been so long. I’ve been praying for miracle. And then, you came! I’m just so happy. I just hope you don’t get tired of taking care of him. He’s been through a lot really.”

“Where’s your mom? If I may ask. Matt doesn’t talk much.”

Elaiza drew a slow breath and looked down.

“My mom is in France. She remarried. To a French guy, yes. And Matt’s mom is in Australia.”

She angled her head and wrinkled her forehead.

She smiled. “It’s a long story. But I’ll give you a preview. Me and Matt have the same father. I didn’t really know what happened way back then. All I remember is, I was ten when I met Matt. He was seventeen then.”

“It was drama actually. I didn’t even know I had a brother. Just then, I knew Daddy had been looking for him for seventeen years. Imagine? Seventeen years? Matt’s mom ran away from Dad. I don’t know why. After six years of being alone, Dad met my mom and they decided to live in California. And there was me after a year.”

“My family came here every year for a vacation. And it was on the tenth vacation that Dad found Matt. His mom finally showed up, asking for financial assistance so Matt can go to college.

It was also the start of arguments between mom and dad. And… they broke up. I decided to be with Dad. But I visit my mom sometimes. And Matt, he rarely smiled. He liked me though. He never hated me. But I don’t know why… But I feel like…. I feel like he hates the world.”

“Hey, are you crying?”

“No.” her voice was scratchy, thick with emotion. “I just…” Elaiza took rough wipes at her tears. “I just wished I was there,” she whispered. God, Veronica had no idea what he went through…

“Oh, Veronica.” She cooed and embraced her. “I wish I had been there for him. It was awful for my brother. He thought he was abandoned. He hated Dad. But he loves him too. He hated what his mom had done but he loved her so much. And he just lost her girlfriend by that time. And he kept on asking why every person he loves breaks his heart. What do I know? I was just ten!”

Veronica wanted to cry. She wanted to go back in time and fix everything.

“I’ll take care of him, Elaiza. I won’t break his heart.” again…

She flashed her a genuine smile. “Thank you Veronica. He is so lucky to have you!” She cooed. “But  I guess we’ll have to talk some other time. Matt might be up waiting for you.
“Yeah. Just call me anytime. I definitely enjoyed this evening Elaiza, we’ll do this again.”

“Yeah! Me too.” She opened the car door and turned around. “Wait, I forgot to ask you something. Can I ask you and Matt a favor?”

“Anything. Wish anything,”

“I was thinking if I can stay with you for two days. Dad wants me to take care of some business. And I’m running the hotel! I’ll start next week!” she squealed.

“Really?” her eyes widened and she smiled. But what did she say? She wanted to stay with them? Like, live with them? For two days?

“Yes, I’m so excited about it! And I know he’ll be happy too. So if you don’t mind, can I live with you? Just this weekend. My condo is still being renovated. And your place is much closer to my work.”

She nodded and smiled. “I’ll talk to Matt about this. But, consider it a yes.”

“Thank you!”

She chuckled to herself. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea after all. The house will certainly be happier once Elaiza comes. And she wants to know more… A lot more… about how Matt lived his life when she left him. But she needed to give their condo a make over. It sure does look elegant, but it still looks like a bachelor’s pad.


In the days that followed, Veronica spent all her time fixing up the house. She went shopping. She changed the curtains, wall decorations and the wallpapers. She also bought a dining set for the terrace, and new carpets. And she didn’t forget to get Elaiza’s room ready.

“What the hell did you do to my house?!”

“Jesus, Matt!” she nearly dropped the picture frame she was holding when Matt suddenly yelled.

“Explain this!” his voice was low, but angry.

She sighed after hanging the picture frame. It was their wedding picture. She wanted to replace that creepy painting. And she was happy about it.

She wiped the sweat on her forehead and made her way down the ladder.

“You’re early.” She noticed. It was only six.

“Explain this.” He raised his eyebrows as he set down his suitcase on the table, not taking his eyes off her.

“I’m making it more beautiful,” she replied while smiling. “I’m making your house a home.”

“So you decided to change my whole entire unit?” his tone was still angry and he glared at her as his eyes scanned the room.

“I’m your wife, remember? A week ago you said ‘I do.’? Whatever’s-mine-is-yours-whatever’s-yours-is mine thing?”

“That doesn’t give you any right to change-”

“Matt.” She cut him off. “This is just for the mean time. When we divorce, I’ll put everything back. I know every detail of it. So chill and don’t worry. I put all your things in the storage room. Safe and clean. Okay? Besides, Elaiza is going to stay here for two days.”

 Matt couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She just changed everything in his condo with his permission. How is he supposed to react? The moment he came in his unit it was like he was in a totally different place. And he didn’t like the way his unit felt. It felt so much like home. Home? She looked so comfortable in it. And he felt like an outcast in his own home.

And what did she say? Elaiza is going to live with them? No way!

He watched her clean up all the mess on the floor.

She wore tattered jeans and a stained t-shirt that hugged her figure. Her hair was tied up and sweat dripped down the side of her forehead. And yet she still managed to look gorgeous. Gorgeous? His forehead wrinkled when he saw what she was wearing.

“Are you wearing my t-shirt?”

Veronica opened her mouth to say something but she didn’t know what to say.

She exhaled slowly.

“I couldn’t find any comfortable shirt to wear so I borrowed this.”

He turned around and went to his room.

“I’ll wash it, promise!” she assured him but he’d already closed the door. He quickly took a bath.


“I’m leaving.”

Veronica glanced at her husband and she felt her heart skip a beat. He looked and smelled wonderful. She wanted to curl up in a corner. She must’ve been the worst thing on earth right now. Her whole body was sticky and she smelled like sweat.

He was going out again. And by the time he comes home, he’d smell like a woman. How could she not know? She always smelled his clothes when she did laundry. And she knew that Victoria Secret’s scent. But she had no idea whose scent it was.

The pain stung her as he headed towards the door. He was going to see his mistress. Or should she say, the woman he loves. Her heart suddenly started hurting.


It was almost one in the morning when her cell phone rang. She squinted and turned on the bedside lamp as she picked up the phone. It was Matt’s phone. But there was loud music on the other line.

“Hello? Is this Matt’s wife?” a woman asked. Veronica raised her eyebrow. She wanted to throw the phone across the room.

“Yes,” she responded. Jealous was eating her heart out. Matt just allowed this woman to use his phone. Are you his mistress?! She wanted to ask but she kept herself calm.

“He’s too drunk. He can’t drive. Can you pick him up?” She gave Veronica the address of their location.

“I’ll be there in a minute.” She said. What was it this time? Was this another one of his schemes to hurt her? She grabbed the keys and rushed out the house. She was too tired to think.


Veronica was surprised when she got the woman’s house. It was big and elegant.

“Hi, Mrs. Elezar,” the woman greeted Veronica as she opened the door. “We finally met, I’m Bianca Rose.”

She was beautiful. She knew how to dress. And she had a nice pair of legs. She also looked smart. And… she looked like someone Matt could fall in love with. She felt so angry, mad, and jealous. Especially now that she could smell the same scent that she smelled on Matt’s clothes every night. The sweet smell of lavender.

“We went to the bar with some friends. He was too drunk so I brought him home.” She explained. “But he’s too annoying, he kept saying he needs to go home so I called you.”

“I see.” She answered coldly. She saw her husband lying on the couch but half his body was falling off. He was half conscious and she couldn’t understand what he was yapping about. Bianca helped her carry him to the car.

“Thank you.” She said as she got in the car. She didn’t want to look at the woman Matt was spending his time with.


When they got home, Veronica rested Matt’s arms around her neck as she helped him get in to their unit. They went straight to the couch. Veronica nearly toppled over. It was a miracle she kept her balance despite his weight.

She removed his shoes and loosened his necktie. He was humming a tune, his eyes half closed.

“What’s your name?” he whispered, kissing her ear. She felt electrified and backed away.

“Hey, I won’t bite.” He flashed her a smirk. “C’mon tell me your name.” he winked and grabbed her waist. She breathed in the smell of beer from his breath. It should be disgusting. But why the hell is she inhaling it so much?

“Matt.” She said in a threatening tone when his hands traveled around her body. He was tracing the line of her underwear!

“Oh, that’s my name… your name sweetie.” His hands continued to move around her body. He grabbed Veronica’s hand and played with her fingers. “Your name sweetie… Do I have to beg?” he pouted.

She sighed, starting to get annoyed. “Veronica.”

He raised an eyebrow and looked up, thinking. And then he smiled. Followed by a chuckle. “I remember you.. Yeah..” his expression grew more serious as he stared at her. “You look..very familiar.. you are…”

“I’m your wife.”

“Wife… wife..” he nodded. “Yeah, wife..”

Veronica removed his hold and went to get some water and a towel to wipe him down.

He was humming again when she came back, and mumbling. Still, he looked dashing. She couldn’t control her heart that was drumming loudly against her chest.

“Am I sick?” he asked, caressing her vacant hand. God, how can she concentrate?

“Sort of.” She answered.

“It’s nice to be sick… so nice…”

Veronica shook her head as she removed his polo shirt. His stomach was so amazing. She took the towel and ran it across his chest and on his face. She didn’t know how much longer she could bare this.

“Beautiful…” he whispered.

She looked up at him. She realized that he was staring at her intensely. He took her bangs and tucked it behind her ears. “You’re so beautiful… that my heart stings just looking at you…” he ran the back of his hand across her face. His eyes were coated with sadness. “I don’t know…it hurts so much… like hell…”

Veronica felt a lump gather in her throat. “I never intended hurt you.” She whispered, her eyes lingering on his. “I love you so much.”

Before she knew it he was kissing her passionately. It was gentle but passionate. Just like their first kiss. A tear slid down her cheek.

“Why the tears?” he cooed as he kissed the tears on her face. “Oh, please dont cry…please…”

Matt hugged Veronica, and she hugged back. She quietly cried. When he faced her towards him, he kissed her again. She felt him pulling her closer, until she was in his arms being carried to his bed. She felt hot with every touch.

One by one, they took off each other’s clothes until there was nothing more. They kissed each other hungrily like there was no tomorrow.

Matt passionately made love to her.  Even though it was painful, Veronica found herself wanting more.

But something happened. Something that made her want to disappear. She felt sick to her stomach.

Veronica quickly got up and put on her clothes. After this night, she had woken up from her fantasy that she’d been living in for ten years. Matt doesn’t love her anymore.

He just called out another woman’s name while they were making love… He just called out Bianca.

पढ़ना जारी रखें

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