The start

By hazelblue32

21.7K 244 3

Target, you needed to worry about. You have to focus on it. Either your target to kill or your goal to work w... More

The Start
It's a Lie
Terminus Sanctuary for all
The Shooter
Can't go back Bob
Fight to the Fence
Something's out there
We ain't dead
Missing People
Reality Check
Blow your head off
I get it now
I like you
a friend
Punch the Clock
I'll break your neck
Come back to me
To protect you
Children like stories
Walkers stuck in a pit
The Plan
A horn
Good luck, dumbass
Quiet as a Graveyard
I love you
Marry me?
Better? Better.
Daryl Dixon's wife
Carl and Enid
Firecrackers in a trash can
The bogeyman, he ain't shit
Where there's life, there's possibility
They pick a head?
We've got a Jay, a Carol and a Maggie
I'll track them down
I'm Negan, shithead
Baby Walker
Wake up
Aye Aye Captain
neck-deep up shit creek with our mouths wide open
She is a vampire bat
You belong to me
Easy Street
He's the father?
Screw it
Who are you
Lemon squeezy
Today is a banner day
Play Carol. Be Carol.
Do not shatter my image of you. You're a badass.
The Iron
Go, Now
Tell Rick he needs to fight
Build Bullets 101
Spare Dr. Carson
A Killing Machine
Be My Sharp Shot
People are a resource
I'm here to take your confession
Let's make some noise
Got a convoy out
Where you go, I go
I am a time ticking bomb
I don't feel anything
That's my boy!
Just a Dream
electrical shock therapy
The Cost
That's real
new world
Repairing the bridge
Siren Two
Grid Five
The Return
There's a Storm Coming
Not a normal Herd
False hope
It's their world, and we have to live in it

You Die Now

42 0 0
By hazelblue32

"Where do we go?" I looked around in circles puzzled neighborhood was starting to get foggy. I could barely see two feet in front of me. Aaron and Jesus catch up to me.

"Over there." Aaron points at a fenced  in area.  A cemetery. I look over at Aaron confused.

"It's our only option." He said. We ran over not sure if we could hop over the walls. We stopped for a few seconds I could hear dog in the distance.

"They're still on us." Aaron says.

"Come on. We got to go." Jesus says as we walk the perimeter trying to find an entrance. I get my knives out and let the boys in front of me.

"They're getting to close. I have to take some out. Maybe they'll trip over the bodies. Slow them down." I stab one of them.

"We can use it, use it as a chokepoint to slow them down. Harley." I could here Jesus as they found a broken down wall. They climb through it as I followed closely behind. The walker bodies started to pile up in front of the wall as a few made it in.

"It's too foggy I can't see." I tried to make my way over to them.

"We're gonna get lost in here." Aaron says as they carry Eugene.

"Follow the wall. There has to be a gate somewhere." Jesus says as I was right behind them.

"There! Hold on. Take him." Jesus runs up to the gate and pulls on it. I run over and help pull on it. It wouldn't budge.

I turn around and watch as we were surrounded by walkers. Aaron and Jesus tried to lift Eugene up and over the wall but he was too heavy.

"They're coming." I warn them as the walkers were getting closer. Aaron and Jesus stand beside me as the walkers got close. We take a few out and then hear it.

They were whispering. Eugene was right. They were talking among themselves. I look over at Aaron and Jesus as they had the same worried expression I had.

"More coming." I get my knives ready.  I turn at the sound of the gates raddling. It was Michonne and a few others trying to help Eugene open them.

"Get him out of here. Go, I got this!" Jesus tells Aaron as he takes off for the gate. I take out another walker as Jesus pushes through. He was going to clear the whole cemetary.

"Jesus! Harley! Come on!" Aaron yells as I turn around and see they made it over the gate. I clear my way back as Jesus was in front of me. Two walkers were next to him. He stabs one of them and goes for the other. I stab two that were beside me and turn around to see the walker dodge Jesus's swords and stabs him. I stood there in complete and utter shock.

"No!" Aaron screamed. I watched as Jesus's body hit the ground as the walker turns to me.  I look back at the walkers as my breathing started to pick up.

"Harley run!" Michonne yells. I back up but was cornered. I stab a few walkers that were around me as the others came back over to help. One of the walkers had a knife that was getting closer. He swung his knife in the air as I dodge it. I spin around and kick him to the ground as another one comes up and slices my arm. I screamed loud as the blood was sleeping out of my arm. I was not expecting to get cut like a kabob a on night like this. The burning was killing me as I clutch my arm to my chest. An arrow goes through those walkers heads as I look up.

"Daryl!" I called over as he runs to me.

"You ok?" He says and looks at my arm that was now gushing out with blood. He rips part of his shirt and wraps it around my arm.

"I am now." I winced. I could hear Dog barking beside us as the walkers were cleared. We walk over to the walker that killed Jesus.

"Hey. Come here." Daryl tells Michonne as she keeps a look out.

"These walkers... What are they?" She asked as Daryl flips the walker over and takes a look at the head. There was stitching at the base or the part. Daryl cuts it and slips off what seems to be a mask. A walker skin mask. He flips the body over and shows a man that was alive but now dead.

"What the hell is going?" I asked. Dog started barking again as we all stayed close to each other.

'They're trapped. Circle 'round. Don't let them slip by. Keep them together." I could hear them whisper.

"You die now." One of them whispers that was too close to comfort. A shiver went down my spine.

"Stay close to me." Daryl says as I nod my head. The walkers were getting closer to us.

"Go. Now. Go. I'll cover you." Michonme tells us. I stab a few walkers as Daryl shot some down. They grab Jesus and the skin mask as we get to the other side of the gate.

"Come on! Lets go!" Daryl yells for Michonne. We run out of the cemetary and straight for the horses.

"Who the hell would do this? Even think about doing this?" One of the girls say.

"I suspect some vessel filled with a chunky salsa of abnormal impulses and metastasized rage." Eugene says as
Michonne helped carry him. We finally reached the horses.

"It's full-on batshit." The other woman says.

"You think there's more?" Aaron asked as he and Daryl carried Jesus.

"Yeah." Daryl nodded his head.

"So, what do we do?" One of the woman said as they pull down the fence for the horses to be free.

"Right now, keep moving." Michonne tells them. Aaron let the two woman ride on one of the horses as the other carried Jesus.

"Hows your arm?" Aaron asked.

"I've had worse. You know that. Stings like a bitch but I'll get over it. Are you going to be ok?" I shrugged my shoulders and look at Aaron.

"What's your names?" Aaron asked the two women. He was trying to avoid it.

"I'm Magna." The woman that was leading the horse said.

"Yumiko." The other nodded her head.

"I'm Harley. My husband up there with Michonne, his name is Daryl. This is Aaron and Eugene. Thats, that was Jesus." I point at everyone.

"I wish I'd met him before. Sounds like he was a good one." Magna says.

"He was. Shouldn't have been out here." Aaron said.

"It's my fault. If I hadn't," Eugene starts but Aaron cuts him off harshly.

"Jesus made his own decisions. We all knew the risks of being out here. Knowin' we shouldn't be. Maybe what happened was bound to happen." Aaron says as he kept looking forward. He's not gonna be ok. Dog started barking into the woods.

"We got some tails." Magna says as we could see the walkers following us through the woods.

"The living kind or original recipe?" Eugene asked.

"Let's find out. Good dog." Daryl yells dog as he was quiet again. Daryl and Michonne took out the walkers in the tunnels I stood by next to Aaron and Eugene.

"Drop it!" Daryl yells as I walk over and notice the lone walker. They throw their knife on the ground as Daryl walks over and snatches the walker mask off their face. It was a teenage girl.

"Please, Please don't kill me. Please." She begged. She was actually scared.

"How many?" Michonne asked as she walkers closer to us. Daryl throws the mask to her. 

"Please, you killed them all. It's just me now." The girl cried.

"I don't believe you." Michonne held her katana up to the girls throat.

"She's just a kid." I look at Michonne.   For some reason that seemed to boil her blood. She looked at me with the most hatred look in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but Daryl cut her off.

"There ain't no time. We'll take her with us. Get up." Daryl says as he picks her up off the ground.

"Hey! You try anything, you won't have to pretend. Let's go. Come on." Michonne says as she shoves the mask into the girls face. She nods her head as Michonne throws the mask on the ground. They made her ride the horse the two girls were on as the other still carried Jesus. We reach Daryl's bike as I pull the shrub off of it and get on.

They open the gates wide at hilltop as we walk in. The people stare and cry at the sight of Jesus and the girl. Tara comes up and looks at Jesus. Aaron walks up to Enid and hugs her. Daryl and I get off the bike and walk toward Jesus. I felt myself being pulled to the ground by gravity. I felt completely drained. My vision started going dark as I felt my knees about to collapse.

"Daryl." I call for him but it sounded like an echo in my own head. I dropped to the ground.

"Harley!" I could hear him and a few others yelled as I close my eyes.

"I'm so tired." I mumbled. I could just sleep here on the ground.

"She looks dehydrated. Her veins are thin. Someone have water? A towel? We need to get her to medical." I heard Siddiq say as I felt my body being picked up.

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