Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts D...

By xchloeeex

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Pandora Riddle is the daughter of Lord Voldemort and she hates Harry Potter as much as her father does. Thank... More

The Start
The Cruciartis Curse
The Journey + The Sorting
Fifteen Year Old Delinquent?
Detention, Then Death?
The Seventh Floor...
Death Eater
Suspicions Already
Being Followed
Like Father, Like Daughter
Meeting Moody
Before The Match
Slytherin Vs Gryffindor
Being Suspended
A Baby?
Shouting Won't Help Now
Back To Normal.. In A Way
Trying To Keep It Secret
Department Of Mysteries
Back Home
The Effects Of Anger
The Truth Is Out
The Chamber Of Secrets
Trying To Help
No Getting Out Of This
Oh That's Your Form Of Torture
Say Goodbye
Safia Green My Childhood Enemy
Safia 1 - Pandora 0
The Fall
Bomb Shell x2
You Lie. I Hurt- Literally
Dead And Gone
I Don't Even Think She Cares.
Prove It.
Beside The River
Mood Rings
I Love You
First Date Disaster.
Elliott Blood
The end- of this book

The Explanation

8.1K 156 11
By xchloeeex

Sorry it's been a week guys but I felt like I needed to be in the right mood to do this, I've had a horrible week due to the flu :( 

Let's get started you probably don't want to read my bantering...


I opened my eyes only to blinded by white walls. I looked down to see my hands which were covered in crimson liquid. I sighed in relief to see it wasn't my blood, but the sigh turned to a gasp as I looked for the blood's human/animal source. I felt my stomach twist as I saw Draco lying limp and lifeless next to me. His white shirt was stained with his own blood. 

I felt myself start to shake uncontrollably. 

I ripped his shirt off with my bare hands and saw deep gashes oozing with blood.

'Draco, stay with me' I said in a shaky whisper. I reached for my wand but it wasn't there. I felt all my pockets for my wand but it wasn't anywhere to be seen.

'Help' I screamed at the very top of my voice. 'Someone help him please' I sobbed.

I felt two warm hands shake my shoulders and then everything disappeared.


 'Pandora' I heard Draco's voice in an echo like tone.

My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly to find Draco with his hands on my shoulders. I started hyperventilating, bracing myself to look down at his chest. I looked down; his chest, it was untouched, still perfect in every way. I looked up into his eyes to see them filled with fear. I quickly jumped into his arms and began to breath properly.

'It was just a dream' he said stroking my hair.

'Nightmare' I corrected him. 

I pulled away, felling a draft on my body, I found myself only wearing my underwear and Draco only wearing his to.

'Get a bit warm did we?' I asked.

'Well... yes' he answered simply, with a smirk appearing on his face.

I smirked back and kissed his cheek.

'Our O.W.L results arrive today and I think you should talk to your m-'

'I'm not speaking to her' I snapped at him.

He rose his hands up in the air level with his head 'okay, I'm not forcing you to do anything but the dar- your dad is going to make you do it-'

'He can't make me do anything, Draco Malfoy' I said, my words were like venom. I didn't hesitate to sigh and say 'sorry'.

He smirked 'I love your attitude'. He leaned in to kiss my but I quickly jumped up and off the bed. 

'I will be in the shower' I informed him 'do not disturb me'.

'Wouldn't dream of it' He said with a wide smirk on his face as I slipped on my top and skinny jeans, which was previously sprawled on the floor. 


After a long cold shower to wake me up I dried my hair and made it go straight and it's natural black. I changed into some light blue skinny jeans- skinny jeans were the only type of jeans that suited me- and a navy tank top on. I decided to put on some white plimsolls on too.

'Pandora, Pandora they're here' I heard Draco's yell coming down the hall. He burst through my door holding two brown envelopes. 

I felt my stomach twist with anxiety.

We'll do what we planned, you open mine and I open yours' he said handing me his as he started to rip the seal off mine.

'I'm scared' I whispered to him.

He carried on ripping, ignoring my words. I shrugged it off and ripped his open.

I looked down at his results to see 9 exceeding expectations, and one troll in care of magical creatures.

 I looked up as he pulled out my results his expression turned from a small smile to a horrified look. I snatched mine out of his hand to be stunned by shock. I looked up at Draco who was wearing one sexy smirk. I slapped him playfully on the arms and flung my arms around him.

'I got all outstanding' I screeched. 

'Good' Draco said, taking the results out of my hands and chucking it on my desk followed by his.

He pushed me by my shoulders against my wall. He leaned closer but I pressed my index finger to his lip to stop him. I heard a scurrying of feet coming closer, I sighed as what I heard was right.

Draco sighed too and dropped his hands.

‘Later’ I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek quickly before the door opened. I grabbed my results

I looked up to see my father, Bellatrix, Lucius, Narcissa and Barty Jr all at the same time they said to me and Draco ‘what did you get?’

I handed my father the results sheet and Draco handed his to Narcissa. She smiled at him gladly and pulled him into a hug, Lucius nodded proudly at his son. My father on the other hand passed it on to Bellatirx with a merely satisfied look on his face.

‘You have approximately one year left of you Hogwarts years and then you should be going to work in the ministry- oh and I’m going to visit your tw- my daughter today’ he informed me before leaving my room followed by everyone else


After a long heated discussion with Draco he persuaded me to go talk to my so called mother.

I entered the cellar followed by Draco.

‘Clarissa?’ I called ‘Clarissa Green?’

‘Yes?’ a female voice chirped from the back of the room and emerged out of the shadows. Draco clutched my hand, shut the door and locked it.

The woman stepped forward.

‘Why?’ I asked flatly.

‘I don’t understand, what do you mean?’ she asked.                                                  

I rolled my eyes and sighed starting to feel a bit frustrated ‘why did you leave us?’

‘You might want to sit, it’s a long storey’ she said.

‘I’m perfectly fine standing here thank you, I won’t be falling for any of your little escape tricks’ I spat.

‘Suit yourself’ she mumbled.

She began to tell the long storey ‘Well when I first fell pregnant with you I only expected there to be one child, and I thought one child was enough to get rid of. I went straight to Severus of course- my older brother, I think you’ve met-‘

‘Of course I’ve met him, he’s my potions teacher’ I said.

‘That’s brilliant’ she exclaimed.

‘No it’s really not’ I said dully.

She sighed ‘just like your father’


‘Well let’s continue, I went to Severus and he told me to leave. Told me to get as far away as possible, another country if possible… the thing is, I didn’t have a muggle passport and  I had no idea how to get one. So I ended up staying in a muggle hotel for months until I finally managed to get hold of one, only on the way to the muggle transport place my waters broke and conveniently there was a orphanage only a few streets away so-‘

‘Conveniently?’ I cried, throwing my hands up in the air dramatically. ‘You think that it’s Convenient there was a orphanage where you could dump my unwanted packages off and hope they have the best of life’s?’

‘Pandora’ Draco said, reaching out for my hand again.

‘That’s not how it was Pandora’ the woman said in a pleading tone ‘a couple of old death eaters caught up with me on the way to the orphanage, told me to have you two and they’d be back shortly. I gave birth to you and Safia a short while after and told them to keep you together, they obviously didn’t hear me. Poor nuns, half scared them to death with my screaming’ she said chuckling lightly.

‘Spare us you pathetic comedy and get the hell out of here’ I spat.

She stared at me wide eyed ‘you’re letting me go?’ she asked.

‘Yes, but you have to go to a specific place, a place where you will be safe. The Burrow. You should find Safia there’ I said chucking her a wand I found randomly laying about upstairs.

‘Thank you’ she said outstretching her arms to hug me but I dodged them.

‘You’re still nothing to me’ I said unpleasantly.

The next second she was gone.

‘Pandora that was the right thing to do’ Draco whispered as we made our way up the cellar steps to the ground floor of Malfoy Manor.

‘I felt a small weight on my shoulders be lifted. ‘If any single one of you mention a word of this to my father then I swear you will all get what’s coming to you’ I spat nastily to the prisoners.

I pulled Draco up to the ground floor again after locking the cellar door.


Draco and I sat cuddled up together in his room in complete silence.

‘It’s all going to change now isn’t it?’ I asked breaking the silence.

I felt him shudder and he whispered ‘I hope not’

I still had a million and one questions I wanted to ask my mother; how did she get away? Where did she go? Who was the oldest out of Safia and me? Why didn’t my father try harder to find her?


Okay it’s not as much as I would like to write but it’s enough for this chapter. The first to comment on this gets the next dedication WHICH WILL BE THE 40TH CHAPTER OF PANDORA RIDDLE :D

 I would really appreciate it if those of you who haven't check out my new story 'Skye Malfoy' do check it out.


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