Married To My Doctor 2

By cuchimeoii

91.5K 4.4K 2.1K

Continuation of Dr. Kim Seokjin and student, Lee Junghee's love story. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8 *spicy*
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
29 (Halloween Extra)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 *spicy
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Jin Birthday Extra)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Christmas Update)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 7

1.9K 93 55
By cuchimeoii

"Heyyy freshman. I see we're in the same class during literature eh?" I looked up to see Chuanli.

"unfortunately" I chuckled

"Yah! What's that supposed to mean?" He laughed "you're mean"

"It's still too early Chuanli, where'd you get your energy from?" Jiwon said as he passed by us with his bag on his shoulder.

"Early? It's 10 AM Jiwon. What do you mean ?" He asked as he sat beside me "he's grumpy when he has morning classes"

"He means you're annoying" Jade laughed. I chuckled as I looked back down on my phone. My friends and I don't have the same classes today and it's kinda sad.

"Yah, what happened to your foot?" She asked.

"Oh, I was cutting some oranges and then my hand slipped and the knife landed on my foot"

"mygod...I got goosebumps. That's why you've been walking funny?"

"Walking funny?" I laughed

"Yeah, it's like you got a sprain or something"

"By the way,Joowon isn't in our class today?" Jade asked as she rested her chin on her palms. "I lowkey have a crush on him though"

"You like Joowon?" I chuckled "since when?"

"Since yesterday. He looks really cute and innocent and shy but like...I know there's something inside him" she paused "like a wild side to him. You know what I mean?"

Wild...side? Really?

"Ah professor's here" She said

"Good morning. I'm professor Yoon and if I'm not mistaken, I'll be teaching literature"

"He's the professor that people talk about huh?" Chuanli said "you think he's handsome too?"

I looked at Mr. Yoon. "I mean...he's decent but like not that handsome"

"Oh thank goodness" he replied "finally, someone who doesn't think Mr. Yoon is hot"

Eh? Hot? No way. There's no way I'd find a professor hot. But if it's Jin though, I wouldn't mind hihi.

"Watchu smiling about?" Jade asked

"Oh nothing, I just remembered something funny. That's all" I replied as I took my binder out to take notes.

I just listened to Mr. Yoon as he was lecturing. Everyone's paying attention to him, it's amazing. I must admit that he's really good at teaching, he looks so passionate about it too.

I get why girls like him. He has a decent face and he's passionate about his work. I wonder if he's nice though?

"As an assignment, I want you guys to write something you want to say to someone yet you couldn't say it right infront of them. You can express any type of emotion, I don't really care. Just express it" Professor Yoon said as he picked his laptop up and fixed his glasses. "Class dismissed"

"Eh? Just like that?" I asked "that was a quick class"

"Yeah, but it's been two and a half hours Junghee" Jade laughed "that's what students like about him, he makes it seem like the class is short"

Oh wow he really is good at teaching. I think I might've found a professor that I like to listen to. I felt my phone vibrate and saw Jungkook's text with a photo attached to it.

'We're waiting by the gazebo beside that huge ass tree'
'It's beside the gym'
'We bought food'
'Taehyung, and Amy are coming'
'Hurry, we're hungry'

"Ah! Lunch timeeee!" Chuanli said as he stretched. He picked his bag back up and collected his notes. "You should join us for lunch Junghee"

"O-oh, I'm with Amy and Taehyung" I replied

"Alright, you should definitely join us next time" Chuanli said before he waved goodbye and walked out with Jade and his other friends including Jiwon who smiled at me.

'Coming' I texted kook and immediately went to the gazebo.

"How'd you guys got in?" I asked as I sat beside Jin and hugged him.

"Apparently, Seokjin hyung here is friends with the dean. That's how we got in" Jungkook chuckled and nudged Joon's arm.

"Ah it's nice to have friends with a lot of connections" Jungkook said as he pulled out the food from the paper bags.

My eyes lit up as I saw our lunch. I guess I'm hungry too.

"Where's your other friend?" Jin asked "Yoowon? Jungwon?..."

"Joowon" Amy replied "he doesn't have morning classes, it's kinda sad"

"That's how college life is, you gotta accept the fact that you guys won't always be together" Namjoon said as he took a bite from his food.

"Thank you for the food" Taehyung said before he ate.

"Is the food okay? Do you like it-" Jin asked as I stuffed my mouth with food. I looked at him and nodded.

"I guess you like it a little bit too much" he laughed "don't eat too fast, you'll choke"

Jungkook, Namjoon, Amy and Taehyung looked up and giggled.

"Hyung you should be careful of your words, sometimes it doesn't sound right" Jungkook giggled.

"Yah! Just eat your food" Jin scolded him as they continued giggling. He looked down and started to eat as well.

I giggled too as I noticed his ear getting red.

"What?" Jin asked, still focusing on his food.

"Nothing" I replied as I opened a can of cola and tried not to smile.

"You wanna choke?" He whispered

I choked on my cola.

"You alright Junghee???" Taehyung laughed as he realized I was literally choking on my drink.

"Y-yeah" I coughed "I'm fine"

I looked up at Jin as he handed me his handkerchief while giving me a little smirk. "You alright?"

I nodded and chuckled "yeah. Thanks"
After another subject, I proceeded to my last class. The whole class was silent not because they're listening, but because they're bored and almost falling asleep.

I fought the urge to close my eyes and yawn since I don't really wanna miss out on the lesson. I decided to look around, and then I saw him...


I almost gasped when I saw him. What is he doing here again? I can't believe I'm seeing him again.

It's really annoying now.

After a few minutes the class was dismissed, I sighed and packed my stuff up, ready to go home and sleep.

As I was walking out of the classroom, my eyes somehow met Chanwook's. He looked surprised too.I guess we weren't expecting to see each other in this university.

Why do I keep seeing him everywhere I go???

I internally groaned and walked away. I'm exhausted, I don't know why but I just am. Maybe because of my last subject. The professor's really boring though, not gonna lie.

I sighed as I walked out of the university to get a cab and finally go home.

I took my shoes off and was greeted by Kirby who was jumping on my legs. I smiled as I picked her up and cradled her for a bit.


Was that Jin?! What's happening?

"Jin??" I called out as I let kirby down.



I went to get a knife from the kitchen and hurriedly went upstairs to check on Jin.

Is Jin being held by a robber?? Or is someone here to kill him? How did they manage to get in?! I'm pretty sure no windows seem to be broken, and the door's just fine.

So how?!

I took a deep breath before I opened the door to our room, still holding the knife.


"Eh?" I uttered as I saw Jin with his headphones on and was almost at the edge of his seat. His hand was on his mouse while his eyes were glued to the screen.

"I SAID GET OFF!" He was frantically moving the mouse and pressing on his keyboard.

Wait...Since when did we have a computer set???

He jumped as he noticed me. "Yah! What are you doing??? What's with the knife?!"

I looked at my hands that were infront of me, holding the kitchen knife I got earlier.

"O-oh" I lowered my hands and sighed "You were screaming so loud that I thought someone held you captive here and is trying to attack you or something"

He chuckled "sorry, this game is so hard! This monster won't get off me and it's annoying me. I've been playing for two hours now"

"Where'd you get this setup?" I asked

"I bought it from my friend's shop. Isn't it cool??!" He replied in excitement "and I bought a laptop for you...Look at that box at the bed"

"Huh?" I asked, confused as I went over to the bed. A macbook... "Why...?"

"You're in college now, you'll need it. Trust me" Jin replied "do you like it?? Or do you want me to get another one??"

I opened the box and raised my brows. I don't know how to react...Just how rich is this man? He bought a whole computer set and a macbook, all in one day? He even gives me huge amount of allowances every week.

"How much did you spend today?"

"Not much" he replied "tell me if you'd like me to buy another laptop if you don't want it"

"I love it Jinnie!" I replied as I hugged him "thank you so much!"

He hugged me back tightly "anything for you Junghee"

"Don't spend too much on me though" I replied "I don't wanna leech off you"

"Leech off me? What are you talking about?" He asked "you're my wife. You're my responsibility"


"Junghee, tell me everything you need. I'm always here for you. Don't you forget that. I'm here to support you financially, emotionally,mentally and even physically. Please don't think that you're leeching off me, alright?"

I nodded as I burried my face on his chest. "Jin?" I called as I looked up at him. "When I get a job, We should divide bills"

He looked down on me and smiled "alright,but as long as you're still studying...Please let me support you" he kissed my forehead as I nodded.

"Just how rich can you be??" I said before we both laughed.

"Not too rich" he chuckled "but with this handsome face-"

"Yeah yeah, I know. You're handsome. I get it"

***** (edit)


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