Let Me Love You!Hawks x Reader

By PiggyQueen101

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You and Hawks have known each other since high school but Hawks doesn't know the problems you face at home. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Lemon (Pt1)
Lemon (Pt2)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 3

4.9K 110 41
By PiggyQueen101

As everyone returned to the dressing rooms to change back, the teachers spoke about those been accepted in, until they brought up the battle between you and Kelly.
"Kelly's actions have made her lose her marks, this is a hero school not a casual high school where you can get away with been a brat", said one person "Well, what about that girl, Y/N? Her quirk seems to give me that dangerous vibe. I did hear Kelly say that Y/N should be a villain due to her power. I say we keep our eyes on that girl, she seems powerful but maybe too powerful for her to control" "How can we be sure she will be accepted in, she only destroyed one robot, that is not enough". They all then went into silence to think until someone spoke up "How about this, since Kelly's actions have caused trouble upon another student, she loses those amount of points for attacking the 'Innocent' and those points will be given to Y/N as she was the victim. Giving Y/N enough points to get accepted" they all smiled and agreed. "It's settled then".

*Y/N Pov*
School was done for the day, all I could think of was the actions that accrued in the test. I'm so scared I will never be able to get through. This is Kelly's fault, if she hadn't fucked me up during the test I bet i would have- "leaving without me?" a voice comes out of no where, making you jump a little and looking around you until you looked up to see Keigo "God damn it Keigo, you nearly gave me a heart attack" Keigo laughs at my reaction, I could feel myself warm up on my cheeks and the tip of my ears. 'What the hell is wrong with me when I'm near him?' "Haha sorry lil bird, I happen to see you walking ahead without me. Did you forget about our deal?" I paused and took a moment to think before it ticked in my brain "Oh right yes, having chicken at KFC. That's right. Alright let's go you big bird boy" I started walking before Keigo grabbed my shirt collar from behind, making me stop and turn "Who said anything about walking when we can fly?" He said with his gorgeous smile 'Wait, did I say gorgeous?' "Come on, it will be quicker and easier, plus the quicker we get their, the more you can get home safe right?" I then paused at the comment before turning my head a little to the side to hide my sad but also angry eyes "Yeah...home...safe" i mumbled "Hm? What's wrong kid? You ok?" I looked up to see him more closer to my face with a concerned look in his eyes 'God his eyes are so beautiful... STOP IT Y/N! YOU JUST MET THIS GUY!' I thought to myself "I-I'm fine Keigo. Anyways yeah, if flying is quicker and easier then lead the way" "Sweet! Hold on" He then lifted me up in the bridle way, i could feel my heart pounding faster then usual. I held onto his shirt in fear. It's been years since i was in the sky, I don't even know if I will be able to fly high like this anymore.

*Narrator Pov*
As you and Keigo started lifting off the ground, another voice was heard from the ground "Well Y/N, first your a villain and now your taking off to be a whore? Wow, your just as bad as I thought" Before you could respond back at her, Keigo beat you to it while glaring at her "She is NOT  a villain, NOR a whore. If any Kelly, your just teenage with a brain of a three year old that aspects her sugar daddy to do everything for her" You looked at Keigo and smiled a little "HE IS NOT MY SUGAR DADDY, HE IS MY DADDY! AND I ALWAYS GET WHAT I WANT!" "Yeah yeah I've heard it all the time when it comes to you millionaire families. You show off and think everything is yours when your getting nothing but hate and soon in the future, karma". After that he then flew quickly and away from the ground, seeing Kelly getting smaller and smaller while still screaming towards you both but nothing was heard. "Keigo, you didn't have t-" "Don't even say that. You say that people don't have to help support you but yet when you defend yourself you end up been the bully, or you just let it happen. You can't let her keep doing that to you Y/N. Your better then that and you know it" you both made eye contact for a few sec- "SHIT!" You looked quickly to what was in front of you both to make Keigo react in such a way before you were smacked in the face with something, while you got smacked in the face you noticed another thing...You were falling. In shire panic you started calling out for Keigo, seeing him struggling to get away from a flock of birds that must have hit you both "KEIGO!" Your scream catching his attention before dove downwards in full speed, stretching his arms towards you while you did the same towards him.

As the ground got closer and closer you were finally caught by Keigo, you hugged him tightly around his neck while he stopped the falling and held you tightly back while comforting you "It's ok lil bird, I've got you, don't worry. I'm not gonna let go, don't worry" He spoke while flying more gentle and rubbing your back to calm you down "W-wh-what happened?" "A flock of birds appeared and hit us. I'm sorry for dropping you, I didn't mean to" "It's ok Keigo" "I'm serious Y/N" this time he made you make eye contact with him as he landed on the ground in front of KFC. His eyes show worry and fear "And I'm serious too Keigo. God you such a silly bird" you said with a small smile. "Come one let's get you your chicken" you spoke while walking in and grabbing your wallet, ready to order and pay.
As you both already ordered and got your meals with drinks, Keigo brought up the idea of taking you to a better place to relax and have privacy to talk, since he still felt bad for dropping you earlier. "Hold onto our meals, we need to fly again but not for long ok?" You nodded back to respond to him, he wrapped his arms around your waist to which made you blush, you were glad he couldn't see your face at that moment. When he was done flying you saw that he placed you both at the top of the building, seeing the sun set with a nice cool breeze and the view of the city "Wow, this is a nice view" "Yeah, i thought we could use this spot to get away from everything for a moment and get to know each other better. Since we are friends now, we might as well get to know each other better heh" he sat near the edge of the building while you stayed away from the edge. You both grabbed your meals and started to eat while talking. You both spoke for a good 2 hours until Keigo brought up a question that you didn't want to hear or answer "So, tell me about your family. What are they like?" he gave you a big smile with it too.

*Y/N Pov*
Keigo gave me one of his bright smiles with that question. He probably thinks my family could be a happy family with both parents and maybe siblings, everyone been happy and surportive of each other. But, my life isn't perfect like that. I looked away with my stomach twisting in nerve and fear "I, I can't answer that one" "Oh come one Y/N. What? are your parent's like spies or something cause that would be cool" Again, he shows a big smile while i sat there without one. "No, their not" I mumbled and this time Keigo didn't smile back, he actually had a frown "What's wrong? Is there problems with your family?" "NO!" I quickly replied "Wow ok chill there lil bird, no need to yell about it" having his hands up as a defense mode "I'm sorry, it's just I don't like talking about my family, or my basically my life. Can we just ignore that question please?" You looked at him with pleading eyes. He sat there for a moment in silence before nodding "Sure, maybe another time, right?" "Yeah, maybe". 
We both sat there in silence before I looked at the time. "SHIT! I gotta get home now!" "Wait, I can fly you home" "No Keigo you have done enough for me today, You can take me to the station but I will walk to the rest" I said while grabbing my belongings and our rubbish before letting Keigo wrap his arms around me again and fly me to the train station. As we were flying, I couldn't help but feel warm and safe in Keigo's arms. I wanted to stay in his arms forever, but forever means seconds to minutes for my life. I was lost in my thoughts when i realised Keigo arrived at the station and let me go "Are you sure you can go home yourself? I can be your protector again hehe" I smiled back with a little blush "Thanks Keigo but no thank you, again you have done enough for me for one day. I give you good luck though" He then angled his head a little to his right with a confused look "Hm? Good luck? For what?" "Um, for the test results. To see if you got accepted into U.A" "Oh yeah that, well honestly I know I'm gonna be accepted in. I'm more sending you the good luck, Kelly fucked you over during the test and you deserve to be part of the U.A High School, you have a cool quirk even though I haven't seen it fully nor you told me what it is. By the way what is it?" "Oh um, I rather tell you another time. Anyways I really gotta go Keigo, it's getting late and i should be already on my way home" His eyes widen a little in realisation "Oh yeah right. Here pass me your phone" "Why?" "Just pass it over for a second lil bird. come on don't you trust me?" he then smirked at me, my blush getting more warmer, probably showing him my cheeks getting redder by the second. Oh how embarrassing. "Ok, here" I gave him my phone and he started to type something one it before he gave it back to him with a smile "Now you can tell me over the phone. See ya later lil bird, good luck with the results and stay safe. If you need me just call me" he once again gave me one of his gorgeous smiles before waving and leaving. "Bye" I said to myself while watching him fly away. I looked at my phone contact to see he had named himself 'Protector' with a winky face emoji. I laughed a little at that, it's cute.

*Narrator Pov*
After you caught the train home, you were glad the sun was still barely up before you got home, your street can get very unsafe at night time. It's not really a good friendly neighborhood to live in. As you unlocked the front door and walked in, you saw your mother passed out on the couch with bottles of alchol everywhere on the floor and her ash tray covered in cigarettes. You rolled your eyes at the site "Typical mother, smoking and drinking till she passes out. And she calls herself a good mother. Bullshit" You took your shoes off and walked towards your room to get out of your uniform and shower.
After your shower you heard a noise at the door, you walked to the door but you saw your drunk mother holding a letter "Oh, your back. When did ya get back you shit face" her voice been crocky a little but also with hiccups "Well da you would know if you weren't out cold on the couch like an alcoholic. Oh wait, you are a alcoholic" i smirked at her after the comment before taking the letter off her, it was for me from the U.A High School "Well fuckin open it already. Oh wait no you can't cause we both know. Y-Your a fucking VILLAIN AND YOU WILL FOREVER BE ONE YOU UNGREATFU-!" She yelled at you while you were walking back to your room and slamming the door shut while also locking it "Ungreatful mistake...I hear it all the time you old hag" whispering to yourself while going to your computer desk and looking at the letter, unsure weather to open it or not. You eventually decided to open it "The hell with it", you opened the letter to see a little projection tool to show you the message. 

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