Chapter 16

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*Y/n's Pov*

I sat there wrapped in Hawks wings, his facial expression showing how serious he was, your mind was running everywhere based on what was happening now and what is meant to happen. "Hawks, I forgive but...I CAN'T let you love me. At least not right now. I'm sorry" His eyes showed a emotion of a broken heartened person. "Hawks please don't be upset or anything like that...There is things for me to do in the city and as much as I want to be loved by you again I can't. I'm not one hundred percent free yet" "What do you mean? What are you meant to be here for then?" you sighed and looked away with your arms wrapping yourself more into a ball "I was sent to find a group of villains and work with them. If I don't go to them soon I will either lose my life or you and Mirko would lose your lives. Cause I have been missing within a day or two...they would know I'm with you guys. So, I can't be here for long, actually I should go back to the hotel and get dressed into my villain uniform and head over" You stood up with a sad expression before you felt arms wrap around you tightly and a warm breath on your neck "Y/ Baby Bird...I want to free you. From now on Mirko and I will work with you to free you, to get rid of these villains and free you completely so you could finally have your own rights. I promise, I will set you free, even if I die for your freedom". You stayed silent but turned around and hugged him tight to which he returned the hug while leaving a kiss on your head "Hawks, promise me this, don't die on me. Both of you don't die on me, not even for me freedom, don't die for it." He sighed but accepted the promise. You both pulled away before flying back together hand in hand to the hotel to find a concerned Mirko.
"You guys ok now?" Hawks nodded before I went to change "Where is she going?" "I'll explain Mirko".

*Hawks Pov*

I sat down next to Mirko on the couch and started explaining everything "Ok so Mirko, Y/n can't be with us all the time due to a job she has to do" "Why?" "The man that has taken her freedom has sent her in the city because she has to team up with a group of villains and work with them. When we catch up with her, we need to be careful about our surroundings with her cause they would be watching it twenty four seven. But I promised her we would help her get her freedom and she asked us to promise her we won't die on her" Mirko nodded in understanding the situation, we then heard the door to Y/n's room open and she stepped out, for a villain uniform it was revealing then her old hero uniform. My eyes kept trying to look away but it was hard 'Get yourself together Hawks'. 

"Wow Y/n, your forced to wear that? You look like your uncomfortable with it" Mirko spoke up to which Y/n nodded with a sigh "Yeah, the destroyed the hero uniform you gave me

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"Wow Y/n, your forced to wear that? You look like your uncomfortable with it" Mirko spoke up to which Y/n nodded with a sigh "Yeah, the destroyed the hero uniform you gave me. It's a pain to where from the front and back of the crotch heh but yes, this is what I have to wear as a villain" I smirked at her before responding "Well, if it wasn't a villain uniform, then you would be over one hundred percent sexy" with a wink at the end, I could see the blush form on her cheeks. She looks cute when she blushes.

"Anyway guys I need to get going before shit happens, you welcomed here anytime" she walked towards the window before I spoke up "Kid, if you need to hide, you can hide at my place or Mirko's, your welcome to any of ours anytime as well" she smiled before she turned back to the window but I quickly grabbed her wrist to stop her again, walking up to her closely and grabbing her chin while looking into her gorgeous eyes "One more thing Baby Bird.." I whispered before connecting my lips to her's. It's been ages since I felt her lips on mine, they still feel soft like back then. I pulled away with a smile and blush as I could feel my cheeks burn up. She was the same "I'll see you whenever Hawks" "Same, but please think about it. I want to be able to be with you all the time, not whenever we can be together" she nodded before I let her fly off to where she needed to go.

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