Chapter 43

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*Narrator Pov*

It turned out that both you and Hawks were going to get married on the day, turned out that the next day was going to be raining all day so the wedding was going to be on the day. You both were able to find a priest to wed you both together easily and free as the man remembered Hawks saving him from a building that was on fire and close to collapsing. 
At the moment you and Mirko are in Mirko's room getting ready with hair, makeup and dress while Hawks and Dabi were getting ready in the master room and the twins were in their room sleeping "This is happening so fast Rumi, I'm so nervous" you sat on a chair with Mirko doing your makeup after she did your hair in a (Your choice of hair style) "You will be perfect honey, you and Hawks will become husband and wife, go on your honeymoon and live happily ever after together with the twins. Watching them grow up to be amazing adults and such but right now lets focus on today" she smiled at you while she continued with your hair as you held your hands together and fiddle with them to calm yourself.

-30 Minutes Later-

Everyone was ready now, Hawks, Dabi and the priest were outside with the set up and gentle music playing. The twins were sitting in their pram next to Dabi while he also had Y/n's ring "I'm so nervous dude" "Didn't you want this?" "Yeah but-" "No buts. Do you love her? Will you die for her?" "Yes I'd absolutely do and would" "Well then your ready to marry her" he smirked before they heard that you and Mirko were ready. Dabi pressed the camera to start recording and change the song for when you and Mirko walk down.
(The song when you and Rumi walk down the alter) 

As Mirko walked down with her flowers and the ring for Hawks, she smiled and winked at the boys before whispering "I made her extra gorgeous for you Keigo" he chuckled at her before he looked up again to watch you. You then came out looking on the ground holding your bouquet of flowers, you finally looked up and made eye contact with him and smiled "He's so handsome" you thought "Fuck she's...god she looks like a beautiful goddess" Hawks thought to himself as his eyes started to tear up a little. 

You made it to him and held his hand while he kissed your cheek "You look gorgeously beautiful babe" "Thanks, you look so handsome yourself" you both complemented each other before the priest started talking

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You made it to him and held his hand while he kissed your cheek "You look gorgeously beautiful babe" "Thanks, you look so handsome yourself" you both complemented each other before the priest started talking.
It was time for the rings and speeches, Hawks was first.
"Y/n L/n, never once my life did I regret meeting you. You have been the star that shines bright in my life and keeps me going. I knew I feel in love with you when I hugged you tight into me when we went through those things in high school, I wanted to be your protector, you special hero to make sure you were safe and happy like I still promise till this day.  When we first kissed I felt a shiver run through my body and my heart non stop beating crazy fast, I love you so much Baby Bird and you always be my number one. You are the love of my life, the woman that keeps me going and smile everyday, the woman who became the mother of my two beautiful nuggets, and now...the woman to soon become my wife. I love you so much Y/n and I will treasure you and our children with everything in me" he placed the ring on your finger before kissing your hand "I love you Y/n" you quickly and carefully whipped your tears before it was your turn.

"Keigo Takami, ever since the day we met and you saving me, I never stopped been greatfull to you. But then we became friends and my heart for the first time felt 'love' at you have given me so much respect and love. But when when I was scared for our lives you were still there for me twenty-four seven and my heart told me that I was falling romantically in love with you but at the same time I thought you wouldn't return it changed that when we kissed for the first time. Keigo, you changed my whole life after we reunited and I'll stay greatfull to you for everything you have done for me. Not only are you about to become my husband, but you gave me two beautiful children, your an amazing father and I thank you for your support and love you give me and I will continue to return them back to you. I love you so damn much Keigo, I will forever will." You put the ring on his finger and you could see him starting to feel desperate "I really wanna kiss you now babe, your so amazing" you saw a tear on his cheek and whipped it with your thumb.

"Do you Keigo Takami, take Y/n L/n as your wife?" "I one hundred percent do!" "And do you Y/n L/n take Keigo Takami as your husband?" "Oh heck yes!" "Then I pronounce you as husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" Hawks pulled you into his chest and kissed you passionately while your friends cheered you both. "Hello Wife" he chuckled "Hello Husband" you kissed him again with  a big smile before you both went to a group table for the cake, small snack food and dancing.
Dabi took photos of the two of you with the sunset along with photos of you two with the twins and as a group. Mirko whispered to Dabi before he moved spots and got the camera ready while Mirko grabbed the twins off of you two and placed them on their play mat before starting the song you both were going to dance together "And now, Mr and Mrs Takami will do their special dance" 

A you both danced to the song, you held each other close and kissed with repeating the line "I love you, so much" before the song was done and it was time to eat and enjoy the night before you two went to your honeymoon tomorrow "Thank you guys so much for helping with the wedding, we know it's not much but your the only family we have" you spoke while you hugged Mirko and Dabi at the same time "It doesn't matter if the wedding is little, just as long as you two become wedded and happy" Dabi spoke up before the twins showed they were very tired "Aw look at those two, so sleepy" Hawks spoke while he picked up Akina and hugged her close while you held close Haru "Lets head inside now huh? it's starting to get very dark and cold" you spoke while everyone else nodded, Mirko and Dabi volunteered to sort out the plates and left over food and drinks while you and Hawks sorted out the twins in their room. 

As you both changed the twins nappies and in their sleeping wear on, you both kissed them goodnight and layed them down, Hawks wrapped his arms around you while kissing your neck "We are now complete babe. We're a completed family" you smiled while playing with his hair and kissing his lips. "Let's get some rest too Keigo, we have a big day tomorrow" you walked off to notify the others before Hawks smacked your rare end with a smirk "And I can't fucking wait"

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