To My Future Cheating Husband

By QuinnCatcher

1M 45.5K 8.4K

This is not a love story. It's about a girl, who no longer wants to shine in the spotlight. A girl who no lo... More

To My Future Cheating Husband
0. To My Future Cheating Husband
I. The Fallen Queen Bitch
II. I'm From the Future
III. All Yours Ladies
IV. The Inches Matter
V. Detention with Parker
VI. Here Comes the Bride
VII. Summer Popsicles
VIII. Bear Hug
IX. Second Male Lead
X. Horrible Impersonation of a Pineapple
XI. Gentleman
XII. Walking Volcano
XIII. Luke's Party
XIV. Predictable
XV. Homewrecker
XVI. Makee-Wood
XVII. Twin Telepathy
XVIII. GameBoy
XIX. Timberlake
XX. Settling Affairs
XXI. Married Man
XXII. Tedious Lives
XXIII. Desperate Grasp for Hope
XXIV. Deep Breaths
XXV. Merry-Go-Round
XXVI. Daddy's Special Friend
XXVII. Representatives
XXVIII. Daddy Don't Do Disrespect
XXIX. Bitches of the Same Feather
XXX. Your Other Half
XXXI. I'm Not a Good Girl
XXXII. Pretty Tears
XXXIII. The Short End of the Stick
XXXIV. Curiosity Kills the Cat
XXXV. Zero Shits
XXXVI. Why Luke Parker
XXXVII. Assholeness
XXXVIII. Negative Consequences
XXXIX. Misery
XL. Haunted Hallway
XLI. A Man Nonetheless
XLII. Body Language
XLIII. Silver Lighter
XLIV. Cupcakes
XLV. Validation
XLVI. Blobfish
XLVII. Mending Heart
XLVIII. You Don't Own Her
XLIX. Artificial Sweeteners
L. Unexplored Territory
LI. Pissed Party
LII. Reunion
LIII. Ewhy
LIV. Part of my Persona
LV. Be My Girl
LVI. Sweetharrrrrt
LVII. A Bad Girl
LVIII. The Sky is Nice
LIX. You're Still a Child
LX. Small Town, Big World
LXI. I'll Catch You
LXIII. Proud to be Me
Epilogue: Same Team
TMFCH: What's Left Unsaid
0. TMFCH: Whats Left Unsaid
I. Old Habits Die Hard
II. Logic
III. Pleasant Future
IV. Selfish Bitch
V. Delusional State
VI. Miss Liar Liar Pants on Fire
VII. Freaking Fickle Licky Dicky Doodle
VIII. One Time Accident
IX. Part Time Jobs
X. Nasty Habit
XI. The Victim
XII. Invisible Money
XIII. Plumber Prince
XIV. Consume Me
XV. Damn Difference
XVI. The More, The Merrier
XVII. Younger Guys
XVIII. She's Alright
XIX. Right to Judge
XX. Burst of Bubble
XXI. Travel the World with Me
XXII. Promise Me
XXIII. An Honest Living
XXIV. Dimes of the Year
XXV. Happy Holidays
XXVI. Snakes
XXVII. A Friend
XXVIII. Don't Push Me
XXIX. Couendship
XXX. Sudden Turn of Events
XXXI. Late Night Munchies
XXXII. Least of Problems
XXXIII. Never Fall in Love
XXXIV. Experience the Love
XXXV. Someone Nice
XXXVI. Terrible Good Guy
XXXVII. Romantic Bone
XXXVIII. Luckless Lyah
XXXIX. My Heart is Missing
XL. Cemented Road
XLI. Who's Eli
XLII. Four Eyes Twig Arms Hippie Hair Mammoth
XLIII. Mary Jane Jenson
XLIV. Typical Teenage Hang Out
XLV. His Decision
XLVI. Predestined
XLVII. In Math Class
XLVIII. Nothing is Limitless
XLIX. Content
L. Freak Out
LI. Imperfect Past
LII. Happier than Ever
LIII. Happy Ending
LIV. The Pen is Mightier than the Sword
LV. Tread Cautiously
LVI. Out of Proportion
LVII. So Sweet
LVIII. Heavy Rain
LIX. MarBear
LX. Youth and Hormones
LXI. Kill Me Now
LXII. Love Every Part of Me
LXIII. Rightful Role
LXIV. Willy Nilly
LXV. Complete Mess
1 Million Milestone
LXVI. Palmistry
LXVII. Do Good Things
LXVIII. Some words are better left unsaid

LXII. Soaring the Sky

6.4K 305 59
By QuinnCatcher

Ava's POV:

Opportunities don't come to those who wait.

It comes to those who are willing to pursue it, crave for it.

With Thanksgiving passing, another game was set in motion. Luke Parker, the quarterback, was leading us closer and closer to the championship.

With a single thrust, I flew in the air, listening to the cheering of the crowds. A smile appeared on my face as I felt the wind rush through every fiber of my body. My wings spread widely, temporarily, before the heavyweight of gravity rejects my defiance.

The stands are filled with people, waving their hands and homemade signs. The random outburst from the crowd made it hard for me to hear. I can smell the hot dogs, popcorn, and pizza being sold at the concession stand, making my stomach rumble.

I didn't eat because I was getting too anxious.

Plus, the thought of possibly puking when being flung into the air wasn't appealing.

The marching band left the field with the player's last note still ringing in my ear. I don't know which is more irritating, the hunger or the fake smiles. Both hurts.

My inner foodwhore was clawing its way out.

Mary placed a hand on my shoulder, "It will be a little while before we need to go on again. So, why don't you take a rest? You look a little st-"

"What did you say?" I shouted, barely hearing her whispers due to the crowd.

"I said, maybe you shou-"

"I think I'm going to grab a quick snack!" I screamed, still unable to hear what she said. Mary exhaled and smiled, nodding her head.

Reaching the concession stand, I was able to sweet-talk the guy into making my order before everyone else. I can't help it! My inner foodwhore is taking over!

Trevon, Ben, and basically everyone else isn't into football games, so they never attend. They laughed in my face when I asked them to come, so here I am, alone.

When he hands me the hot dog, I lick my lower lip before winking at him. I walk away, knowing I shouldn't put any condiments on it. Sadly, I can't eat the whole thing either. So, I broke it in half and decided to save the other half.

I moaned as the hot dog entered my mouth.

"Can I consider this a preview of our future?"

My smile fell flat, and I opened my eyes to meet a smirking face, "What do you want, Carrillo?" I asked, still with the hot dog inside my mouth.

His face grimaced at my lack of decency. He stood up from the bench across from me, and I swallowed as he inches closer. Seth pressed a palm against the table and leaned downward, "Did you think I forgot?"

I grinned, "Forgot what?"

"You stole my motorcycle."

"Apparently, I stole your heart too," I said sarcastically, wanting to smack his face.

The edge of his lip curls upward, "I sleep with a nightlight."

I can hear another roar from the crowd. The game hasn't even started, "What?"

"I thought we are talking truth."

"Your heart must be so big to be able to contain so many girls."

"My heart isn't the only thing that's big." He leans in closer, and I can pick up his musky scent, "I told you, I don't like Mina that way. How long are you going to keep that up?"

I crossed my leg, feeling his thigh brushing against my knee. I plant a cheek on my knuckles, "Be quick about what you're about to say. I got a crowd to entertain."

He smirked, "Why are you entertaining a whole crowd when you can entertain your future husband?"

I laughed, "Future Husband." Over my dead body. "Good one," I grabbed the container and stood up, getting ready to head back.

Seth smoothly slides in front of me, "I got a girl in my eyes, and she isn't Mina."

I smiled, "You better go get those eyes checked, Carillo, because we ain't happening."

He crossed his arms, "You know, they say there's a fine line between hate and love."

"There's also a fine line between not listening and not giving a single fuck."

His smile only widened at my response, and I took that as my cue to walk away. I told myself not to turn around, but I couldn't help myself. My head tilts to see Seth standing there, still with the foolish grin.

Now, in the fourth quarter with us tied, the scoreboard shows fifteen seconds. The coach yells at everyone to gather.

I sat on the bench, taking a wisp of cold water. I know they will win the game, so there wasn't anything for me to worry about. I remember Luke notoriously won with his final touchdown and gained the full ride to Chicago University. This also means he will leave the entire winter break and return two weeks after school starts.

When he returned, Mina was gone.

The tip of the water bottle swayed when I saw Luke running away from the field. "Parker! Parker!" The coach screamed, and the whispers around us increased.

"What the fuck is he doing?" Daniel shouted, a sweaty face turning red as he and a few guys chased after him. The stress level on the team is increasing, particularly now.

"What the fuck is he doing indeed," I hissed lowly, placing my water bottle down and running after them.

Luke needs this scholarship to get out of town.

Reaching the boy's locker room, I step inside, hearing the guys yelling or comforting him.

"Parker, we got fifteen seconds! Come on, man. We got this shit!"

"Yeah! Fuck Parker! Come on! You nee-"

"Shut up!" Luke shouted, causing the whole room to stop talking.

"Guys, let me talk to him," Daniel said, and they all heaved a breath before walking out. They saw me, but I placed a finger on my lips, resulting in confused or smirking faces.

"Hey, man, I know you're going through a rough time at home right now, and shit at school isn't getting better."

"All everyone cares about is winning this fucking game," Luke responded, "This shitass football game that will be forgotten ten-no, five years from now."

"You know that's not true. The guys and coach know how important this game is to you. That's why they've been putting so much pressure on you." Daniel exhaled, "Rather than thinking this game will be forgotten five years from now. Think of this as the beginning of your new life outside of this small town. You're a smart guy Luke, we all know that. You have a bright future ahead of you. Don't let whatever Mina drama get to you."

"It's not Mina."

"Don't tell me."

"I miss Ava."

Daniel exhaled, "Dude. I'm never one to say who should be with who, but you shouldn't. Both of you, your relationship is too...toxic."

"What should I do? I can't fucking stop thinking about her."

"Then, why don't you just tell her how you feel? I mean, fuck being seen as a wussed or some shit like that. We're males. So what? We're not supposed to have fucking feelings?"

"I...I tried. I really fucking did, but whenever I see her. She would give me this look like I wronged her." Luke took a sniff, "Fuck...I'm so fucking mess up right now."

I can hear some patting sound. "I don't blame you for feeling this way, man. I mean, you did like Ava since sophomore year."

There was a long trace of silence, and I placed a hand on my chest, praying they can't hear my heartbeats.

"Ava, may I ask you something?" Dr.Cordova took off his glasses.

I tilt my head from the white ceiling towards him, "Yes."

"From what you told me. Luke had an affair, correct?"

I nodded, "Yes, with Mina."

"But what I wonder is why? Why suddenly sleep with her after twenty years of marriage to you?"

I shrugged, "I don't know."

"You said Luke didn't harbor any emotions towards you?"

I nodded once more, "Yes. He threw a blank check and divorced me."

Dr.Cordova clicked his pen once and began twirling it. "Have you heard of the term catastrophizing?"

I shook my head and sat upward, "No."

"Catastrophizing is what is known in psychology as a cognitive distortion — a habitual and unconscious way of thinking that is not realistic. In this case, it's a habit of negative exaggeration."

I pressed my palms together, "Are you saying I have cognitive distortion?"

His lip pressed together firmly, "You told me that Luke did not harbor any emotion towards you." I stayed quiet, not moving a single limb, "And yet, you two knew each other since high school and moved onward to becoming husband and wife. Why is that? Why would Luke agree to be your husband despite his growing wealth? By then, you're simply another pretty face on the streets, but still, he chooses to marry you."

"He was forced into marrying me. I...I wouldn't leave him alone."

"It takes two signature to deemed it a legal marriage."

"I don't know why he would-" my voice trailed off.

"Then, how do you truly know Luke didn't love you?" Dr.Cordova grabbed his glasses, "Or maybe, you choose not to accept his emotions for you. You choose not to be loved."

"Don't look so surprised, Parker. Who the fuck called at like 2 am asking what would be good for a girl to eat after they had sex?"

Luke inhaled a sharp breath, "You know it's funny. Ava and I talked recently. I told her about my parents." I guess Daniel knew. "She can be so funny sometimes. She told me she doesn't make a difference, but she's wrong."

Daniel exhaled, but didn't respond.

"Her life makes a difference to me."

Daniel pondered momentarily before responding: "Parker, I want to know. Why didn't you just tell her your feel-"

The buzzing on the field halts their conversation. "Okay, it's game time," Daniel said, standing up and smacking his helmet.

"As your friend Parker. I'm going to advise you to move on from both Mina and Ava. Your future is out there right now, and no girl is worth risking the rest of your life."

Luke inhaled a sharp breath and closed his eyes. The crowd's roar only escalated as they waited for him, "You're right," he said, standing up, smacking his helmet. "We are going to win this fucking game!"

"Yeah!" Daniel screamed, rushing towards the room. His eyes met mine, and the smile on his face flattened.

"Come on!" Luke shouted, and instantly, Daniel turned his body, blocking my view from Luke.

"You go ahead. I'm coming!" Daniel said, and Luke rushed out. I heard the screams and holler from his teammates, encouraging him to win the game.

"How long have you been standing there?" Daniel asked, turning towards me.

I didn't respond.

"The guys, did they see you earlier?"

I nodded, knowing what will happen next.

Daniel swallowed, "I'm sorry, Ava," he spoke lowly, running his thumb across my cheeks. "Please, pretend you didn't hear anything." I saw the water dripping off his thumb.

I wouldn't be surprised if Daniel asked all the guys who were in here to keep me a secret.

"You don't like Luke anyways, right?" He walks backward, face scrunching in a saddening manner. "So, just continue not liking him." Without another word, he races out the locker room.

I watch as he straps on his helmet with great enthusiasm and heads towards the field to take his position. I watch as he shouts out a play. I watch as blue and white run toward him at full speed.

I can imagine the sweat rolling down his face: his eyes starting to burn. His legs are most likely growing weak with fatigue. My hands begin to shake as he starts to run towards his opponent.

He got the ball.

The crowd intensified.

He ran towards the field.

More roaring.

And finally, with all of his muscles, he reaches the end.

And then they all went wild.

I watch as Luke pulls off his helmet and throws a fist in the air as his teammates rush towards him. He thrust their bodies as him, and soon enough, he was soaked with the extra water from the containers. Everyone was cheering happily.

I watched as they threw him over their shoulders and began their foolish dance. They threw him in the air, and at that moment, it looked like he was flying.

Flying high in the sky.

Forever unreachable.

And as I stood there, on the ground, I can't help but admire how glorious he looks.

At that very moment, his emerald eyes met mine, and the smile disappeared. My sweaty hands grip together as the girls run towards them in celebration. They would leap on the guys or get spun around in a burst of cheery happiness.

I bit my lower trembling lip, as my eyes glossed. The vision blurred.

A hand covers my eyes, a warm body illuminating behind me. I can feel a pair of lips resting beside my ear, "You can't fly by watching others spread their wings."

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