The Conjuction House (mindles...

Від 2Blue_Diamonds

7.5K 298 12

bish just read its the sequel to drama drama drama Більше

Chapter 1-k_thax
Chapter 2-k_thax
Chapter 3-k_thax
Chapter 4 k_thax
Chapter 5-k_thax
Chapter 6 ~Nia
Chapter 7-k_thax
Chapter 8 ~Nia
Chapter 9-k_thax
Chapter 10 -k_thax
Chapter 11-k_thax
Chapter 12 -k_thax
Chapter 13-k_thax
Chapter 14 ~Nia
Chapter 15 -k_thax
Chapter 16 ~Nia
Chapter 17-k_thax
Chapter 18-k_thax
Chapter 19-k_thax
A little note-
ok officially
Chapter 20-k_thax
Chapter 21-k_thax
Chapter 22-k_thax
Chapter 23-k_thax
Chapter 24~k_thax
Chapter 25-k_thax
Chapter 26-k_thax
Chapter 27-k_thax
Chapter 28-k_thax
Chapter 29-k_thax
Chapter 30-k_thax
Chapter 31-k_thax
Chapter 32-k_thax
Chapter 34-k_thax
Chapter 35-k_thax
Chapter 36-k_thax
Chapter 37-k_thax
Chapter 38-k_thax Four Months Later
Chapter 39-k_thax
Chapter 40-k_thax
Chapter 41-k_thax
Chapter 42-k_thax
Chapter 43-k_thax
Chapter 44-k_thax
Chapter 45-k_thax
Chapter 46-k_thax
Chapter 47-k_thax
Chapter 48-k_thax
Chapter 49-k_thax
Happy Ending?

Chapter 33-k_thax

94 6 0
Від 2Blue_Diamonds

Jade's P.O.V.

I woke up satisfied that Julian's arms were wrapped around me. I looked at the alarm clock, and I had to wake up in 30 minutes, so I decided to continue sleeping untill the alarm went off.

30 minutes later

I had the best possible sleep ever in 30 minutes. My alarm ruined everything, so I hit the snooze button and tried to continue to sleep untill Julian woke up.

Julian: Morning. You look horrible in the morning.

Jade: *laughs* You look just as bad.

Julian: Why do we have to wake up this early anyway? It's only 7:45.

Jade: I missed court yesterday because I woke up late and kinda had a hangover, so I am not missing it today or arriving late.

Julian: What time does court start?

Jade: 10:30. I bet Connor and Kay are going to be pissed at me. I have no idea what hapened yesterday. It must have been kinda bad, because Connor was drunk yesterday, and I haven't heard from Kay at all.

Julian: How is your kids anyway? I haven't seen them in a while.

Jade: Ray is ok, he got two girls pregnant, and Kay is very pregnant herself.

Julian: Wow...does pregnancy at an early age run in your family? Because if your mother had you at 16, you got pregnant at 16, and your son and daughter are having kids at 17 and 18, this is getting ridiculous.

Jade: Shut up. But I guess you're right. It is kinda getting out of hand.

Julian: This is why I always use a condom.

Jade: Really? Do you wanna go there? You had sex with one girl for the first time at 25, then proposed at 28, then had sex a second time at 29, found out you were "gay" at 30, and havent had sex since then. So I win.

Julian: Well excuse me for trying to be pure.

Jade: Pure my ass. I bet you're not even gay. I felt how hard you were last night.

Julian: Well, you liked it, didn't you?

Jade: ...whatever... hurry up and get ready.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. I went into the bathroom to start my morning routine. Julian came in and brushed his teeth at the same time I was.

Jade: Get out, I have to shower.

Julian: You get out, I have to brush my teeth.

Jade: You're acting like an annoying brother right now. *laughs and playfully slaps his arm*

Julian: But you still tolerate me. Now, hurry up and shower so we can eat breakfast. I'm starving.

Jade: Hurry up and leave.

Julian: Im not going anywhere.

Jade: Then turn around and close your eyes.

Julian: Fine...but I can still see you in the mirror.

Jade: *slaps his arm* Stop looking.

Julian: It's not like I havent seen you naked before.

Jade: If you don't turn around, I swear...

Julian: Ok, ok, I'm turning.

I turned on the shower water, quickly stripped and got in. I stayed in for half an hour and turned the water off, finger combing my hair.

Jade: Pass me my robe, please.

Julian: And if I don't...?

Jade: We're fighting once I get out of here.

Julian: *gives her the robe* Is that a threat?

Jade: Maybe. Now hurry up, you have 45 minutes so we can eat breakfast.

Julian: I can take half of the time you did.

He went into the bathroom and I heard the shower run for nine minutes and in one minute, litterally, he came out, dressed. Water drizzled onto his light brownish blondish hair, making it curl into cute spiral curls. He reminded me of Corbin Blue right now.

Jade: That was quick.

Julian: Told ya. Now let's get some food before I die.

Jade: I don't know what I'm gonna wear. This could take a while.

Julian: How about you put on this orange shirt with green skinny jeans?

Jade: As my GBF, you're suposed to have fashion sense. For starters, orange and green don't look good together, or in a courtroom, and secondly, I have to look professional, not like a cheep my mother...

Julian: Ok, how about this pink dress with this black blazer and pink heels?

Jade: Thank you! You're finally living up to my standards as my GBF!

Julian: As for you, you're not Beyonce, so you're not living up to my standards as my straight best friend.

Jade: I'm better than Beyonce in many different ways.

Julian: How?

Jade: For one, I'm treating you to breakfast. Will Beyonce take you to breakfast?...I thought so...

Julian: And the best friend of the year goes to Jade!

Jade: Exactly. Now get my purse and my phone and we can go.

As he was putting my phone in my purse, I finished getting dressed. I slipped on my heels and got my purse, and left out of the hotel with Julian.

Kay's P.O.V.

Day two of court...

Day two of misery...

Day two of the worst day ever...

I had no idea where my father was and he wasn't answering his phone. We had to be in the court room in an hour, and I have no trace of him. I was extremely pissed at that point, so I decided to just grab a granola bar and a water bottle and leave instead going to breakfast with my father.

I was walking through the door when my father jumped out of his car after he parked and ran into the house.

Kay: You have half an hour!

He continued to run to get ready with little time that he had left. He rushed back down in 35 minutes and ran to the car. We had to speed to try to make it on time.

We rushed into the room, and saw my mother and some guy sitting next to her. I shook my head and palmed my forehead. Isn't this a coincidence?

Judge: Isn't it ironic that yesterday, Jade didn't show, but today, you're late? It's funny how the tables turned, isn't it?

Connor: Let's get this over with.

Judge: Alrighty. What's the reason for the divorce? You two were like the perfect power couple. I assume that this "Julian" character is the reason.

The Judge looked over at the man my mom was sitting with. He looked sexy to be honest, and if that's my mom's new boyfriend, she did good at picking a cute one. The name "Julian" does sound familiar though. I just can't think of any connections with the name at the moment.

Jade: No, this is my close friend, Julian Miller.

Julian: I'm single too, just to let you know. You're lookin pretty good in that uniform of yours.

My mom punched his arm and I remembered who he was, I think. He was the guy my mom was cheating with. My dad saw the proof.

Judge: Ok, Julian, see me after court, now, back to buissness.

Jade: Infidelity is the problem. Connor stepped outside the marriage and cheated.

Connor: Your honor-

Judge: Nope, I believe her. TMZ has photos of you leaving a female's house every once in a while, meaning every two weeks. And from what I know, Jade has to work late every two weeks...

I hung my head. This is beginning to be a disaster...

Jade: Is this true?

Connor: No! It doesn't happen every two weeks, I swear!

Jade: But it still happens, that's the problem!

Connor: I only had sex outsie of the marriage once.

Judge: Be careful there Connor, you're under oath.

Connor: Ok, more like twice...

Julian: If you knew it was wrong, why would you do it? You have no idea how many times Jde called me crying, because you were a bad husband. I had to pick up the pieces that you left shattered. Don't get quiet now because you know it's true.

Connor: I-

Judge: I think it'll be best if Kayla stays with Jade for three days.

My head shot up to the judge when he said that. There was no way I'm spending three days with my mother and her lover.

Kay: You can't do that! She's a drunk! They're all drunks!

Jade: That is not true!

Judge: So where were you yesterday?

Jade: I was....

Judge: Oh, so you were drunk?

Jade: I prefer the term hung over.

Judge: Drunk is drunk.

Jade: But Connor was full of drugs yesterday, and he was drunk.

Connor: No I...

Jade: It's no fun when the rabbit has the gun, is it?

Connor: I will admit that I did have a few drinks, but I went home to sleep it off...*mumbles* I think...

Julian: That's a lie! He brought some girl to the hotel Jade and I were staying at. His room was next to ours and he was drunk, about to get laid.

Connor: What the hell do you mean "our room"?!

Judge: Watch it, Connor!

Julian: Oh, so you don't like the thought of Jade cheating, but it's ok for you to cheat? You are so wrong dude.

Connor: So you are cheating? I can't believe my own wife is cheating on me!

Julian: Dude! I'm gay!

For a split second, I believed him, but theres no way he could be that fine and be gay. *sigh* It's always the cute ones!

Connor: I still don't believe you!

Julian: You don't believe-

Kay: That's it!

I stood up, beyond pissed off. Right before I get the chance to say anything, ine of them always cut me off me off, arguing.

They all looked at me like they forgot my presence. I really wanted to punch something, but I had to calm down before I put too much stress on the baby.

Kay: You all are fighting over dumb things that shouldn't have happened in the first place! To make matters worse, you didn't even bother to ask me if I wanted the divorce or not! You two are having this huge custody battle over me, when I'm pregnant at 17! I'm pretty much grown, so why can't I live by myself instead of being in the middle of the beef?

Judge: You're not over 18, therefore you're still a minor and need adult supervision, especially while you're pregnant.

Kay: Fuck the rules! I'm out of here!

I walked out of the court room and into the hall as I took a deep breath, one of the guards came and tried to talk me into going back in there. I refused and tried to walk away untill he scopped me in his arms and threw me over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed bloody murder untill he brought me back to hell- I mean the court room.

Judge: I didn't call a recess, you were out of order.

Kay: Did you not hear me say "Fuck the rules" before I left?

Judge: Due to that comment, Kay is scheduled to spend a week with Jade. I expect both of you to stay off the alcohol and I'll see you back here in a week. Four days if there are any problems.

Kay: You can't do that!

Judge: Apparently, I just did. Do you wanna "Fuck the rules" now? *mumbles* That's how you got pregnant in the first place.

The same guard that brought me back led me and my dad out of the room.

My dad and I got In the car in silence. This was all of his fault in the first place.

Connor: Are you ok?

Kay: I don't want to talk right now, especially to you. This was all your fault, and you know it.

Connor: This was all my fault? Your mother is partially to blame.

Kay: She's not the one that had sex while she was still married.

Connor: You have no idea what really happened, so you can't really judge me.

Kay: Then I want to hear the whole story...

Connor: I'm not telling you anything.

Kay: I knew you were lying.

Connor: I'm not lying, I'm just trying to protect you.

Kay: How is lying about an affair trying to protect me?!

Connor: Because if you knew, it could get you killed!

I stopped talking and looked out of the window. I have no idea what really happened, but I will find out, sooner or later...

Nia's P.O.V.

I was in the park with Angel, pushing her back and forth on the swings. She told me to stop, because she wanted to get off. She jumped off and walked to the bench and sat dow. I folowed her and took a seat too.

Angel: Mommy, why don't I look like my daddy?

I was definitely taken aback by that question. I gave her a bizarre look as she just questioned me.

Angel: So, why don't I look like him?

I had to think of a quick answer.

Nia: look more like me.

Angel: But why don't I look a little bit like him?

Nia: Let's go get ice cream, ok?

Angel: *sighs* Ok mommy.

I texted Ray and told him to meet me at (whatever ice cream place you like). He agreed and we walked to our car.

Angel: Where's Daddy?

Nia: Home.

Angel: Where's auntie Kay?

Nia: Um...somewhere you're not.

Angel: Where's uncle Prince?

Nia: I don't know.

Angel: Where's auntie Kay's brother?

Nia: You mean dad- I mean uncle Ray?

Angel: Yeah, him.

Nia: Uh...somewhere you're not. Do you want any more answers on anyone else's location?

Angel: No.

Nia: Anymore questions?

Angel: Wait, why is the sky blue?

Nia: I'm not gonna answer that.

We walked into the ice cream place and ordered and took a seat. Angel was finishing her chocolate ice cream when Ray walked in. He took a seat at our table.

Angel: Mommy, who's that?

Nia: This is...

I thought about telling her that Ray was her real dad, but I don't think could do it.

Angel: Oh yeah, I remember, that's uncle Ray, auntie Kay's brother. Hey uncle Ray.

Ray: Hey Angel.

Nia: Angel, we have to tell you something. Remember Chresanto, or Roc,

Angel: Yeah, that's my daddy.

Nia: Well, that's not your real daddy...

Ray: I Am.

Angel:...What are you talking about? Rocky is my daddy, not uncle Ray.

Nia: Angel, Ray is your real daddy, not Roc.

Angel: So you lied to me mommy? You're a liar! You might be lying about the Tooth Fairy, or Santa Claus too!

Ray: She is.

I hit Ray in the head for admitting that. Angel threw a tantrum and threw her ice cream at us. I dodged it, but Ray wasn't so lucky. She got out of her seat and walked toward the door, causing a scene.

Angel: I hate you Mommy!

Nia: Alright, it's time to go. *mumbles* I don't need any witnesses when I beat that ass.

Ray threw Angel over her shoulder as she kicked, screamed and cried.

Angel: Help me! My mom is going to kill me! Rape!

Nia: Girl, don't nobody wanna touch you!

We dragged her out before someone called the cops.

Nia: Angel, I swear to you I'm gonna beat that ass when we get home.

Angel: Are you sure, or are you lying about that?

Ray: Damn, for three years old, she got a smart ass mouth...

Imagine what would happen if she was like "I'm eleven, so shut the fuck up"...

Alright, it's over. How did you like the first part of the chapter? I'm unsure of how to continue with the next chapter, so...yeah...

Anyway, read Devastation by the one and only, me! Bye!

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