The Narnian Prophecy » Narnia...

Par mocha_rice0

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(Book 1)[COMPLETED] (Characters aged up: Edmund and reader are 15) Y/n L/n is the granddaughter of Professor... Plus

The Narnian Prophecy
Meeting the Pevensies
Hide and Seek
I Think I Believe You Now
Why, Edmund?
Back In Narnia
The Witch's Castle
The Summer Witch
Mr. Fox
Father Christmas
Aslan's Camp
Edmund is Back
Aslan's Death
The Battle
Our Coronation
A New Narnia
A Masquerade Ball
A Bet of Gold Coins
Chore Day in Cair Paravel
A Dance at Midnight
Alliance Reunion
Midnight Orchid
The Pirate Queen
Unexpected Addition
Duels and Nightmares
We're Back?
The Sequel is Up!
New Book?

Our Wedding Day

16.1K 475 1.2K
Par mocha_rice0

(Image not mine)

(Twenty Months Later. I know it's a long time but bear with me.)

Peter is 27, Susan is 26, Edmund and Y/n are 24, Lucy is 20. (About nine years in Narnia)


I'm more nervous than I have ever been in my life. Even more than the night before our coronation. Or even more than during the battles I've fought in. And all I was doing was talking to Peter. I paced in front of the doors to the throne room, waiting for him to finish discussing business with some diplomats. I stopped as the large doors swung open and the diplomats walked out towards the entrance of Cair Paravel before I went inside.

"Peter!" I called for his attention and he dismissed his attendants. "Can we talk?"

"Sure, what is it? You look terrified."

I let out a nervous chuckle and directed him towards the terrace. I got a sense of deja vu when I realized this was the same spot I admitted to myself that I had feelings for Y/n. What a coincidence.

"Oh, there's Y/n," Peter pointed down at the lawn. "And Susan and Lucy."

I peered over the railing, "Looks like they're playing football."

"I haven't played that in years," Peter sighed and turned to me, "Now what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

I wrung my hands nervously for a moment before pushing them back down to my sides. I had to do this, I couldn't remember why, but I knew I had to. "I would be asking someone else, but seeing as he's not in this world, I've decided you're the next best thing. Kind of like an older brother."

"But I am your older brother," He raised a brow.

"No, not for me." I gestured down to the girls on the lawn. "For her."

He took a moment to understand, "For Y/n?"

"Yes," I took a deep breath, looking down at Y/n for a moment before meeting Peter's calculating eyes. "I love Y/n more than anything else in this or any other world, and I hope to spend the rest of my life proving that to her."

Peter's mouth opened slightly, just now realizing what I was saying. Before he could say anything, I continued.

"I'm here because I would like to ask Y/n to marry me, and I would be honored to have your blessing."

I felt a breath escape my mouth and with it a lot of my worries. I finally had it over with, and I was sure Peter would give us his blessing. I stared at him, waiting for his answer. But when he frowned my stomach dropped.


It took me a moment to process what he said. "No? Why not?" I demanded.

He sighed, "Ed, you're far too young to marry."

"We're twenty-four!"

"Which is too young! I know that you love each other dearly, but you should wait for a couple more years."

"We've been together for over six years. I'd say that's long enough. Besides, mum got married to dad when she was twenty." I reasoned.

"I don't remember that."

"Well, I do." I sighed and leaned on the railing, watching Y/n kick the ball with Susan and Lucy. "I don't need your blessing to marry her. All I need is for her to say yes."

"Edmund, I don't want you two to rush into anything."

"Peter, I'm not rushing." I turned back to him and fished a box out of my pocket. "I had this made months ago, I've waited long enough."

He stared at the small silver box, mouth open. Eventually, he sighed and looked back up at me, a new shine in his eyes.

"I guess there's no more protecting you, huh. You are an adult now, you don't need me looking out for you."

"Wait, do you mean-"

"Edmund Pevensie," He placed his hand on my shoulder. "You have my blessing."

I gaped at him then pulled him into a strong hug, "Thank you, Peter. It means a lot."

He clapped me on my back before pushing me out the door, "Now, hurry up and propose!"



"Ed, where are we going?" I chased after him down a narrow hallway that I'd never been down before.

"Come on, slowpoke!" He quickly climbed a spiral staircase in a dark corner, pushing open a trapdoor at the top.

"You try running in this nightgown, it's insane!"

"Here," He laughed, giving me his hand to pull me through the trap door.

I walked out onto the roof, the beautiful Narnian night sky illuminating the blanket and pillows laid across the roof's tiles. Edmund pulled me over and we sat down, gazing out across the sea of stars.

"How do you have this much charm?" I snuggled up closer to him, "Did you read a book or something?"

"I'm just naturally gifted." He brushed the hair out of my face before pressing his lips to my forehead.

"I'll say."

He chuckled and laid down on the pillow, pulling me with him. We stayed silent for a while, watching the stars as he stroked my hair.

"Do you ever think about the future?" I whispered. "Like, our future?"

"You have no idea."

"I know we've talked about what it would be like to get married..." I started, unsure of how to continue. "But do you think we'll ever have kids?"

"That's all up to you, love." He kissed my head again. "Though, I think our children would be very attractive."

I laughed, satisfied with his answer. I was prepared to drop the subject but Edmund continued.

"What would our wedding be like?" He wondered.

"Hmm. I suppose we should invite all of Narnia since we are King and Queen. It would be a grand event. Though I would like our closest friends in the actual ceremony."

"Me too. Besides, I don't think the throne room can fit an entire country."

"I doubt it."

Just like that, we were quiet again. I felt at peace for the first time in a while, being in his arms with no one around. No duties, no people to please, nothing else in the world existed. It was just me and Edmund, and that's the way it should be. I was about to close my eyes and drift off to sleep when he spoke.

"Let's get married."

I was suddenly awake. "Like, actually?"

He sat up and faced me, pulling out a silver box. I gasped as the weight of his words came crashing down on me. He was actually proposing. This was actually happening. Hold on, I might cry. I'm already crying.

"Y/n, I haven't even said my speech yet!" He complained, wiping the tears off my face.

I swatted his hands away. "Sorry, sorry. Continue."

He sighed but couldn't hide his smile. "Y/n L/n, you are quite honestly, the love of my life. You've been there for me through thick and thin and picked me up when I thought I could never stand again. You believed in me when no one else did, even when we were only fifteen and I didn't know what loving someone felt like. You will always be known as 'The Summer Witch', the woman who saved Narnia, but to me, you will always be my home. I belong with you. No matter what happens to us, I want to be by your side. I want to spend my life with you, grow old together, and spend my next lifetime by your side."

I couldn't help the small gasp that escaped my mouth, overwhelmed by his words.

"I love you, Y/n." He opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you marry me?"

I choked back my tears, "Yes. Yes! Yes, yes, yes! A thousand times yes!"

I tackled him in a hug that nearly sent us tumbling off the side of the roof. He laughed and pulled back a little to kiss me gently. My tears made the kiss taste salty but he didn't seem to mind. I felt him slide the ring onto my finger and broke the kiss to look down at my left hand.

It was probably the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. You could tell there was a lot of thought that went into it. The band was made of gold and carved into elegant swirls and leaves around the diamonds. The leaves and swirls closely resembled my crown, and the gold and diamond had the same color scheme as the crown too.

"Is this actually happening?" My voice sounded hoarse.

He chuckled and brought my hand to his lips, kissing the finger with the ring. "It is, love."


(One Month Later)


"Oh Aslan, Y/n, you're shaking!"

"I know, it's kind of hard not to."

I took her hands in mine, trying to keep her from trembling. Then again, how could she not? It was her big day, the day almost every girl dreams about. She had a beautiful white dress and veil and everything. Not to mention the gorgeous diamond ring on her finger.

"Where's Susan?" She looked over my head and into the crowd of Narnians hustling about behind the grand doors of the throne room.

Even with her heels, she had to stand on her toes to look over my head. We were almost the same height now.

"She's dealing with the finishing touches. Don't worry, she'll be here any minute."

I let go of her hands to adjust the crown on her head that had moved a little with all of her fidgetings. Y/n bounced on the balls of her feet, her anxiety clear to everyone.

"Stop worrying, Y/n." I chuckled.

She scoffed, "I'll be sure to tell you that on your wedding day."

I grinned at her playfully, stopping when I caught sight of a flash of purple. "Ah, there she is."

Susan came to a stop next to Y/n and immediately began fussing over her veil and train. "That's the last bit."

"Good, now stop your fussing."

"You sound like Mr. Beaver." Y/n commented.

I ignored her and went to stand in front of her, Susan in front of me and standing at the doors. This was how we were going to walk down the aisle, Susan first as the only bridesmaid, then me as the maid of honor, then Y/n and Peter.

Wait, Peter. I stood up on my tiptoes and searched the heads of all the Narnians around us. I quickly spotted a mop of golden hair, topped with a gold crown.

"Peter!" I called, "Hurry up!"

He hurried through the crowd of people and when he emerged Susan gasped.

"What happened to you?!" She ran over to him and began to wipe his face with a hankie.

He was nothing short of a mess. Tears streamed down his face and his hair was crazy. Thankfully, his suit was fine.

"It's just-" He sniffed. "They're all grown up now. And I get to walk her down the aisle. And Edmund's up there waiting for her. And they're finally getting married-"

"I thought you didn't want them to get married at first." Susan tried her best to collect all the new tears.

"No! I just didn't want them to go into it too fast! I never wanted them to not get married." He was hysterical by now.

"Oh dear," Y/n chuckled.

"Pull yourself together!" I quickly fixed his hair and straightened his suit. "You are High King Peter, you better look the part when you walk Y/n down that aisle."

He nodded and I heard Y/n whisper, "Scary."

I hauled him over to Y/n's left, waiting until they linked arms to go back to my place. And not a moment too soon as the calm music changed to the main song. That was our cue. I checked behind me one last time, thankfully Peter looked normal now.

The doors swung open and Susan stepped out for the guests to see before making her way down the aisle. I counted to five before following, gripping even tighter onto the bouquet in my hands. Hundreds of people filled the seats and I recognized many familiar faces. Some just from walking around the city, others from the staff of the palace, and even my close friends like Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers. Mr. Tumnus gave me a reassuring smile as I passed him and moved to stand next to Susan. It was only then did I see everyone at the end of the aisle. Of course, there was Edmund, looking regal in his wedding attire, and next to him Oreius. Who knew that out of the four of us he would be the one to get married first. 

What I wasn't expecting was Aslan sitting where the officiant would stand. He gave me a small wink before turning back to the doors just as all the guests stood up.

I turned to the doors, the colored light of the large stained glass window illuminating Y/n and Peter as they entered. Poor Y/n looked overwhelmed, but if you didn't know her well, you wouldn't be able to tell. She smiled at the guests, not yet being able to see the people at the end of the aisle over the heads of the guests. I looked at Edmund and couldn't help the grin that stretched across my face.

My dear brother was absolutely smitten, anyone could see it. It was like his vision had tunneled and all he saw was Y/n walking towards him in a beautiful wedding dress. It was the kind of reaction you only heard stories about, mouth open and eyes wide, seemingly oblivious to the world around him.

I turned back to Y/n just in time to see her tear her eyes away from the crowd and catch sight of Edmund for the first time. She stalled slightly but Peter kept pulling her along. Her anxiety seemed to have vanished and was replaced by pure joy, evident in the large smile on her face. She, too, looked at him like he was the only thing she could see, the only thing that mattered. I doubt she even registered that Aslan was there.

She and Peter climbed the few steps to the altar before Peter placed her hand in Edmund's and walked over to stand next to Oreius, the tears coming back. I watched Y/n and Edmund gaze into each others' eyes, hand in hand. How wonderful it must be to love someone so deeply.

Aslan's voice echoed around the room, saying a few words that I didn't pick up. I was too mesmerized by Edmund and Y/n in front of me. I could feel their love for each other from here, and it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever felt.

-Two chapters in one day! This turned out a lot longer than I expected lol. That seems to be a recurring theme lately. I did my best to describe a proposal and wedding, even though I have no idea how either works. Writing it made me want to experience it so badly omg. Oh, and the ring in the picture is both the engagement ring and the wedding ring, just so you know. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it!-


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