The Other Side Of Marriage

By LizK_09

150K 3.8K 315

Liz is a young woman with a dream job, a great family and a wonderful husband. Life couldn't get any better t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Epilogue

Chapter 28

3.1K 86 5
By LizK_09

Liz's POV

The following day I woke up around 8 in the morning. I didn't put an alarm, so I slept till late. The wedding is taking place around ten and I either have to be super early or fashionably late, which it looks like late will do today. I went to the kitchen and made some coffee when the doorbell rang. I tied my robe well and went to open the door. My brothers were outside and I immediately let them inside.

"You guys ready yet? And where is the groom? We got less than two hours to till showtime." Paul asked.

"Showtime?" I scoffed before continuing, "Well, I didn't see Erastus, and I just woke up. I am not ready yet because I only need thirty minutes to get ready." I told them.

"Morning little one." Mark greeted kissing me on the cheek.

"Morning. I was making coffee, you guys want some?" I offered.

"Sure, we would like some. You go make coffee, I will go wake him up. Which room is it?" Jack asked.

"Third on your right," I said heading to the kitchen with Mark and Paul right behind me.

"So, poor guy doesn't even sleep in the master bedroom in his own house?" Paul asked.

"No, this is my house now." I joked and at the same time, Erastus and Jack walked in.

"Can you make a very strong coffee Liz? My guy here looks like sh*t" Jack said.

"I think we can all see that he doesn't look good, question is what happened?" Mark asked.

"Liz, what did you do?" Paul asked.

"Why the hell are you asking me? I went to bed after you guys left." I defended myself.

"Guys, can you all just keep it down? Liz, it is your fault." Erastus said taking the cup of coffee from me.

My brothers all looked in my direction and I shrugged. I didn't know what Erastus was referring to either.

"So I couldn't sleep last night, I had a headache so I came to the kitchen to find some painkillers but I drank sleeping pills by accident. Why do you even have them, Liz?" Erastus asked.

"Oh my, I am sorry. Didn't you read first?" I asked.

"No. I keep my painkillers in that drawer so I didn't even know that you added some of your own," he said.

"Shoot. I am sorry. I have had trouble sleeping sometimes since last year when I was going through a divorce and I keep them with me wherever I go just in case. Please don't look at me like that, you all have no idea how it feels to go through so much sh*t." I said in defense.

No one said a thing after that, we all exchanged stares and drank our coffee.

"Gentlemen, I think we need to start getting ready. So do you Liz." Paul said.

"Uhmm, you guys go ahead, I am going to meet you guys at the reception," I said.

"No way. Why are you not going to attend? Get ready, you are a bridesmaid after all." Mark said.

"I am not. I don't even have the dress, so you guys go ahead." I told them.

"Whatever," Jack said leaving. The other guys followed one by one, and Erastus was the last to leave. He stared at me, shook his head, and walked out. I didn't know what that look was all about, but I seriously just didn't feel like attending the wedding, I don't know why. I went into my room and looked through my closet for a suitable navy blue dress. I left a lot of my clothes here since I only took two pieces of luggage with me to London. I found two, so the only thing I needed to do was to pick one. I wanted to wear navy blue because it's the color that the groom and the groomsmen are wearing. I don't belong to the bride's side, not with that excuse of a dress she tried to make me wear anyway. I put on a swimsuit and decided to go for a swim.

I walked towards the back door just to find Erastus coming into the house, drying his hair with a towel, looked like he also went for a swim.

"Liz, a word?" he asked as I was about to walk past him.

"Sure," I said coming to a stop.

"Why aren't you attending the wedding? I hope it's not because I said something about the sleeping pills," he said.

"No, of course not. As I said, I am sorry." I said.

"Then why? Liz, how would you feel if I bailed on your wedding?" he asked.

"Well, I have no idea since you already attended my first wedding and there will not be a second wedding," I said smiling.

"I am serious here. Anyway, you not planning on getting married again when you find yourself another jack *ss?" he asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"No. Look, it's not like I am missing the whole wedding, just the ceremony but I will be at the reception," I said.

"Sure. That makes me feel so much better," he said sarcastically.

"Okay. Honestly, I feel like I will not know where to stand. I never thought your wedding would come, and I will not be a bridesmaid, even though I was the one that declined."

"I will be the one standing at the alter, you will be seated with everyone else. It kind of was your decision to send the dress back," he told me.

"Do not worry I will be there, just go get ready and I will do so as well," I said walking towards the ocean. Stepping in the water was relaxing that I didn't want to leave. I groaned as I walked towards the house so I could start getting ready. Jack was already dressed when I got home and that's when I realized I had to get ready if I am planning to leave with them.

I took a quick shower so I have more time to do my hair and makeup.
I put on very light makeup and red lipstick, not too bright. I was planning on having my hair in a bun but it didn't quite work out. I let it down instead and curl it at the end a bit.
I had to choose between the floral dress and the body-hugging one. I wanted to ask my brothers' opinions but I knew they were busy, so I picked the body-hugging one. It was a few inches below the knees with a slit up to my thigh. The slit wasn't that high, so it was not revealing that much. I put on my black heels. I am not that tall, so I wear high heels so they add to my height. I grabbed my gold clutch, put my phone, and lipstick inside before heading to the living room.

I found Mark in the living room with a hanging bow tie around his neck. He was looking good in his black tuxedo. I fastened his tie for him.

"Damn, you look good for someone who didn't want to attend the wedding," he said.

"I will ignore the last part and just thank you for the compliment. You don't look bad either." I said.

"Since Malea couldn't come, and Paul and Jack are groomsmen, you will be my plus one. Anybody looks at you the wrong way, I knock them out," he said.

"Oh no, we are not knocking anybody out today. It's a happy occasion. I guess being your plus one isn't a bad idea." I said and the rest of the guys walked in their navy blue tuxedos. I realized that none of their ties were fastened.

"So, none of you can fix your ties?"I asked as I fix Erastus' bow tie.

" Our wives do that." Paul shrugged.

"Except for Jack of course. I guess he just doesn't wear bow ties, since he is always single." Mark added laughing.

"All done. Can I just comment on how good you all look right now? I am speechless." I said after I helped Paul and Jack with their yellow bow ties.

"Thank you. Looks like you are also going?" Paul asked and I nodded. We took a picture and decided to leave. There was half an hour later for the wedding. Paul, Jack, and Erastus took Erastus' porch while Mark and I were in my car. It didn't take a long time to get to the church where the wedding was taking place. There were guests here and there. I texted Katie to ask her how far they were and she said that they were about to leave the house.

We were in the waiting area next to the church, with Erastus nervous as hell. I didn't even know what to say or if it will even make a difference.

He stood near the window alone and I joined him.

"You think they'd be happy?" he asked and I just looked at him because I had no idea who he was referring to. "My parents, Justine?" he asked. It was more of a statement than a question.

"I am sure they would be. I mean I am pretty sure your parents couldn't be more proud of the person you have become and because of today. Your mom would've probably cried too many times already but wherever they are, just know they are happy and are always there with you, in your heart." I assured him. I am not so sure but I know I meant it and I was honest. I got to meet his parents, and they were the sweetest and kindest people I have ever met. Of all the times I have been at their house, I always felt like I was in my own house. They were always so welcoming and loving.

"You think they would have like Rose?" he asked.

"If they liked me, with all my craziness, then they would have loved her. I know you probably won't believe me, because Rose and I have our differences, but she is a great person. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that you both love each other, and you are all happy. Now stop overthinking." I told him.

"It's time. You ready man?" Jack asked.

"I think so," Erastus replied putting his hands in his pockets.

"Look man, if you want to back out, you can do so now because the moment you walk through that door, you are officially no longer single," Jack said.

"Are you kidding me right now Jack? You know what, that's probably the reason he is not yet married. If you are here, it means you have made up your mind. Go ahead." Mark said.
They left and Mark and I went to sit down in our seats as we wait for the bride to walk down the aisle.

The ceremony was over very soon and people started heading for the reception. Mark and I left a little earlier than everyone because I wanted to make sure that nothing was changed in the hall. Thankfully everything was in place. The changes I made weren't a lot, just replaced some yellow with white here and there. I didn't touch her yellow roses that were on each side of the aisle. She loved them and I didn't want to be mean.

I still didn't get a chance to talk to Katie or Laura. I saw Laura with her dad before the ceremony, but I have no idea who she sat with since Evan was a groomsman. By now, other guests have arrived and are filling up the tables. The bride and groom were the last to enter and Rose's face changed the moment she entered. She fake smiled but I knew she was not happy. I saw her scan around the room, probably looking for me. I pretend like I was talking to Mark so I don't meet her gaze. Erastus was doing alright, they walked towards their seats hand in hand.

The reception was amazing, I was seated at the table with my brothers, Katie and Jason as well as Laura and a lady named Sarah and her husband. It was really fun. After the couple's first dance, people started joining them on the dance floor. I saw Evan here and there but I ignored his attempts to put on a conversation. Mark went to pick up a call while the other brothers are busy dancing with some bridesmaids that I don't know. Someone occupied Mark's chair, I didn't bother looking as I thought Mark came back but I was so wrong.

"Hey, Liz. Are you ignoring me?" Evan asked.

"No. What gave you that idea?" I asked. Yep, I am playing the dumb card.

"It looks that way. You look great today," he said.

"Thank you," I replied.

"Would y-you... uhm.....would you like to dance with me? Asked Evan.
Before I could reply, I feel someone's hand on my shoulder so I looked up to check.

"No. She will not be dancing with you today or ever. So beat it!" Mark said in a spiteful way.

"Mark, calm down. Please don't create a scene." I pleaded with him but it looked like it was in vain because he looked like he was going to breathe fire any moment now.

"I will not Liz, but it also doesn't mean that I will allow this excuse of a man to come here and ask for a dance. He lost that right a long time ago. Listen here Evan, stay the hell away from my sister, or I will break your face. Mind you, I punch a lot harder than Jack." he said.
Evan got up from the seat and left.

"Was that even necessary? I was handling it." I told him.

"Oh yeah? How were you handling it? You were probably going to tell him, no, and he will try to convince you and you will give in just because you don't want him to make a scene. Well, guess what, I hate him because he hurt and didn't appreciate you. You weren't even supposed to leave that marriage empty-handed but you let him get away with everything. It's like you have a soft spot for him." he said.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else and at a different time? You are always questioning my decision as if you would know what to do in my position. You don't get to do that. Plus I do not have a soft spot for him, I let him keep everything for Laura's sake." I said picking up my clutch and heading out to the restrooms.

When I got out, I found Rose in the hallway staring at me like she wants me dead.
Maybe she does want me dead.
She asks that we talk in the nearest room, I guess the caterers have been using it before today since it was full of dusty furniture and other things that I didn't know since they were covered with white cloths.

"I know it was you that changed my reception, but what I don't get is why. So why don't you enlighten me, Liz." She started.

"Why would you think it was me?" I asked.

"Well, where do I start, maybe because you are jealous of me, you have issues with me and you actually asked me last time about it but I turned you down. Am I correct?" she asked.

"That is circumstantial and not true. I am not jealous of you sweetheart, that's all in your head, as far as issues are concerned, I think that applies to both of us. I will not deny it though it was me, and I did for you, for him, and everyone else. Was it my position to do it? No! But was it for the best? Yes!" I told her.

"Please spare me all the 'Erastus hates yellow' bs. Are you expecting a thank you? It is not happening. You keep interfering with my wedding plans. This is my wedding. You ruined everything." she shouts a bit louder.

"How exactly did I ruin anything for you? You are married, and I wouldn't have gone behind your back if you would have just heard me out, or at least get the truth out of him. You saw what happened the other day we came here, so you wanted history to repeat itself?" I asked her.

"Look, if Erastus wanted to tell me about it, then he would have. I just don't see where you fit in. Stop making excuses and just tell me the truth. Just say that you did it because you wanted to get back at me." she said.

"If I was getting back at you, I would have made your reception black. You are telling me that if Erastus wanted to tell you, he would have, but did you ever stop for a minute and ask for his opinion when you were planning everything? He didn't object because he wanted you to have your dream wedding and he thought that the yellow would not be that bad. That was until he saw the reception and he told me he couldn't do it. I was helping a friend out because he would do the same for me. You on the other hand are just thinking about yourself. Did you ever stop for a moment just to think of how someone can be afraid of a simple color? I mean it's just a color, right? To him, it's not just a color since he had to go for therapy for half a year." I said.

"T-therapy?" she asked.

"Yes. Look it all started when we just went in grade 12, Erastus tried out for basketball and he made the team but his friend Dustin or at least he thought he was his friend didn't. Dustin got jealous. Since he knew how much his friend couldn't stand yellow, so he used it against him with prank after prank. From painting his locker yellow to leaving yellow sticky notes all over his desk. He also pulled some strings, since he is a rich kid, that the basketball team's uniform became yellow.
That yellow ordeal went on for months, and a lot of people found it funny. At that time he was still dealing with his sister's passing and all the guilt, so since it was Justine's favorite color, seeing it around him reminded him of how thinks he failed to save his sister.

He got depressed, his grades started dropping and he even quit the basketball team. He loved basketball. He ended up in the hospital one night because he overdosed on antidepressants and that's when the doctor suggested he goes for therapy. He got better, but he is still having a panic attack right now. So you see, if I had issues with you I could have let everything the way it is just so I get to see him walk out on you again today, but I did not, because I just wanted my friend to be happy on his big day. He has gone through a lot and has lost so much in this life, so I just wanted him to have a moment and just be happy with the love of his life. Anyway, to you I will always be the bad person, the jealous one, and the one that has issues with you. It's okay though, it was all worth it if my friend is happy." I said.

She remained quiet for a while as if he is letting it all sinking in. I decided to leave. As I open the door she said, "Liz, I - I......".

"Save it, Rose. I have a bigger problem to face now." I told her and left.
I went to find Erastus so I tell him I told someone his most hidden secret. Rose would've never understood if I didn't tell her. I do not even know if she actually understands now, or I am still the jealous friend trying so hard to steal her husband.

I found him speaking to his boss near the dance floor and I signaled him to finish up. He dismissed the boss and walked towards me. I swallowed nervously because I don't know how he was going to take it. Please let me not get scolded three times today.

"Hey, can we talk?" I said trying hard to keep my voice high and a neutral face.

"Sure, after our dance," he said taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor. Let me not lie, I can't waltz, I just wing it. I follow whoever I am dancing with and just let the music guide me.

"I am sorry." I started as we glide back and forth.

"What for?" he asked.

"Rose and I were talking or arguing, she wasn't too happy that I made some changes to the venue, so I ended telling her the truth about what happened. I know it wasn't my decision to make, much less my secret to tell, but it has been a long day, and people scolding me for the decision I make that it just slipped. I guess for once I had a valid reason so I took it as an opportunity to justify myself. I am sorry." I explained.

"Where is she now?" he asked.
Really? I offer a sincere apology and he doesn't accept it or reject it?

"I am not so sure about where she is, but I left her in the storeroom," I said spinning out and back in.

"Look, it's all good. At least now she knows and maybe the tension between you two will reduce. No need to apologize, since you kind of, did me a favor since I had no idea how I was going to tell her." he said.
We continued to dance before Mark decided to cut in. He came around the same as Rose, so she and Erastus went to sit back down.

"You good?" he asked.

"Peachy. You?" I asked.

"Look, sorry about what I said earlier. You are an adult and you make your own decisions. I have no right to question you. I cannot say the same for that coward Evan. If I see him anywhere near you I will beat him up." he said.

"Mark, that apology wasn't necessary. Just know that I have no plans of going back to Evan, I don't even think about it. I just try to be civilized especially in public. You want to beat him up, go ahead if it will make you feel any better." I told him.

I decided to go sit back down because the heels were starting to kill me. The ceremony was coming to an end in an hour and people were giving their gifts to the bride and groom.

Mark and I were the last people to go give ours. I took the small box and handed it to Rose. She didn't hesitate to open it, saw the earrings, and gave me a questioning stare.

"They belonged to Erastus' mom. She gave them to me years ago but she passed away immediately after so I never wore them. I think you deserve to have them since you are her daughter in law and she is not here to give you something in person." I told her.

She kept looking at them and when she looked up she had tears in her eyes.
She pulled me into a hug and whispered 'Thank you' over and over. I can't say I was surprised because this is the Rose I knew about everything that happened between her and I.
"This will be my most treasured gift ever. I never got to meet her, but she is with me from now on," she said removing her earrings and putting on the ones I gave her.

Mark removed his watch and handed it to Erastus.
No, no. That was dad's watch.

"That watch belonged to my dad. Grandfather gave it to him when he got married and when he got deployed the last time, he left that on my bedside table. He was away when I got married. I am giving it to you now because I don't think it fair that you don't have any parents present today. Mom apologizes for not being able to make it." Mark said.

"Mark, you know I cannot take that. That belongs to your family." Erastus said.

"Firstly, I was not asking and secondly, you are family. I know people will say I was supposed to give it to my son one day, but he is 9, so I think I have enough time to buy another one." Mark joked.

"Whatever man. Thank you." Erastus said.

Rose threw her bouquet and it was caught by one of her bridesmaids, I don't even know her name.

"Guys, I have to go. I am going back to London tomorrow and I am not done packing yet so I will see you guys soon. I wish you nothing but happiness in your marriage." I told the lovely couple.

"It's alright. We are also leaving, our flight leaves in an hour. Our honeymoon awaits." Erastus said.

"You are not going to tell me where we are going?" Rose asked.

"It's supposed to be a surprise. If I tell you, it will not be a surprise anymore." he reasoned.

"Whatever. I will find out at the airport anyway," she said.

"Okay, I will see you guys in two years. Hopefully, I will be an aunt by then. No pressure." I said, winking, and walked away before one of them could reply.
I found Mark with Laura in the parking lot.
"You packed already right?" I asked her.

"Yes, mom. I told you that two days ago," she replied.

"Good. We are going to pick up your luggage and we will sleep at my place." I said.

"Yes. I am so excited. I can't wait to go to London and post everything on Instagram." she said.
Mark and I exchanged a look. Kids nowadays! He shook his head and drove to Evan's house.

It didn't take long and soon we were at the beach house. To my surprise, Jack and Paul were there.

"I thought you guys were traveling back to New York tonight," I said.

"We were supposed to, but we decided to spend one more day with you," Jack said.

"Ooohhh. I love you guys." I said.

"Okay okay, we know you love us. I mean everyone with us for brothers would love us. Just don't get all emotional now." Paul said as we head into the house.

I packed my luggage and went to sit with my brothers in the living room. Nathan and Annie were here as well, turns out Laura was so excited that she forgot her phone. They didn't come with the baby. I don't know why Evan had to send Nathan and Annie to bring it, maybe he is a bit intimidated by my brothers.

We watched a movie and then decided to play for thirty seconds. The game went on for hours, turns out my brothers are sore losers. It was Nathan, Annie, and I versus Jack, Paul, and Mark. Laura went to bed after the movie. Around 2 am, they all have had too much wine and beer to even read on the card. Nathan said he was able to drive them back as they left the baby with the nanny, but he could barely even stand. I took them to one of the guest rooms, the one Erastus used to sleep in while my brothers took the other two guestrooms. I looked through Erastus' wardrobe and found a set of pajamas and gave them to Nathan while I gave Annie one of my pajama sets.

Laura was already fast asleep when I got into the room. I put on my alarm and slipped into bed. Good thing is that I didn't drink, so I am probably going to be the only one sober tomorrow morning. I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

My alarm went off at 7 am but I could hear the sound of cutleries in the KitchenMaybe I am not the only one sober after all. I went to the bathroom to freshen before making my way to the kitchen. It was non-other than Laura cooking the only thing she could cook. Pancakes.
"Good morning sweetie. I didn't know you were early ." I greeted her and started the coffee machine. I had to make a strong one for five people waking up with a hangover today.

"Good morning mom. I couldn't sleep last night, I was too excited. Do you want some pancakes?" she asked.

"Sure. How about you continue with what you are doing while I go wake them up?" I suggested then heading towards the guest rooms.
Waking up Annie and Nathan was easy, I just spoke of Alice, their daughter that they left with a nanny last night and they were out of bed in a second. As for my brothers, I just bribe them with breakfast.

I got back to the kitchen and poured each of them a cup of coffee while Laura was busy setting the table.

"Remind me to never drink again," Annie said as she walked into the kitchen with messed up hair.

"Sure love. Coffee?" I asked.

"Please," she said taking the cup.

"I called Maria, she and Alice are all good and she will stay until we go home. Which means you paying her extra this month for the extra hours she had to work." Nathan told Annie while taking her coffee from her.

"I get to pay her? I wasn't the one that was too drunk to drive us back home last night," she said taking another cup of coffee.

"It was your idea to come here before our date. You were excited that for once we get to go out without Alice. We never even went for that dinner." Nathan whined.

"Okay, guys. How about we save this for later so we go have breakfast. Laura made pancakes." I led them to the dining room where my brothers were seated looking like crap.

"You know something Laura if you make pancakes like these, you can come to New York any time," Jack said.

"Really?" Laura asked cheerfully.

"Yes, but you only go there when I am there," I told her.

Annie and Nathan left immediately after breakfast. The rest of us went for a swim together. Our flight was leaving at 2 pm I guess this was our family time before we leave. We soon went for lunch and we all went to the airport together. Their flight to JFK left before ours but it was great spending time with them. I was going back to London finally. The aim was to work hard and survive the two years left on my contract so I come back home. I do have Layla and her kids there as family but it's not home. I  don't like getting too attached to people when they are not always going to be there. This time I am the one who is not always going to be there in London. I guess that's just how life works. Everything happens for a reason, and all you got to do is live every moment.

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