Sophomore Year Journal

By SaraSempiternal

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It's kinda depressing. Sorry. It's my only outlet. More

The year of decades.
Not everything = happiness in Japan.
Cymbalta probably doesn't help.
Don't I make ya wanna scream?
How do you describe colors?
Cogs and Robots.
Symmetrical Sam.
The art of breaking.
Chalk Outline.
Biology/computer teacher/whatever he is.
Five Nights at Freddy's (Tyler's Story, Somewhat.)
The envelopment of hate (Josh's story)
We're only poor little souls who have lost all control.
I am Wolverine.
Can you reject yourself?
Coffee and Band Concerts
I don't care what "they" say.
"-polish gibberish-" SHUT UP WE'RE PRAYING!
Smokey Hoodies
Then I surrender unto sleep.
Dirty Dishwater Bumballooned Blonde hair.
press 1 for melee weapon
Ooooohhh ♪
That eyeroll though!
Sanic, surprise boxes and EEEAAA.
What Bible are you reading that says "sacrifice virgins"?
.... I wish someone actually read these.
Haters gonna hate
Badum, Badum... Badum!
Better beware, I go bump in the night.
Oh man.
again and again AND AGAIIIIN.
Like my status!

Christmas break, oh boy.

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By SaraSempiternal


WHATS UP! I haven't been around to really log anything into here to read. I'm just gonna touch on everything rather than give some long detailed thing.

1. AJ had a cousin named John and Amy who I managed to get close to. I'm really glad about that because they're both great people. I didn't like John too much and one day he messaged me saying my stuff dind't match up.. Like my name on skype and my mood. I didn't wanna hear it so I basically just told him off. I later difused the situation and we became friends seemingly overnight. Amy was I messaged her on Tumblr and talked things out and then we just talked ever since.

2. I talked to AJ about my feelings... Kinda. I told him it was a small interest and won't affect me in the long run if he said no. Which, he did being a man of responsibility he has other priorities and no romantic feelings. I told him that's okay (which it is) and that I'm fine (which I am not.) So I've been depressed over it for a good while and my wrist took a beating.

3. I made keychains for like up to 40 people in two weeks. That was a lot of damn plastic string and time. I also wrote letters and such to everyone I both mailed and handed them to. It was well worth it! It was something I made and loved to do (for the most part)

4. That Sam girl I had a small crush on for awhile I spent new years with. I'm gonna keep New years together with this one. I was suppose to go out with girls name Hannah R, Hannah H, Jazmaine and Megan bowling. I ditched them for Sam because why not? I felt overwhelmed and had more of a promise to Sam than those 4. Well, Megan has an ex boyfriend Michael. Hannah R is the worst human being on this planet and decided it woukd be funny to call him and say that Megan was inxoticated and about to have the R word done to her. Michael knows me and knows I won't tolerate it and called me asking about Megan. I flipped out and messaged everyone turns out she's fine. I hate all of their guts more now and I just ew. That joke wasn't funny I was ready to call the police and just..

5. I made the resolution to loose weight. I planned out specific stuff to start shedding pounds like crazy. I really want this to happen. I know before high school ends I;ll be around 120. I'm also growing my hair back out because really.. My hair being short doesn't make me feel any less or more than a man. In all reality, I want to try out some women stuff with my new weight whenever the time comes. This is going to be a changing experience. It's a low carb type thing with a lot of protein for hair and muscles. This is going to be well worth it in the long run. :D I hope to shed about 80 to 100 pounds by the end of this year and be at my goal around the middle of next year. My hair will take about 2- 2 1/2 years but that's okay. It doesn't seem like that will be much time. Also improving on Cussing (I tyr not to cuss in here because school detects it lul ((also made that as a present to Tyler and AJ))) and school. I want to take school seriously a long with my health and job.

6. Gaming has gotten BOSS. I got this game on Steam called PAYDAY 2. I play with AJ and John on it and it's so fun. I also got Borderlands 2, Castle Crashers, Terraria and Virtual Villagers 3 and Fish Tycoon. gaming feels great I get to escape from the world and take my anger out on pixels. Yaaaaas.

7. Depression sucks so bad. -_- There is nothing good about being so damn sad almost constantly. I wonder if my diet and excersise will do anything for it. I reall am hoping so because I'm sick of this, so much. Maybe my self image will improve and what-not.

Alright, that's pretty much the main points y0. :P Maybe I'll touch on it a lot more maybe not, we will see... But since I'm focusing so much on school you may not hear a lot from me unless I really need to vent. I'm hoping to use the last of my teen years to make some major self improvements that will carry on with me until my adulthood and all... Because really, being a teen isn't that important more than it is being an adult at times like this.. That's a topic for another day though.

One last thing..


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