Ishq Kinara[Love Ashore] Comp...

By AimmyB

193K 18.3K 27.9K

Five people. Five lives. Five tales. Each of them is struggling through life and these struggles aren't somet... More

Character Aesthetics
1. Abay Saalo'n!
2. A bunch of idiots
3. A regular Sunday
4. Changes
5. Shift
6. Realizations
7. Conundrum
9. Life
10. Clear Waters
11. Not Quite A Heartbreak
12. Too Much Work
13. Heart Ties
14. November
15. Not So Normal
16. Ashore
17. Serendipity
18. Dive
19. Horizon
20. Promise
21. Epiphany
22. Crown
23. Fall
24. Aurora
25A: Someday
25B. Everyday
26. Steady
27. Ripple
28. Crashing Down
29. Decisions
30. Crevice
31. Souvenir
32. Waves
33. Echo
34. Sinking Ships
35. Losing Grip
36. Fading
37. Unsaid
38. Ships in the night
39. Far from the shore
40. Life as it comes
41. Reminiscing
42. Homecoming
43. Warm
44. The same place
45. Changes and Constants
46. Traces
47. Start Over
48. Shore to the sea
49. Fall into place
50A. Love Ashore [Last]
50B. Love Ashore[Last]
Thank you Note
Bonus: Still Ashore
Bonus # 2: Then and Now
Once Upon a January

8. Friends

3.1K 336 616
By AimmyB

There weren't many instances of Izaan Shoaib being agitated. He always had a way of staying calm and composed in every situation. His grandfather had stated time and again he was mature than his age and also more practical than he should've been. This was the reason the occasions of him offending someone were scarce.

Today was one of those rare moments.

He'd been holed up in his room all evening. Memoona didn't think much of it. His studies often compelled him to shut the whole world off and lose himself in his books. But she had no idea he didn't do any studying. His mind was constantly flashing the image of Safwa almost on the verge of tears. He had always seen her smiling or being jolly with her friends. Hurt was something he hadn't seen her showcasing and to know it was because of him, caused by him, this didn't sit well with him.

It was the dinner time when he came out of his room. Taking his seat next to Ibtihaj, Izaan was making his plate when Memoona called him.


"Yes, Amma?"

"Where are you lost? Study pressure again catching up to you hun?"

Izaan shook his head.

"I was just thinking. Nothing else."

Shoaib looked up from his plate. Izaan was now attentive towards the ongoing conversation which was about his Abba and the new book pal he'd made. Safwa Kirmani.

"Finding this kind of taste in poetry in this generation is hard. We had such a good chat about Faiz and needless to say I wasn't disappointed."

Kamran Ansari's literature enthusiast was coming onto the surface after a long time. He loved it when his student had different viewpoints about a single piece of literature, it added to the vast spectrum of this field according to him. Now, years after, living his retired life he was feeling the same zest.

"She must be a literature student herself."

Memoona put in. Kamran Ansari shook his head and looked in Izaan's direction.

"Where did you meet her, Izzu? Is she a class fellow of yours?"

Izaan shook his head.

"She isn't a medical student."



A thoughtful look appeared on Memoona's face. It wasn't Izaan's nature to make friends going out of his league. All his life he had just two best friends. Izaan, Sarim and Hesham had met during a cricket match back in their teens. Their friendship had started that summer on the pitch and it had stayed the same ever since despite there being so many differences in the personalities and backgrounds.

"She's Sarim and Hesham's university fellow."

The thoughtful look had turned into a pleasant one. If Izaan didn't know his mother well, he'd overlook this but that was the thing. He knew her like the back of his hand.

"Such a lovely girl. She was so polite and the way she-"

"She's seeing Hesham."

He said and then glanced at his mother. The anticipation of few seconds back was morphing into realization.

"Oh! That's good to know."

"It's been almost two years. Their families are also very much looking forward to this. Right now both are in the middle of their degrees so things are pretty low key."

Memoona nodded now fully understanding the whole thing.

"Hesham never even mentioned! And he visits practically every week."

Ibsam put in.

"He must've thought Bhai told us already."

Izaan nodded.

"Yes, I should've told you guys. I also should've mentioned that Safwa is a friend."

"Thanks for that or else we were beginning to think she's some kind of secret you're keeping hidden from us all."

Ibsam's joke didn't make anyone laugh. Shoaib raised an eyebrow towards his son.

"You seem pretty happy today. Not the kind of attitude I expect from someone who forgot to pick his grandfather from the market."

Ibsam's grin was replaced by a sheepish look.

"I'm sorry about that, Baba. I explained to Abba as well and see! He's not angry with me."

Kamran Ansari shrugged his shoulders with a smile making Shoaib shake his head and go back to his dinner.

In all this Memoona hadn't said a word. Izaan saw resignation in her stance and he sighed that finally he cleared the notion which was just making its place in his mother's head.

But how to clear his own mind? He was pretty clueless there.


Bisma put the two mugs in the tray and taking careful steps reached the lawn. Safwa was sitting on the sofa swing playing with the tendrils of her hair coming out of her braid.


Bisma announced offering a mug of piping hot beverage to her niece. She'd been living with Safwa for the past twenty one years which was practically Safwa's whole life and there was never a moment Bisma couldn't understand what she was going through. Right now it was clear, Safwa was upset about something and was trying her best to brush it off.

"I'm not in a mood, Phupho."

Safwa complained but held the mug nonetheless.

"Don't worry about the taste. I haven't made it."

"I know. Only Nusrat Aapa's made coffee can smell this good."

Bisma raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not offended."

"You shouldn't be. I'm just stating the truth."

She took a small sip and even though she didn't feel like drinking it, Safwa couldn't help relishing the taste. Both of them sat there in the dim lights of the lawn silently, sipping from their mugs and giving each other the silent solace like always.

"What is it?"

Safwa shook her head.

"Nothing important."

"It made you upset so it is important."

"Not every time the things we find important are actually important, phupho."

Bisma now knew that something was definitely wrong.

"You had a fight with Hesham?"

"We never fight."

"But when you're in a relationship, people often don't see eye to eye on many things. It's natural and normal."

"It's not about Hesham. He always knows how to be civil about his opinions even though they are in a stark contrast with someone else. A good lawyer in the making I'd say."

"Then what it is, Safi?"

Safwa glanced at Bisma. She was worried about her because it wasn't her nature to get upset over things this easily. She had surprised herself as well this evening. She shouldn't have been this hurt over Izaan's lack of warmth or the fact that he didn't think of her as someone important to let his family know about her. She was overreacting and that she wasn't famous for doing.

But it hurt. It was like a reality check that Izaan Shoaib was among her close friends but she wasn't someone he thought of as even a friend.

This was pointless.

"Exams are approaching and I'm just worried how time is slipping. We aren't far away from venturing into the real world."

"You shouldn't be worried about that at least. You can always barge into the office and start working."

"Make it at least a bit difficult for me."

Bisma shook her head. Safwa smiled. She took another sip of her coffee. She had managed to divert her aunt's attention from her. Bisma was now talking about some new client she was finding hard to handle and Safwa was listening intently.

Izaan Shoaib had faded into a background noise for the time being. But he was there. Without her knowing and realizing.

Like he'd always be there.


Abay Saalo'n!

Sarim: Can we do a sleepover?

Hesham: What are we? Ten?

Sarim: You're two practically but do you see me complaining?

Hesham: **Pretending I didn't read that** Why the sudden need of a sleepover?

Sarim: Both Baba and Ammi aren't that fond of me at the moment.

Hesham: As if that's news. Who told you to play hero and interfere in Irma's Nikkah.

Sarim: I did nothing wrong.

Hesham: No one's saying you did wrong. You just had to take your parents and Irma in confidence first.

Sarim: I know. I figured. I just took the plunge. I was that sure of what I was doing.

Hesham: Wish I can do that.

Sarim: ??

Hesham: Forget about it. Where's Izaan?

Sarim: He isn't online.

Hesham: Speak of the Mama Devil!

Izaan: I messed up.






Sarim: Wrong group, mate.

Hesham: Who are you and why are you kidding?

Izaan: Guys! I. Messed. Up!

The next moment Izaan saw his phone's screen getting lit up with an incoming conference call. He sighed and picked it up.

"What the hell happened?"

Sarim was concerned.

"Can you actually do this? I mean messing up is more my thing and less Sarim's thing but not at all your thing."

Hesham was in disbelief.

"Who got it bad from you?

Sarim asked. Izaan hit his pillow.



"How dare you!"

Two very different yet very similar reactions had rung in his ears.

"Tell us the whole thing."

Sarim ignored Hesham's monologue of how the hell something could go wrong between Safwa and Izaan as he was sure they got along fine.

"You know Abba visits book market every Sunday. He met Safwa there few weeks back and since then both are kind of friends."


"Okay, then?"

Another set of different reactions.

"So today it happened that Ibsam was supposed to pick Abba up from the shop but he forgot and somehow Safwa was there and she dropped Abba home. He invited her inside and she did come. And that's where I messed up."

There was no response from both the sides. Izaan played with the thread coming out of his pillowcase waiting for them to say something.

"You did it again."

Hesham's voice was devoid of any anger, something Izaan was expecting as Safwa was both his girlfriend and a very close friend.

"Yeah, remember Hesham, when we visited his house for the first time how he was so aloof and even asked us what our problem was."

Hesham laughed.

"And I told him we were passing by and I had to use bathroom and since I couldn't hold it anymore so we thought we should go to his house might as well say hi."

Sarim couldn't help laughing as well. A small smile was playing on Izaan's face.

From very early on in their friendship both Sarim and Hesham knew Izaan was a very private person. He didn't like opening up to people about his emotions and some places were his sanctuary and only a few people could get to those.

His home life was one of his most private matters and he always got weird when someone he wasn't expecting to got a glimpse of it. He appeared aloof and cold from outside on such incidents but from inside he was just afraid of letting someone inside his most secured place. His home. His family. His life. Where he wasn't Izaan the topper, or Izaan the perceptive friend who'd always be there to help you on his bike, he was just Izaan, Izzu, Izaan Bhai and that was something he didn't like exposing to other people.

"I'm really sorry about what Safwa must've felt."

"You didn't mean it."

Hesham put in.

"I know but she's a friend and I never wanted to hurt her like that or in any capacity."

Sarim's brow scrunched. But he didn't say anything on that.

"Then make it up to her like you did to us all those years back. That was some ice-cream you treated us with."

"Yup. She'll understand. She always does."

There was a silence which spoke of their understanding. The friendship had formed into an unbreakable bond where words were never needed.



"You are coming over right?"

Sarim got up picking his keys.

"Yes, I'm."

"Wait! No! You two will gossip about me all night long! I won't let this happen."

"Feel free to join us."

Hesham also got up. He wouldn't miss this.

"I should go and inform Amma that you two are coming to stay overnight."

Izaan hung up the call and immediately left his room. The plan was set. Like all of their plans used to. Safwa Kirmani had gone to the back of Izaan's mind.

For someone whose barriers were always high, Safwa Kirmani had found herself a place in Izaan Shoaib's mind without his permission and he wasn't able to fight it.


Elaf took another bite of her toast and looked at her parents. Both Daud and Yusra were supporting solemn looks. The vestiges of their argument last night were still there no matter how hard they were trying appear normal.


Daud got immediately attentive towards her. Yusra just gave both of them a once over and turned back to her tea.

"I can go and apologize to Dado and Tayi Ji if you want me to."

This was something people who knew her would never expect out of her. Elaf Daud calling someone out rightfully but then repenting over it and trying to apologize when there was no fault of hers. But this was about her parents. She had always seen an understanding between them. Never had they argued over small things like many couples do. But when it came to Durrani Family, Yusra and Daud could never see eye to eye and that would end up in arguments and sometimes silent treatment as well. And Elaf hated it. This small house was their heaven where there was no space for fights over issues that weren't their issues in the first place. This was Elaf's way of resolving this tension. She knew her grandmother won't let the matter go that easily and as long as she kept on bringing it in front of Daud and blaming Elaf, things would always be bitter. So it was better to apologize to her and end this once and for all.

"You aren't going anywhere."

Yusra got up collecting used crockery.

"Mama, but..."

"No uts and buts. Elders should have that much patience and grace in them to listen to youngsters peacefully especially when they aren't wrong in raising an issue. So, you aren't apologizing to anyone."

She gave a disapproving look to Daud which spoke of so much.

"You have your exams in a day or two. Start preparing for those and forget that something even happened at your grandmother's place."

Elaf nodded. She had tried doing her best to turn things over but it seemed futile. Picking up her bag she turned to leave. Daud had just gone back to his newspaper when she bent down and hugged him wounding her arms around his shoulder.

"I love you, Baba! Never forget that! You are the most important guy in my life."

Daud's heart swelled with love and adoration for his daughter. She was now crossing the threshold of the house checking her phone for the ride she had just booked. Yusra wiped the tear which had stopped at the corner of her eye.

"Don't try to change her so that her actions will conform to your family's likes, Daud. In doing so, you'll kill her soul and I'd never forgive myself if that'll happen."

She left from there and Daud found himself once again juggling between two extremes of his life.


"This happens when you live away from your roots. The girl is messed up, nothing prime and proper about her. And that tongue! You can have it in writing that Daud and Yusra are going to have a hard time finding a perfect suitor for her."

Shabnam was cutting the vegetables but her tongue was moving faster and sharper than the knife in her hand. Elaf's words weren't leaving her. She had told both her husband and mother in law about it. Made it as much of an issue as she could and now she was waiting for a response from Daud and Yusra's side but they were silent about it and this was fueling her anger some more.

"She has always been like this. I don't see what Areeba sees in her. I can't stand her for more than five minutes."

Sumreen put her point of view regarding Elaf across and turned back to her phone. They were sitting in the lounge of Durrani house. Mrs. Bilqees was in her room taking a nap after offering her prayer.

"I will personally see to this. It's good you are already wry of her because I won't approve of my daughters fraternizing with that brat."

Sumreen scoffed telling her mother she wasn't going to do that. Specially when Elaf was studying in an institute Sumreen always wanted to get into but neither her marks allowed it nor her test score.

"Why you all are making her the bad guy here?"

Shabnam was taken off guard by Sabeera's sudden question. She looked helplessly at both Sumreen and Ruman.

"Sabeera, my dear..."

"No, Ammi, tell me what was wrong about her statement? If doctors aren't going to the hospital what's the point of them being doctors in first place? You know I've also started feeling that you educated me enough just so that Khala's full on educated family won't reject me. You never wanted me to have a career because marrying me was your only goal. See,now! I'm married. I'm about to be a mother. But I'm a doctor still not a doctor. And how happy my married life is. My husband sent me back here when I got pregnant because he couldn't look after me with his tough routine and all, his mother who happens to be my Khala, dropped me here because she is too old and too sick to take care of me and since then I'm at my father's house. My husband calls me once in a week and my mother in law once in two weeks. Such an amazing life I'm spending here."

Shabnam opened her mouth to say something but she was already getting up from the couch taking the support of the wall.


Shabnam went after her. Now she had to make Sabeera understand how she was luckier than most and how this married life was going to be so much better once the baby is born. She also had to call her sister and complain about her lack of phone calls. There was so much to do all thanks to Elaf.

In that moment Shabnam felt hatred engulfing her from everywhere by even imagining her name.

Sumreen saw her mother and sister walking away from the lounge. She shook her head and turned around. Ruman was leaning on his sofa and smiling as if deep in thoughts.

"Are you okay? I don't think this was funny at all."

Ruman's grin deepened.

"Seems like pretty dynamite, this Elaf."

"Dynamites explode, Ruman. That's the whole point. Stop thinking whatever you're thinking. Ammi will kill you."

"As if she can. I'm her only son."


"Stop being a headache and go make a cup of tea for me."

"I'm busy."

"You're using your phone."

"So are you."

"But kitchen isn't my responsibility. You are going or should I call Ammi?"

Sumreen wanted to smash his head with his phone but she had to get up. If her Ammi found out she wasn't doing Bhai's work she'd definitely get more pissed than she already was.

Ruman leaned back on the sofa once again. The grin was back on his face.


The upcoming week was a packed one for Elaf, Sarim, Hesham and Safwa. Sitting in the mid exam of the fifth semester of their respective degrees wasn't a piece of cake, by any means.

Sarim was the star student of his batch but this didn't mean he found it easy to tackle the mounting workload. He was serious about his studies because his career was the only thing which could take him where he wanted to go and for that he was working hard managing few other opportunities as well.

Safwa enjoyed studying business but she was also aware of the complexity of the subject. She wanted to get this degree with a good cgpa so that she'd be able to enroll herself in a master's program along with joining the family business to lessen Bisma's workload.

Hesham's mindset had changed regarding his field and since then his pattern of work as well. He was more serious and more attentive towards both the literature of laws in Pakistan and their implementation as well along with the case studies. The happenings on emotional and family front had taken a backseat for the time being. Now he was just focusing on acing his exams.

Elaf had started this semester with not much interest but studying for mids had brought her focus back to her degree. Sarim's notes had been instrumental in her preparation. She didn't have in her heart to bug him more and ask for him about the points she was confused about and this pushed her to resolve her problems on her own. She was successful to an extent. A lot of brainstorming and hard work but she was getting there.

Izaan was always neck deep in the pressure of his quizzes, tests, sub stage and practical so this one week when his friends were also busy like him, he took up the time to solve all the confusions he was facing in the lectures. Going to professors' offices and asking them those questions, excelling in practical work and having discussion sessions with both Kumail and Roshna, Izaan also had a packed week.

Because no matter the complications life was throwing their way, they were first and foremost those, students. Seekers.


Elaf sighed deeply and checking her name and University ID number, handed the sheet to the attendant who immediately moved to the person sitting behind her.

Last exams have a way of cheering you up, making you feel so light as if there's no worry in the word. Elaf was feeling like that. This mids felt like spanned on ages. The whole process was draining if the projects and mid semester assignments were also included.

Elaf pulled slung her bag on her shoulder and came out of the room. Another thing making her relaxed was her parents almost normal equation over the week. They were no longer having arguments over her paternal family and there were no new orders issued out of the lion den aka Durrani house. This was a good day. Elaf noted as she stared up at the sky. It was a clear blue with few scattered pieces of clouds here and there.

Perfect day for sea view.

Her eyes traveled across the open cobblestone pavement and lingered on a familiar mop of dark brown hair. His back was to her but Elaf had never misunderstood him as someone else. Maybe it was his aura or maybe she had a knack of spotting him among the crowd.

Sarim scratched his jaw deep in concentration. He was talking to a class fellow of theirs, probably having a discussion about a question in the exam. Then he patted the guy's shoulder as if telling him to better luck next time. Elaf had noticed it all in the few steps she had taken to reach his side.

"You'll make a good teacher."

Elaf announced once she had reached him. Sarim smiled shaking his head.

"That's not my area of expertise."

"But you are pretty good at explaining things."

"I'm also pretty good at being brutal in my opinions and that's a minus point. Students don't like honest teachers."

"No one likes honest people."

Elaf mumbled. Sarim could tell she was no longer talking about his vocation choices. But he didn't find it appropriate to comment.

"I almost forgot..."

She reached out and pulled the folder he had handed her a week back.

"Your notes."

"I didn't ask you return these."

"You didn't but they've served their purpose."

"That's good to know."

"Honestly, I'm really thankful. I didn't know what I would've done without your notes. Thank you for everything."

"Just thanks?"

"You want me to have your name on my degree when I finally manage to get it?"

"No, that's farfetched. A reserved seat in the front row during your plays will suffice."

Elaf laughed at this weird wish.

"You guys have any show coming up?"

He inquired with interest.

"No, we don't plan anything during exams season. Even our meetings are on hold. But it's music festival and cultural eve approaching so yeah, we will also come up with something."

"Perfect time to fulfill my demand."

"I was thinking you'd ask for a meme spot on my Instagram."

"That's also in works but I'd like to do that on my own because it also ensures your friendship."

Elaf stopped in her tracks.

"You're really mistaken if you think that getting into my Instagram feed is a friendship milestone you have to reach to be my friend. I was just jesting that day. Your notes, they helped me passing these exams, Sarim. Especially when my supposed best friend turned her back on me because of her own petty issues. You're my friend because what you did when you didn't have to do it, that's what friends do."

A smile had reached on Sarim's face. They both stood on the pack pavement which was leading towards the main corridor.

"Now, now! What do we have here?"

Hesham stood close to them and grinned like he had coughed them in a compromised position. Sarim shook his head and slapped his arm away.

"You guys are saying your friendship vows, hun? Like kids in kindergarten do?"

"Trust you to know what kids in kindergarten do. Is there something we should know?"

Safwa who was just few steps behind Hesham had also reached them.

"No, not you but Elaf here."

He stood close to her pushing Sarim out of the way.

"You're befriending him but do you know it's a package deal?"

"A what?"

"A package deal, shorty! If you're going to befriend this loser you should know befriending me, Safi here and that nerd Izaan is also compulsory. Package deal."

"I'm not shorty!"

"But you're shorted than me."

"Not my fault you've grown like palm tree."

"Without a brain. That's something."

Sarim put in. Safwa shook her head at the guys and pulled Elaf along with her. Both started walking on the pavement with the guys following.

"What about Dottie?"





"Are you out of your mind?"


"No way!"


"No, thank you."


"Again! I'm not short!"

"But shortcakes are cute."

"You can call me Ellie, or Elle if you really want to but not these nicknames."

"Ellie? Elle? Who are you? A blonde bombshell?"

"You are so annoying!"

"But you're enjoying it, shorty."

"Shut up!"

Sarim and Safwa just laughed at the ongoing pointless banter. One they reached the parking lot Elaf turned to them.

"You guys up for going somewhere?"

"Where to?"

"Look at the weather and the sky and tell me where do you think we should go, Sarim!"

Hesham immediately spotted his car and walking towards it opened the door.

"Get in losers! We are going sea viewing! Excellent idea, shorty!"

"Don't call me shorty!"


The all too familiar salty smell in the air and the pleasant noise of the waves clashing with each other, the clear blue sky and the feeling of the damp sand underneath the feet, the site had welcomed them like it always did, with opened arms.

If one thing Elaf loved the most about this city, it was the freedom of coming here anytime of the day. She could sit anywhere watching the waves all day long and wouldn't get tired. The moment she had glanced at the sky today she knew this day should be spent close to the sea. If it were up to Marva and Rabea, she'd had to take hours to convince them because some thing or the other would not add up and asking Mishal wasn't even an option as both her and Elaf weren't talking to each other. Elaf missed having them here but she was enjoying the new company she had gotten.

Hesham had folded his jeans and was now walking in the shallow water with his arms wide open. Elaf laughed at the comical yet serene picture he was making. Talking about the pictures, Safwa had taken out her phone and was capturing the beauty of the Clifton beach in all its glory.

There was something about this place. Something which felt like both beginning and ending. Something which had both euphoria and melancholy infused together in a perfect mix. The origin from where many stories were breathing their first gulp full of this salty air.

She knew when he had stood next to her. Her hair were colliding with his shoulder and his arm was touching hers.

"Did you manage to resolve the issue with your family?"

Sarim thought back to this whole week. Irma and him were same as they were before, Nauman who was almost always wary of him was in a worse mood but that was the usual, the normal. What did pain him was Farwa's silent treatment towards him who wasn't seeing why he did what he did but was thinking more on the line of how dare he did it.

"Yes and no both."

"Same, here."

Sarim chuckled.

"So this is how it's going to be every time? You gave me the same reply the last time as well."

"I think so. What did you do by the way?"

"I'm almost always doing something to offend my dictator father. He's in army and I think he never quite understood that you can't act like you are dealing with your juniors with your family. But it's been always like this. He also happens to be some 18th century misogynist who thing that he can handle the lives of the woman associated with him the way he wants to. Ammi, and then Irma, my sister."

"He seems like someone from my Dad side of the family. My Dado and him will get along fine, I guess."

"I doubt that. He can only get along fine with the people from his army base I think. His one such friend is right now my sister's father in law. A marriage I'm still not sure about and wasn't when the Nikkah was about to take place. I put across some demands of mind which I thought would secure Irma to some extent. But that backfired and now I'm here trying to escape my house as much as I can."

Elaf could see a story of a very familiar struggle in his eyes. The only difference was, he was fighting a battle every day while she had to endure it only when she was among her extended family members.

"My cousin is a doctor but she isn't practicing because she got married and now she's pregnant. Her mother, in my opinion sent her to a prestigious medical school not to add that on her CV but on her marriage portfolio. I kind of called her out for that and she got pissed and when she gets pissed she has a habit of pissing my Dado as well and then a phone call, bucket full of complains to my father about how spoiled and loud mouthed I'm. My Baba trying to resolve both the sides' issues without offending anyone and me feeling guilty when I shouldn't."

Sarim glanced at her profile and then looked away.

Elaf did the same.

Both together but not at the same time.

Missed chanced. Stolen glances.

Because if they had, they would've seen that maybe, what they both needed in life at the moment was just each other's support in the battles which were very similar yet very different.

"I think your doctor friend is here."

Elaf said looking at some distance. Sarim followed her line of vision. She was right. Izaan was here.

"Our doctor friend."

"Slow down. He doesn't even know me."

"Let's get you both acquainted then."

He held her hand and led her towards where now all others were gathered.

All the friends.


Izaan didn't know he'd meet a new addition to their usual group. He was familiar with Elaf Daud but this was the first time he had been properly introduced to her.

"I've heard a lot about you. Seems like you're a mother and doctor to these two?"

She pointed towards Sarim and Hesham. Izaan nodded smilingly.

"And you patched up this one when he broke his arm?"

Hesham glared at Sarim knowing too well he was the one to leak this information to Elaf.

"That was very long ago, Shorty. I was a nonsense kid."

"You're still a nonsense kid."

"For the love of everything holy, don't call me shorty!"

Sarim and Elaf had both uttered simultaneously. And needless to say another round of banter had ensued.

Izaan's eyes darted towards her who was standing at some distance clicking the picture of a camel which was taking slow steps on the shore. Izaan stood right behind her. He knew she was aware of his presence.


She locked her phone and turned to him. The smile wasn't as bright as it used to be before but it was there.


He opened his mouth to say more all the while playing with the small package in his bag but Safwa had turned to the other three who were now done with their banter session.

Leaving him there, Safwa had gone to the rest of their friends. Izaan stood there and then slowly shook his head. The package he was so nervously twiddling with was now lying still in his bag.


After spending another filled with nothing but laughs and joy, they agreed to turn back to their vehicles and get home. They were walking on the shoreline to get away from the shore. Sarim and Elaf were at the front followed by Izaan who was lost in his own musings and then Safwa who was continuously dialing her driver's number without any luck.

Hesham pushed his hands in his pockets and felt the salty air once more. His eyes traveled from Safwa to Izaan and then to Sarim and Elaf.

They both had been talking nonstop today. From minuscule to important things, Hesham had seen them even conversing through silence.

He shook his head when Izaan's words that If someone's going to fall in love with Elaf, he hoped it would be Sarim rang in Hesham's ears. He looked up once again and no matter how hard he tried to brush it off, his mind asked him a very important yet very uncalled for question.

How many times him and Safwa had acted like this? Talking continuously, conversing through eyes and silence?

They never had to work much on their bonding even when they came out of the friend zone but even then did they ever felt the need to being like this?

Simply because they never even thought it this way.

"Are you even in love with Safwa?"

His father's question from the other day rang in his ears and Hesham felt the noise of the waves in the distance were reaching to him even though he could feel the silence around him.

"Hesham, my driver isn't picking up. I think you'll have to drop me home as well."

Safwa reached his side.

"I was hoping that he'll pick up both me and Elaf and I'd then drop her to her place."

Elaf craned her neck.

"Don't fret, Safwa. My parents knew I had a plan of coming here today. My Khala lives nearby. I'm going to her place. My Baba will pick me up on his way back from office from there."

"You'll be able to manage?"

Elaf shrugged her shoulder.

"I use public transport a lot and honestly it's not that far. Ten minutes tops."

"Text us when you reach there?"

Sarim asked. He was suddenly regretting not taking his own vehicle with him today. It was there locked in university parking lot.

"Roger that, boss."

Hesham was uncharacteristically silent and they all felt it.

"You okay there, Hesham?"

Izaan asked but before Hesham could reply, his phone had rung. He picked it up and after giving few one worded replies cut the call.

"My dad. He needs me in the office right about now."


Sarim and Safwa cursed collectively.

"It's that urgent?"

"I should've brought my car today."

Izaan came forward.

"Guys, Elaf says she'll go on her own right? I don't think her Khala lives at a major distance from Safwa's. Let's get them both an Uber. I will go along and make sure that they reach safely. Hesham. Sarim's place is right in your Dad's office route. Drop him there on the way. I think it's all resolved."

He had come up with a good idea but Elaf was a bit perturbed.

"But I can go on my own! I always go on my own."

"You can and we all know you will but the thing is, you don't always have to."

Sarim had explained it as simply as he could. Elaf couldn't say anything to this. This was the first time she was hanging out with a bunch of guys and these three were proving this wasn't them going out of their way. The way Safwa was so causal about the whole setting it only meant this was pretty normal for them to look after each other like this.

Even after sitting inside the ride and bidding them goodbye Elaf couldn't help wondering about it.

"They are always like this. They aren't putting a show."

Safwa had picked on her confusion. Elaf shook her head.

"I kind of figured but guys are usually not this mindful about things."

"Well these three are. They are a perfect mixture of everything. One moment they'll be joking and roasting each other and the next they'll be having a deep conversation about feelings and emotions, add in their ability to take care of tiny details. I've gotten used to it. You'll also be. Because you're going to hang out a lot with us from now on. I'll make sure of it."

Elaf didn't say to her. She just smiled but she was looking forward to it.


Waving Elaf a goodbye who had just entered her Khala's house, Safwa looked ahead. Her area was at just fine minutes' drive from here. She had gotten a text from her driver that he was off to take Phupho to another corner of the city that's why he was taking this long. She had told him not to fret. Bisma didn't easily trust people specially the people she hired for Safwa and her daily works. Saleem Bhai was their trusted driver and he had been working for them for almost twenty years now.

The Uber had stopped right outside the perimeter of her house. Safwa got out of it. She could see Izaan getting off his bike. She hurriedly payed the captain so when Izaan had come to where the car was standing, the driver was already leaving. Izaan gave her a look which she ignored. She had just crossed the fence to get to the main gate when she had to stop.


Damn you, Izaan Shoaib.

Safwa knew this was coming. Though she had no doubts that Izaan genuinely wanted to make sure she and Elaf reached their destinations safely, still the way he had got off his bike and even took his helmet off, Safwa knew he was up to this.

"You can come inside. It's not suitable talking standing here."

Her tone was even. She wasn't inviting him in just to show him she had got more manners than him. She just didn't find it right to talk to him like that.

Like a stranger.

They were walking through the lawn when Izaan stopped by the sofa swing. Safwa raised an eyebrow when he shook his head.

"I can't go any further. It's not right."

"You don't have to feel guilty about it. Just because you didn't make me feel welcome to your house doesn't mean you should subject yourself to this."

"It's not about that. I will come inside someday but that day is not today. And no, I have to feel guilty about making you feel unwelcome in my house."


"I'm sorry. I'm not someone very good at receiving surprises and your arrival that day was nothing short of that. But this isn't an excuse. I acted aloof without even trying and you felt bad about it. It's all on me. I have no excuses because even I don't know why I'm so touchy about the things I hold dear."

"I thought we were friends."

"Were? We're still friends, Safwa. Just because I acted like an ass once doesn't mean this will keep on happening. We can try this again, can't we? Yeah, if only you want to be my friend. It's your call."

Was it possible? Being immensely hurt by someone's actions and then hearing their sincere apology for once and you're ready to forgive and forget?

Safwa was ready to do that because the person standing in front of her was Izaan Shoaib.

Someone she would be ready to give her everything for but that's something for the future.

"We are still friends. No two ways about it."

Izaan's smile reached his eyes for the first time that day.

"And since we cleared it up, I think it's time to just forget it. So, you aren't still up to come inside?"

Izaan shook his head. Her phupho wasn't home and he didn't feel it right to go inside. He had no clue if she was alone or someone was there other than her phupho. It was better to stay where he was.

"I'm just going but before that..."

He reached into his bag and pulled out a small package. Safwa had immediately recognized what it could be.

"Another cassette?"

She exclaimed and opened the package and to her elation she was right. Inside was Strings Dhaani album in cassette form. She could squeal with happiness right now.

"Izaan! This is amazing! From where do you get this original stuff?"

"There's a shop in our neighborhood. The man has a vast variety of vintage music collection. I get this stuff from here. My Baba is very fond of old Ghazals of Jagjit Singh so that's how I discovered the shop."

"Take me there sometime! I can't imagine the music originals that shop must've."

"The next time you come to meet Abba, then sure."

Safwa looked up. He was also looking.

They both smiled knowingly.



It was late at night when the Instagram notifications of all of them pinged.

"Safwa Kirmani tagged you in a post."

It was a photo from today. The five of them with the sea and setting sun in the background.

Elaf smiled at the faced in the picture while her eyes lingered on the particular guy whose grin was infectious. She was glad she was friends with Safwa on Insta otherwise she'd have missed this.

Sarim traced the picture with the same expression. His eyes were darting towards girl who was trying her best to pose but was failing at it.

Izaan's heart was whispering something seeing the one with most beautiful smile in the picture and he was trying his best to ignore what his heart was repeating again and again.

Hesham's eyes were measuring the way his arm was so casually draped around Safwa's shoulder in a perfect best friends manner. A forlorn expression was settled on his face.

Safwa locked her phone after staring at the picture for a long time.

It was captioned "friends"

And Strings Mera Bichra Yar was playing in her room the melody of which was travelling far away.

Rasta wohi jis pe chalte

Saaye wohi dhalte dhalte

Dil meh jo kuch tha

Wohi honton pe aane laga

Chahta hai woh bhi mujh ko

Badal batane laga

Karay mera intezaar

Mera bichra yaar

Mera bichra yaar

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