The Other Side Of Marriage

By LizK_09

140K 3.6K 311

Liz is a young woman with a dream job, a great family and a wonderful husband. Life couldn't get any better t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Epilogue

Chapter 29

3.1K 87 3
By LizK_09

It was midnight when we arrived at the airport in London. Laura was asleep most of the time and I was working on the document my assistant sent to me a few days ago. I have to be up to speed with everything when I go to work tomorrow. Or today to be exact. Harry and Lee came to pick us up from the airport. Hugs were exchanged and we all got into the car. Laura slept the moment she sat in the car, even I was tired and I have to go to work at 9 in the morning.

We got to our apartment building and Harry and I carried the luggage while Lee carried Laura. I left the key with Layla and Harry said he left Layla in the house.
Cole and Will were also in the house. I was really tired but they were already here so I sat with them, talked about this and that for half an hour and finally went to bed.

My alarm woke me up the following day and luckily, I wasn't that tired. I guess 5 hours of sleep was enough and all I will need is a cup of coffee to get me through the morning. I took a shower and got ready for work. Today felt like my first day of work, I had a bad feeling about something and I was anxious. I went to check if Laura was awake, but the phone ringing stopped me. It was an unknown number.
"Hello," I said picking up.

"Hey Liz, it's me. How are you?" Erastus said.

"Yes, I am good. Just about to leave for work. You good?" I asked.

"Yes, we are all good. Just enjoying ourselves," he replied.

"Where are you guys anyway?" I asked.

"Venice. Beautiful city, you have to come here sometime Liz," he said.

"Sure. I don't think that was the reason you called me. What's up?" I asked.

"Oh right. I heard you asked Katie to find you a house for when you return. So, why don't you just buy my house?" he asked.

"I didn't know you were selling any house. The one you live in or the beach house?" I asked.

"The beach house. Rose doesn't see its use and suggested we sell it and buy another one just in a smaller town where we can get away and just enjoy our peace," he said.

"Okay. I love that house, but can I think it over?" I asked.

"Sure. Plus I might give you a discount because you are a friend," he said.

"I will appreciate it very much, but for someone who lives alone, I just feel like a house with a master bedroom and three guest rooms is way too big." I tried to reason with him.

"Maybe, but it's not like you are going to be alone forever. You are going to meet someone and live your life again. You will fall in love again." he said.

"Yeah? I am not sure about that, plus I am getting older." I said.

"Or maybe you are just scared of going out there 100% because you afraid of getting hurt and disappointed again. You told me you went on a couple of dates last year but I know you, Liz, I am sure you were closed off," he said.

"I am not scared, Erastus. I just... I don't know." I said. I had no reason to defend myself because he was a bit right but I can't tell him that, he will get a big head.

"I get you, Liz, you once lowered your guard and it ended terribly but you can try and lower it again. Just don't test the depth of the water with both feet this time," he said.

"I got it, loud and clear. Now I will get back to you when I decide. For now, I have to check on Laura before I go to bed. Greet Rose for me." I said.

"Will do. Have a good day at work. Bye." he said and hung up.

I found Laura cooking with Lee in the kitchen. As to why Lee was at my house so early in the morning, I have no idea.

"Good morning," I said seating on one of the stools.

"Hey, mom. So Lee is teaching me how to cook a certain dish, I can't pronounce it yet, so let's just say it's a surprise," she said.

"Good. Lee, you are here early," I said.

"What can I say, my favorite neighbor, is back," he replied.

"You know what kids, I have to go to work, you guys carry on and put mine in the fridge. Lee, take care of her." I said standing up.

"Am I allowed to take her out?" he asked.

"You might want to rephrase that, she is 13," I said and Laura's eyes widened.

"No. I meant to show her around." Lee said.

"Sure. Just be careful. Take care." I said grabbing my car keys and heading out. I drove to the Café nearby house, bought my coffee, and drove to the office. I got into the elevator but what I found on my floor was the biggest surprise that I have ever seen in my year of working here. Everybody was rushing and most people look like they haven't slept in days.

I almost bumped into Damien coming out of my office.
"What's going on?" I asked.

"Well, Ms. Brown, good that you are back. We have a bit of a problem," he said.

"A bit of a problem? This whole floor is full of people looking like zombies and you are saying it's a bit of a problem? Care to elaborate?" I asked him.

"Earlier last week, the delivery car full of this month's catalogs got hijacked and they all got burned and then two days ago, the truck that was supposed to be delivering the product to the boutiques got stolen. We don't know where it is up to date," he said.

I sighed. "That's not good. How is the police doing with the investigation to recover it?" I asked.

He avoids my gaze and looks down without saying a word.

"DAMIEN PARKER I ASKED YOU SOMETHING!" I said, maybe too loud than I expected.

"Well, Mr. Parker thought it will be better if we don't involve the police. He has a private investigator looking into it as we speak," he replied.

"So for how many days have you all been working overtime?"

"For five days now. Some six," he said.

"Goodness. At least you are getting paid so when you receive your paychecks, it will all be worth it." I said heading into my office.

"We aren't getting paid overtime, this whole mess means the company is making a huge loss so we aren't getting paid overtime. Mr. Parker already explained it to everyone," he said.

"Now that is just messed up. That's an exploitation of employees and it doesn't happen with Capricorn groups. I need to talk to Mr. Parker right now." I said.

"He is not around right now. It was he and his wife's wedding anniversary yesterday so they went on a vacation for a few days." Damien said.

Just as I was about to say something, my computer chimed, indicating that I was receiving a video call, and to make this worse, it was the boss himself, Mr. Kingman. Great! Here goes nothing.

"Good day Sir! " I said as I answered the call.

"Ms. Brown. How are you doing?"

"I am doing very well Sir, how about you?" I asked.

"Well, you are not fine, neither am I. The company is going through some problems and nobody bothered to tell me? Not even you? I thought you were one of us?" he said.

Damn you, Parker.
"Well, I apologize Sir. I thought Mr. Parker has told you about it. He is the boss here." I said.

"I haven't been able to reach Parker for days, just his assistant. Look, a Company needs two teams to function, the board, and the employees. They make the company what it is. Now, I am unable to talk to Parker, but I will talk to you. Fix it. I know you can. I didn't make a mistake when I asked you to move there. It would've been either you or I going there and leaving you and my secretary in charge of the headquarters. Now go and make it right. Just because someone is the boss doesn't mean they are never wrong." he said.

"Got it, Sir. I won't let you or this company down." I told him.

"I know you will not. Talk to you soon Ms. Brown," he said and hung up.

Okay, I just told him that I am going to fix it when I have no idea how I am going to do it. I need to think of something and fast.

An hour later I am still pacing back and forth in my office trying to think of something. I went to see the CFO just to check how bad the financials were looking, and they weren't looking good. They haven't been looking good for about 3 months now.

"Mr. Wade, how come we are doing this bad and nobody knows about it?" I asked.

"Well, Mr. Parker thought it would be better if we don't cause panic among the employees. He thought we would recover soon but with things being stolen now on top of this, we will be hitting rock bottom soon," he said.

"Hitting rock bottom is not an option. What happened?" I asked.

"Let's just say there is another small company called 'It Accessories' out there selling beauty products similar to ours but at a lower price," I asked.

"So if they are that similar, people will go for the cheaper price. Excuse me, I have to think of something to fix this." I said standing up from the seat.

"Isn't that what the CEO is supposed to do? I mean, you are just a managing director, why you?" he asked.

"For starters, I don't see Mr. Parker anywhere here at the moment. Plus I love my job very much and I am sure every other person in this company wants to keep their jobs. Someone's got to do something right?" I asked before turning to leave.

I went straight for the elevator to the highest floor so I go find Catherine, Mr. Parker's PA.

"Good morning Catherine," I said when I reached her desk.

"Good morning Ms. Brown. How may I help you?" she asked.

"Well, when can we expect Mr. Parker back in the office?" I asked.

"He will be back in three days Ms.," she said.

"I see. Can I please get the contact information of the Private Investigator Mr. Parker hired to look into the catalogs and truck case?" I asked.

"I do not know that Ms. I don't remember him asking me to set an appointment of some kind," she said.

"I heard he chose not to involve the police but hired an investigator to look into it. Yet you don't know anything about it?" I asked.

"That's correct. As far as I know, he just asked the production team to remake everything. That's why everyone has been working non-stop for the past week, the product has to be ready for distribution by the end of this week." she said.

"Well, thank you, Catherine. How about you don't tell Mr. Parker that I came by." I said and leave.

If Catherine doesn't know anything about the Private Investigator Parker supposedly hired, how come Damien knows about it?

I went into my office just to find him in my chair starring at my computer screen. I stood there for a while and he was just busy doing things on my computer. He didn't even realize I was in the office yet. He removed a USB and put it in his pocket, put things back in order, and stood up just to see me standing here.

"Ms. Brown, I didn't know you were here," he said putting his hands in his pockets and looking down.

"I have been here for a while. I was just waiting for you to finish. What were you doing on my computer?" I asked.

"Uhm, I was just filing some things, you know everything that happened when you were away," he said nervously.

"So you were taking everything from the flash drive?" I asked.

"Yes. I got it from the Production manager and I am taking it back now." I asked.

"How about you give it to me, so I give it to her," I suggested.

"No, no. It's alright. I am sure you have a lot of work to do and to catch up on all that happened when you were away. I will take it. Don't bother Ms, I got this." he rambled.

"I was heading there right now, I just came to pick up my phone. Give it to me Damien." I said as I held out my hand.

He hesitantly put it in my hand and headed for the door. "Damien, how do you know the password to my computer?" I asked.

"You gave it to me before you left for the states," he said. Liar. I never gave you my password.

"Yes right, I forgot. I have a lot on my mind that I keep forgetting things. Or maybe I am just getting old." I joked.

"I am sure it's not the latter," he said laughing.

"Well Damien, one thing you should know about me, is I don't like lies. In the future, if you want to keep working as my assistant, be transparent with me." I said out of the blue making the smile on his face disappear.

"I don't think I ever lied to you," he said.

"I know. I didn't say that because you did, I just said it because you barely know anything about me. So I guess just so you know." I said.

"Got it, Ms. Brown," he said closing the door behind him.
Got it Ms. Brown my foot! What the hell is going on. I just need somewhere to start or just know how to solve this puzzle. All I know is that there's something fishy going on around the Parkers.

I called Erastus and he picked up after the first ring.
"Already made up your mind?" he asked.

"No. The company is going through a crisis and I need your help." I said.

"You guys need an engineer there?" he asked.

"No! Look, where is your friend Isaac? You know that tech guy or a private investigator?" I asked.

"As of right now, I don't know. He was in New York last week, let me call him. Why are you asking?" he asked.

"I need him for a job. Like it's urgent and I don't trust anyone here at the moment." I said.

"How about I try and contact him and get back to you? Be careful by the way," he said.

"Thank you. I will." I said and hung up. I called Catherine so she calls for a meeting with the board after lunch. After a while, she got back telling me that not all of them are available so she rescheduled it for tomorrow morning. I know Parker is not going to be happy but he is not around so until he comes back to the office, I am the self-proclaimed boss. I decided to check what was on the flash drive but it was encrypted. Like some computer genius encrypted it that even with all the hacking knowledge I learned from Paul, I couldn't crack it.

I received a call from an unknown number and I didn't hesitate to pick it up.
"Elizabeth Brown, hi there. Oh my, you know when Erastus told me you needed my services, I couldn't believe it. I am at your service, how can I help you?" Isaac started. Yep, some people don't change, looks like he still talks too much.

"Hi, Isaac. Where are you right now?" I asked.

"Well, I am about to get on a flight to London. I was in Manchester for a while," he said.

"Good, so how about you come over for dinner at my house so we talk. I don't want to talk at the office, these walls also have ears." I suggested.

"I will be there. Please let there be lasagna and I might just give you a discount for my services. Speaking of which, am I being paid by you, or the company?" He asked.

"As of right now, I am paying but I will get my money back from the company," I replied.

"Alright cupcake, do send me your address," he said. We hung up at the same time. I went to the Management floor and I could just tell the exhaustion on people's faces. They have dark circles under their eyes and most of them can barely keep their eyes open if it wasn't for coffee.
Nobody in this condition can get anything done, and if the managing team looks like this, how about the production team? I can just imagine.
I feel so helpless and I hate the feeling of being helpless. I made a decision which I know I am going to get a whole lot of crap from Parker for, but I didn't care. He is not here, the place is practically running itself so I just picked up the mantle. The board is always with Parker, and the fact that I am a woman, I am sure I will be alone against all the sharks. One thing I know is that they cannot do anything about something that is already done.

I went to Catherine and she let me into the CEO's office. That way I can speak through the intercom to every department in the company. Here goes nothing! This is so stupid and could get me fired but I hope it pays off some way or the other. I looked at my watch and it was 11 am.

"Good morning everyone. This Liz Brown speaking. On behalf of the CEO, I am giving you all the rest of the day off. You all look like you could use some sleep and I will see you all tomorrow at 9 in the morning. You are all allowed to leave now." I said through the intercom and left his office.

I found Catherine packing up her things outside and she was ecstatic.
"As much as I would love to ask if Mr. Parker even knows about this, I can't. I need a long shower and maybe 9 hours of sleep. If the board is on your case tomorrow, just know that we got your back." she said and left.

I got to my floor and found Mr. Wade and Damien outside my office.
"Ms. Brown, we are going through a crisis and you are giving them a day off? Did you even tell the CEO about it? He is the boss, not you and I doubt you can make any decision in this company!" Mr. Wade said.

"Mr. Wade, with all due respect, I will ask you to lower your voice. I know we are going through a crisis, but the employees are tired, and making them walk on the clock is not benefiting anybody right now. If it was that much of a problem, then where is the boss? Where is he when he is supposed to be finding a way to get us out of this problem? I only answer to two people, Mr. Kingman and the board of directors. Even you look like you could use some sleep so why are you still here? I will face Mr. Parker when he returns, for now, I have work to do." I said.

"Whatever Ms. Brown. You know you can't win against Parker and the board." He said as he walked away slowly.

"I will take my chances," I told him. I walked into my office with Damien right behind me.

"Ms, I know this is not any of my business, but I don't think what you did was right. Mr. Parker will not be happy that you decided without his consent," he said.

"Tell me something Damien, are you happy that you have been working on the clock for the past week?" I asked.


"Are you happy that even though you are working all those extra hours, you are not getting paid?" I asked again.


"So I should care about how Mr. Parker will not be happy after coming from vacation when I got hundreds of other employees that are unhappy and tired? Some people don't even get to spend time with their kids anymore so why does everything has to start and end with Parker?" I asked.

Before he could reply, I received a call from the man of the hour himself, Mr. Parker.
"Speaking of the devil." I show Damien the screen and saw how I send him straight to voicemail. His eyes widened and left. I entered my office knowing very well how I will have to deal with a very pissed CEO when he comes back. I will deal with him when he comes back. I had some papers to look at so I was the only one left behind in the office. I didn't stay long, so I was home around 1 pm.

I went to Layla's house as soon as I changed so I go get Laura but she wasn't home.

"Where did Lee take her?" I asked.

"I don't know. All I know is Cole and Will joined them. I am sure they are fine, Will is with them and he is the responsible one among all of them." Layla replied.

"If you say so. I just wanted her to help me with dinner, I am having a guest over." I said.

"A guest? I didn't know you met someone." she implied.

"No, Layla, it's more of a work dinner with an old friend," I said.

"I see. How about we cook here? He will come here and you all can go talk at your house afterward. I am sure he or she would love our family. Everybody does." she said dragging me along to the kitchen.

It didn't take us long to put dinner together and we were seated in the lounge drinking wine when a furious Laura busted through the front door. The sound made me worry that it must have been broken and the three brothers came in soon after her. She threw her handbag on the sofa and sat down and everybody was silent like it's a normal thing.

"What happened?" Layla asked.

"Ask him."
"Ask her." Cole and Laura said at the same time.

"You just had to open your mouth, Cole. Couldn't you just keep quiet for two minutes? It was embarrassing!" Laura said.

"That's because you were talking to some stranger kid who I could tell liked you. Don't you know about stranger danger?" he asked.

"We were just talking and I didn't like him. On top of that he and I are friends online. So he was not a stranger," she replied.

"Friends online? What does that even mean? You were all over him. 'Oh Jack, you are so funny!'." he mimicked before continuing, "Not on my watch young lady!"

"Last time I checked, I was going with Lee, you decided to tag along and ruined the whole day with your arrogance. It's like everything has to be done your way just because it was your car!" Laura fired back.

"I don't have a problem with someone using my car, but I have a problem when someone uses me to get what they want. You made us go to some park across town, which you said you heard about how beautiful it is from friends when it was actually where you wanted to go meet your friend. You could have simply said that you had a friend here that you want to meet and we could have taken you there but no, you lied." Cole argued.

"Oh come on Cole, you have to let it go now. Cut the kid some slack. Even if she has known you for a day she knew you wouldn't have agreed to go to the park." Will said.

"Of course I wouldn't have. Gas is expensive." Cole justified.

"Then why are we still having this conversation? She is like a younger version of Liz, just a bit meaner." Lee said.

"Meaner? Anyway, Cole, I am so sorry I lied but you didn't have to do that." Laura said.

"It is fine but I am not going to apologize for getting that guy away from you. I don't like him." Cole said.

"See! This is why God didn't give us a sister. You all suck!" Harry said from the doorway.

"I didn't even do anything to ruin her date." Will defended himself.

"It was not a date. Can you all stop saying that when my mom is right there and she could ground me for the rest of my stay here?" Laura stressed.

"I am sure she already knows it was a date," Isaac said closing the door after letting himself in.

"How did you get in here," Cole asked.

"Well, there's something called a door, plus you guys were so loud I doubt you would have heard me even if I knocked," Isaac said again.

"Someone please tell me you know this guy before I punch him in the face," Cole said.

"Isaac, good to see you. It's been a minute. Come on in." I said walking over and hugging him.

"At least someone is happy to see me," he said and sat beside me.

"Well, meet the Walters, this Layla, the lady of the house, That's Harry, Will, Lee, and the one that wants to punch you is Cole. That's Laura, my daughter." I introduced everyone.

"Nice to meet you all. I am Isaac and I am Liz's boyfriend," he said shaking Layla's hand.

"Liz, I didn't know your boyfriend was coming over for dinner," Harry said.

"Can you not talk about such things in front of my daughter. Plus you and I are just friends because of a mutual friend of ours." I clarified.

"Oh yes, Erastus. Your ex turned best friend and you had to travel for so many hours just to attend his wedding. Can't help but wonder, is he just an ex or is there something more?" he asked.
Yes, Isaac has a really big mouth, with no filters. I think I forgot to mention that part.

"Isaac, I am kindly asking you to keep quiet. He and I never dated. It's you all people that assumed back in the day. He is my best friend. Can we all go have dinner now? You and I have a lot to talk about." I said leading him to the dining room.

At least Isaac managed to keep his mouth shut throughout dinner and that was a good thing because I am sure the Walters would know everything about me that I decided I didn't want to share. After dinner, Laura, Isaac, and I went to my apartment and I told Laura to go get ready for bed but not before I give her a talk about being careful about strangers and not wearing my makeup anymore. For a 13-year-old, she sure is too much.

I sat on my lounge and looked at my phone just to see a lot of missed calls from Mr. Parker, which means I am in a lot of sh*t and I am going to either get a piece of his mind tomorrow if he is in a better mood or I might get suspended. I will deal with that when it comes, right now, I am planning on getting a good night's sleep and prepare myself not to let whatever they say get to me. I worked too hard to be where I am just to let someone else take it from and I sure as hell don't go down without a fight.

"So Liz, what's this all about? " Isaac asked.

"I need you to look into someone. His name is Dean Parker, and I want to know everything about him. There's something fishy about him." I told him.

"And by everything, you are referring to his work or private life?" he asked.

"I mean everything Isaac from the number of pairs of shoes he owns to the color of the bedsheets he sleeps and even the route he takes to work," I replied.

"Alright. I'll have something for you by the end of the week," he said.

"Thank you. Do I need to drop you off wherever you are going to spend the night?" I asked.

"No. I am sleeping here for the week. Hotels are expensive." he said.

"Tough luck, this is a two-bedroom apartment and my daughter is in the other room," I told him.

"I know, but you go get your daughter out of my room because she will be sleeping in your room for the time being," he said.

"Since when do you made decisions concerning my house?" I asked.

"Since you asked for my help. Don't worry, you can deduct my rent from the money you are going to pay me," he said dragging his suitcase towards the guest room.
How does Erastus survive with such a friend?

I took Laura to my room and went to bed. Whatever happens tomorrow, only the universe knows. With that, I drifted to dreamland.

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