Omnia Vincit Amor

By twosetandbubbletea

33.6K 1.6K 681

"Love conquers all things." Brett Yang is a valued prodigy violinist and writer. Well-known as an indifferent... More

XII. (interlude, semi-nsfw)
XIV. (nsfw)
XVIII. (semi-nsfw)
XXIII. (nsfw)
XXVII. (nsfw)
XXXIV. (nsfw)
XL. (nsfw)
Author's Note and New Books


350 23 3
By twosetandbubbletea

"Struit insidias lacrimis cum femina plorat." -Unknown

When a woman weeps she is setting a trap with her tears.

Eddy was finished playing the Mendelssohn violin concerto and he was glad that his children could see him play it entirely. They were bugging him because they wanted to see it and Irene agreed. Eddy was contented with his life now, even if he did seem to have a falling out with Irene.

He did not mind, though. At least he was not being obligated to make love to her every night. He still did his best to be civil with her and kept up a charade when their children was around. At least his children could never tell him that he was a bad father. Yes, Edward Chen knew he was a bad husband but that will not stop him from being a good father.

They were about to head home since Edward took them to the concert hall. Irene said that she could not attend since she was feeling sick. Eddy dropped her off to the doctor before going to the concert with the children. He wanted to see if she was alright and would not contaminate the children with whatever she had.

They were walking home in order to see their mother and check in with the doctor to see what was wrong with her. Eddy asked George to watch over Jade and Sebastian in the living room while he talked to the doctor and his wife. Sure, they might have had a fallen out but Irene was still the mother of his children.

"Good day, Mr. Chen. You are in time for great news." The doctor said as he entered their bedroom.

"Great news, doctor?" Eddy asked as he sat on the foot of their bed.

"Your lovely wife is fine. The sickness she feels is morning sickness. Your wife is expecting. Congratulations, Mr Edward Chen." The doctor said as he packed his things. Eddy smiled at him and paid the doctor.

The moment that they welcomed the doctor, Eddy asked to have time alone with Irene. They needed to talk. It was impossible that she would get pregnant with Eddy's child since they had not done anything for at least a year now.

Maybe that is the reason why Irene had wanted to sleep with him that night he did not want to.

"Who is the father, Irene?" Eddy asked calmly, he did not want to raise his voice.

Irene guiltily looked down. Tears were streaming down her face as she tried to conjure up her words. She did not manage to do bring the words out of her mouth and only sobbed louder.

For a split second, Eddy felt horrible but he kept his composure. He needed an explanation. He could have easily slept with someone else but he did not do so. He respected their relationship but it seemed that Irene wanted more than just his companionship.

Yes, it was quite unfair that Eddy was not meeting her needs. But she has to consider the fact that she was not meeting his needs to. He needs someone like Brett.

Maybe he should have just went with Brett all those years. He just wished the young Eddy had the courage to leave it all behind just to start over with Brett and his family who accepted Brett entirely. Now, he did not need to regret.

"Irene, I am waiting. Why are you not speaking up?" Eddy coaxed again, not wanting to get mad at her. She was already overwhelmed, Eddy did not want to add to that even if he was mad.

"Because the moment I speak up you, you will get angry. Especially if you find out who got me pregnant..." She said, still sobbing.

"I would not get mad, just tell me." Eddy said calmly again, voice devoid of emotion.

"It was Theodore..." She spoke silently, still loudly sobbing. "Eddy, please forgive me... I did not mean it. I just was not getting attention from you like you used to. You starved me off of your touch because you were too focused of your music career! I hated not being loved, Eddy!" She screamed.

"Irene, I did not feel like you were loving me the way I wanted to be loved, too. I could have done the same thing you did but I chose not to because I respect the commitment that he had vowed to at church! I do not love you anymore, Irene. I could have left you but I did not. I wanted our children to grow up in an environment that they see us getting along!" Eddy argued back. He refrained from screaming because the children would be terrified of him if he did so.

"I cannot deal with this now, Irene. We need a break. A divorce as soon as possible... He loves you, does he not?" Eddy asked and Irene just nodded. "Good, because you need to raise that child with his proper father." Eddy added.

"Edward, what about our chi-children?" She asked weakly.

"I will not deprive you of them. You can have them for the weekends. For now, we will go to Belle and Alexander's home. Go to him, Irene. I am not mad or angry at you. Just make sure he loves you and you love him back. I do not want you to make the same mistake I did... I forgive you." Eddy said as he sat down next to her and held her hand, wiping her tears with the other hand.

"I am sorry it had to end up like this for us, Eddy. And thank you for understanding... I did love you, but I guess it was a different type of love." Irene said, putting her head on his shoulder.

"I did love you too, Irene. Maybe as a sister and not as a lover." Eddy admitted. "But I am glad I had the privilege to have children with you." He added.

"Me too, Eddy... Me too." She said with a sad smile.

"What are you waiting for, Irene? Go to him before it gets dark... We will meet again on Monday." Eddy said as he let go of their intertwined hands.

"I will... Thank you again, Eddy." She said as she grabbed a coat and ran out. Saying goodbye to her children first then heading out to Theodore.

Then, Eddy fixed up clothes for the weekend for himself and the children. The two younger siblings fell asleep as George entered the room to meet with his father.

"Pa? Is mama coming back?" He asked with curious but innocent eyes.

"Yes she is. You do not have to worry. We will be staying with auntie Belle and uncle Alexander for the weekend." Eddy said as he made him sat down on the bed.

"Pa, I know..." George started.

"Are you fine with it?" Eddy asked.

"As long as you are both happy, I am too." George responded.

"What about the two, do you think they will be fine with it?"

"Yes, papa. Just give them time. They will get used to it."

There was a silence that passed them.

"Pa, you were brave like that. I wish to be like you. How did you just let her go that easily for she loved someone else?" George asked, looking up at his father.

"George, you might be too young to understand but I will teach you, anyway. I know what it feels like to love someone else but being stuck in a relationship that your parents approve of... For example, I really would not do this but take this as an example. I wanted you to be with a girl because I believe she is right for you. But you are in love with someone else. That is how we both felt during our marriage." Eddy explained gently.

"Papa, do not worry. I seem young but I get what you mean..." George said, hugging his father.

"That is good." Eddy said as he hugged him back.

Eddy continued packing and they were to leave and George woke Jade and Sebastian up. They all went to the carriage and took a short ride to Belle and Alexander's home. They knock and the couple answered with glee.

It was an unexpected visit but the couple did not mind. They loved having them over, especially if the kids were there. Franz and George got along quite well due to the fact that they were closer in age, but they got along quite well with the two. Eddy was telling them about what had happened with him and Irene. The two felt sorry and listened.

When Eddy was thirty minutes in his story, there was a knock on the door. The couple did not have the opportunity to tell Eddy about Brett's arrival since they were worried about him. It was quite dark already.

That did not stop their eyes from meeting in the dark room.

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