Omnia Vincit Amor

By twosetandbubbletea

33.6K 1.6K 681

"Love conquers all things." Brett Yang is a valued prodigy violinist and writer. Well-known as an indifferent... More

XII. (interlude, semi-nsfw)
XIV. (nsfw)
XVIII. (semi-nsfw)
XXIII. (nsfw)
XXVII. (nsfw)
XXXIV. (nsfw)
XL. (nsfw)
Author's Note and New Books


345 20 5
By twosetandbubbletea

"Dulce bellum inexpertis." -Pindaros

War is sweet for those who haven't experienced it.

The moment Brett Yang woke up, he immediately sat back up on his desk and wrote back to the person. Mister Anton Schindler, a colleague of Ludwig van Beethoven. He wanted Brett to come to Austria and be commissioned by him alone.

Mister Schindler had seen him play last month and decided that he should become a violinist in Austria, the land of music. Brett could not disagree because it would be a good idea to start over there in Vienna. He could eventually forget the feelings he has for Eddy and fulfill his dream. It was a good offer.

Brett knew he needed to get away from this place as soon as possible. He did not want to see Edward and Irene falling deeper in love. Yet, Brett has no intent to find someone new. He did not want to dump the emotional mess that he is to anyone, so he will make sure to forget his love for Edward Chen.

Three weeks passed and he received a response. He was tasked to leave a month after he had received the letter. He got it at October 13, 1865. He was already packing up his clothes as he was now to go to Vienna by next week. Brett's father watched from the doorstep of his son's room and smiled.

"You are finally to fulfill your lifelong dream. I am very proud of you." Papa Yang said out of nowhere.

"I know, papa... I am quite excited to explore Vienna. To finally help you with a bigger income." Brett said with happiness. "At the same time, I do not want to leave you alone, papa. I do not think I can stand the thought of you being alone..." Brett added, remembering his worries.

"Need not to worry, my darling boy. I am not going to be alone. Alexander and Belle is living nearby. I could always come to their home by a short walk. Besides, you had already done so much for me and Alexander. It is about time that you go follow this dream of yours ever since you were little." Papa Yang said sincerely, walking toward his son and embosomed him on his arms. "Your mama will be proud of you if she is with us now..."

Brett had shed a few tears from that.

"I know, papa..." Brett whispered. "Before I leave, I want to come see Alexander, Belle and my nephew, Franz. I will miss you and them so much..." Brett added, slipping away from his father's embrace and wiping his tears.

"Now, do not be lonely. We will always write to you. I know that you would not forget it."

"Of course, papa. I love you."

"I love you too, Brett Yang. Ack, you have grown too sentimental, just like your mother was..."

"Shall we go and see Alexander's family, now?"

"We shall, my boy."

They lock the door of their home and head to where Belle and Alexander lived. It was a nice and comfortable home that suits them properly. The decor and everything else was in place. It was basically a third home to Brett.

He did not like to admit to everyone that Edward Chen still occupies his head and heart up to this day.

The reason? Brett might never know but it revolves around one thing: he just loves him. He needs not a reason nor his rationality. Brett Yang just loved without any conditions nor returns. He just loved and nothing else.

Still, he will not admit it to them because admitting it is similar to being stuck. Admitting it would mean that he was not being true to himself. He was, for most part. Just with the exception of the existing love in his heart. He has and never will be the same again.

All his sentiments and farewells had been given out properly to the Yang family. Of course, more tears were shed and the full promise of constant letters and souvenirs from concerts or even poems or short stories conjured up during his time. He was going to write regularly and he knew it. It was the only thing that kept him from going insane.

Belle and Brett were alone in the kitchen as they prepare an afternoon snack for everyone. When they were alone, Belle handed Brett a paper of some kind.

"Just please take the ticket, Brett. I know you want to see him before you go. It will only be our little secret... Go to him before you go to Vienna and chase your dreams." Belle said in a hushed voice.

"Belle, thank you..." Brett said in a whisper and hugged her back.

"You are welcome. Do not forget tomorrow, his concert is held on the concert hall of the conservatory. I know he does not want to talk to you but at least you could see him, right?"

"Right. Thank you again, Belle."

The afternoon was spent on stories, meaningful and sentimental conversations and Brett playing for Franz. Brett would surely miss this the moment he steps foot on the ship. As long as he has letters from them and letter to give them, he would be able to cope.

- - - - -

Brett did not forget it. He was dressed in his suit and he was to attend the concert. Of course, he wanted to relish the feeling of seeing and hearing Edward Chen play for one last time before he goes overseas. It would be a great reminder as to why he should follow his dreams, too.

He was playing Beethoven's violin concerto. Brett could see and hear how much he had improved since he was mentoring him. It made him proud of himself and Eddy. Brett just never knew that he could teach like that.

Of course, he was proud of Eddy too.

Brett just stared at Eddy in awe and admiration. It was as though he had forgotten what Eddy did to him the moment that he stopped setting his foot in Brett's classroom. Oh, and Brett's life, too.

The time that the second movement arrives, Brett Yang had his eyes closed. He just realized that he cannot keep his eyes on the younger's figure anymore. It was starting to hurt physically. It was as though a heavy weight was pressing on his chest. It was like running away from a nightmare.

It was then and there, when Brett Yang realized that. He was exactly doing that. Running away from the nightmare of seeing Eddy Chen fall in love with someone else that is not him.

(Not that he was ever in love with Brett, just the thought of knowing, seeing and feeling his love for a woman. Brett cannot contain it.)

He thought he would be over it by the time a year has passed. It has been three years now and he was still hopelessly in love with the married man. It was wrong, he knows.

His conscience beats him up about it, his morals were established but they were yelling at him. This was not right, in any situation, this will never be right. He was sure of that.

He opened his eyes and they accidentally met the gaze of the soloist. The soloist simply looked away without hesitation or apology. Brett could not take his eyes off the younger man. Eddy was definitely grown up now.

Despite living in the same city where Eddy chose his career as a soloist to bloom, Brett never saw him perform a concert once. He could not bear to watch Eddy after the betrayal. Even if Brett has forgiven, it does not mean he had forgotten.

He was not mad at Eddy anymore. He just does not want to see the glory of the man in stage, shining brighter than any object could ever do so. He does not want to see Eddy again in the fear of falling for him again. He does not want to see him because Brett is not above begging for him to come back.

But what Brett was above of is begging a married man to come back to him. Specially when the man never returned what he had genuinely felt. The wedding ring on Eddy's hand reminded Brett of his limitations. Where he stands in Eddy's life... He is just a spectator and not a main character.

So, when the moment the concert was over, Brett Yang does not come to greet him or congratulate him. Eddy does not need his approval.

Brett realized is this would be the best for everyone.

(Eddy needs to be free from his chokehold. He needs to accept that he is just a brother-in-law now.)

It was now time to go. Music is in his memory and the man in his heart. Brett Yang still loves Edward Chen the same way he loves music, but he has to choose music now.

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