Omnia Vincit Amor

By twosetandbubbletea

33.6K 1.6K 681

"Love conquers all things." Brett Yang is a valued prodigy violinist and writer. Well-known as an indifferent... More

XII. (interlude, semi-nsfw)
XIV. (nsfw)
XVIII. (semi-nsfw)
XXIII. (nsfw)
XXVII. (nsfw)
XXXIV. (nsfw)
XL. (nsfw)
Author's Note and New Books


841 48 13
By twosetandbubbletea

"Fata viam invenient." -Virgil

Fate will find a way.

Standing in the room that is usually filled with other students, Edward was glad that he took the opportunity to ask Brett for more mentoring tips. He was there, playing La Campanella for Brett.

Brett was watching. Edward's left hand was not catching up with his right hand. He noticed how it created a type of crunch which also means that either his bow or fingering was a bit tense. Also, seeing that it is Paganini, the piece was a bit too slow, still. He signals Edward to take a bit of break and tells him what he should watch out for.

"Mister Chen, here is the problem. I could hear that your hands are not matching the pace of one another. This is most likely because there is tension either on your left or right hand. I know we are working on it, but your tempo needs to be a bit more bouncier. That is okay, though. Let us start by allow your limbs to be free of tension." Brett said.

"Stand up and do this. Raise your arms forward." Brett said, demonstrating what to do. "Now, just wiggle your wrists and hands freely. This will loosen your limbs that tighten when you are tense." Brett added, showing Edward how to do it.

Edward follows, he knew that he was tense because frankly he was anxious about this encounter. He felt a bit looser after doing the exercise with Brett. He sat down and cracked his back against the chair. It also helped with his tension problems.

"Now, Mister Chen, do not worry too much about tension problems. It is common to have them since playing the violin is not natural for our posture as humans. It is only right that you should take breaks in between your sessions." Brett said, sitting back down upright.

Edward decided that the break was enough, stood back up and grabbed his violin. He ran through the passages much more smoothly than before. He was also became much more aware on how better he could sound if one of his hands were not tense. When he started playing properly, Brett requested that they play it at the tempo that he wants it to be.

"Mister Chen, here, follow the tempo of my clapping and you will get the rhythm the way I want it to be." Brett said, starting to clap.

Edward played exactly at the pace that Brett was clapping. He was okay at the beginning, but by the middle, it falters. He felt the pressure by that time and Brett must have noticed. He stopped Edward but he still had his violin under his chin.

"Do not be too tense, Mister Chen. I am your professor but you do not need to be intimidated. You should think of me as if I was your violin teacher. Here is the thing about your posture. Bring your elbow out much more straighter and do not hesitate to use more bow. Do not be frugal with it." Brett said, guiding his elbow using his hand.

Now, the day was particularly warmer so Edward was only wearing a short sleeved, button up shirt. Brett Yang was not, but his the moment their skin touched, he knew that there was something different about Edward.

Edward felt it, too. The touch was burning, as if he had jumped willingly into a fireplace. He felt a forest fire start in his veins and end in the pit of his stomach, dissolving into mere butterflies that settle there. It does not leave Edward's system.

Brett, on the other hand, felt a shiver down his spine. It was cold, as it was a January on Russia, the chill seeping through his clothes even with many layers. It leaves him with goosebumps and he does not know what to do with the sensations. It is there, it lingers but he tries to suppress another shiver.

They do not mind it but it gave Edward a realization. It might be a premature one but he had an idea. He might, just might, like Brett. He just might, but he pushes these feelings aside because it is not certain nor legal. He could lose everything that he's waited and worked so hard for.

Brett simply swept it under the rug and ignores the sensation, no matter how good and grounding it is. He cannot fall for a man, it was simply immoral. He cannot because it is illegal. He was not meant to love another man. He kept his professionalism and continued as if nothing happened.

Both could not speak but they did not want the other man to know what was running through their minds. They might lose this and everything else that they have built. Their reputations would be so tainted and they would be shamed. They cannot allow this to happen.

"There." Brett said, swatting his hand away from the younger's skin.

"Mister Yang, since we are doing this, can you please just call me Eddy? Mister Chen makes me nervous and it would help if you called me as if I was your brother instead of your student." Edward exclaimed, making it known that he wanted to be comfortable.

"Well, just call me Brett, then. Just do not forget to address me as Mister Yang if we have classes." Brett said gently.

"Of course." Eddy said, looking at the ground.

"Now, start playing again, Eddy." Brett said, the name flowing out of his lips effortlessly and sweetly.

"Okay, Brett." Eddy said, tasting the tender sweetness of the elder's name falling from his lips. Eddy started again and Brett guided the rhythm.

Both did not know how bothered they have made each other. Both were zoning out until Eddy had finished the piece. After a few minutes of discussion, Brett dismissed Eddy and allowed the boy to rest. Eddy wanted to stay and get to know him more but he did not.

He stopped himself and fixed his violin back to its case. Once he was done, he said his farewell to Brett and as much as he wanted to talk about it, he did not. He wanted to keep him as a mentor. His actions were deliberately slower, lingering as if he did not want to leave anytime soon.

When he was done, his hand lingered on the doorknob and he hesitated for a while. Still, all good things must come to an end. He leaves and behind that door an unexplainable smile plays on his lips and never leaves. He is nervous but it does not matter. Edward might have just found the love of his life without knowing it.

He was not one to deny the world's natural force and if it tells him that his love will be Brett he will not fight it. He will go with the flow and allow himself to love. Even if it was illegal, love is love and it should not be taken away from him. So, he walked home, he does not mind what the kind of tragedy the world has to offer him because he has Mister Brett Yang.

Brett Yang, within in that room, wanted to make him stay. The poet in him wanted to believe that there must be a reason why he felt that chill. The writer in him wants to write about that type of unattainable love, the love that is a bit risky but is oh so worth it all.

He cares about his reputation so he ignores this type of immoral love. It is scary and it is eccentric and out of this world. To ruin the image of your life for love? In a world where he is the one who controls everything, he would do it in a heartbeat.

Sadly, Brett Yang does not own the world and he cannot write it the way he wants to do so. It is tragic but the world was not yet ready to see a love that is reinvented. Maybe in a next life where love knows no anything but love.

Brett pulled the hem of his shirt down, pushed his hair back and forced himself to forget that sensation. Somewhere along the way, he is starved for it. He wants to feel the younger's skin under his hands. To marvel at his beauty.

Maybe Edward Chen was right when he said that Brett Yang will make him. He just did not expect it in that way. It hurts to think that their love or their lives will not be able to make this lifetime but that is fine. They just have to think of what the future holds for other things. Both have great potentials to be soloists and it is amazing that way.

At least it will divert their minds from the love that is considered 'immoral' by their world's standards. It makes them forget the love that they simply cannot attain.

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