Onset Distrust

By Nameless_Project

6.4K 259 97

This is before everything went down. It was a normal party like every other one they've hosted in the past, b... More

Read before the Prolog
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Part 1
Chapter 30 Part 2
Chapter 30 Part 3
Chapter 30 Part 4
Chapter 30 Final

Chapter 20

160 8 2
By Nameless_Project

Jacob/Zelk's POV

Just back at my house, sitting infront of my PC and finishing my Video.
"..." i sighed and leaned back.
"I swear. If someone tries to break in my house again, i'll break their sanity."


"Actually. Why did i say that i somewhat wished for my parents to still be alive? It's not like they treated me like crap, i just wished i wasn't born in this family. I couldn't have a normal life, a childhood nor anything else. One of them had to be that special snowflake and pass it down to me. What a fucking joke. ... wow.. look at me talking to myself. Wonderful... ugh."
After doing some final touches the Video was done and uploaded.
Now i can do other stuff-

Message from 1.

"... Really. I guess not then." i muttered and took my phone.
"Mister Zelk. Are you there?"
"Yes, i'm here. What is it."
"We got another mission to do."
"Really. Geez.."
"Come on. It has been like a month or so."
"I don't care. I didn't even wanted to be a part of this."
"Well neither did i."
"Get to the point already."
"This night, in the woodreln park at 23o'clock. Meet there. Further explanation will be there."
"Fine. Bye."
"See you then."


I threw my phone on my bed and groaned.
"I hate this. Everything would have been alot better, if i wasn't fucking born in this shit hole of a family."

It's 16:57pm.

Mega's POV

I was walking outside, for a breather and because it was nice weather. Sitting on a bench at the park and seeing people having fun and what not.


"Hello mister!" i turned to right and saw a little girl next to me. I waved hello.
"What are you doing here? Sitting all alone?" she asked.
"... just enjoying the day and... i just don't have anyone to sit with." i said.
"Aww... that's sad. Well now you have me!" she looks so happy and cute.
"W-where are your parents?" i asked since you know. Don't see them.
"They are over there!" and pointed at water fountain. "And that is my brother sitting next to mommy!"
"That's nice." i quietly said.

"Do... you often talk to people randomly?" it just suprised me.
"Yes, i do! I talk to alot of people here, since i know most people here!"
"Y-you do?" i stuttered.
"Yes, but i haven't seen you really mister? Don't you go outside really?"
"I work from home most of my time and just have alot to do. You know."
"Aw poop. Well you should! Maybe we'll see eachother again then!" she happily said.
"Maybe i should..."
"Milly!" the mother loudly said.
"I have to go now mister! Maybe we'll see eachother another day!"
"Yea. See you another time."
and then she left.


Welp, time for visiting grandma and so i made my way to her.
"I still miss you grandma."
I arrvied at the sematary, walked over to her grave and sat down.
"... .You were always so kind and caring. You took care of me when my parents couldn't. What even happened to you. Noone ever told me what really went down. My parents just told me that you died of natural causes, but... is that really true? It looked different, when i saw a glimpse of it. ..."

The longer i sat there, the more i lost track if time. It just keept pestering me that I don't know what really happened to my grandma...
I looked around and saw-
We both just stared at eachother.


What an awkward moment.


"What are you doing here-?" both of us said.
"You go first." Jacob said.
"I'm.. just here to visit my grandma. What about you?"
"I was passing by and saw you sitting here. ... i- i also wan- was visiting my parents."
"Oh. Okey then." I looked back to the grave.
It was silent again and i felt a little sad. So many years have passed by and i still don't know what happened to you grandma.
"Well.. i'm sorry for your grandma. Even tho I don't know what happened." Jacob slowly and quietly said.
"Thank you... i don't know what happened to her either.."

. . .

We sat there for almost an hour.
"Oh.. it's already 18:24.. huh .. didn't realise i was here for that long." i said turning to Jacob. "Don't you have anything to do?" i asked.
"Uhm.. not really. Okey well, not now atleast. What about you?" he asked.
".... Probably just gonna go to bed and watch Videos.. I don't know."
"Want me to bring you home?"
He walked me back home and we also chatted for a little.
"I wonder if Zak is gonna come back
from the hospital tomorrow."
"... I'm sure he will." Jacob slowly said.
"You good?" i asked.
"Huh? Yea, why?"
"Ah, it's nothing and we are here. Thanks for walking me home."
"No problem Mega! I'll see you then."
"See ya."

And closed the door.

Georgey/Spifey's POV

Calling Dave.

. . .
. . .
  . . .

"Hey Dave!"
"Hey Georgey, what's up."
"Eh nothing really just preparing another Video. You?"
"Practicing for the MCC."
"Cool. So... did you hear anything from Zak lately?"
"From Darryl?"
"Also a nope."
"Okey. Well, I don't want to bother you anymore then."
"It's all good."

Call ended.

Maybe i should visit him. He may be a little lonley in there. I got up, got dressed and made my way to the hospital he was in, even tho it was late. Eh, who cares. Arriving a few minutes later and asking if i could still visit him.
They said yes, but only for like 5 minutes. So i went to his room and greeted him.

"Hey Zak- Darryl?"
"Oh hey Georgey." Darryl said.
"Hey man!" Zak added.
"Since when are you here?" i asked
"I was here for awhile." he answered.
"Wait, don't they have like a limited time for visiting?"
"They do. I just come at the time where i can visit him."
"Oh. Well that's nice. So, Zak. How've you been?"
"I've been doing good. I can actually go home tomorrow!" Zak excitedly said.
"A-and! He'll stay with me in my house!" Darryl stuttered a bit, but seems happy.
Zak giggled. We all sat for a while chatting until we had to go.
"Bye Zak! See you tomorrow!" i said.
"See you Zak." Darryl smiled.
"Yea! I'll see you all too!" and we walked out. I brought Darryl home and we also talked a little.

"How are Darryl?" i slightly smiled.
"Well, now that i know that Zak has gotten better, i've also been a little better."
"Oh... well, i'm sorry."
"For what?" he asked.
"Well- ah nevermind. Look we are already at your home!"
"Thanks for bringing me home Georgey."
"Any time Darryl. See ya."
"See you."

Then i went back to my home and passed by Jacob's house. I had this weird feeling, but i don't really know.

"Hi Georgey!" he shouted from his balcony.
"Oh! Hey Jacob!" i am.. really not sure about him anymore.
"Where were you?"
"I was just bringing Darryl back home! You!?"
"Nothing really! Just meet Mega and so on!
"Okey! Well, see ya!"
"See ya!" and continued walking.

I've also knew Jacob for quite some time, but..  it seemed like everyone is slowly not trusting him anymore. He may be weird at times and sure those few incident's were weird.., but whatever.
"Finally home."

Vincent/A6d's POV

Jacob is noone you could trust anymore really and i don't get Darryl. It was obviously Jacob who hurted Zak! Like come on! Just thinking about it more and more made me so angry and confused. What did Zak ever do? Why did he do that? ANYTHING?!

I was sitting on my chair thinking about it and then scrolled through Jacob's social media. He seemed so fishy and not only to me. Looking through his social media was like looking at some crazy fan account or something of him and Mega. Tho it mostly was Mega. How is Mega okey with this even??
"Ugh... what are we doing here..."
I'm pretty sure Dave feels the same about this situation and the other- .. maybe. Just gonna ask if he's free.

"Hey Dave. You free?"
. . .
. . .
  . . .
"Hey Vince. What's up."
"Can we talk about Jacob for a sec."
"Sure. Just join in TeamSpeak."

Buddy joined your channel.

"Hey, so. I'm pretty fucking sure that we all or some of us, think at Jacob seems very off." i said.
"Yep. You ain't the only one thinking that way."
"Well, Darryl seems a bit different. He said that he doesn't believe that Jacob is fully innocent, but also not all evil. It feels like he doesn't even believe that it really was him."
"Hm... what else did he tell you?"

I explained him what Darryl's side of the story is and we keept talking about it. It went on for quite sometime until we went to bed late.

Clay was at home sleeping and so was George, but Sapnap stayed up a little longer, because he still had other work to do. Mega was just laying in bed watching Videos, Georgey was streaming, Dave was sleeping, Darryl stayed up for almost the whole night. He couldn't sleep. Wilbur was outside his garden playing the guitar and Jacob was still awake, because he still had to go to the mission.

Jacob/Zelk's POV

"22:32pm... eh. Might aswell get dressed now." i said and got dressed.
"Where the hell is this shit damnit."
and looked through my wardrobe.
"Ah there." and took out the so called uniform. It was a black, grey onesie, with a cape, which also had a hoodie thing, the gasmask and the cape had like two not so small crosses on the left and right, pitch black. He looks down at the dark red mask they can also use, but goes with the gasmask.
"Haven't woren those in quite sometime... oh yea, can't forget my night vision goggles." i sighed, putted it on and made my way to the Woodreln park.
It was very dark, but it was whatever.
"Cool. I'm now here and 1 isn't even here yet. Pff... guess i am too early."


"I'm here." 1 said.
"Took you long enough." in a unmotivated tone.
"Wow okey. Seems like someone is unmotivated for this right now?"
"Get to the point already and tell me."
"Okey okey. So, our target is Jessica Millen. A 22 year old woman, living with her partner, with a good amount of cash and very valuable things. She's kinda dumb tho."
"Pff. It's all about that cash ain't it."
"What? We need all sorts of stuff and we also go for other stuff you prick. Boss just sended us to this now."
"Fine.." and sighed. "Where is she even?"
"We said that we kidnapped her beloved one and we would do an exchange."
"We won't do an exchange anyway. Now are we."
"Hah! Of course not. She'll be dead man."


"I-i'm h-here..!" a female voice said, trembling in fear.
"Let's go Zelk."
We got out of our spot and walked up to here.
She flinched. "I-i have a-all the things you wanted. Where is my beloved one!"
1 pointed at the bushes on the left and she was about to go over, but got cut off.
"E-eh!" and stretched his hand out.
"... o-oh... yea.. right.." she handed us the bag and then walked over to the bushes carefully.
"Shoot her." 1 commanded.
"You're not the boss of me asshole." and then shot her 3 times. Head, stomach and leg.
"AGH-!" she fell down and the blood started flowing everywhere.
1 also shot her aswell and more blood splattered everywhere.
We walked over to the beloved one and also shot him.
"Ugh... i didn't miss all of this at all." i said.
"Pff okey man. Let's just get rid of all of this." 1 smiled.

After getting rid of them and cleaning this crap here we were finally done.
"See~. Wasn't that bad much. Now was it?" 1 said in a baby tone.
"Shut up 1. I really want to go home now, i don't want anyone to see me."
"Anyone to see you? What about me~? he asked.
"You don't live with friends that are just a few minutes away from you and are suspecting you of weird and harmful behaviour." i said frustrated.
"Woo~ someone seems to be in trouble~! Haha! We can always help you-" i cut him off.
"No thanks." and walked away.
"Hey~! Where are you going?"
"Home, you dipshit."
"Aww. Not gonna help me~?"
"Nope. Bye now." and continued walking back home.
"You're mean~! You were supposed to help me! That's why we are here togther!"

"God.. he didn't even need my help. I don't get why Boss wanted us both here." i thought to myself.
Walking back home was very quiet, noone was really here, but then i heared something rustle.

"1. I swear. If that's you, leave me alone." i said while looking around. Nothing. "Ugh... probably a stupid bird or something." and continued walking, AGAIN!
Back at home, took a shower and got ready for bed.
"FINALLY! I can rest now." and closed my eyes.

Sapnap's POV

... Only a few minutes pasted since that gunshot was heared. Wonder who else heared it. Going to bed, but hearing a gunshot right as you layed down is frightening. Didn't even look out, it was dark anyway.
"I can't sleep now... really wonder if the rest also heared it. I'll ask them the next morning." i muttered to myself. Please tell me that gunshot wasn't just a hallucination or something.

Darryl/Badboyhalo's POV

I was so scared and was also shaking. "T-that wasn't real... right? I-it couldn't have been at the hospital since that is further away... so.. it must have been at the woodreln park." i just started overthinking and sleep? Couldn't anyway. Who else heared it? Was i the only one? What happened there? ... This is going to be a long night and i also hoped that Zak was alright.

It was a very long night.

The next Morning. 12pm. Darryl picked Zak up from the hospital and they've gone to Darryl's house with a little help of Vincent.

Zak/Skeppy's POV

"Thanks for helping Guys." i thanked them.
"No problem Zak." Vincent said.
"You'll be safe at my place!" Darryl said happily and smiled.
"Haha! Yea sure." i smiled back.
We arrived a little later and we all walked in. Darryl sat me down on his bed and Vince sat down next to me.
"So... Zak." Vincent said slowly. "What even happened? If you don't mind me asking you this."

I stayed silent for a little and thought. "The only thing i remember was... Jacob... Jacob coming in for a visit, but he .. he... prosumebly muted and turned off my camera while i was in a talk with Darryl... and then i ran away.. well tried atleast. I fell down the stairs and more i don't know anymore." i said very slowly and carefully. It's not something i would've wanted to remember, but i had to tell them.

Vincent stood up and stomped his feet. "I told you it's was Jacob! You can't tell me it was not him anymore! Zak just said it! He said what happened! Do you see that now Darryl!?" i loudly said, not trying to yell. He seemed frustrated.
"Okey i get! It was Jacob! I get it, but we have no evidence that it was really him! How can you even proof it was him if you or we don't have any evidence Vincent?! Sorry for being so loud, but be real here Vince." Darryl said and apologized.
Vincent thought for a little.
"Okey, you're right. We'll get evidence somehow."

"I've actually kinda broke in his house.., but i didn't find anything really except for a picture of Mega." and showed them the picture i took. They all agreed that Jacob must've stalked Mega and secretly snapped a photo of him.
"Do you think he has more photos like these or anything else really?" Vincent asked.
"Probably. Even tho i couldn't really find anything and the only thing that i thought was weird is that he had a bookshelf." i said.
We all took a ment to think.
"Oh! There may be something behind the bookshelf. That might be something." Darryl said.
"I was about to say that aswell. Wouldn't be surprised if there actually was something." Vincent added.

"But breaking into his house still might be a bad idea. He may now that we broke in, because when he came into my house, he mentioned that someone broke into his house. So he knew i broke in." I explained.
Vincent looked at me at me in disbelief, but then just sighed.
"Okey so, breaking into his house is not a big option." he said.
"AH!" me and Vince flinched at Darryl's short scream. "Now that i remember! Did anyone else hear a gunshot very late at night?" he said loudly and quickly.

Me and Vince looked at eachother and shook our heads. Darryl looked down, with a slight worried, thinking face.
"There was a gunshot sound yesterday??" Vincent asked.
"Yea! I got so worried and wondered if anyone else heared it. That's why i asked."
"We can call the rest and ask if any of them heared something." i suggested and we all tried calling everyone. When we called Sapnap, that's when we got something.

"So you heared it aswell Sapnap?!" Darryl shouted.
"Yea i did! I was going to ask you all aswell. Do you know where it came from?" Sapnap asked.
"For me it sounded near the woodreln park."
Both of them talked about it for awhile, while i sat there on the bed. This is all so stressful. Too much stress for all of us. I thought i would've died right then and there, but i didn't. Darryl was there to safe me and i'm really glad he did.
I looked over to Darryl and he made me alot better. Glad i'm here.

George/Georgenotfound's POV

"So Clay. How's Zak? Since i wasn't able to visit."
"He's been doing alot better now. I think Darryl picked him up today, Zak will be staying at Darryl's place for now."
"Oh. Well, that nice and how've you been?"
"Eh. Fine i guess. Working and stuff. The usual and you?"
"Also the usual. Do you think Jacob had anything to do with this?"
"... Maybe. Who's knows really."
"Hm... okey."

"Just remembered, didn't Wilbur wanted to go say that he wanted to go somewhere or spend some time together?"
"Oh yea. Almost forgot."
"Call him up. Maybe we can go tomorrow or something."
"I've actually meet him yesterday and he said that he can't. Some more plans got in his schedule."
"Oh, then maybe another time then."
We talked and nothing interesting happened, but Clay seemed a little more quieter than usual i think?
"Hey Clay? Why are you so quiet?" i asked concerned.

"H-huh? Oh, nothing.. okey.. well maybe not nothing. It's just... i have many things om my mind right now. It's fine."
he explained.
"Come on Clay. You can talk to me and Sapnap too."
"I know. I just- ugh...i don't know. I..."
"Did something happen?"
"No- yes- no! Agghh... hu...."
"Do you want me to leave you alone for a little while?" he seened stressed.
"Oh my gosh- oh okey."

I stayed in the call, Clay suggested playing Minecraft and so we did. What's wrong with Clay? I know that something is bothering him, but I can't get him to open up about it.
"Hey Clay." i said. "Turn around."
he turned around. "Here are some roses for you. Feel better with what ever is going on right now." i dropped them and he picked them up.
"Thank you George." he slowly said.
"Can you say that you love me too?" he said in a baby tone.

"Uh ..." i sighed, but as long as he he's happy again "Yes, i love you and i'm sure Sapnap does aswell." i smiled a little.
"Yay! Makes me feel alot better now!"
he happily said.
"That's the spirit!" i said.


Jacob/Zelk's POV

"Yea sure. They may be able to bust my ass out of jail and other shit, but i can still hate this." I muttered to myself while editing my Video. It wondering why Boss decided to make me go on this stupid mission after like a month or so and also with that idiot. He could've done it by himself.

Whatever, i have other stuff to plan now. Gotta get rid of some people, since it fells like they are right on my tail. Can't go to anyones house anymore, since last time. Zak is gonna die on the playground anyway. Just have to lure him there. Then I have to get rid of Vincent and Darryl next. The rest later, except for Clay. Reminds me that i still gotta talk to him. I looked out my window and sighed. "Wait a sec- isn't that?" I ran to my window and opened it.

"Hey Wilbur! Is that you?!" i shouted.
He looke around and then at my window.
"Oh hey! Uh... Jacob?!"
"Yea! Wait a sec, i'm gonna come down!" and rushed down stairs.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" i asked interested.
"Oh, just walking here and there. Got alot to do. What about you?"
"Ah editing and stuff. Say, you know the rest. Since well you were at the party last time, right?"
"Yea, why?"

"Could you do me and a friend a favour?" i asked politley.
"Uh sure. What is it?"
"Can you ask Zak if he can go to the Playground, with the long path, near the Woodreln park on Friday to meet Darryl, but say it when Darryl is not there. At like 21o'clock. He told me he had a suprise for Zak and tell him i said it." i explained
"Uh... sure? Okey, but i gotta go now man. I'll tell him later. See you."
"Yup! Thank you Wilbur! See ya around!"
and he walked away.
Good thing i saw him.
Time for the rest.

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