The Potter Problem (Drarry)

By hashton4life

253K 11.2K 9.1K

Since being rejected by the one and only golden boy on their first day of school, Draco Malfoy has made it hi... More

The Potter Problem
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
*Quick Chat*
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not an update
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

14.4K 594 1K
By hashton4life

Draco sat in his place at the Slytherin table, eyes scanning the great hall. He looked over at the Gryffindor table, and was shocked to find bright green eyes staring back at him. He quickly looked down at his food, pushing his scrambled eggs around with a fork.  Why was Potter staring at him? Draco could still feel his gaze on him, his palms starting to sweat. Pansy looked over at him, and whispered in his ear.

"Draco, why are you tapping the table? You hate when people do that. It's like, your biggest pet peeve." She questioned.

"He's. Staring." Draco said to her through gritted teeth, but immediately stopped tapping his finger against the dark wood.

"No he's not.." Pansy trailed off, looking across the Great hall. Draco looked up to see the Gryffindor laughing with the weaslette. His heart sped up at Harry's smile, but dropped when he realized it was for the dumb ginger and not him. Sneering, he stood up and stormed out of the hall.

Harry looked up as the blonde stormed out of the hall. He furrowed his eyebrows, Malfoy's seemed angry, well, angrier than usual. He had been watching Malfoy for about a week trying to figure out who his secret crush was, but to no avail. He didn't have any idea what house they were in, or what year for that matter.

He watched as Pansy got up to follow in the direction the blonde headed. After waiting for around a minute, he told Ginny that he was going to go grab a few things from his dorm before potions. She nodded and turned to talk to Dean as Harry hurried out of the great hall to see if he could get anymore information on who Malfoy's crush was.

Draco could hear Pansy calling after him as he exited the great hall, but he was too angry to care. He could feel the jealousy pooling in his stomach as he watched Harry flirt with the stupid weaslette. He started down the stairs to the dungeon's, before turning and slamming his fist into the wall. His breathing was ragged as he let his head rest against the wall, trying to control his emotions. "Malfoys don't feel. Malfoys don't feel." He repeated to himself over and over, the statement he had heard every day, the words he has had drilled into his mind since age six.

        *        *        *

Draco used to have to have a cat he adored, he got her when he was only four, and it was the only thing that had ever showed true affection for him. He named her Ruby, and she followed him around the manor, slept next to him at night, and was his best friend up until his sixth birthday. That evening, young Draco was in the lounge, playing with ruby on the floor. Lucius Malfoy stepped in and watched them for a while, before clearing his throat to gain Draco's attention. Draco looked up, immediately quit his giggling and stood up, placing his hands behind his back and looking at Lucius for permission to address him.  Lucius gave a small nod.

"Good evening, father." Draco said in a small voice, looking at his feet. Lucius stepped towards him, and Draco flinched, ever so slightly, as he started to speak.

"Draco, how do you feel, about your cat.... what was it's name?" He asked, staring down at his son.

"Ruby. I like her very much father." Draco stated, looking at his cat and a small smile made it's way onto his small face.

"But, would you say, you loved...her?" Lucius asked, looking at the animal with a displeased expression.

"I would say that I love her, father." Small Draco said, fear slowly creeping it's way up his spine, as he watched as his father's facial expression changed from one of displeasure to one of disgust. He watched as Lucius drew his wand, pointing it at the cat still rolling around on the carpet. 

"Avada Kadavera!" Lucius yelled, and the cat's movements ceased as it collapsed onto the floor.

"NO!" Draco shouted, rushing over to pick up the lifeless cat in his arms. "Ruby, Ruby, wake up girl. C'mon, wakeup." He cried, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as he stared at his only friend. 

"Malfoys. Don't. Feel, Draco." Lucius stated, staring at his sons crying face without an ounce of emotion.  "Feelings get you hurt. Especially love. Remember this lesson, Draco. Do not forget it." He said harshly, before leaving the room. Draco stared at Ruby, letting out a chocked sob.

"Malfoys don't feel."

        *        *        * 

Harry walked through the halls, heading towards the dungeons, as that seemed the likely place Malfoy would go. As he started down the stairs, he could hear Malfoy quietly repeating "Malfoys don't feel." to himself. Harry walked around the corner and stared at the blond, before clearing his throat. Malfoy's silver eyes shot up to stare at him, longing flickering in them before anger overtook. He still hadn't forgiven Harry for not accepting his friendship all those years ago. And it was stupid bloody Harry who made him break his father's rule. It was stupid Harry who made butterflies erupt in his stomach as he stared at him with his stupid gorgeous eyes. It was Harry who made his palms sweat and his knees weak.

And that pissed him off.

Draco strutted over to Harry, before punching him square in the jaw. He groaned in pain, holding his most likely broken jaw before he was slammed against the wall by the taller boy.

"Think spying on me is funny, do you Potty?" Draco bit, glaring at him as he held him against the wall.

"Why actually, yes, Malfoy." Harry bit back, earning him another bang against the wall. He groaned before pushing the blond off of him and slamming him into the opposite wall. "Why so scared, Malfoy? Afraid I'll find out your little secret?" Harry teased, his voice harsh. Malfoy's eyes widened in fear and Harry smirked to himself. Draco's heart was racing at being this close to Harry, but sped even faster when Harry said that. Harry knew he had a secret? He can't find out. Draco would be the laughing stock of the school! With this thought in mind, he did the only thing he knew would distract him. He lifted his knee and hit him directly in the groin. Harry groaned, hunching over at the pain in his stomach.

"Why in fact Potter, I know you won't find out. Git" Draco spit, and turned to walk away before being tackled to the floor by an angry Gryffindor. They wrestled on the ground for a few moments before being interrupted by Snape shouting at them from the bottom of the stairs.

"Potter! Malfoy! Detention! And 40 points will be taken from both of your houses." He shouted as he hurried to break them up. Both boy's hair was a mess and robes were disheveled.

"" The black cloaked teacher spoke, before turning on his heal and heading to Dumbledore's office.

**Authors note**
Hi guys! So here is the second chapter, I hope you like it! Let me know what you think will happen in detention ;) please vote and comment, and that's all!
Later lovelies!
-J :)

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