A Father A new Life Start- Bo...

By Sebastain500

705K 17.9K 6.3K

Book 1 of A Father A New Life Start Harry is found bruised and battered by one Severus Tobias Snape when he w... More

About the Author!!!
1. The Truth
2. A New Beginning
3. A Home
4.1 Severus' POV part 1
4.2 Severus' POV part 2
4.3 Severus' POV last part
5. Morning Afterwards
6. Gringotts and the adoption
7. Godparents?!
8. Potter-Snape-Malfoy
9. Get Over It
10. The Talk
11. The Restort
12. Snake Den
13. Slytherin's New Day
14. Conflicts
15. Another Conflict, Albus intervenes
16. Bullying
17. Outing and Bad News
18.1 Christmas part 1
18.2 Christmas part 2
20. 😭Setback😭
21. Found Out
22. This means War!!!
23. Prank War!
24. Dinner and fun with Ron
25. Fun with Hermione
26. Fun with Ginny
27. Albus......... The Paddy!
28. Easter Holidays
Severus and Harry's Holiday Pictures Part 1
Severus and Harry's Holiday Pictures part 2
Their Souvenir's
Author's Note
29. Interfering Yet Again
30. Beginning of Summer
31. Gringotts Again
Blood Adoption Results
32. Cleansing and Blood Adoption
33. The Ministry
34. Encounting the Dursley's
35. Another Breakdown and a Human Form?
36. Six year old Human Otiz
37.1 Fun Little Family Outing Part 1
Bit of Fun!!
37.2 Fun Little Family Outing part 2
38. Dinner with the Malfoy's
39. The Wolfie and a Small Human
40. Interfering Once Again
About Otiz
He's finally here!!
41. Encounter
42. What in Merlin's name??!!
43. Otiz and Flitwick
44. More trouble
45. Court HSSSAD-264726
46. Cast Out
47. New Headmaster
48. Tommy Explains
49. Hogsmeade
Interlude..... Ron's New Family
Interlude 2
50. And He's Out Of Here
51. "Quirky" meets "Annoying"
Day in the Life of Maxwell Ronald Anderson
52. Annoyed
53. Fighting with Tom
54. Tyrant
55. Hermione's Isolation
56. Plans for Hogsmeade visit
57. She's out?!
A/N I'm Feeling Down
58. Wolf and Grimm
200k GAME
59. Bad Books with Severus
60. A Date?.... and Forgiveness
61. Date..... and New Friend?
62. Transformations?!
63. Try to make friends
64. New Meetings Old Friends
65. A Change.... end of book 1

What Happened to Ginny?!

3.2K 112 24
By Sebastain500

For mstiana75 as they wanted to know what happened with Ginny so... Plus I wanted to clear some stuff up and then on to the next chapter.

After leaving Minerva's office and practically dragging her daughter to the Floo system in the Great Hall making sure as they went everyone were in classes or studying, she threw in some Floo powder, making sure she had hold of her daughter and calling out for the Burrow.

Once they landed Molly went on a war path! Not only did she get a letter from the twins, thinking it was a complete joke but to get one of Percy! She knew then something was up but this! Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought that her eleven year old would do that!

"How could you do that to the students and think to get away with it! You disgusting girl! Hadrian is more than enough traumatized by what his relatives have done to him since the moment he was placed within their care...

That child was never cared for until he was taken in by Professor Snape last summer, I thought your father and I brought you lot up to be respectful and not harm others! You young lady are grounded and I think most likely Professor Snape will go to the Ministry about you planning to murder the poor boy as he is his father now.

You are not allowed out of your room unless called for, you are not alowed out of this house unless I am with you, you will not be allowed to talk to any of your friends if they send an owl I will be the one to reply to them.

You will help me with the house work as well as the garden, me and your brothers as well as your father will not speak to you and if we do we only want a yes form you. Your room will be stripped of everything besides your clothes and bed.

Your wand will be with me or your father at all times, you will not be allowed to use magic you will act as if you are a Squib. Do I make myself clear if I do hand over your wand and head upstairs to your room.

You will notice what I have said has already been done, your window is also blocked so you can't see outside until we find you have learnt your lesson now march!" yelled Molly to her daughter once she handed over her wand to her mother.

Grumbling up the stairs she noticed right away that the door was missing meaning she couldn't even sneak out!

"What have you done to the door! My stuff is missing give it back!" screamed Ginny to her but she ignored it and waved her wand making Ginny enter her room but couldn't get out due to a barrier the Goblins had put in place.

Ginny tried to leave but every time she as stopped! Why in Merlin's name couldn't she get out of her room, she just screamed trying to get her mother's attention but it seemed that wasn't going to work either.

The barrier also had a silencing charm weaved into it so no one could hear her but she could hear them and it also had a spell weaves into it that once called by anyone of her family she would be forced to go to them.

Arthur returned home that night to Molly making dinner for just them and a small sandwich for her disgusting daughter.

"Hi Molly-kins, how are you doing and what has she been like?" he asked her only for Molly to look up at him and sighed.

"Arthur I can't believe she would do something like that and then threaten to kill poor Hadrian, he's such a sweet lad and all, I thought we raised her right why did she turn out like this?" and she burst into tears.

Arthur could only hug her saying that it was alright he could get to the bottom of all of this.

He called up to Ginny to come down for her dinner, at first nothing happens but then there was a bang and shouting, he sighed as she finally appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Sit eat, then back to your room, Ginerva" said her father  after Molly placed her sandwich in front of her while she placed hers and Arthur's in their places which was a small roast.

Ginny tried to say something but was cut off by her mother, "I thought I told you not to say anything unless it was a 'yes'" and she started eating her dinner while talking to Arthur about his day and after she had left.

"Everything was fine today I found out a number of people were using... Oh what were they called... Oh never mind but it was going great until I got a Floo call regarding her" said Arthur pointing to his daughter.

"Severus is pressing charges and so are a number of families due to what she has done, where have you put her wand?"

"Oh it's away from her, upstairs now" said Molly once she noticed her daughter had finished her food, "up early we have to go out and when we get back the garden" Ginny moved upstairs moaning and groaning as she went but her parents ignored her.

The following day Arthur had left and Molly called for Ginny to come down which she did with great reluctance.

Molly nodded at her and saying nothing to her, grabbed hold of her and Floo'ed to Diagon Alley for the morning to get some new clothes and dinner for tonight.

"You are to carry everything, don't say a word as everyone already knows what you have done, we will meet your father at the Ministry later as we have been called to a meeting" with that they headed off to the first stop of the day: Madam Malkin.

"Ah Mrs. Weasely what can I do for you today?" she asked ignoring Ginny, "well I need some new robes for the twins they've jet again Merlin knows what on them again, it's easier to get some new ones that try and fix them" laughing.

Ginny tried to go over and look at the clothes around the shop but found that she had couldn't!

"Don't even think about it young lady, I'm using the same spell I used on you when you were a mare tot so" Molly didn't finish as Madam Malkin handed her four pairs of new school trousers which were going to be sent to the twins later that day.

"But..." she was stopped by her mother as she thanks Madam Malkin and left the store dragging a persisting Ginny behind her.

Next was to by dinner that night and Molly thought of a nice steak and kidney pie and a small vegetable pie for Ginny with mash on the side loaded with gravy would be a good choice for the night.

All she had to get was some nice steak meat and then they would be done but then a thought came to her, some nice pudding for afterwards... Cherry pie with custard for the two of them.

In the shop Molly was able to pick out some nice meat for dinner and a few bland vegetables for Ginny's, she paid for them and next they headed for the Ministry.

Arthur was waiting outside for them as they came in, he brought them into the office that was being used for this whole thing, Cornelius was waiting for them.

"Ah Mrs Weasely and young Miss Weasley, welcome, welcome sit down sit down. I would say it's very nice to have you here but from what I have heard and read it isn't" sighing.

Molly and Arthur nodded and then looked at their daughter, who was doing everything in her power to not looks at any of them.

"Reviewing everything she is in major trouble not only has she rapped many students who were under a charm but has threatened to kill Hadrian Snape..."

"His name is Harry Potter and I'm going to marry him, or kill him when I get my hands on him! He should stay away from that slimy snake he's calling his father, both of his parents are dead, he should stay with his loving relatives" interrupted Ginny.

"Miss Weasely he has been adopted last year, we have on file from Madam Pomfrey and St Mungo's about his abuse at the hands of what you call "loving relatives" they have been dealt with we are here about why you have done".

He re read everything again to make sure he was getting this right.

"Miss Weasely you have twenty plus cases open on you from when you left school today alone and I expect many more to come in during the day about what you have done to the student population, Potion Master Snape has asked you to be brought to court over threating to murder his son.

I have put this off at this moment in time but everything else I can't, I get owls almost every minute since I walked into the office this morning, everyone has said that they don't want you back at school, wanting your wand snapped, living as a Squib... I don't know which one to choose so I let your parents decide for gate as your only eleven.

We can't have this going to court just yet until everything has come in but I have a feeling that it will be heading that way".

Molly and Arthur looked like they were discussing her punishment, once they had decided it they looked at Fudge.

"She will live as a Squib, she won't be allowed to do magic, snap the wand she won't be needing it anymore, I will teach her how to cook us meals and clean up the Burrow all without magic that is" said Molly making Arthur nod.

"She will also be helping with the garden and everything else that we need, if we go out she will have the charm placed on her so she doesn't leave our side like a child, she has acted like" finished Arthur making Fudge nod at their decision.

"So wand snapping and basically a slave? We don't condone that but if it's with just your family then I don't see any problem with it all with it. Do you have her wand?"

Arthur nodded and handed over Ginny's yew wand and right there and then snapped it making the magic within crackle and then disappear.

"How could you! That was my wand!" screamed Ginny to the three adults in the room.

They ignored her out right and continued discussing everything else.

With the next hour the Weasely's had left the Ministry Ginny was lagging behind not by much though.

Once home all of Ginny's clothes were changed to plain bland coloured clothes, her hair was made to sit in a high bun and she wasn't allowed out of her room unless called for, the same with the house, she was taught how to make a simple dinner but Molly won't let her touch anything else, she didn't trust her anymore.

She was now a slave to the Weasely family.

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