The Doctor Will See You Now [...

By KatrinHollister

22.1K 2.5K 625

True accounts from a junior doctor. From bargaining with a child using stickers in exchange for a blood draw... More

Abbreviations / Jargon
Chapter 1: Geriatrics
Chapter 2: Orthopaedics
Chapter 3: Geriatrics
Chapter 4: Geriatrics
Chapter 5: Ophthalmology
Chapter 6: General
Chapter 7: Respiratory
Chapter 8: Geriatrics
Chapter 9: General
Chapter 10: Gastroenterology
Chapter 11: Transplant
Chapter 12: Geriatrics
Chapter 13: General
Chapter 14: General
Chapter 15: General
Chapter 16: Oncology
Chapter 17: Gastroenterology
Chapter 18: Gastroenterology
Chapter 19: Paediatrics
Chapter 20: Gastroenterology
Chapter 21: Paediatrics
Chapter 22: General
Chapter 23: General
Chapter 24: Paediatrics
Chapter 25: Gastroenterology
Chapter 26: Paediatrics
Chapter 27: Internal Medicine
Chapter 28: Gastroenterology
Chapter 29: Paediatrics
Chapter 30: General
Chapter 31: Paediatrics
Chapter 32: General
Chapter 33: Paediatrics
Chapter 34: General
Chapter 35: Surgery
Chapter 36: Paediatrics
Chapter 37: Paediatrics
Chapter 38: General
Chapter 39: Palliative Care
Chapter 40: Paediatrics
Chapter 41: OBGYN
Chapter 42: Paediatrics
Chapter 43: Paediatrics
Chapter 44: OBGYN
Chapter 45: Paediatrics
Chapter 46: OBGYN
Chapter 47: OBGYN
Chapter 48: Paediatrics
Chapter 49: Paediatrics
Chapter 50: OBGYN
Chapter 51: General Surgery
Chapter 52: Paediatrics
Chapter 53: OBGYN
Chapter 54: Paediatrics
Chapter 55: Acute Medicine
Chapter 56: Surgery
Chapter 57: OBGYN
Chapter 58: General Surgery
Chapter 59: General Surgery
Chapter 60: General Surgery
Chapter 61: Respiratory
Chapter 62: OBGYN
Chapter 63: Geriatrics
Chapter 64: Geriatrics
Chapter 65: Acute Medicine
Chapter 66: Acute Medicine
Chapter 67: Acute Medicine
Chapter 68: Acute Medicine
CHapter 69: General Medicine
Chapter 70: Geriatrics
Chapter 71: General Medicine
Chapter 72: General Medicine
Chapter 73: General Medicine
Chapter 74: General Medicine
Chapter 75: Acute Medicine
Chapter 76: General Medicine
Chapter 77: Acute Medicine
Chapter 78: General Medicine
Chapter 79: Acute Medicine
Chapter 80: Acute Medicine
Chapter 81: General Medicine
Chapter 82: Acute Medicine
Chapter 83: Acute Medicine
Chapter 84: The COVID Series
Chapter 85: The COVID Series
Chapter 86: The COVID Series
Chapter 87: The COVID Series
Chapter 88: The COVID Series
Chapter 89: The COVID Series
Chapter 90: The COVID Series
Chapter 91: The COVID Series
Chapter 92: The COVID Series
Chapter 93: The COVID Series
Chapter 94: The COVID Series
Chapter 95: The COVID Series
Chapter 96: The COVID Series
Chapter 97: The COVID Series
Chapter 98: The COVID Series
Chapter 99: The COVID Series
Chapter 100: The COVID Series
Chapter 101: The COVID Series
Chapter 102: The COVID Series
Chapter 103: The COVID Series
Chatper 104: The COVID Series
Chapter 105: The COVID Series
Chapter 106: The COVID Series
Chapter 107: The COVID Series
Chapter 108: The COVID Series
Chapter 109: General Medicine
Chapter 110: The COVID Series
Chapter 111: General Medicine
Chapter 112: Acute Medicine
Chapter 113: Acute Medicine
Chapter 114: General Medicine
Chapter 115: General Medicine
Chapter 116: Acute Medidcine
Chapter 117: Acute Medicine
Chapter 118: Cardiology
Chapter 119: Cardiology
Chapter 121: The COVID Series
Chapter 122: General Medicine
Chapter 123: The COVID Series
Chapter 124: Acute Medicine
Chapter 125: Acute Medicine
Chapter 126: Acute Medicine
Chapter 127: Acute Medicine
Chapter 128: Acute Medicine
Chapter 129: Acute Medicine
Chapter 130: General Medicine
Chapter 131: General Medicine
Chapter 132: General Medicine
Chapter 133: General Medicine
Chapter 134: General Medicine
Chapter 135: Acute Medicine
Chapter 136: Renal
Chapter 137: General Medicine
Chapter 138: General Medicine
Chapter 139: General Medicine
Chapter 140: Acute Medicine
Chapter 141: Acute Medicine
Chapter 142: General Medicine
Chapter 143: The COVID Series
Chapter 146: General Medicine
Chapter 147: The COVID Series
Chapter 148: The COVID Series

Chapter 120: The COVID Series

86 11 2
By KatrinHollister

Work has been super busy.

Our fever ward, which is for admitting patients with fevers or abnormal chest x-rays so they can get their nCoV testing, is full. Aside from massive influxes of patients exposed to nCoV cases or just anxious about having it themselves, this is because there is a clog downstream.

The general wards that receive the patients tested negative for nCoV are also full. This is mainly due to the elderly people that come in with non-nCoV related things taking some time to get better, such as UTIs and chest infections. Sometimes they end up getting complications, such as falling on the ward or choking on their food or getting hospital-acquired infections, prolonging their stay.

Two nursing homes have had outbreaks. Many vulnerable, elderly folks are infected. For those lucky enough to avoid it, they don't actually have a place to go on discharge even if they're fit to leave the hospital. So they stay here. Some get hospital-acquired infections during their wait until their nursing homes have been fully cleaned out. One of our three rehab wards has been converted to the fever ward we're using now so we don't have places to go for those awaiting placement or needing rehab, so they're stuck on the acute ward.

Our ICU is full of nCoV cases so when our forty-year-old diabetic rolls in very ill from an infection and kidney failure, he's not admitted to ICU even though he's a prime candidate. A fifty-year-old man coming in basically comatose because of his bad COPD (a lung condition mainly due to smoking where the airways are chronically narrowed) but otherwise a well functioning baseline is also denied ICU admission.

This is the result of not flattening the curve (as much as we could have). The hospital is overloaded. And those who come in very ill needing ICU care, nCoV-related or otherwise, are not admitted to ICU because we have no beds. And the general wards are also stuffed full.

Hong Kong is into its third wave and, in contrast to the single digits and occasionally ten or twenty cases back in the first and second waves, we are now getting hundreds of cases per day after weeks of zero new cases. Meanwhile, our border remains open and hundreds of thousands of people have government-sanctioned exemptions from quarantine and testing (this has since been tightened somewhat after a study by our university showing the strain of this current outbreak is definitely imported from those who are exempt and there was public outrage). Mainlanders are still crashing through the border to use our healthcare willy-nilly.

A mainlander last week rushed through the border and immediately to our A+E. He's a heavy smoker so he's always a bit chesty. He says he hasn't actually got any symptoms but wanted a checkup. In A+E. During a pandemic. By crossing the border and using the public transport whilst being potentially a carrier of deadly disease.

Another mainlander came into our A+E having been discharged from a neighbouring hospital just twelve hours earlier for an infection, which had cleared. He says he had a fever. So, the anxious A+E admitted him immediately. He had no documented fever in A+E. He had documented no fever on admission to our ward. The next day, when his resident rounded him, he says he never had a fever at all, just a headache, but claims A+E told him he had a fever.

A local man attended a neighbouring hospital and tested positive for nCoV. He refused admission and then refuses to be treated. He then refused to stay in hospital and escaped. The police was called -- but he then surrendered himself afterwards, having run all the way through the hospital and out the front door. Whilst testing positive.

We really don't need disgustingly selfish people like those at these desperate times.

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