Two Idiots One Bed

By CursedLowlife

74.5K 1.9K 4.8K

Tolkein, now trusted by his parents to go by himself, invites his friends to the summer resort that his famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Anime Beach Episode)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chpter 13
Chapter 14 (Time Skip: Week 6)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 11

2.8K 75 303
By CursedLowlife


It's a good one though, don't worry.~

Craig POV:




My eyes shoot open like a bullet. I look over to my left and see Tweek still sleeping. I smile. that creepy? I hope not. I just stare at him for a bit. His hair just looks so fucking soft...My hand starts to hover itself over his hair. If only I could-

"What are you doing?" I look over at Tweek, who is glaring up at my hand.

"I...uh-" I pull my hand away. "N-nothing..."

"Okay then..."

Tweek sits up and yawns. He flings his arm into the the and stretches, his shirt getting pulled up a bit, exposing his stomach. I really can't help but stare at him.

Suddenly, Tweek raises an eyebrow. "Do I look funny or something?" He scoots towards me a bit.

I scoot back. "I uh-"

"Spit it out!"


Tweek tilts his head to the side a bit. "O-oh...thanks."

Oh god, all the homo.

I smile awkwardly. "So, ya wanna get dressed and go have breakfast?"


"We're gonna go check out that fair going on in town, today." Clyde says with a mouthful of food, causing his speech to sound all mumbled.

I look up from my bagel. "The what?"

Token glares at Clyde who is about to say something. He elbows Clyde and interrupts him:

"The fair! There's a small town outside of the resort area. I've never actually been there, but I thought I'd give it a try this time-"

Clyde gulps down his food. "SO ARE YOU COMING?!"

I look around the table at the other boys.

"Hold on a second, how are we even going to get there?" Kyle raises an eyebrow.


"I rented a car," Token says, elbowing Clyde again.

"Sounds fun." Kenny puts his arm behind his head and leans his chair back, resting his feet on the table.

Tweek frowns. "You guys really don't have any manners..."

Kyle wheezes, while Stan has a coughing fit. I kick one of the legs of Kenny's chair, causing the whole chair to fall back. Kenny gives me that look of betrayal as I laugh at him.

"Oh no, Kenny are you alright?"

We all turn our heads to Butters who is trying to help the fucktard- AHEM, Kenny off the ground.

I look back at Token, who's hands are shaking violently. Clyde puts his hand over Token's and gives him a worried smile.

Okay, so I know what you may be thinking; "That's kind of gay." And you're right. It is gay. Those two are dating. Bet that one caught you by surprise, didn't it? They have been dating for awhile...We all kinda had a feeling that there was too much bromance, so Nicole ended it with Token. It's funny, she seemed kinda happy to end things with him, I'm pretty sure it's because she was shipping it the whole time...Nicole is too good for him anyways. The two of them are kind of like the group's mom and dad now.

Ah, back to the present!

I scoot over to Tweek and whisper in his ear. "So, do ya wanna go?" He nods and I look back at Token. "We're in."

"Us too!" Stan grins.

"Wait, what?" Kyle raises an eyebrow.

Stan ignores him. "We're in!"

Butters claps his hands. "It sounds like fun!"

Kenny who, mind you, is still on the ground, gives us a shaky thumbs up.

"That's a yes!" Butters says.


The eight of us get out of the car. Clyde is the last one to get out because he is our designated driver. The fair looks, to be honest, generic. It has all the normal stuff a fair would have; fair food, fair games, fair rides, fair etc.- It's actually kinda boring looking...

My thought bubble pops and I turn to Token-

TOKEN IS GONE! Come to think of it...

Where is everyone?

Tweek reads my mind. "They all walked off while you were doing your inner monologue," he says, leaning up against the car door and staring at his phone.

I tilt my head and scoot over to him. "Soooo, do ya wanna go in?" I ask.


And with that, we enter the fair. It's kind of a cloudy day...Hopefully the sky clears up. Tweek and I wander around a bit. We stop here and there to look at the little things that catch our attention, yet there's still this elephant sized silence between us. It's always there, lurking and annoying the fuck out of everyone.

I think it's time to get him out of his comfort zone, I think, spotting an eerie looking attraction.

"Wanna go check out the haunted house?"

"W-what?!" The boy looks up at me in terror.

"I said-" I bend my knees a tiny bit to get to his height and smile at him. "Wanna go check out the haunted house?"

"I don't know..."

"That's a yes to me, Twitchy!"

I grab Tweek's hand and and drag him to the line of people waiting to go in. For the most part, it doesn't look too bad. The exterior has a paint job that is actually nice to look at. The building, tent, or whatever is painted to look like a generic haunted house. Just imagine a lot of purple.

Tweek pulls his hand away from mine and rests it on his opposite side's shoulder. This must be a pretty popular attraction because the line for it is soooo long. Maybe I should ask questions while we're waiting.

"Ya scared?"

"Psssh, noooo!" We rolls his eyes.

"I bet..." I wriggle my fingers in front of him. "They are gonna have buckets and buckets of fake blood!"

"Oh-ahhhh..." He fake screams.

"Boo, you whore."

"D-did you just-"

The line in front of us seems like it disappear. Before we know it, we are at the entrance. The two of us enter and are meant, instantaneously, with one of those fake jumping spider animatronics. I get startled and jump back a bit.

"Pffft-haha, loser!" Tweek cracks up.

"That wasn't fair, I wasn't ready!" I grunt, as we continue to walk.

The two of us are met with endless amounts of terror- definitely not just me. Heh...

"EEEK!" I hug Tweek's arm.

=_= "Can you not?" He says, shooing away a fake spider web.

"Shhh!" I pull him back, behind something big and dark, to be honest, I can't see shit.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"I- need a moment..." I catch my breath.

"We're gonna get in trouble..." He trembles a bit.

"Seriously, that's what you're scared about?"

"Well uh- yeah...Real life shit is scarier than whatever this is trying to be."

I sigh. "Bummer."

"B-bummer?" He tilts his head.

"I thought I was gonna be the pants in this relationship."

"Wait what-"

"NOTHING! Let's get this over with..." I grab his wrist and we enter the funhouse part of the attraction. "WHY THE FUCK IS THIS HERE?!"

"Yeah, I thought this was a haunted house..."

I walk into a clear plastic wall. "Mother fucker..." I look over my shoulder and see Tweek get beaten the shit out of by one of those blow up clown things that we had to walk through.

Tweek finally bumps into my back.

"Oh shit..." I reach out my hand to help him up.

Tweek accepts my offer and grabs my hand. "I-I hate these things..."

I smirk. Luckily, I'm a master at mazes. "Did you know that the one thing you need to do to get out of any maze is follow one wall?"


"Yeah- I'll show you!" I pull him close to me and put my hand on the right wall.

Haha. I'm so smooth.

=.= "What are you doing?"

"Tight squeeze, I swear."

"If you s-say so..."

With my big brain, we get out of there alive. The wonderful light of day that I was longing for is back! Tweek shoves me off, gently.

"See? That wasn't so bad!"

"I wasn't the o-one screaming the whole time..." He lets out a small laugh, something that might I add, am so happy to hear. "You're such an idiot!"

I pout. "Rude."


Stan POV:

"So like...Wanna go on some rides?" I peak over Kyle's shoulder.

He's seriously reading a book on his phone?! Uggghh...I love the guy, but I hate him sometimes too.

"I don't know..." He mumbles under his breath.


"I said, I don't know," he snaps back.

"What's with the mood?"

"Hm...It's nothing..."

"You know you can tell me stuff! I'm you SBF, remember?"

"Stan, we haven't used the Super Best Friend phrase  in years..."

"Super Boy-Friend."


He covers his face with his phone.


"Ew, what the fuck...Stop that."


Ugh...Fine I'll go on rides with you!" He puts his phone in his pockets and stands up. "Let's go idiot." He grabs my hand and starts walking.

"Do you even know where we're going?"

"No, please lead the way."

"Pfft, okay!" I walk in front of him, this time grabbing his hand.

Kyle and I get in line for the fair's only roller coaster. The line is's long. Well, since we are going to be here for awhile, I might as well fill you in on what's going on between Kyle and I:

I have been best friends with Kyle since like, kindergarten. We hit it off instantly! I used to have the biggest crush on this girl name Wendy and we were actually dating for awhile. Sadly, Wendy broke up with me, which is fine cause we are still friends an all. It wasn't until after the breakup when I realized he's been here for me this whole time. That realization grew into actual feelings for him. The Summer before Junior year, we confessed to each other at the same time. We've been dating ever since!

Lately though, I feel like we've been distant. I honestly am not sure how much longer this relationship will last, but I'm really determined to be a great boyfriend! Kyle is confusing sometimes, kinda like girls on their periods. Sometimes he'll be clingy, then a second later he's all moody and doesn't wanna be touched. The guy doesn't even let me kiss him unless it's a peck. We've been together for like a year now and he still isn't ready! I guess...I guess I can't force him, though. I really, really like him. He isn't just my boyfriend, he is still my best friend and I never want to hurt him.

I'm awoken from my thoughts by the feeling of my arm being squeezed. I look down at Kyle who is, of course, hugging my arm. Ya get what I mean? He's got those mood swings. As we are about to take a seat on the ride, Kyle whispers in my ear:

"You puke on me, you're dead."

I gulp. Here we go. We buckle our seat belts and the bar protector thing that goes over you, went over us. At least we aren't gonna fall off. At last, we are greeted with that bone chilling sound;


We start trailing up slowly. I grab Kyle's hand. He's wearing straight face, but I know that won't last for long. Last time we went on something like this, he broke out in tears. God I hope I don't-


We get speed dipped straight down into the pits of Hell and back. Just as the ride started, it ended. Kyle and I were left there, speechless. At that point, I don't think either of us were breathing. The two of us get escorted out of the ride and back into the bustling noises of the fair.

I turn my head to Kyle, shock still planted on my face. "Heh...That one was a lot faster than last time, eh Kyle?"

"Well uh- at least you didn't throw up on me."
He shakes his head and gives me a side smirk. "I'm guessing you don't want anything to eat after that, huh?"


We walk, hand in hand, to a nearby picnic table and sit next to each other. Kyle turns to me, a stern look on his face. His harsh stare turns into a smile, as he closes his eyes and bows his head.

"Contrary to what you may think, I had fun."

"O-oh..." I look away. "That's good?"

What's he getting at?

The boy in front of me puts both his hands on my shoulders, squeezing them a bit. His whole body shakes as he slowly lunges himself up, the the point our lips almost touch. I close my eyes.

. . .

I open one eye. Kyle is sitting back, looking down. I sigh then give him a gentle smile, opening my arms out to him. He accepts the offer and let's me hold him.

"Stan I-I love you!"

"I know Kyle."

"Like, I really love you!"

"I know Kyle."

Pfft, he's so cute. I wish we could stay like this forever...


A/N: Told ya that was gonna be a long one. Did y'all make it this far? If you did, congrats your a true mad lad. Anyways, I can't wait any longer to get a chapter out cause I don't want y'all losing interest. The next chapter will be about the other four. Stay tuned bitches!

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