A Knight Secret (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

3.1K 171 229

{Discontinued} Pidge becomes a knight got the Garrison kingdom but Pidge has a secret, one she has to make su... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.

Chapter 7.

140 8 25
By VoltronMoon



"Hey Pidge, can I ask you something personal" Shiro spoke up unsure as he sat on the edge of his bed, glancing to the two photo frames aimed to look directly towards the bathroom door instead of being tilted for Pidge to see them in her bed. 

"Sure but don't be too upset if I can answer yet" Pidge replied from the bathroom, she was brushing changing into her sleeping clothes.

"The frames on the desk, you never aim them towards your bed to see them, you just make them stand facing the bathroom door while pushed to the back edge of the desk like you want them hidden and unseen yet you still brought them here. Are they your family" Shiro asked with concern, he knew not all have good passes but if Pidge truly hated her family then she wouldn't have the drawings in sight. 

"The 12x12 inches frame was drawn when I was six years old. Its of my parents and their two children. The son and daughter, its the only drawing I have of them. The AF drawing is of the son and daughter grown up with their childhood friend. Drawn when the girl was fourteen and the two males were seventeen. Its drawings of those I love in my past" Pidge explained before stepping out in an oversized and lose brown tunic with dark green shorts under.

"I see" Shiro replied with a small smile and laid down in his bed, topless in his grey sleeping shorts that ended just above his knee. 

"Night Shiro" Pidge smiled softly before blowing out the candle in the middle of the desk and climbing into her own bed.

"Sleep tight Pidge" Shiro smiled gently as he closed his eyes letting a frown take over his lips.

The second drawing was taken as the older boys were sixteen yet Pidge came to the kingdom when she was fifteen did she not. Who was she/he and why have drawings you won't in unless she/he was the one to draw them both, if she/he was the artist no wonder she wasn't in them but knew a lot about those in the picture. They were her family, the family she never spot about, the family she gave no names and only just gave them an old age they once was. 

Did they die?

Did they leave?

Did Pidge became alone in the world?

Just who was Pidge and why was he in the Garrison Kingdom all alone?

Question just filled Shiro mind, his partner had so many secrets but never show any signs of ever speaking the truth. Yes Pidge seemed happy but a sadness would fill those hazel eyes as they looked to those two frames. 

But as Shiro became lost in thought and rolled to his side to look at the sleeping figure in the opposite bed he noticed the edge of anotehr frame that was tucked between his bed frame and mattress. A frame he kept hidden from Pidge since day one and all his friends, the frame that held the rest of his family in with an older him standing in the middle. 

Maybe Shiro shouldn't push into Pidge, after all he was also keeping something from their friends and couldn't dare speak the truth yet. 

Maybe he and Pidge was more alike then he thought and that made him sleep soundless knowing everything would end out ok for them both, they just had to wait a little longer. 

Morning came and as usual, Shiro had to wake Pidge up ten minutes after the sin blinded into their room making the semi alarm bells Pidge set up to rin at eight am every morning went off. Shiro was impressed by it and well its works for him making him wake Pidge up once he washed his face and brushed his teeth.

"Urg, Its Morning" Pidge groaned in disgust as she laid on her back with her eyes open.  

"Good Morning to you too" Shiro chuckled as he got his clothes out while Pidge sat up. 

"Morning" Pidge sleepily replied as she pulled her clothes out as well. 

"Bathroom or the room, I don't mind what I changed in today" Shiro asked as he turned to Pidge who was standing with her clothes.

"You let me change in the room yesterday, my turn to dress in the bathroom" Pidge answered and grabbed her clothes before heading inside the bathroom.

Pidge didn't mind changing in the bathroom every morning and night but Shiro didn't like the fact she was stuck changing in the bathroom all the time to hide her body while he got the room. So, now they take turns changing in the room and bathroom making Shiro feel less guilty over hogging the room when dressing. 

"Are you nervous" Shiro asked as he tied the string to the tunic, already having his trousers and socks while his boots were on the foot by the end of his bed. 

"Hy ee nuous" Pidge asked as she brushed her teeth half dressed, already binding her chest and placed her tunic on. She had her socks on already since she placed them up as she sat up in bed and all she needed to do was put her trousers on and boots. Her boots by her bed. (Brushing Teeth Translate - Why be nervous).

"The royal visit, we'll be protecting both King Sven and the two princes along with the visiting kingdom royals. We lucky to not have to worry over prince Takashi since he on business at a small town in the kingdom due to them having wolf trouble and he gone to help" Shiro replied and the bathroom door swung open without warning with a panicked Pidge standing without trousers but the tunic ending at her thighs covering her lady underwear thankfully while her tooth brush hanged in hr mouth.

"Wha" Pidge squeaked and Shiro chuckle.

"Finish dressed and brushing your teeth, you can panic after" Shiro smiled and Pidge awkwardly nodded before closing the bathroom door and finishing up.

A couple minutes later and Pidge stepped out fully dressed and ready to face the day, she walked over placing her brother nerdy round glasses on her face covering most of her freckles that she no longer hated but loved just to turn and find Shiro taking out her armour while his own laid on his bed.

"You'll be fine, your a good knight and a good person. Most of the time you'll be standing beside me and we work together while the other knights stand close but given to protect different royals. Apart from Prince Kuro, he a trained knight himself and a great fighter meaning he asks for no protection and will help out if trouble happens. But he will mostly stay hidden up not wanting to play nice to those who try and mush up to him and the king" Shiro explained and Pidge nodded in understanding.

"What If I'm ask to look ask someone on my own, I only just finished learning all the Knight codes and well I'm not good with people let along stuck up royals. What if I mess up before them, it make you and the others look back" Pidge replied as she freaked out and Shiro placed most of her armour on her bed.

"Calm down, you'll do just fine. Only talk when spoken too and be polite to the royals. You won't be left alone with one since your been teamed up with me due to this being your first royal guarding. Plus, from what I heard, only three royals are coming along with a lord they close too. James is the king private knight, meaning he'll look after protecting the king for us letting us worry over the victors more" Shiro replied with a kind smile and placed a hand on Pidge shoulder.

"Thanks, sorry for freaking out a little" Pidge smiled shyly and Shiro just smiled at her.

"I have hope of you, I trust you with my life and with my kingdom so please, never fear over how great you can be" Shiro smiled gently as Pidge looked to him stunned.

"Now, time for us to armour up, we'll have to pick up our cloaks from the steam room since they were washed and done up just for the meeting" Shiro quickly moved on as he walked back over to his bed and putting the black amour on.

"Right" Pidge muttered and started putting her green amour on.

The two soon got armoured up before sliding their swords in its sheaths, hearing the great click as it was  securely in the sheath, safely hooked to the belt and ready to be pulled out when danger comes along. They gave each other a thumbs up before heading out to the steam room on the lowest floor where the kitchen, armoury, laundry and  castle staff bathrooms are. It was mostly use for servants, maids and butlers use along with knights. The gardens kept up to thrive beautifully and shine while being used by anyone at anytime. 

Shiro helped click Pidge green clock on to her armour shoulders, waving it slightly to make sure it would blow in the wind a little to make her truly look like somebody knight in shining armour. Pidge did the same for Shiro, standing on a stool to help reach his shoulders before waving it a little to make sure it was fully on. 

Once they were finished up they headed straight to breakfast only eating toast and bending over the table to make sure no crumbs fell in their armour .. they had to be shining and presentable for the kingdom image. Keith, Lance and Hunk all doing the same even when drinking their waters, everyone bend over so any drips or splashes went to on the table not them.  

Brushing their teeth once again in the shared male bathrooms, other knights laughing as the five stood with their faces stuck in the sinks to make sure no past dripped onto them. James came walking in not long after doing the same as he finished breakfast with the normal knights and he left ready to stand behind the king as his knight. 

Of course Pidge held back a smirk as Keith stalled a little when the other four coloured knights were gonna head back as James dried his mouth with a towel. Pidge wouldn't ever admit to Keith that she saw the two sneakily hold hands and share a kiss to calm the other and wish them luck. But then again, Keith would owe her for making sure Hunk, Lance and Shiro didn't see the two lovers due to her guarding the doorway and pointing out birds in the sky.

Once Keith and James moment was over the two walked out like fellow knights not lovers and the group walked towards the castle entrance, standing at the top of the stairs in their places. Shiro standing by the last step to the top of the castle entrance, Pidge on his right. Keith stood on Pidge right with James standing opposite him before the opposite half length stone fence that led to the castle doors. Lance stood on Keith right with Hunk standing at the end beside Lance. All of them standing proud and ready as King Sven walked out dressed in his royal king clothes and Slav following a couple steps behind him dressed smartly as well. Prince Kuro stepped out looking less happy then his elder brother but stood proudly in grey princely clothes with his sword on his old brown belt strapped around his waste. He stood on the King left a single step behind as they stood at the top of the stairs ready to welcome the guests. 

"I'm gonna puke" Hunk mouthed nervously as he turned to Lance since the two royals had their backs to them.

"Don't you dare, We just got our capes steamed and wash with rich soaps" Lance mouthed back like an angry brother.

"Deep breaths" James mouthed trying to help calm the yellow knight.

"We so screwed" Keith mouthed shaking his head a little.

"Is it too late to run" Pidge mouthed as she turned to Shiro.

"Sadly" Shiro mouthed back making Pidge and Keith hold back a laugh. 

"Five coloured knights and Head knight, the King wish to speak" Slav voice filled the air making the six quickly stand up straight looking directly head with serious looks. 

"Knights, I wish to thank you all for protecting my family, my people and soon our friends when they arrive. You have all done well and I know it must worry for you when these visits happen but I would trust no one else to help protect this visit the most with you six" Sven smiled kindly as he turned where he took looking at all six at one at a time showing how grateful he was.

"Its an honour my King, we wish to protect this kingdom as much as you do" Shiro answered as all six knights soon bowed and Sven eyes soften.

"I can see how much you all care for this kingdom and I'm still thankful I was given such loyal and caring knights. Please take well and make me proud by showing how great our kingdom can be by just being yourselves" Sven smiled as he bowed back once the six stood again.

"But don't screw up during the visit otherwise he won't be as jolly over you. Don't forget, your representing the whole kingdom to our visitors. In this kingdom we all joint in an inviable link but we are one huge family, don't damage us all by making a tiny mistake by yourself" Kuro spoke up coldly as he glanced to each knight, his eyes landing on Pidge a little longer before staring at Shiro who rolled his eyes.

"But looking at you six, I know the kingdom will be safe in your hands. I hold hope for you all" Kuro smiled softly shocking the others even his brother and Slav before he turned back to look down the stairs. 

Soon the Trumpets could be heard from the small town parted by the castle by a single muddy path that only took a couple minutes to walk. The king quickly turned back to the stairs with Slav doing the same. The knights standing tall and proud as the royal victors carriage was in sight being pulled by two pure white horses. The carriage was a sky blue and white design with light pink wooden wheels and light pink  reins for the horses.

Pidge noticed everyone take a deep breath as the main carriage came to a stop at the end of the small steps, a footman opening its door while holding out a hand to help the royals step out without tripping.

"King Alfor, Princess Allura, Prince Lotor and Lord Mathew its an honour to welcome you all the Garrison Kingdom" Sven spoke in a kind and clear voice as opened his arms once the four inside the carriage all stood at the bottoms of the steps. 

"King Sven, my you have grown so much since your visit three years ago and I must say you've done well running the Kingdom from when it was given to you at such a young age. Thank you for accepting us into your Kingdom and allowing us to stay" Alfor smiled with care as he started walking up the steps, his daughter Allura walking beside him with her arm looped to his to help them both walk up the steps with class. 

"I look forward to seeing your Kingdom, King Sven and Prince Kuro. Its a shame I was never able to see it before your mother pass but I look forward to seeing the sights. I must ask, what of Prince Takashi" Allura smiled sweetly as she and her father reached the top of the steps, her giving a slight curtsy and her father giving a head bow now their arms unhooked. She was now twenty years of age and soon to be crown queen of Altea. 

"My younger brother was called to a town in our kingdom, it seems wolves have gotten a little close and he left to help our people" Kuro answered as he and Sven gave bows in return. 

"A shame truly, I was hoping to catch up with all of you and it be sad to not speak with him at least once" Allura frowned as she glanced away, opening her hand fan and winding herself a breeze in a lady like manner.

"A prince duty always comes first but I'm sure he feels just as lost on missing your visit" Kuro replied with a slight smirk as he glanced to the five knights.

"So, these are the five protectors of your kingdom. I have heard rumours of your coloured knights but its breath taking to see them with my own eyes. I do hope you won't mind if I speak with them later, They like hero's in my eyes" Matthew smiled brightly as he eyed up the five coloured knights not seeing their faces very well.  He was now twenty fiv years up and dressed as real lord but still had his sword hooked to his belt around his waste. His hair was much longer and tied in a messy pony tail with a scar over his left cheek. 

"My five knights have been given their orders but I'll be happy to let you speak with them at some point during your visitor and learn of them all. I'm glad someone from another kingdom holds so much respect and joy over them" Sven smiled and Matt quickly bowed knowing he messed up the order of greeting.

"Sorry for him my king, His mouths speaks its mind before his mind has a chance to think" Lotor smiled as he bowed before elbowing Matt a little. Lotor was now twenty years of age and dressed in his kingdom purple colours but still dressed as a prince. His sword on his belt around his waste while his hair was still long and tamed.

"Its alright, at least he plays an honest game and knows what he likes and how to ask for it without causing harm to others" Kuro mumbled as he looked to the side wanting to leave already.

"Why don't we settle you all in your rooms and then we can meet again for lunch. I'll come escort you myself King Alfor while the five coloured knights can escort  Princess Allura, Prince Lotor and Lord Matt" Sven smiled and King Alfor nodded in agreement before Slav waved out the maids and butlers to take the visitors to their given room for their stay and the rest to bring their luggage.

Once all the royals were deep down the halls everyone let out a breath of relief and relaxed a little as the stressful greeting was over. 

"Well now we all know who'll we be taking care of, you five will be stuck with the victors but how are you going to settle who gets who" James spoke up as he stepped forward, letting the maids who carried the bags pass him from behind with ease.

"Hunk" Shiro

"The yellow knight" Pidge

"Buddy" Lance

"Him" Keith

"Me" Hunk

All five speaking at the same time as they all pointed towards Hunk who pointed his own thumb at himself already knowing he get the old King who meant to be kind and loving. The only royal who might not scare Hunk or make him cry if stuck in a room with and Hunk was better at caring for older ones without them even noticing he looking after them more.

"So, while I look after King Alfor and James is with King Sven .. who do you think will be Allura victim" Hunk asked with a worried smile as he held his hands together.

"No one, I mean once she sees how charming I am and notice how good looking I am, she forget all about the prince and want only me in her life. I'll be getting myself a princess during this visitor, try not to cry too much boys" Lance grimed proudly and placed his thumb and pointy finger under his chin in a gun shape. 

"Keep dreaming idiot, She gonna reject you as coldly as she can for even thinking you have a chance with her. Plus don't forget she had her claws in the prince since she her first visit when he was eleven and she was twelve, she not leaving without him or she bring hell down on the rest of us" Keith huffed back slapping Lance armour lightly before crossing his arms.

"Allura is after Prince Kuro, he didn't seem her tight let along seemed like he liked her at all" Pidge frowned as she turned to Shiro who chuckled.

"Its because Prince Kuro hates her but she not after him, she after his twin brother Prince Takashi. Why do you think the prince left, the princess has been sending letters monthly to him and decided he shall be her husband but he not really interested in her either hence he keeps a distance. Even as she be queen by next year she still rejects anyone else who offers her marriage until she gets the third prince for herself, its a bit of the problem for the royals of Garrison. I mean, the king can force his brother to marry her but wouldn't due to knowing his brother is after love not titles" Shiro explained with a small smile as he looked to Pidge who made an 'o' shape with her mouth as she now knew the issues before nodding in understanding.

"Poor Prince, Allura seems the type who get her way no matter what. I hope it ends well for him" Pidge muttered with a sadden frown as she lowered her head.

"I'm sure he happy where he is, now we better head inside and get ready to escort the visitors. Just keep close to me, I'll make sure that Allura doesn't try to boss you about too much or use you to release her irritation" Shiro smiled softly and Pidge lifted her head before nodding. 

"Come on Hunk, We can walk together since I remember the king telling me Alfor was put in a room close to our royals rooms hall. I think just around the corner" James smiled kindly and Hunk nodded.

"Good luck guys, see you in the royal dining hall later .. save me a space on the wall with you" Hunk smiled friendly and started walking away with James.

"Anyone remember where the princess, Prince or the lord was placed" Lance asked with a nervous smile as he turned to the others. 

"I do, I asked James on our walk to the entrance" Pidge smiled as they started heading inside.

"This is why you became the brains of the coloured knights" Keith smirked as he ruffled Pidge hair.

"Lets just take our time to their rooms, this might be our only free time of full silence from them until they leave. Plus I'm sure they won't be ready this soon, slow and steady will be fine for now" Shiro spoke up and the four took their sweet time towards the hall where the three rooms should be. 

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