Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

199K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 19

4.3K 167 333
By Glitter_Crazy

Shoto's POV

As both me and Midoriya walked to the top of the fighting area he started to speak up.

"I can't lose this, either. I owe it to everyone who's supported me to try my best. I will beat you."

I couldn't help but remember Eimi's face when she told off our father earlier. The same look was on Midoriya's face when he said that, determination. Determination that he was going to win this match. But I wasn't going to let him. I need to prove to my old man that I can win this festival without his stupid quirk. (A/N now that's not gonna happen now is it Shoto? hehe)

"It's the first match of the second round! These two heroes in training have both been front runners in the sports festival!" Present Mic called out while introducing us once again.

"It's Midoriya! Versus, Todoroki!"

I can't allow him to use that power of his too much. 

"But which of these rivals will advance to the next round?! Let's find out, begin!"

Right at the start..

I shot out some ice towards Midoriya while he held out his finger and yelled smash. Right at that moment, my ice shattered in the chunks, leaving Midoriya unscathed. The wind from that attack was so strong it could have pushed me out of bounds, if it wasn't for the ice barrier that I made behind me. 

When the wind died down and I was able to look back at him, I saw his finger was broken.

Just as I expected. He's prepared to injure himself to counter me.

"Wow! Midoriya managed to break Todoroki's insane opening move!" Present Mic called out.

Before Midoriya could direct an attack to me, I blasted some more ice his way, but before it could reach him, he countered it again with his explosive quirk.

"He countered again!" Present Mic called out again.

He stood there looking at his fingers as I got impatient from waiting.

"Let's continue." (A/N "now im mad, my old man is a scumbag, you want my fire, I'll end this quickly, become the hero he wanted you to be!" Sorry couldn't help myself, nOw BaCk To ThE fIgHt) I said while a puff of frost left my mouth while I directed another ice attack his way. I put my arms up to cover my face as he stopped my ice attack once again.

"You want an endurance match. But I'll end this quickly." I said while my ice blocked my eye of sight when quickly making its way towards where Midoriya stood.

I activated my quirk and made a ramp and started running on it to gain a higher position so I could end the match sooner. I heard him yell no, as he broke my ramp. But too bad for him cause I jumped at the last second and landed down with a punch, creating ice as my fist hit the ground.

He flew away but I acted quick and shot ice towards him so I could trap him, making him unable to battle. But as my ice reached his foot he powered his quirk in his whole arm and broke the ice surrounding him. This attack blew through my ice barrier and made me fly back so I had to make another one to stay in the area. Luckily, it caught me.

"That was much more powerful than any of your previous attacks." I said while pushing some of my ice out of my way while I stood back up. "You're trying to keep me away. Smart."

He looked at me terrified as I blew out some frost while my hair covered my left eye.

"What's the matter? Are you really that worn out from defending against my attacks?" I questioned as he continued to just stand there. He looked down as in thought as I decided to thank him.

"I'm sorry about this, but thanks for drawing it out." I said while directing my eyes to the side of the stadium where my dad was watching. "Look at him. He's furious I'm not using his power."

I looked back at Midoriya.

"With your hands like that, you can't fight anymore, can you? Why don't we end this?" I stated as my ice began to fly towards him.

"Whoa! Todoroki continues his overwhelming attacks! Could this be his finishing move?" Present Mic called out, keeping track with what was going on.

Just as the ice was about to hit him, I heard Midoriya yell out, anger infused in his voice.

"I am not done yet!"

I gasped as I watched him use his quirk again which caused me to be blown back and almost out of the arena.

Dammit. With your broken finger? Why are you going this far?

"You're trembling, Todoroki." He said in a small voice as he held his hand. This caused me to look up with surprise filled eyes.

"It's easy to forget that quirks are physical abilities, and that means there's a limit to the cold that your body can take, right?" He called out louder this time while shakily lifting his arm.

"I get it. Usually you'd make up for the drop in temperature by using the heat from your left side. But you refuse to do that now." He said while I started to scowl at his words. While still lifting his arm, he continued.

"Listen. We're all giving it our all... to try and win. To make our dreams into a reality. To become number one! Even Eimi showed her true self and used her flames without even a second thought!"

My eyes widened at the mention of my sister.

"You think you can win with half your strength? Look at me, Todoroki. You haven't managed to put a single scratch on me yet." He said with confidence while he clasped his hand into a fist, causing me to growl a bit.

"So come at me with all you've got!"

I stared at him while he continued to hold his right hand in a fist.

"Midoriya... What are you trying to do here? You want my fire?" I yelled at him. "What, did my monster of a dad bribe you or something? Now I'm mad!" I yelled louder, anger present in my voice, while I charged at Midoriya.

In close quarters, there's no way he'll be able to dodge me.

I watched as I made my way towards him and I jumped, but gasped as he started to move as well.

The instant I lifted my right foot... He's coming!

I heard him mumble something about an egg in a microwave as he punched my stomach and sent me flying back and into the ground of the stadium. But before he sent me flying away, I encased his arm in ice.

"Whoa! A solid punch! That's the kind of action I like to see!" Present Mic called out to the whole audience.

While getting up I was coughing due to the wind being knocked out of my lungs.


I thought as I shot a shorter ice attack at him and this time he dodged and didn't counter. I ran up to him and covered the ground in a thin layer of ice and grew some spikes out of it. He punched me back and into some of my ice that was left over from my other attacks. 

I continued attacking while he continued either blocking, countering, or dodging until I moved closer and into hand on hand combat. That didn't last long as I went back to a farther distance and continued to fire some ice at him. There was one attack that he countered by using his mouth to cause his thumb to flick out an attack, which then left all the fingers in his left hand purple and broken.

I was able to create more ice to keep me from flying away as much while I was gasping for more air.

"Why are you putting yourself through this?" I asked with a rough voice.

"I wanna live up to people's expectations." He responded quickly and I shot my head up to look at him. I watched as he slowly and sloppily ran towards me. "I wanna be able to smile while doing something for them. I wanna be a pro! Whatever it takes to be a hero!"

Right then, I remembered my mom calling out my name and asking if I wanted to be a hero when I was young and watching Tv with her. And before I could shake out of it Midoriya slammed into my stomach using his head as a battering ram and quickly landing on his feet.

"That's why I'll give it my all just like you should be!" He yelled out as my eyes widened even more.

Eimi's POV

I watched as Izuku relentlessly attacked Shoto and caused harm to his body while Shoto still refused to use his flames.

I held my hands together and wished that he would see that it's his power and not our fathers. 

"Just this once, please make him see that its his quirk, his power and not our fathers. Please Izuku. I'm begging you." I said to myself, knowing that Izuku wouldn't hear me. I felt somebody's gaze on my back as I said that, but didn't pay attention to it, keeping my full gaze on Shoto and Izuku's match.

"There's no way I can know what you've gone through, or why you're even here." I hear Izuku call out to my brother. "Your life has been so much different than mine, but right now... Stop screwing around!"

When he said that I saw the look on Shoto's face, one of pure shock. But what it meant to me was that Izuku was successfully getting to him.

"If you wanna reject your father, fine, but you don't have the right to be number one if you aren't going to use your full power." Izuku yelled while slowly making his way to Shoto. I watched the ice creep up his leg and form around his arm as he stood there in some sort of trance.

"Shut up." Shoto's voice called out, but Izuku didn't give him a chance to continue and pulled back his arm to throw another punch.

"That's why I'm going to win this! I'll surpass you!" Izuku yelled out, passion in his voice as he landed the punch on Shoto's stomach and made him fly back. He landed on the ground, hurt in his eyes, but I know it wasn't from the punch, rather, something he's remembering. Probably from his past, and probably something to due with mom.

"I refuse to use my left side." He said clenching his fist. Just then Izuku yelled out.

"It's yours! Your quirk, not his!"

And at that moment, something in Shoto's eyes sparked and I started to see steam rise from his right side.

Not even a second later flame erupted from his left side, shocking everyone in the stadium.

"Is that-" Present Parakeet started while the heat made it's way towards all of us in the stands.

"He's using his fire!" Ura called out and I couldn't help but scream out words of encouragement towards Shoto.

"Yes! Yes Shoto! It's your quirk! Not that bastards!" I yelled out in full support of my brother. I saw his eyes slightly flicker up to me as I started to cry, being proud of what he was doing. 

Ura had to hold me back as I was super close to falling off the edge as I cried and cheered on my brother. His flames are way bigger than mine but are out of control due to him not training it. 

"You're helping your opponent. You fool." Shoto said through the fire and Izuku gasped. "Even though you wanna win this battle. Now which one of us is screwing around?"

Izuku's eyes widened as the flames around Shoto cleared from his face and he caught a glimpse of what he did. The next line Shoto said caused the tears to flow from my eyes even more.

"I want it, too. I'll be a hero!"

I saw Izuku nervously smile as him and Shoto made eye contact. Then I saw the scary yet passion filled smile Shoto was giving off and I couldn't help but smile back. Then I heard the most stupid thing ever.

"Yes, Shoto! Have you finally accepted your purpose? That's it. Very good. This is the dawn of a new era for us. With my blood in your veins, you'll surpass me. You will live up to the reason I created you!" Endeavor shouted at Shoto and I lost it. Before anything could be said I screamed at him. Leaning over the edge of the railing I shouted fully stopping him in his tracks.

"Shut your stupid face! Don't talk to my brother that way you, you flaming pile of trash!"

I heard Ura spit out in laughter while her and Tenya grabbed me in order to stop me from full of attacking that flaming garbage pile.

"Lemme at him! I'm gonna make him fucking pay for what he's done!" I yelled frustrated as I couldn't move from my spot.

"Eimi calm down!" I heard Ura yell at me. I was thrashing around so much that it was beginning to be to much for Tenya and Ura to hold me down that someone else grabbed around my whole body causing my arms to be held to my sides.

Ura squeaked at whoever grabbed me and Tenya gasped.

"Bakugo!" He called out.

"What do you want extra!" He yelled back. I stopped moving around to look up at Bakugo to see him sneering down on me. I was about to yell at him to let me go, but he covered my mouth with his other hand.

"Calm the fuck down and watch the fight dammit!" He yelled as I remembered the fight. Wait, so only one of his arms is keeping my arms at me sides? How strong is this boy? He smells kinda like caramel now that I think about it.

"Endeavor suddenly shouts words of.. encouragement? And then Eimi goes all sister protective over Todoroki! What a doting family!" Mr Parakeet calls out into the microphone excitedly.

"Don't blame me for what happens next." I heard Shoto say and then he activated both his ice and flames. I managed to free my mouth from Bakugo's grasp at least but I was still being held back, but this time my arms were free so his arms were just holding around my stomach, making sure I wouldn't jump or something. Which I probably would, not gonna lie.

"That's it Midnight. One of them could be killed!" Cementos called out while activating his quirk to create wall between them while Midnight ripped her sleeve that released her quirk.

I was amazed at the sight in front of me and how Shoto's ice combined with his fire and how Izuku jumped with super speed towards him.

"I see now Midoriya. Thank you." I heard Shoto say just as their attacks hit the walls that Cementos made and exploded, causing a blast of air to go everywhere and hit the stands. Mineta would have flown away if it were for Shoji holding his foot and I would have flown away if it weren't for Bakugo still holding onto me, since I was up at the front closest to the arena.

"This is crazy!" Denki yelled out as I kinda laughed.

"What's happening down there?" Momo asked as I yelled back.

"The beginning of my new OTP!" I laughed with tears in my eyes as I heard Bakugo say 'what the fuck' as the stadium started to clear up so we could see what happened.

"What happened just now?" I heard Parakeet Mic in the speakers. "What the heck is up with your students?"

"The air around the ring had been thoroughly cooled down, and then rapidly expanded when heated up." Mr Aizawa calmly answered, but still with his bored voice. Even though I know he wasn't bored because of what just happened and if he was I would punch some sense into him.

"Wait, that's what caused the explosion? How hot did that fire get? Jeez, I can't see a thing! Is the match still going on, or what, huh?"

The fog cleared up and we started to see Izuku's classic red sneakers, but the only thing wrong with them, was the fact that they were over the line and against the wall. Meaning he was out of the ring. The fog cleared up some more as we watched him fall to the ground, passed out.

"There. Midoriya is... out of bounds. Todoroki wins! He advances to the third round!" Midnight announced into her microphone as the crowd cheered.

I screamed with happiness as I hugged the closest being to me and jumped with joy. My eyes met with Shoto's as tears started to flow from my eyes again. He started to smile a bit until he frowned. I stopped jumping and tilted my head to the side in confusion until I realized what I was doing.

"Get off me extra!" Bakugo exploded and I squealed as I was blasted off the side of the railing.

"Shit. Tape dispenser!" I heard Bakugo call out as I looked at Shoto who looked shocked at what Bakugo just did. I smiled and was prepared to make an ice ramp but stopped before I could due to what Bakugo said just a second ago.

"On it!" I heard Sero answer as I felt tape wrap around my waist and fling me back up and into the stands where I landed on someone. I looked down to the poor being I crushed to see it was none other than Bakugo.

"Bakugo that was irresponsible of you to blast Todo off the edge of the railing when she was expressing her happiness for her own brother-" Tenya promptly started to nag Bakugo as he made his hand movements around and I got up from sitting on Bakugo's stomach and held out a hand for him to grab.

"Sorry 'bout that Bakugo. Here."

Bakugo grunted but still took my hand as I lifted him up from the ground.

Katsuki's POV

Once I grabbed her hand she pulled me up with no problem. Wait, how the fuck did she pull me up with no effort. She's tiny as fuck.

"But it is kinda your fault that this happened in the first place." She laughed and my eyes shot to her and I looked her straight in the eyes.

"What did you just say?" I sneered.

"Eep!" She yelped and jumped over the seats to try to get away from me.

"Come back here, I'll kill ya!" I yelled chasing after her.

"I don't wanna die today! Shoto save meee!" I heard her whine out as she ran.

A/N Heyyyooo. It seems that when I update it's around a once a month and I'm super sorry it happens to be like that. But I will be doing better and I'll get them out sooner! (my famous last words oof >-< ) and thank you for reading, commenting, and voting! It mean a whole lot to me and even if I don't respond to all of your comments, doesn't mean I don't read them! I actually check Wattpad everyday so I defiantly see them all :) Until next time tootles!

Rough word count for this chapter (ignoring all the A/Ns): 3000 c:

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