Iida x reader (Aizawa's daugh...

By volzyx

348K 7.9K 14.5K

Y/n is the daughter of eraserhead and is very close with all the UA teachers. Her mother has passed away leav... More

Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9
Chapter #10
chapter #11
chapter #12
chapter #13
chapter #14
Chapter #15
chapter #16
chapter #17
chapter #18
chapter #19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter #22
Chapter #23
chapter #24
chapter #25
chapter #26
chapter #27
chapter #29
chapter #30
chapter #31
chapter #32
chapter #33
chapter #34
chapter #35
chapter #36
chapter #37
chapter #38
chapter #39
chapter #40
Chapter #41
Chapter #42
chapter #43
chapter #44

chapter #28

5.9K 131 283
By volzyx

"y/n, ya need to get up for school." Dad says sweetly from the other side of the bed.

"ok ok, i'm up." I say quietly then yawn. "are you going to teach today?" I roll over to look at him.

"yea I am, we slept in so you should go hurry." he grumbles.

"wait how late?" I jump up.

"you have like only 30 minutes till we have to leave." he informs me.

"shit!! i'll get Zashi for you!!" I run out of the room ignoring the soreness in my body. "Hizashi!! go help dad!!" I yell at him as I run by.

"yes ma'am!" he solutes and then rushes to dads room.

I make it up stairs and immediately go to my bathroom, I decide to take a quick shower, so I undo all my wraps and see that everything is fully healed, just scars that are left. this means I don't have to wear stupid bandages anymore!

I finish all the stuff it bathroom and dry my hair, I walk back into my room and get the bag that Zashi made me put up here, I take out my uniform and lay it on my bed, go to my closet and grab some solid black tights instead of just stalkings and a tight long sleeve black shirt.

I walk back out and put on the long sleeve shirt, then my button up uniform over it, I put on my tights then my skirt on, then I leave my blazer unbuttoned, I do my makeup, not even bothering to cover the scar.

then grab a sleeping bag from my dresser and shove it in my bag along with some eye drops.

"Y/N, TIME FOR BREAKFAST!!" I hear Zashi yell.

I shove my phone in my pocket and head down stairs.

"Aizawa what do you want to eat?" Zashi asks him flamboyantly.

"get me one of those apple sauce packets." he says annoyed.

"oh, me too!" I sit next to him.

"got it!!" Zashi runs to the pantry.

"whatcha wearing that for?" Dad looks at the long sleeves.

"the scars from the attack haven't completely healed, I don't want people pointing them out, its bad enough that I have this one right on my face." I lift up my hair to show him.

"at least we'll have matching ones, I got one right under my eye, I saw it when they were changing the wraps." he explains.

"its crazy that they had to wrap like your whole face." I smile.

"yea its a little extra." he chuckles.

"im baaack!!" Zashi comes back with some apple sauce for everyone, he sets one down in front of dad and he just looks at with both of his arms in casts.

Dad then glares up at Hizashi,

"I got it." I say as I grab it before dad scares Zashi to dead with his glare.

"phew" Zashi wipes his forehead.

I open the packet and put it to dads mouth and open my mine with my other hand and start to eat.

we both finished and then Zashi threw away the trash for us.

"lets get going in." I say to the both of them and they nod.

Hizashi grabbed the car keys and I grabbed dads bag and mine as he limped to the car, Mic turned on some classic Radiohead songs and sped down the street.

my phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket, it was Tenya.

Tenya: good morning, I just wanted to check on you and see how your doing before school today.

Me: i'm doing well, all my stuff healed so I don't need the wraps anymore, and also dads coming back soon, also he doesn't know were dating yet and I don't want to tell him until he's better.

Tenya: Will do love, I would never do anything you don't want me to, I can't wait to see you.

Me: I can't wait to see you too :)

I put my phone in my jacket again and before I knew it we were at school and Zashi was parking.

"just so you know, y/n the school is cutting you some slack, so feel free to nap in class if you have too and Aizawa they know you're her father now so good luck." Zashi says all at once.

"ugh." Dad says before stumbling out of the car and I follow. "ill be in the teachers lounge until class starts, you should get to class before Iida yells at you again."

"yea, love you guys, see ya later." I give Zashi a side hug and dad a kiss on the cheek before rushing off to class.

as Im walking through the hallway I close my eyes to see if I forgot to drop any quirks and I didn't so I was all clear minded.

I take a deep breathe and open the classroom door.

"we're totally big deals, those news channels love us. We're basically celebrities." Denki says coolly.

"Yea its kinda crazy right." Kirishima agrees with him.

"get a hold of yourselves, the hero course the pumps out pros was attacked is what they care about." she says bluntly and then everyone turns their eyes to me.

I wave at them and walk to my seat.

"y/n your back!!" a lot of them yell and then Mineta starts to cry about something just as I sit down, tucking my skirt underneath me.

"AW SHUT UP! GROW A PAIR LOSER!!" Bakugou screams at him.

"Attention homeroom class is about to begin, and welcome back y/n!! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!!" Tenya yells as he runs up to the front of the classroom.

"uhh were all sitting." Denki says.

"Yea your the only one standing." Sero adds.

I cant help but let out a little laugh as he rushes back to his seat.

"Dang it!" Tenya says while embarrassed.

"dont sweat it." Ochako tries to clam him down.

then I turn my attention to mina.

"hey sue, who do you think is going to teach class today?" she leans back in her chair.

I look forward and tilt my head back with a small smile.

"no idea, Mr. Aizawa is still in the hospital recovering from his injuries." she says.

"but y/n said-" mina is cut off my the sound of the door opening, I glance over too see dad limping in and everyone stares in shock.

"Morning class." he says tiredly.

"woah what a pro." Denki says scared.

"Mr. Aizawa i'm glad you ok!!" Tenya says loudly while raising his hand.

"you call that ok?" Ochako mumbles.

"my well being is irrelevant, what's more important is that your fight isn't over yet.. The UA sports festival is about to start." He says seriously.

the classroom fills with excitement as I just put a hand over my eyes and brace myself.

"is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jirou asks.

"apparently the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the treat has been handled and our school is safer than ever, but there beefing up security compared to past years. this event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA is not something we can cancel because of a few villains." he says plainly. "our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world..." he goes on to explain the whole thing and I zone out and think of some of the favorite song lyrics.

"that means you better not slack off on your training, class is dismissed." he says finally and I snap out of my day dream.

the lunch bell rings and everyone jumps out of their seats.

izuku walks over to where Tenya is and my eyes follow,

"this is gonna be nuts, everyones so excited." he says nervously.

"well yea, of course we are, we enrolled at this school with the sole purpose aim to become heroes so naturally we're all getting fired up!" he jumps up and starts doing some weird dance move.

"wow Iida, those are some interesting moves, ribbit." Sue points out and I start laughing.

I feel someone shake me and look over to see that is ochako,

"come with me!!" She says seriously, so I get up and follow her, she grabs my wrist because im walking to slow and drags me over to Tenya and Izuku.

"Deku! Iida!! lets do our best in the sport festival!!" she says in a scary tone and a feeling of determination surrounds her and I just yawn.

"Uraraka what happened to your face?" Izuku asks.

"seriously, you like the most laid back girl ever, next your y/n." Mina pops up behind them.

Ochako then squeezes my hand tighter and raises her arm bringing mine with her.

"EVERYONE IM GONNA DO MY BEST!!" She screams and tenya raises his fist too then the rest of the class follows. "I SAID IM GONNA DO MY BEST!!" she lets go and thrashes to the other side of the classroom.

I shake the wrist that she was holding because it hurt from her squeezing too tight.

"y/n, come with us to lunch?" Izuku asks shyly.

"of course." I give a small smile than stand next to Tenya.

we all wait for Ochako to calm down before heading to the cafeteria, while walking through one of the huge hallways.

"y/n, Uraraka, what made you guys want to be heroes?" Izuku asks politely.

Ochako goes first and tells us about how she wants to do it for the money.

"you want to be a hero so you can get rich?" Izuku ask shocked and by the looks of it Tenya is too, I remand neutral, i'm sure she has her reasons.

"if were cutting too the chase than yea, uhhh!! im sorry if it sounds greedy! you guys have such admirable motivation I hope you don't think less of me now." she cries.

"not at all, your goal is to support you well being which is a perfectly admirable ambition to have!!" Tenya comes to his senses.

ochako goes on to explain her reasons and it's perfectly understandable, that she just wants to support her parents and herself.

"thats beautiful!! so noble!!" Tenya cheers and I clap with him.

"y/n, why do you want to be a hero?" Ochako ask and Tenya quiets down,

"my reasons aren't as solid as the rest of your but its similar to Ten's. fighting villains and helping people is like a second nature to me, its in my blood, It's an instinct. ever sense I was little I wanted to be just like my dad and uncles, I might not be as social or out going as most pros, but i'm ok with that, I get the job done." I tell them proudly and they all have a look of admiration on their face and I start to blush.

"Y/N THATS A TRULY ADMIRABLE REASON, IM SO PROUD OF YOU!! BRAVO BRAVO!!" Tenya crushes me In a tight bear hug.

"wow your name that really cool!" Izuku tells me.

I'm saved by all might running down the hall.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA IS HERE!!! OH AND SO IS YOUNG Y/N!!!" He yells and Tenya lets go of me and I take a deep breathe.

"what are you doing here?" Izuku asks with wide eyes.

"Lunch!! you wanna eat with me?" All might says cutely as he holds his food.

Ochako freaks out about how adorable it is and Izuku runs off to eat with him.

"y/n wanna join?" He adds.

"Maybe another time All might." I wave and we walk off toward the lunch room.

"I can't believe you just turned down lunch with All Might!!" Ochako screams.

"ill probably hangout with him after school, he'll be fine with out me for a couple hours." I say normally and they both stare.

we get to the lunch line and its packed.

"Tenya?" I pull on his sleeve.

"yes y/n? is something wrong?" he looks down at me.

"theres too many people here for me, do you mind if I disappear till it calms down?" I tell him quietly.

"take your time, I understand that you're still shaken from what happened, what do you want me to order you?" he says happily.

"umm anything really surprise me, ill see you guys later." I wave and walk out of the line leaving them to talk and then speed walk out of the cafeteria.

I make my way to the lounge that toshinori and Izuku are in, I knock on the door before opening it, Toshi is in his smaller form and sitting on the couch while Izuku sits across from him in a chair.

"what's up guys?" I say then lay on the couch with my feet toward Toshi.

"y/n, I though you were getting lunch!!" Izuku says shocked.

"there's too many people there, mind if I hang in here till it calms down?" I look over to see All might sipping on tea.

"I don't mind, stay as long as you like Aizawa." He smiles.

"thank you!!" I smile then lean my head back to relax.

"like I was saying I over did it too many times, that nomu was a real tough costumer, took a lot out of me. at this point I can barely even look like All Might for an hour and a half." he says quietly.

"I'm so sorry, I should've just-" Izuku was cut off by Toshi coughing out some blood, but then I sounded like he was laughing so I opened my eyes.

"haha, you don't have to apologize for anything! man we are alike, you and me!" he says loudly. "I brought you here to talk about the festival, the problem is you can't fully control one for all yet, so then what's your plan?"

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!" izuku looks over at me and screams.

"y/n already knows, don't worry she won't tell." Toshi glances over at me and I pretend to zip my lips shut.

"oh ok then, wait I did once, when I landed a smash on that brain villian, no back lash at all." Izuku tells him.

"Oh thats right you did mention that, what was different about that smash?" Toshi asks.

"alright I'll let you two nerds figure this out, thanks for letting me crash in here." I smile and jump off the couch.

"anytime young y/n!" all might smiles.

"see ya later y/n." Izuku smiles too.

I walk out and make my way back to the cafeteria and see that Ochako and Tenya are sitting at a table together, I see bakugou, kiri, and mina sitting at a table and I decide to say hi to them.

"y/n are you just coming to lunch, where were you?" mina asks while taking a bite of her food.

"I was lurking, I just came to say hi since I promised those weirdos I would eat with them." I joke and point over to Tenya and Ochako.

"why settle for those losers, when you could eat with us!" Bakugou yells.

"first of all there not losers, only I get to call them that." I say seriously.

"you want to go!!!" Bakugou stands up almost knocking his chair over, people start to stare.

"not right now, Im tried." I yawn and walk away while Katsuki is screaming.

"hey guys i'm back." I smile and sit next to Tenya.

"oh y/n, I got you some muffins!" Tenya smiles.

"thanks ten!" I scoot a little closer to him.

"where did you go y/n?" ochako asks confused.

"I went to go check on Izuku." I shrug and pick up a muffin.

"what were they talking about?" she asks excitedly.

"just the sports festival, I got bored then I came back here." I take a bite.

"thats what I though." Tenya pushes up his glasses.

"what were you guys talking about?" I look up from my muffin.

"just what we though All Might and Deku we're talking about." Ochako smiles.

"y/n are you excited for the sports festival?" Tenya asks.

"yea, I really want to see what all the other classes can do, of course I'm not worried about losing though." I smirk.

"Sometimes you sound a lot like bakugou." Ochako points out and I laugh,

"no, he sounds like me." I laugh and then finish the muffin.

the bell rings and ockako and Tenya get up and I stare at tenya.

"y/n do you need help? Are you in pain?"He asks frantically.

"my legs are just a little sore." I put out my hand so he can grab it.

"I am here to help!!" he says as he grabs my hand and helps me up and we start to walk back to class holding hands.

"so cute!!" Ochako fangirls as she stands next to me.

all three of us make it to the classroom door and before we walk in I let go of Tenya hand and give him a light nudge with my shoulder.

I smile as I walk into the classroom and sit down in my seat, with. bakugou already behind me.

"what do you think of the sports festival Katsuki?" I say while taking so eye drops out of my bag.

"i'm going to win of course." he smirks.

"thats funny, because I am too." I smile crazily back at him.

"I didn't know y/n could be so scary." I hear Sero say.

"its cuz y/n, isn't fighting to get noticed, she'll get scouted either way." Jirou points out.

I turn back around and put and eye drop in each eye and then put the bottle back in my bag.

we finished all of our afternoon classes, so I take out my phone to check it.

Dad: meet me in the teachers lounge with your scarf, we're doing some training.

Me: your doing training?

Dad: im not you are, im just doing some physical stuff to stay in shape.

Me: ok ill be there in 10

I put my phone back and took the scarf out of my bag and wrapped it around me calmly

"what's that for?" Katsuki asks.

"trying after school." I say shortly.

"wow y/n, I knew you were badass, but not this badass!" Kiri says impressed.

"thanks bro." I smile at him and get out of my seat to go meet Tenya.

he's talking with Ochako and Izuku.

"hey y/n, what's with the Aizawa scarf?" ochako points out.

"training afterschool, plus I can get there faster instead of having to actually walk." I shrug.

"are you sure you want to use that so soon after just being healed?" Izuku asks nervously.

"I'll be ok, i'm just sore now, thats all." I tell them. "are you guys doing after school?"

"I'll be training with Tensei!" Tenya smiles proudly.

"ill be training at home." Izuku puts a hand on the back of his neck.

"I think, ill be doing the same as Deku." Ochako smile.

"lets get going, I don't want to be late, im meeting the teachers." I say and Ochako walks over to the door and opens it.

as I stand next to here we see a crowd of students block us in.

"um, why the heck are you all here!?" she shuts surprised.

"do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Tenya asks with an air chop.

"there scouting out the competition, idiots. we're the class that survived a real villain attack. they want to see us with their own eyes.." He walks up next to me trying to be scary. "at least now you what a future pro looks like, no move it extras!" he adds angrily now getting in there faces.

everyone behind us yells at him about how he can't say that and I put a cold expression on my face and get ready to smack him upside the head.

"you cant be saying that shit bakugou." I whisper scarily in his ear and I can see him shiver.

I tilt my head so more of my hair falls in front of my face, looking like dads.

"so this is class 1A, I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass. is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you? how sad to come here and find such egomaniacs." A familiar sound guy with fluffy purple hair makes his way to the front. "I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here I was forced to chose a different track, such as life. I didn't cut it the first time but I have another chance." he explains how teachers might be transferring students in and out.

I look up and see that the guy looks really familiar, he looks like the kid that would come over when mom had friends over, is that him?

"consider this a deceleration of war." He states and I smile, earning some stares from them.

"shinsou?" I say quietly.

"do I know you?" he asks and that kinda hurt.

I look at and push the hair out of my face and his eyes go wide.

"y/n, how come you didnt tell me you went here?" he says surprised.

"YOU KNOW HIM?" the class screams.

"Hey you!! i'm from class i'm from class 1B next door toon you!!!! we heard you fought some villians and I came too if that was true, but I see that your just a bunch of brats that think your better than us." some guys screams from the crowd, bakugou gets annoyed and just shoves his way out leaving me standing alone to face them.

"bakugou don't your getting away with ruining the reputation, ill beat your ass." I say quietly so only he can hear and he just continues to walk away.

"where are you going, you gotta say something. its your fault they're all hating on us now!!" Kiri screams.

"these people don't matter... the only thing thats important it that I beat them, and beat y/n." he turns and says before completely walking out, I feel annoyance build up in my chest and I watch him walk past everyone.

"hey shinsou, ill talk to you later, Bye Tenya!!" I look back at him and wave before activating erasure and jumping up and grabbing onto the class 1A sign with my scarf and flinging myself over to where Bakugou is, he turns around just as I jump on him.

"your so annoying!" I yell as we fall to the ground and I land a punch on his face.

"your such a nerd!!!" he yells as he tries to fight back setting off some explosions in the process, I avoid them and them jump up and he does the same,

"I would stay to fight but I got shit to do," I tell him then turn to the crowd watching. "see ya guys later, I look forward to seeing the potential you all process." I tell them then fly off toward the teachers lounge.

"they just fight each other like that?"

I sigh and open the door to lounge to see midnight, all might, Dad, Zashi, and Snipe.

"wow, didn't expect you all to be here." I set my bag down and go and sit next to dad on the couch.

"we heard that you wanted to train, so we decided to help." Snipe says.

"ok just too make sure, you guys aren't training me as teachers but as friends right, I don't want to be in the press later about for 'cheating'" I say loudly so all of them can hear.

"yea, it going to be a little tricky, but we all eventually be working with you." snipe adds.

"so im not training with all of you today?" I say confused.

"oh no no, you wouldn't be able to." Nem laughs.

"I can't help a lot but I can do my best." Toshi says.

we went to one of the training grounds and got to work, dad was off doing his own thing and me and all the teachers worked on physical training, nothing to do with quirks.

"y/n, how are you and Tenya?" Nem asks slyly while we're doing some sit ups.

"really great actually, the whole class knows, except a certain someone." I tell her quietly.

"ohhhhh, I cannot wait to see you two at the sports festival!!" she says excitedly.

after hours of training we walk back to the lounge and I grab my bag, Dad is laying on the floor in his sleeping bag.

"hey dad we're going home now." I crouch down next to him and he groans.

he gets up and we meet Zashi at the car.

"how long did you guys train, its dark out now?" Dad says while I get into the back seat of the car.

"hours, we just worked on stamina and stuff, general exercise." I shrug.

"I hope you didn't push yourself too hard." He says seriously.

"no they all made sure I didn't." I smile at Zashi.

"that we did." he smiles back.

Zashi drove us home and helped dad into the house, I went upstairs to change. when I walked into my room I immediately took off my blazer and threw it across the room.I got into some comfy clothes, washed my face, and brushed my teeth.

I walked back downstairs to see dad and Zashi passed out on the couch, so I grabbed blanket and draped it over them and headed back upstairs.

once I got up there I set my alarm and collapsed on top of my bed out of pure exhaustion.

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