By sweetlittleCub

516K 15.2K 3.2K

Our Dearest Sapphires, Time so soon ! We are so happy to share our joy with you, We are happy to announce thi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Tomorrow's Scene
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Jungkook's Instagram Post
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
•••• ❤️ ••••
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Tzuyu's Instagram Post
Korean Daily
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
•••• ❤️ ••••
Chapter 27
•••• ❤️ •••
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
••••• ❤️ •••••
•••• ❤️ ••••
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Sana's Instagram Post
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Tzuyu's Instagram Post
Sana's Instagram Post
•••• ❤️ ••••
Chapter 39
••• ❤️ •••
Chapter 40
•••• ❤️ ••••
•••• ❤️ ••••
Chapter 41
•••• ❤️ ••••
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Tzuyu's Instagram Post
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
•••• ❤️ ••••
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Promote (MFAL)
LET'S HIGH 5 ‼️❤️
••• 25 •••
Tzuyu's Instagram Post
•••• ❤️ ••••
••• SOON •••

Chapter 43

4.2K 146 33
By sweetlittleCub

When they get back Dahyun and Jeongyeon was already there, and they are currently having their dinner...

"Ohhh, they're here..." Nayeon said the moment she saw Tzuyu and Sana walking closer to their direction...

"UNNIE!!!! 😍😍..." Dahyun quickly runs to Sana and gave her a warm hug.

"I miss you Dahyunnie...."

"I miss you too Unnie... 🙂 Hi, Bonjour Tzuyu ~ah 🤗..." Dahyun smile and greeted Tzuyu..

"Hi, Dahyun Unnie. Long time no see ^^ ..."

"Sana ~ ya we bought many gifts for your baby 🙂 we are so excited to know your baby's gender ...." Jeongyeon said, she stood up and hugs Sana... "I miss you ...."

"I miss you too Jeongyeon Unnie. Komawo...." Sana answer back...

"Tzuyu~ah, How's the dinner date???.." Mina asked..

"It went well Unnie. Komawo 🙂❤️..."

After catching to their friends Sana decided now to go back to their room...



"I want to rest now..." Sana said...

"Really??? Sure let's go back to our room now..." Tzuyu said as she held Sana's hand... "Unnie, We go ahead first.. My wife needs to rest now..." Tzuyu said..

"Arasso, Tzuyu~ah ..."

"Good night Unnie..."

"Ne 🙂..."


When they arrived at their room Sana was surprised when she saw a bouquet of red Rose's in their bed...

"Whoahhhh ‼️😍😍..." Sana quickly get it... "Is this for me???.." Sana asked...

"Yeah 🙂 and...."

"And what????.." Sana curiously asked...

Tzuyu went to her luggage and get the tiny box...

"What's that????."

"I bought this in Korea, it's a personalized necklace... This is my gift for you..." Tzuyu removed the necklace at the box and put it to Sana's neck...

"Beautiful....." Tzuyu said as she was looking to Sana's neck... "It's perfectly fit on you..." Tzuyu added...

"Whoahhh 😍...."

"I hope you like it ^^ ..."

"I do... Komawo Tzuyu~ah ❤️...." Sana said.... "But....."

"But, what????.." Tzuyu curiously asked.

"But, I don't have any gifts for you...." Sana pout...

"ㅋㅋㅋ It's alright... I told you I already received my gift. I mean, You already gave me the gift that I want to receive..." Tzuyu held Sana's nape and quickly kissed Sana's lips... "I love you Sana ( ˘ ³˘)♥...."

"I love you more ( ˘ ³˘)♥..." Sama sweetly smile to her...


2 days passed Tzuyu and Sana became busy helping all the organizer for the gender reveal party. Since it will gonna be a broadcast, the party should be perfect and organize for tomorrow's...



"Drink this... I made this for you .." Tzuyu said...

"Thank You ( ˘ ³˘)♥..."

"You're sweating, are you alright???.."

"Yeah ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩') I'm just a little bit tired .. Where's the Unnie's by the way???.."

"They're outside, preparing for our lunch..."


Tzuyu seated on the bed and hugs Sana from behind...

"Are you excited for tomorrow???.." Tzuyu asked..

"I'am ( ◜‿◝ )♡ Finally I will be able to know my baby's gender

"Tomorrow is the day ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ you'll gonna be happy for sure (◕દ◕).."

"Yeah (✿ ♡‿♡)...."


While waiting for their lunch, Tzuyu and Sana decided to watch some movies first..

"Tzuyu~ah ...."


"Are you going back to work if we already back in Korea???..."

"No, not yet.. I need to take care of you first.. I already discussed this to Park Jinyoung pdnim before... You're more important than my career..."

"Arasso ( ◜‿◝ )♡.."


While they're watching Tzuyu's phone suddenly vibrates and she received a call from Sana's Mom....


Is Calling You.....

Mrs.Minatozaki: ツユ。(Tzuyu)..

Tzuyu: こんにちは。(Hi mom..)

Mrs.Minatozaki: 私はサナに電話してきた。彼女は電話に出ていません。(I've been calling Sana. she's not answering her phone.)

Tzuyu: 彼女は今私と一緒です。(she's with me right now...)

Sana: こんにちは、お母さん。元気?(Hi Mom, how are you?...)

Mrs.Minatozaki: 私はあなたを呼んでいます。あなたはあなたの電話に答えていません。(I've been calling you. you're not answering your phone.)

Sana: 現在、スマートフォンを充電しています。(I'm charging my phone right now sorry)..

Mrs.Minatozaki: 大丈夫です。お元気ですか???赤ちゃんは元気?(It's alright. how are you??? how's your baby?)

Sana: 私も元気なお母さんで、赤ちゃんも。心配しないでください。(I'm fine mom, as well the baby. don't worry.)

Mrs.Minatozaki: よかったね。チュウィはいかがですか?お元気ですか?サナはあなたに苦労していますか???。(that's good to about you Tzuyu?how are you?is Sana giving you a hard time???.)

Tzuyu: 私は元気なママです。いいえ、サナは元気です。私は彼女と私たちの赤ちゃんの世話をしますのでご安心ください。(I'm fine Mom. No, Sana is doing great. don't worry I will take care of her and our baby.)

Mrs.Minatozaki: よかったね。明日のジェンダー公開パーティーを祝福したいと思います。(that's good to hear. we just want to congratulate you for tomorrow's gender reveal party.)

Tzuyu: お母さん、ありがとうございます。私はあなたとお父さん、特に私の両親がここにいることを願っています...(Thank You Mom, we hope that you and dad are here specially my parents...)

Mrs.Minatozaki: ツユもそうです。でも今日はたくさんの作品があります...大変申し訳ありません。(we hope so too Tzuyu. but, we have a lots of works today... we are very sorry.)

Tzuyu: それは申し分なくママです。私たちは理解しています。あなたが私たちをサポートし続けるので、私たちはただとても感謝しています。どうもありがとうございました。(it's alright Mom. we understand. we are just very thankful because you keep supporting us. thank you very much.)


After talking to Sana's Mom, Tzuyu and Sana start cuddling again while watching some movies.. when suddenly they hear a knock from the door.

"I'll just check it...." Tzuyu said, she stood up and check the person in the door and she was surprised to see the Manager of the resort...


"We already bought Mrs.Chou's order..." The Manager said as she handed the Tiny box to Tzuyu...

"Thank you." Tzuyu said...

Tzuyu went back inside... "Love, you ordered something???.." Tzuyu asked as she have the tiny box to Sana...


"It's yours.." Sana said as she gave back to her the box...


"Open it 🙂 it's my anniversary gift for you... It took 2 days before we successfully buy it..."

"What's this???.." Tzuyu asked as she slowly opened the box and she was surprised to see a keys on it... "Wait...." Tzuyu read the keys.... "It's ...It's the R6 Black Yamaha Motor bike 😍..."

"Yeah 🙂..."

"Is this really for me? 🙈❤️.."

"Yes, please used with care and please drive carefully... I just bought that because I know how much you want to buy that before... So please, please Tzuyu if you are using that drive carefully..."

"I will! Whoahhh..." Tzuyu quickly hugs Sana... "Komawo ( ˘ ³˘)♥..." Tzuyu whisper to hear ears...

"Your welcome Tzuyu~ah ( ◜‿◝ )♡..."


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