The Sandlot~Benny Rodriguez

By Murdock_47

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It all goes down at..... You have to read it for yourself Sorry not sorry More

Philips' Crew And Date With Benny
Another Campout
Our First Official Date
The Pool
A Day With The Boys
Dinner With Benny's Family Part One
Dinner With Benny's Family Part Two
Talking With The Lawyer/ Playing Baseball
Getting Adopted and A New Name
Playing Baseball Against Philips' Team
She's A Mini Benny
The Football Game
We're Breaking Up
Going To School With Philip
Cheer Sucks
Homecoming Dance
The New York Yankees Game

Birthday Party

850 9 2
By Murdock_47

(Don't mind the picture until I mention it)
Kenzye's POV:
I was so excited about this masquerade ball theme homecoming. Fawn and I picked out our dresses and I loved mine. I also loved Fawn's dress. Fawn's was black short dress that hugged her curves. We are gonna look hot.
It was Thursday and my birthday was tomorrow. I'm turning 15 years old. I don't celebrate my birthday. I woke up and got ready for school. "Kenzye, I'm taking you to get you nails done today." Mom said. She ungrounded me. "Cool, I'm getting ready of school." I said. "You didn't hear me. I'm taking you and Fawn to get your nails done." She said. "Really!?" I shouted. "Yeah, your not going to school." She said. "Thank you Mom." I said, hugging her. She hugged me back and Benny came into my room. "She only taking you guys because she taking me to get a new tux." Benny said. "You look nice in tuxedos." I said. "Thanks I'm going to get ready to go." Benny said, walking out. I was already done getting ready. I was wearing shorts and a crop top. I was excited. "Let's go kids." Mom said. We got in the car and I sat in the back. Benny got shotgun because he said it first. We picked Fawn up and I met her mom and she gave us food. We even told her we didn't need it but she made sure we had food in our hands before we left. "Is she always like this?" I asked. "Ya she is. That's why I'm never hungry." Fawn said. I laughed.
We arrived at the mall. I always forget that's huge. Mom took us to the nail salon and she left. "Hey girls what colors we thinkin'?" A girl asked us. "I was thinking of black and gold nails. What about you Kenzye?" Fawn said. "What goes good with a sparkly blue dress?" I asked. "A beautiful girl like you needs a almond shape nail with baby blue and sparkles." She said, winking at me. Fawn and I laughed and they took us to the nail techs. We were having the time of our lives. Mom came back and checked up on us. "Hey mom, can you buy a baby blue tie?" I asked. "Yeah. I will go see if Benny's almost done." Mom said.
Fawn and I were done with our appointments so we went to find mom. We found Benny and his tux was getting fitted to his body. "Benny where's mom?" I asked. "I have no idea." He said, I sighed. "Okay, I'm going to find her." I said. I walked out of the shop and walked around to find mom. I looked in a shoe store and she was looking at PF flyers. I walked up to her. "Mom why you looking at shoes?" I asked her. "Well, I'm looking for shoes for your birthday coming up." She said. "I don't celebrate my birthday." I said, looking at my shoes. "Why don't you?" She asked. "I haven't celebrated my birthday for like 5 years." I said. My birthday always reminds me of what happened to my father, Babe Ruth. He was coming to see me for my 10th birthday party, it was baseball themed obviously. "We don't have to celebrate it if you don't want to." She said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I want to celebrate my birthday I just can't get the memory out of my head." I said. "I know what happened to your father. I know he wants you to celebrate your birthday. My mom wouldve wanted the same thing for me." She said. "Can we have a baseball themed birthday party?" I asked looking at her. "Yes of course. Anything for my sweetheart." She said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her tightly. "Thank you mom. I think the navy blue PF flyers would look great with my dress." I said. We let go of each other and laughed. "Anything for you." She said. She went up to the counter and bought the PF flyers for my birthday. We went to Benny and Fawn. They were finishing up and we left. We walked to the food court and we got food.
We dropped Fawn off at home and it was around 3 so school should be out. The doorbell rang and someone opened the door. "Kenzye, your boyfriend is here." Mom said to me. I ran down the stairs and into his arms. "You seen me last night." Philip said. "I know but I missed you." I said, kissing him. "So I heard it's your birthday tomorrow, why didn't you tell me." He said. "I haven't celebrated my birthday in 5 years. I didn't want to make a big deal." I said. "Oh okay. Well I'm taking you to get ice cream." He said. "Bye mom we are getting ice cream." I said. "Bring her home by 5:30." Mom said. We left and walked to the ice cream shop next to Vincent's Drug Store. "Why don't you celebrate your birthday?" Philip asked. I wish he didn't. "It reminds me that my father Babe Ruth died getting to my 10th birthday party." I said. "I'm sorry baby. He was great at baseball." He said, trying to comfort me. "I know he was. He was father, I know." I said, walking into the ice cream shop. "Hey kids what are we having to?" Ms.Beck asked us. "I would like a waffle cone with birthday cake." I said. "I would like a waffle cone with chocolate." He said. "Coming right up." She said, starting on our ice cream. "Here you go Ms.Ruth." She said handing mine to me. "Thank you." I said, grabbing it. Philips licked my ice cream. "Hey." I said. He got his ice cream and I licked his. "That's rude." He said. "You did the same with mine." I said. We laughed and he payed for our ice cream. We found ourselves at his baseball field. He showed me a way to get up on top of the dugout. "It's pretty up here." I said. "Not as pretty as you." He said, grabbed my waist. We started kissing and I sat on his lap. We were full on making out and his team yelled at him. "When are we going to play baseball?" His teammates shouted. I sigh and get off his lap. "On Sunday, we will play." He said. His teammates left and we started kissing again. I pulled away and I asked what time it was. "It's 5:15." He said. "Shit, we have to go." I said, getting off the roof. We walked home and when I opened the front door. The boys said surprise and scared the living shit out of me. "Aaahh." I shouted and fell to the floor. I never get scared. "You okay?" Benny and Philip asked. "Yeah, just never do that again." I said, getting up off the dirty floor. "Happy early birthday." Smalls said. "Thanks, but I thought we were celebrating tomorrow." I said, confused. "Well I'm letting you have two." Mom said. "Thank you mom." I said, hugging her. "No problem, plus you get cake twice." She said. We laughed and I turned to the boys that are in my living room. "So what are we doing?" I asked. "Watching movies all night because we are all sleeping over." Ham said. We just made up the other day about him snitching and everything. "And everyone's parents are okay with that?" I said. "Just have fun, stop thinking." Squints said. I walked into the living room and sat on the loveseat. It's the best seat in the living room because you see everything. Philip came and sat with me, well I was in his lap.
We watched every movie we have and watched some of them again. "Everyone it's time to getting off to bed. It's almost midnight." Mom said. "I'm going to my room. Is it okay if Philips comes up?" I asked mom. "Don't do anything inappropriate." Mom said. We head up to my room. I changed into pajamas. I jumped into my bed and got under the covers. Like seconds later Philip was in my bed and we fell asleep.

"Wake up!" The boys shouted at me. "Hm, no." I groaned, rolling over. Someone flew a pillow at me. I sat up. "Happy birthday." The said. I looked at what they were holding. They made me breakfast. "Aw, thank you guys. Is the kitchen ruined?" I said. "Sort of." Smalls said. I groaned and tossed the covers off of me. "Where's Philips?" I asked. "He said he need to go get something." Bertram said. "Oh okay. I can't eat all of this." I said. The boys sat on my bed and we eat breakfast. I looked at my clocked at it was 5:45. "Get out, I have to get ready." I said. They hurried and left. I got undressed and put on pants. (Clothes in media)
I put a tank top on and threw a leather jacket on. I put red eyeshadow and red lipstick on. I curled my hair into waves. I grabbed socks and scrambled around my room until I got them on. This is when I realized a present was on my dresser. I sat on the chair and unwrapped my present. They were my navy blue PF flyers. I saw the card. I opened it. 'I hope you like it sweetheart. Have a great day. -love Momma.' The card said. I loved it, I couldn't cry. I was tearing up. I put them on and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked great. I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs. The guys were ready. "Let's go before we are late for the bus like last time." I said. We walked to the bus stop and Philip was waiting for us. "Nice shoes hot stuff." Philip said. "Thank you." I said. He handed me roses and daisies. I grabbed them and hugged him. I had to stand on my tippy toes. "Your welcome." He said, hugging me back. We kissed and he squeezed my butt. I pulled away and giggled. "You have red lipstick on our lips." I said. He wiped it off and looked at me. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said.
We arrived at school and Garrett was waiting for us at my locker. We was holding a Starbucks refresher and a little box. "Happy birthday." Garrett said. "Thank you Garrett. You didn't have to get me anything." I said. "It's nothing." He said, handing it to me. I grabbed my Starbucks and the present. "Can someone hold this?" I said. Philip held my Starbucks. I opened the box. I looked and it was New York Yankees tickets. "Oh my god. My team is playing this Sunday." I said. I gave Garrett the biggest hug. "Thank you, thank you. You don't know how much this means to me." I said. "It's no problem. Oh and you can sit with the team because they are dugout tickets." He said, letting go of me. "I get to sit with my team." I said, jumping up and down. I was like a five year old getting more cake. I calmed myself down. I thanked Philips for holding my drink. I drank it. "This is the best birthday." I said. "I wish I could go." Benny said. "That's why I'm here for. I can get in for free. I never needed a ticket." I said. His eyes widen. "When's the game?" Philip asked. "It's this Sunday. You guys need a ticket but I don't." I said. I gave them the tickets and I opened my locker. I grabbed my binder for today and closed my locker. "Kenzye, happy birthday." Fawn said. "Thank you girl." I said, she hugged me. I hugged her back. She handed me a huge gift bag. "What did you get me?" I asked. "You have to see for yourself." She said. I took the tissue paper out of the bag. I looked inside and it's a picture of us. "I love it. I'm going to put it on my wall when I get home. Oh, I almost forgot. You are invited to my party tonight at 5." I said. "I've never been invited to anyone's birthday party." She said. "It will be the best party you can ever go to." I said. "That will be good. What should I wear?" She said. "Jeans and a t-shirt. We're playing baseball." I said. "Okay, I'm going to class see ya girly." She said, walking away. Philips kissed me and I kissed back. "I'll see in third period." I said. I walked to class and my teacher handed me a little blue box. I opened the box and it was New York Yankees tickets for all my friends. "Sir, I don't know what to say." I said. "You don't have to say anything. Have fun with your friends." Mr.Johnson said. "Thank you. You need one and your wife. I'm related to a player, I don't need a ticket." I said, handing him two tickets. I walked to my desk. I was happy. "So your the birthday girl." A popular girl said. "Yeah I am, why." I said. "I don't like that your getting attention and I'm not." She said. "I can't stop having my birthday." I said. I was confused why she was talking to me. "I'll hate you and your friends for the rest of my existence." She said. "Okay, you're yesterdays news." I said. I turned to Garrett. "She was annoying." I said. "So this is your boyfriend." She said. "No, he's my brother." I said. I looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, she's my sister." He said. She left. "Thank you for acting like my brother." I said. "No problem." He said.
School ended and I had so many gifts from the teachers. I really appreciated them. I finally felt safe at a school. The boys had to help me with the bags. "Thanks guys, see you at 5:30." I said. The boys left and I went to my room to put everything away. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. "So we are setting everything up right now. Can you help me win the chips and salsa." Mom said. I helped her with the chips and salsa. The door swung open. "Lily where should I set the present at?" Noah said. "In the backyard there's a table out there. Benny will show you." Mom said. "Happy birthday Kenzye." Noah said. "Thank you Noah. I'm glad you could make it." I said with a smile on my face. "I invited the Worth's at the last minute." Mom said. "I don't care. Oh and Garrett gave me two tickets to the New York Yankees. I gave them to my favorite people." I said. "Who are they?" She asked. "Benny and Philips plus I don't need a ticket to get into one. I was born into that team." I said. "When's the game?" She asked. "It's this Sunday and the Sandlot boys have tickets too." I said. "Oh have fun." She said, sounding sad. "Did you think I forgot you?" I said, grabbing a ticket out of my back pocket. "Where did you get the money for that?" She asked. "I have two VIP dugout tickets. I wasn't going to leave you home. Do you think I'm that selfish?" I said. She hugged me. I hugged back. "They are a lifetime VIP tickets so they never expire." I said. She was happy.
Everyone was arriving and Philip was the last person to get here. He had a huge box. I hope he didn't spend a lot of money.
"Open the presents then you can go play baseball." Mom said. I grabbed Philips present then he didn't let me open it. "Open it in private." He whispered in my ear. "Okay." I said, grabbing a different present. I grabbed Ham's present. "You're gonna love it." Ham said. I opened it and it was a blue glove. "Thank you Ham." I said. I grabbed Smalls present and opened it. There was a lot of hair ties. "Did your mom pick this out?" I said. "Yeah, I don't know what to buy a girl." He said. We laughed and I opened the twins present. It was a picture of all of us at the fair. "I got to say this is the best one by far." I said. I grabbed Yeah-Yeah's present. It was a New York Yankees hat. It was a peach colored one. I never seen a peach colored hat. "Thank you." I said. "It was hard to tie dye." He said. I grabbed Bertram's present. It was heavy. I opened it and it was a huge stuffed teddy bear. "This is so cute. Thanks Bertram." I said. "No problem." He said. Kenny grabbed his and gave it to me. I opened the box and it was a new metal bat. "Yes I needed a new one thanks Kenny." I said. He nodded and I grabbed Squints present. I opened to see cute fake glasses that look like his. I put them on. "Do I look like Squints twin, yet?" I said. "Absolutely." Squints said. I laughed and I thanked everyone for they present, that they gave me. "You forgot one present." Mom said. "Who did I miss?" I asked. "Noah's." She said handing it to me. I opened it to see my Dad and his team on the day he was going to see me. I put the picture on the table and got up. I hugged Noah. "Thank you Noah. I really need that picture. How did you get that picture?" I said. He hugged me back. "I just asked Mr.Myrtle for the that they took that day." Noah said. "Thank you, that's the day he was coming home for me." I said. "No problem kiddo. Now go play baseball and we will put your stuff away." He said.
We went and played baseball like there was no tomorrow. I tested my new baseball bat and I was great. The sun was setting and Mom called us in. "Bye guys, see ya at the dance." I said. Philips was spending the night. I went up to my room and Philips came up too. I saw his present on my bed and I decided to open it. It was a teddy bear that speaks. I hugged it and it was Philips  voice telling me that he loves me. "Thank you babe." I said, kissing his cheek. "It was nothing plus you mean the world to me." He said.
We fell asleep and today was the absolutely the best birthday I have ever had.

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