Stay - Sabriel

By Akira_Vargas

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After Ketch saved Gabriel from Asmodeus he was messed up. So was Sam after seeing his long lost friend who he... More

Chapter one - Silence
Chapter two - First Words
Chapter three - Closure
Chapter four - Trouble
Chapter five - Our Brothers Are So Gay
Chapter six - The Day After
Chapter seven - A night out
Chapter eight - Death
Chapter nine - Revenge
Chapter ten - Before we go
Chapter eleven - Don't you die on me
Chapter twelve- Past and Passion
Chapter thirteen - Sorry
Chapter fourteen - I am all yours
Chapter fifteen - Time to go home
Chapter sixteen - I need air
Chapter seventeen- Olani Hoath Ol
Chapter eighteen - Family problems
Chapter nineteen - The hunt
Chapter twenty- Karaoke and mysterious girls
Chapter twenty-one - Inside the beast's lair
Chapter twenty-two - Aftermath
Chapter twenty-three - Talks about heaven
Chapter twenty-four- Tales from the bunker
Chapter twenty-five - Gabriel's back in action
Chapter twenty-six - The Angels
Chapter twenty-seven - Crowley
Chapter twenty-eight - Raphael
Chapter twenty-nine - Family can be exhausting
Chapter thirty - Vacation
Chapter thirty-one - Lost children and Nightmares
Chapter thirty-two - Alone
Chapter thirty-three - Together again
Chapter thirty-four - Staring
Chapter thirty-five - Routine
Chapter thirty-six - Perfect
Chapter thirty-seven - Chuck
Chapter thirty-eight - Archangels
Chapter thirty-nine - Falling
Chapter fourty - Grief
Chapter fourty-one - Adjusting
Chapter fourty-two - Fire
Chapter fourty-three - Going out
Chapter fourty-four - Forever
A/N (again)
Chapter fourty-five - Wedding preparations and Aunts
Chapter fourty-six - In Sickness and In Health

Chapter forty-seven - Defeating God

203 4 6
By Akira_Vargas

A/N: Yo I know it's been a while lol (2 years) but I just realized I never finished this and yeah. Heads up I did not watch the last 2 seasons so this is not canon compliment (Like as if it was, to begin with XD). Anyway hope you enjoy it either way and thanks for reading and all the comments and kudos!


Sam woke up to Gabriel pacing around the room. "What's wrong?" His voice startled him.

"I think you should stay here for the fight."

"No. No way, we're doing this together as a family. What makes you even think that I would stay behind." He got up. "We're going to kill God together!"

Gabriel just shook his head. "No, you'll get hurt. You're just a human-"

"You're human, too! I'm not going to stay behind. If anyone should stay here it's you. You have no experience fighting." Sam argued back.

But the other just shrugged. "We're not gonna make it this time are we?"

"What?" Sam took his hand. "What makes you say that?"

"It is God. Angels and demons are one thing but God?" Gabe chuckled a bit defeated. "I just have the feeling it might not work out for us and I don't want you to get hurt."

"No one's gonna get hurt-"

"Yes, they will! This is my family drama I should have never dragged you into this!"

"Gabe it's gonna be fine." Sam gently let his hand run over his cheek.

"Hiw can you say that?" The angel felt tears gather in his eyes. He moved away from the other. "I'm not a fighter. I run away that's what I do that's what I've always done. So why can't I run away from this, from you?" He was defeated. There was no way in hell he wanted to leave him, run away from him. He wasn't the same person he was back then but oh it would have been so much easier if he was.

"I don't know. Maybe I just want it to be true, to make it out of this. But even if we due, I'll always find you again and again, even if I lose you over and over again." Sam made the other look at him. "Jesus, I mean look at the world your dad's not really the most creative writer there is, always recycling plot points. We'll make it, how much more can he throw at us. Look at it this way even with everything going on we have a 100% streak of somehow making it."

Gabe frowned before kissing him. "You always have the right words but still I worry. And here I was rethinking my father's words. But I couldn't leave because I can't help but love your stupid naive motovated face."

"I love you too, asshole." Sam pulled him closer.

They continued to kiss for a while until Rowena came in. "Can you guys stop making out and get ready? I know where he is."

San smiled. "Yeah. Come on Gabe, let's kill your dad." He was worried too and afraid. But he tried not to let it show.

"Yeah." Gabe gave him a genuine smile before trying to be intimidating. "If you die I will come up there and kick your ass back alive. So don't even think about some drastic heroic gesture, okay?"

But Sam just laughed finding it rather adorable. "I won't die. Honestly, you're talking to a Winchester here. We don't die that easily." Sam kissed him softly. "Same goes for you, though!"

"Well, Winchesters also sacrifice themselves." Gabe made a motion to gesture that he would be watching him before hugging his arm with a fake frown.

When they met up dear auntie gave Gabriel his grace back. "Just in case I fail, which won't happen."

The archangel smiled and let it surge through his body, rolling his shoulders. "Neeto, thanks! Been a while, I feel great."

They teleported close to the location. "Okay, let's go."

While Amara was attacking her brother and holding him into place he snapped his finger sending the rest of them except Jack away.

Gabriel found himself back in his prison. He grabbed the bars as fear filled him. Panic that all of the things up to now had all been a dream surfaced.

Everything got worse as Asmodeus stepped to the bars. "You've got some gut, running away and then killing me. Now let's punish you for your behavior."

Instinctively Gabe backed away pushing himself against the wall. "No, you're dead! I killed you."

"You're daddy got me back and gave me some nice upgrades." Asmodeus smirked.

Meanwhile, Sam was lost in a forest. "Gabe!" He looked around. "Dean, Cas!" Thinking trying to find his way out was better than nothing, so he started walking in one direction until he ran into a familiar face. "Gabe!"

"Sam!" He hugged him. "Oh, thank my asshole of s father, I had no idea what was going on I ended up here."

Totally overwhelmed Sam stepped back. "What is going on?! I just ended up here as well. Where are the others?" He took Gabriel's hand not knowing that the real Gabriel was somewhere else.

Dean found himself back in hell torturing equipment in hand. "What?!"

Cas was strapped to a chair by Naomi, Michael was back in the cage with Lucifer and Raphael didn't quite know where he was.

Jack was the only one who remained in the room with Amara. "What's going on?! Where are they?"

"He teleported them away. Now help me hold him off! I have an appointment after this."

"Sam?" The fake Gabriel looked at Sam confused "I don't feel so good. I-" He got interrupted as his stomach got sliced open and flames engulfed him. The fire started to spread through the forest.

Tears filled the hunter freezing all the mental issues and ptsd welling up kvercoming him.

Dean stood in front of his father holding the instruments. "Do it, son! Or do you not have the gut to do it!"

Michael tried to fly out of the cage to no avail. "That fucking asshole! Locking me up here again, with you!"

"Ohoho, those are some crude words, my goody two-shoe brother. Don't want dad to hear that." Lucifer teased him finding enjoyment in the situation.

"I swear to whoever I should swear to, Lucifer, if you don't shut up I will kill you! Fuck dad, fuck all this. He can die for all I care. It's not like he ever cared." Micheal sat down in one corner of the cage pulling his legs close to himself and looking down. "All these years I just wanted him to be proud of me to love me as much as he loved you. But he never did. You did so much wrong but yet he never seemed so disinterested in you as he did in me."

Lucifer felt awful. He finally understood why Michael disliked him so much. He was somehow jealous of him. "Hey, lighten up! Dad never actually cared about any of us. We're like attempt number 600 or something. From now on, you just have to live for yourself and that meat suit you like so much."

It was an awful way to comfort someone but Michael appreciated it nonetheless. "Thanks, Lu, and I'm sorry."

"Apology excepted and I'm sorry, too. Now we never tried to work together to escape this hole. I mean it was built to only hold one archangel."

"Shit, you're right! Let's try this." The two looked for a weaker spot in the cage

Gabriel felt a needle puncturing his mouth as Asmodeus held him down. He tried to push the demon off him but for some reason, he was stronger than him. Tears started to roll down his cheeks. "Now, after I sewed your mouth shut again because honestly, your voice is unbearable, I will punish you for running away."

He tried to drown Asmodeus out and calm himself. Everything was fine. This was just a dream. A really really bad one. He had himself almost convinced when he remembered one thing: Sam! If he was trapped here he didn't want to know what the other was going through. His mind started racing as he was staring at the ground thinking of how to escape.

"This was easy. Looks like I got some practice after last time." Asmodeus finished sewing his mouth shut and grinned. "Open your eyes and look at me, boy." Gabriel hesitated and got hit for it. After he opened his eyes due to the pain his head got yanked up by his hair making him look at his captor. "Now, how about we have some fun like we used to." He took a minute to realize that the other's look had changed. The fear was gone and got replaced with determination. It scared Asmodeus.

Meanwhile, Sam was trying to get to who he thought was Gabriel when it hit him. Gabriel was an archangel he could easily get rid of that fire. On top of that Azaezel was dead. Slowly but surely Sam got up and walked away tearing his eyes from the sight that terrified him so much. He had to find Gabriel, the real one. His hands and arms were burned as he had tried to get to him but there was no time for taking care of them.

The archangel took a deep breath before breaking free and stabbing asmodeus with his own torture device. After he finally got out of that hellhole he heard Sam praying to him and immediately zapped to him.

The hunter ran to him after seeing he was alive and hugged him tightly ignoring the burns. Gave wanted to say something so he magiced away his stitches. "I was so scared you died!" His voice was shaking. "We definitely need therapy and a vacation after this."

Sam nodded placing his burned hand on Gabriel's cheek gently caressing it, which made the angel look at it shocked. "Jesus, what happened?" He carefully healed them.

"Chuck. Wait, where are the others?"

"I don't know but let's go find them." Gabriel took his hand.

They zapped to the meeting place they chose if they were to get separated and waited for a few seconds until the other ones suddenly came there too.

Lucifer looked at his brothers. "So, personal hells for all of you too, huh?"

"Yeah." Raphael looked away. "We need a new plan and that quickly."

"I might have one but I could be terribly wrong." Gabe looked at Sam for reassurance before continuing. "When I was younger I managed to sneak into dad's super private office and it had this weird typewriter. Having been the little shit I was I decided to write something about it and it came true. Sorry for the dancing plague, heh."

"So what are you saying?" Dean raised an eyebrow.

"We destroy the typewriter!" Sam smiled. "But why are you only telling this to us now?"

"Well, I'm not sure what destroying it will do to us, our world-" He gripped his husband's hand. "I thought if we had a different plan taking that risk would be void but here we are."

"Let's try it, maybe it will help Amara and Jack." Castiel thought anything should be worth a try. So they hurried to it hoping to find a solution. Before them was a long hallway at the end a golden typewriter. The room looked so empty and out of place.

Meanwhile, Amara and Jack fought Chuck and had the upper hand when he just zapped away. "Coward." His sister looked annoyed trying to think of where he could have gone.

"I hope they figured something out because granddad is slippery." Jack looked at his aunt giving her a reassuring smile.

"He is a terrible person."

In the office, Sam had an ax in hand and was walking down the impossibly long hallway with the others. "Are we sure this won't just poof us and disappear us?"

They all looked at each other until his brother spoke up. "Do we have a choice?" Dean shrugged looking at the rest. "Look we either risk it or let him win and I would hate to let him win."

"I'll stand guard with Dean." Castiel took his boyfriend's hand. "You guys go ahead."

So they split up the archangels going with Sam to destroy the machine. Gabriel felt something was about to go wrong and gently squeezed his husband's hand. "Sam if anything happens-"

"Nothing will happen."

Gabe kissed him.

At that moment Chuck burst through the door.

"Sam destroy it, whatever it takes!" Lucifer yelled at him readying himself for the fight. "We'll hold him off."

Sam ran to the typewriter just reaching it in time to raise his ax. Chuck was closing in on him the angles defeated. "Don't come any closer!"

"Sam, be reasonable." Chuck stopped a few feet away from him. "This is a holy item."

"I don't give a shit!"

"But you are about to because I made my closest family using its energy. Meaning if you destroy this you not only kill me but them." He gestured to the angels.

"Do it!" Gabe screamed at him just to have Chuck zip his mouth shut.

"I like you. I'll make you a deal, two actually and you get to decide which you'll take. Either I'll erase your memory of my son and both of you can go back to how life was or I'll write you out of the narrative you will not be a Winchester anymore and live a happy life at law school with Jessica being none the wiser."

Sam wanted so desperately to fix this to find a solution but he also wanted Gabriel to survive and to live a good life even if he is not a part of it so he lowered his ax.

"Okay, good. I knew we could work together." Chuck kept talking.

But Sam ignored him looking at all his injured friends until he locked eyes with Gabe who was trying to scream at him not to do it. Seeing him made him tear up. His whole life got messed up because of one megalomaniac. He has felt like a passenger with no control for too long so no one else would define his story anymore. Determined he sat down and began to write.

"What are you-" Chuck wanted to interrupt him but he couldn't. There was no voice coming out of his mouth and he clawed at his throat.

Sam saw what he wrote happen, like in that one book he read as a child. So he started to read it out loud. "As God, or should I say, Chuck, looked at his hands he realized he had gotten too old to medel in other people's life. So he gave up all his powers to his children the archangels and angles." He took a deep breath. "Still even without power, he thought he should pay for the things he did and turned himself in. The authorities, well in this case me, decided to lock him in the cage. Yes, the same cage Michael and lucifer were in. Chuck opened his mouth to protest but knew he had nothing to contribute and closed it again."

He saw him disappear in front of his eyes and took a deep breath. The others hurried over to him. Gabe hugged him tightly. "Man, I did not think this would work." Sam chuckled holding him close.

"So what now?" Michael looked at them. "If he gets out and his hands on that typewriter-"

"We need to destroy it." Sam shrugged. "Give me a second." He wrote a page about nothing being dependent on the typewriter anymore, successfully liberating the angels before picking it up intending to drop it.

After the wroter fell they demolished it. "Guess no one's writing our story anymore." Dean looked at the pieces. "God, I'll be happy that there won't be more weird books about us."

"Eh, there will always be fanfiction." Gabe shrugged as they all looked at him. "What? I was bored and got curious-"

"Let's just get Jack." Castiel sighed not really wanting to know more.

After they all gathered again they were sort of just looking at each other unsure what to do now. "So, we just defeated God huh?" Dean tried to break the awkward silence. "Should we go home or have a celebratory diner?"

"How about another vacation?" Gabe hugged Sam's arm and smiled. "I mean we never went on a honeymoon."

"Sounds good."

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