Transcendent Thirst

Galing kay YOLOwriting101

158K 7.4K 3.2K

"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... Higit pa

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Galing kay YOLOwriting101


I hold Aurelie in my arms as I walk towards the house I once was in. I was here when I was under the spell and I remembered this is where Sabin lived.

Achille has yet to come, but there is a certain time he was to come. If Aurelie and I do this right - he may not have to deal with the hard parts. Just get right to taking him down.


I look down at Aurelie, and she points up at a window. When I look I saw Sabin looking down at us. The curtains parted slightly - he smirks slightly only to move back.

That's when I go to the door and I kick it open. I close the door behind me only to look forward and Sabin was sitting on the stairs.

"You look nice Darius. I see you are no longer under a spell."

"Of course not. Achille is my true love, not to mention I have a daughter. Aurelie is much smarter than you and she has helped me plenty." I state, looking down at her as she grins.

When I look back up at Sabin he looked much more content than I thought he would be. Except I wasn't falling for this at all.

"You've done enough damage to this world Sabin." I hiss at him, and he frowns.

"How so? I have helped Achille - he's living his best life with you! You both have a child - which shouldn't even be possible, but it happened. I have given you both the life to desire! I have given so many a different life and I'm honestly a good person." Sabin says as if that was remotely true.

I had to stop myself from laughing at such ridiculousness.

"That is a load of crap. I know why you turned him." I say harshly, and he sighs. "Some things can't be said...but I know the truth of the matter. There's no point in trying to tell me a story that you construed in your messed up mind."

Sabin snorts at me, but he doesn't bother denying it. That's when I set Aurelie on her feet before me. She looks up at me as if she was waiting for me to give her permission.

That's when I nod, and we watch her sprint off. Sabin looks in confusion and I could tell he was going to go after her until I stood before him. Standing in his way, I smile down at him.

"What are you trying to do? I'm curious." He says to me, and I shrug. "You should teach your children not to go through people's belongings."

"Who says she's going through your things? What if this is a good game of hide-and-seek?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow, and he rolls his eyes. "She's just having fun. Don't be so upset."

"Me? Upset?" Sabin snorts as he tries to go around me. Except I just follow him and now he looked annoyed. "I am getting irritated. What game is this-?"

"No games. You can't keep running from what's to come Sabin. I just would like to talk to you." I say truthfully, and he narrows his eyes on me.

"About what?"

"Why are you so infatuated with Achille?" I question him now.

His eyes widen on me. I could tell he didn't expect me to ask that question and it amused me. It clearly was pissing him off because Achille was with me - not him. He hated him and wanted to kill him...and he was going to get that chance.

"Why should I tell you? Is it not aggravating to hear someone else talk about your current lover?" Sabin tries to antagonize me, but it didn't work at all.

"Why would I be aggravated? I have a daughter with the love of my life and another conveniently on the way. We are very much in love...I think I'll be fine." I smirk at him because I saw his fists ball up.

He clearly didn't like me saying that to him...too bad.

"Okay. Want to know what I like about Achille. It is his innocence and captivating nature. He was full of so much life and vigor. Despite those times he stood out and could've possibly made something of himself if he wasn't held down by his feeble family. So, I saved him - expecting him to cling to me and he mine; but-."

"Instead you thought it'd be smart to kill his dad too. Yeah, that's a good way to win someone's heart. Idiot." I hiss at him, and he hissed back.

It was interesting to me because before I used to be...a little afraid of him. Now I have no fear. I look down at him and I am not threatened in the slightest.

"I liked that despite him being changed he didn't abandon his family. He stayed with them and put himself through the torment of probably wanting to drink their blood, but couldn't. Honorable in my book." Sabin smirks, though I found him to be repulsive.

That's when I look at the clock, and I suddenly see the curtains in his house lift up. I see Sabin walk towards them and peel them back.

Revealing Aurelie, she grins at him.

"You are a pretty little girl, Aurelie was it?" Sabin asks her, crouching before her. She nods at him. "I remember when you were just a newborn. Now look at you...already looking like you're three and you're not even a year old. Being a hybrid sure is fascinating."

Aurelie just looks at him - that's when I see her glance at me. I nod, and she was quick to cradling his face. He flinches by such a thing except he should be thanking her. If it wasn't her than he'd experience pain more than necessary.

"S'il vous plaît - détendez-vous." ( Please - relax. ) She asks of him gently. I wasn't sure if Aurelie knew what she was doing for us, but...I hoped not.

I abruptly hear the front door slam open, and I see Sabin's eyes become all-whites. Same went for Aurelie and I knew she had him in a mindset that kept him from what was to come.

His death.

I watch Achille enter the room now. Sabin was still under the trance Aurelie placed on him and her eyes were closed. Could tell Sabin wanted to pull away, but couldn't.

That's when I see one of Achille's eyes become black. One side was normal while the other was black, black nerves beginning to pulse harshly. I instantly knew that Achille and Achilles were sharing this moment together.

I move to the side as Achille goes before Sabin. I watch as his fingers grip the bottom part of his mouth. His other hand rested on the top of his mouth and I felt myself beginning to cringe.

I rush to Aurelie and pull her away. Her eyes opened again and I saw that they were all white. When I glance at Sabin I saw his eyes were all white too. Though he screamed when Achille began to pull.

Just seeing him do such a thing was startling. Especially since Achille and Achilles were both sharing this moment...

"Achille I'm sorry for your family okay?! I'm sorry for everything!" Sabin cried out, and I instantly see Achille frown.

It was confusing because I could tell he was conflicting with Achilles maybe. I don't know if he knew about him now. I don't think so...

"You apologize now?" I hear the painful tone of Achille's voice, but also the angry tone of Achilles. I see tears streaming from the normal eye will the black one began to fester through half his body.

"It's better than me not apologizing at all." Sabin hisses.

"What about the other lives you ruined? Oscar? I can't imagine the others. You think apologizing to me now will save your life?" Achille questioned him as he let go of his mouth. Sabin began to slowly heal, but I saw Achilles intentions.

I saw the other hand go behind his neck and I see the most evil smile cross his lips. That's when I look away. Though I did hear the most painful shriek leave Sabin's lips.

When I look at Aurelie her eyes were back to normal and I could tell he was dead this time. She grinned up at me - not knowing what was behind me.

I look over my shoulder, seeing Sabin was definitely dead. Achilles was now fully in Achille's body and I saw him sneer in disgust.

"We have to burn his body before it heals itself." Achilles snaps, and I watch as he digs in his pocket. I see that he had a lighter and I could tell he was ready.

When he threw the lighter down Sabin's body was engulfed in the fire. Could see Achilles smile at such a thing and he looked at me.

"Achilles let's go." I say, grabbing his hand as we rush out. Once we were quite a distance you could see the fire was picking up. Good thing it was in the middle of nowhere...

As we watched I felt the grip on my hand soften. When I look I see Achilles hand rest on his heart, grinning solemnly.


"Looks like the reason I was alive was to handle Sabin. I time is done." Achilles says out of nowhere, and I shook my head.

"What do you mean? You're a part of Achille." I state, and he looks back at the fire. "Why would you just disappear?"

"I was created because of all the anger, hatred, and resentment he held towards Sabin. I was what kept him going and now that you're here, Aurelie is here, and Sabin is dead... Seems like there's no reason for me to be here-."

"Not true! can't just disappear." I found myself whimpering, and I saw Achilles grin sadly at me.

I was in love with Achille and Achilles. For Achilles to just...disappear doesn't feel right. It feels inappropriate and wrong.

"I did...fall in love with you Darius. I am appreciative of the fact that you accepted me. You too Aurelie." Achilles rested his hand on Aurelie's cheek, and she looked confused too.

The red in his eyes began to fade and I saw his eyes water. I couldn't accept this...

"Achilles...Achille doesn't know about you...right?" I ask quickly, and Achilles shook his head.

That's why he's dying...Achille doesn't know that Achilles is even inside of him. So with his anger leaves Achilles... What if he knew of him and changed that anger of his into something else?


Then it made sense.

"You're not going anywhere." I say to him, and I set Aurelie on her feet. That's when I wrap my arm around Achilles waist. I pull him close, pressing a deep kiss to his lips.

I found myself pulling back as I bit into Achille's neck, and I heard him cry out. That's when I found myself sending him all the memories I had with Achilles. Telling him...somehow who Achilles was.

I never told him who he was and he was never knew who he was. If he sees this maybe...just maybe this will create a different path. Instead of there being anger and hatred, why not Achilles be all his happiness and contentment?

Why does he need to harbor the bad? Let him be the good...

That's when I pull away, seeing Achille stumble back. I look at him and saw his eyes looking at me in shock. Except out of nowhere I see his eyes begin to glow.

I saw him crumble to his knees and Aurelie rushed to him. She tried cradling his face to use her powers on him, but it didn't work.

I found myself...not worried.

Because suddenly I saw the glow disappear. I couldn't see Achille's face, but I heard him begin to chuckle. This chuckle however was full of happiness and soon started to become contagious.

When Achille looks up I saw they were fully a light blue. Tears streamed down his face and his hand rested on his heart.

"You really know how to amaze us both Darius."

I smile when I see Achilles smiling happily. He wiped his tears as they streamed down his face. I crouched before him because I felt like crying too.

"Does...Achille know? Did it work? I'm not sure...what I did." I confess, and Achilles laughs softly.

"Achille knows about me...and he accepted me. He wants me to tell you that he doesn't know how you kept this from for so long. He also...thanks you...for telling him about me." Achilles bit his lip as he looks at Aurelie. "I'm happy I wasn't erased...I could feel myself dying and then I was brought back. I thank you...Darius."

I grin, and I lean forward as we kiss. I couldn't help myself as I chuckle against his lips. When I pull back I see Achilles new blue eyes wink at me, and then they fade back to normal.

Achille grabs my hands, smiling at me. He glanced at Aurelie who looked at us just as happily. She looked very giddy and we watch her begin to pick flowers.

That's when we face one another and Achille smirks.

"Why didn't you ever tell me about Achilles?" Achille asks me softly.

I smile awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I...I thought you'd not be very accepting and Achilles said he believed you'd try to conceal him. It didn't help that you thought of yourself as a monster and I didn't want you to believe you were one even more...with Achilles inside of you - sharing your body." I explain to him, only to see Achille snort.

"Maybe at first, but he's a part of me - you told me on time. If he had disappeared I wonder if something about me would've changed... Who knows. Because we're both staying." Achille stood now and I saw him overlooking the fire now.

It was calming now, but he rests his hands on his waist. He sighed with content, looking back down at me.

"We love you Darius."

I smile, and Achille looks at Aurelie.

"We love you too, princess." He says to her as she hands him a bouquet of tiny stems with purple flowers.

He rests his hand on his stomach, his face becoming flushed.

"You know Achilles said that when I was pregnant with Aurelie that I had many nods swings. That he was brought multiple times and he tried staying out of it." Achille says, and I snort.

That makes sense...

"I believe it. Now that you know of him you both can share this experience. No more hiding." I state to them both.

Achille grins at me, his eyes settling on me in a way that I've never seen. Though I found myself liking it as he began to lean towards me.

"You're...worth everything in the world Darius." Achille murmurs to me. I felt my body become hot out of nowhere, and I smile.

"You're no monster, but my angel Achille...and Achilles." I murmur back to him.

He smiles and that's when we feel Aurelie shove her way between us. She looked up at us sadly, and we look at her in confusion.

"What about me?"

Achille and I look at one another, smiling as we look back down at her.

"You're our little miracle Aurelie, one of a kind." Achille and I say at the time. Aurelie giggles at our words and us hugging her to us.

It was...funny how a year ago I wanted to die.

I found myself not believing I was worth it and I was close to death. I was going to welcome it.

Now I look at Achille as he laughs with Aurelie. The both of them looking at me as to why I was staring. Except I just grin at them.

I remember when Achille saved me.

All the events I had with him flashed through my eyes.

I saw him saving my life.

Saying I'm worth it.

Crying before me.

Confessing to me.

Loving me...letting me love him.

I thank an odd way.

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have met Achille and Achilles. I don't like the way it was handled in Achille becoming who he was, but I appreciate Sabin...for not forcing himself upon him.

I'll keep that to myself though.

"Hey..." I look at Achille and see his eyes not on me. He nodded forward and I look, seeing a group heading towards us.

That's when I take note that I've never seen these people in my life. They gave off a vibe that made me...uncomfortable. I stood and pick Aurelie up, placing her in Achille's arms.

"Run..." I tell Achille, and he shook his head at me. "Seriously, run-!"

I watch Achille set Aurelie on her feet, and she looks up at us fearfully. That's when Achille squats before her and whispers something in her ear. Out of nowhere I see her sprint off and he stands back up.

"Why didn't you go-?!"

"I'm not leaving you. You're not leaving me, and I'm not leaving you. We both get what we want." Achille states, and that's when we face the people before us.

Though now that they were before us it became apparent that they weren't friendly. I was right to be uncomfortable by them...

"You both have something I want." We hear a voice say, but none of the people before us were speaking.

That's when they part to reveal a...little boy glaring up at us. His irises were a bright pink and I had to stop myself from snorting. Achille looked stupefied by what we were looking at.

This looked like a little brat surrounded by guards.

"Why aren't you with your parents? Hmm?" Achille questions the boy and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

Except the boy narrowed his eyes on him and Achille flinched, practically collapsing onto his bottom. I frown as I help him up - the little boy pointing at me.

"That baby...the baby inside of you... He's what I've been waiting for for thousands of years." He croaks only to scan his eyes over us. "You both can live along with your hybrid of a child. Your son...I'm drawn to him. I've let you two have your fun - now it's time for me to have what I have been waiting for."

Achille and I look at this little boy as if he's lost his mind. Though it was evident that he was very powerful, but also thousands of years old. I don't think...I want our son to be with someone like this.

"You don't get a choice. It's obvious...obvious that you know nothing of the vampire world. Did you think it all came down to Deimos? Wrong, he's nothing compared to me. His silly problems repulse me." The boy stuck his nose up at such a thought.

Only to look back at us, his soft pink irises moving onto Achille. He sniffed the air only to smile.

"I'm not wrong this time. That boy is destined to be my solution-."

"Solution to what?" I interrupt him, and that results in his little guards hissing at me. Except I wasn't threatened at all - just found it ludicrous. "We don't even know your name and you're coming here saying our son is destined to be yours. Is this child play or what?"

The boy snickers, quick to rolling his eyes.

"No child play - this is real life. I'll help you understand once your child is born. Until than, no more questions. You both and your child are coming with me to my home. Where you will be protected." He says, and we look as we suddenly see Aurelie in one of the guards arms.

Achille takes her, though she looked confused as to how she was back. We were...all confused. Except it seemed this...person wasn't going to harm us.

I just didn't know his intentions.

None of us did.

We are done with everything it seemed...then this guy comes up out of nowhere. Claiming he's been waiting for thousands of years...

For what?

For Achille and I to come together? To have Aurelie and then our son?

What even is this all about...?

I look at Achille, and he looks at me.

All I knew is that if I had my family with me - I didn't care what was to come.

We'd figure it out eventually...

I hope.

11.05.2020 EDIT: I am no longer tired. This not the end of Achille and Darius. There are still things they could've done...and that's what I'm going to do. Ignore everything further's useless. Unless you...want to. Lol. Want some comedic relief - go on ahead, be my guest. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤭

Until the next part of the book. 👁👄👁
There is no next part. Just a slight time skip. Lol. 💀

Ooh. 🥴
How about noo. 🥴

Achille and Darius get their happy ending though. 💕
There is no ending for them - not yet. Past self - ur dumb. 😪

It's not done though. 🤧
One thing you got right so far. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Secrets. 🤫
Yes. 😐

I tired. 🙇🏽‍♀️
Lazy - wait what? 🤧

Vote 🗳
Please - 🙏🏾

Comment 🤩
And - 🙇🏽‍♀️

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Thank you. 😘

~ YOLO❤️

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