Blood Betrayal

By LillianneYoung

13.5K 1K 22

'Sometimes Blood isn't thicker than water and family will cross you quicker than strangers' Raelynn Jennings... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 24

285 24 1
By LillianneYoung

My mom has been home for the past few days, and I have to say that I'm actually happy about it. I can't believe I'm saying that. I grin and shake my head, Major still isn't sure about her being home. I'm just happy that we are building our relationship. She's even had me show her around town, while I still don't know anything about her work or her boss. I have been able to introduce her to the area. And for some reason that makes me so freaking happy. I'm excited that things between us have gotten better.

I'm also hopeful that one day, I'll have a relationship with my mother, one that rivals the one Ryker shares with his parents. I don't know what about the idea makes me so giddy. She's even making an effort to play with Major more, he gives her a funny look and still brings the toys towards me. He doesn't trust her, I find it pretty funny. "I love seeing that beautiful smile on your face." I look up giving a grin to Sandy. I can admit that I'm just happier all around, who knew my mom being back in my life would do that?

"It's a beautiful day." I give a shrug grabbing the work order and keys she's handing me.

"You are so happy, I'm loving it. I wish I still had your teenage energy." She chuckles heading back into the front of the shop. I grin giving my head a shake, I force myself to look down at the word order. Seeing Ryker's name at the top. That's another thing that has changed, ever since he met my mom, he's been quiet. It makes me wonder if there is something wrong. I don't think she said anything to him that upset him. While she doesn't know we're dating, I think I'd prefer to keep it that way if I'm being honest.

Thunderstruck by AC/DC comes on as I grab the order walking over to Ryker's station seeing his head stuck under the hood of a truck that has been nothing but trouble for him. The owner of the truck only does what is necessary to get it running again. Meaning this is the third time it's been back in the shop. For something that could've been fixed the previous trip. It's pretty said if I'm being honest, I can only shake my head. Using the stool that he is so kind to keep near his station I climb up to look in the engine bay.

Watching him do something to the truck, I'm still learning everything about cars and stuff. "Is it still giving you trouble?" Ryker turns to look at me with an annoyed expression.

"You have no fucking idea. I hate this stupid truck. I'm guessing Mom gave you another present for me?" I give him a sorry smile.

"I'll give you a kiss to make it better?" He chuckles, leaning in and stealing a kiss. Grinning into it, I finally forced myself to pull away.

"What's this one looking like?" I laugh at his question holding it up so he can read it.

"I think this one won't be too annoying? Or am I wrong?" I hear him huff, I'm gonna take a guess and say I'm wrong.

"It's a Jeep Grand Cherokee, I hate Jeeps." I give him a look of pity, yeah it's not his day that's for sure.

"I'm sorry Ry, I wish I could help you." He sighs, making me chuckle and pat his shoulder. Walking away I catch a glimpse of a familiar face, and I have to pause. Giving my head a shake and taking a quick peek, I'm losing my mind. For a moment I thought I saw the man from the other night. The one that picked up my mother's bag. I have to smile and roll my eyes, I'm losing my sanity.

"Raelynn, can you take this estimate to Sandy? She needs to get a hold of the customer." I hear Robert call to me. Having to turn around to grab the work, I give him a smile.

"Sure thing!" I have to chuckle to myself as I hear Cherry Pie by Warrant come on. I haven't heard this song in a while. Walking through the door I see Sandy sitting at the desk with a book cracked open. "Hey Sandy, Robert finished up his estimate from the Dodge Neon he's been working on." Sandy glances at me looking at the paperwork I hold out to her.

"Thank you Dear, I'll call Mrs. Daniels." I nod and head back out into the shop with a smile. Grabbing the work order that's sitting on my desk I grab another, much cleaner form to rewrite it. Sandy loves the fact that I rework the orders, a lot of the time the writing just gets black smudges all over it. She used to have such a hard time reading anything. Of course this is a fact she loves to point out constantly. I can only smile at her words, I know I say this a lot. And probably more than is needed but I really love working here. Especially working with Ry's family, it just makes me feel included.

Finishing up the document, I set it in the folder, opening the partition and sliding it in the cubby below it. Seeing Ryker standing at his desk writing stuff down I look at the truck seeing it has the hood closed. I'm guessing he's finished with that one... again. I think if that truck comes in again he might lose his mind. I shake my head grabbing the list for items I need to order for the shop. Sandy is the one who talks with the insurance company's, I'm so happy for that fact. I don't think that I could manage to deal with them nicely.

Half of the time you end up arguing about what actually needs to be done, or if something should be rebuilt or just replaced. She always handles those arguments with such poise and southern sweetness as she calls it. I can't say that I fully understand what that means, but hey, it works wonders. "Alright, I'm done with this stupid thing. If it comes back, tell Mom to send it the hell away." I look up and give a soft laugh.

"I'm sorry Babe, hopefully this is the last time he brings it in." He stops and shakes his head, forcing his hand through his hair. Leaning against my desk and pushing the paper towards me.

"I'm afraid sooner or later, he's going to start working on his own truck. Then it's gonna be a complete dumpster fire, one that I am not going to be fixing." I have to chuckle, the guys hate it when customers come in, saying that their car doesn't work right after they worked on it. I can always see a cartoon head slap coming on.

"Hopefully by then he finds a new mechanic?" I ask with a laugh and he shakes his head, grabbing his water. I don't know when he started keeping it by me, but it's become a thing. Not that I can complain of course.

"Something needs to change, I'm tired of seeing this damn thing." I laugh and shake my head, Ry is really done with working on this truck. I pat his arm, and he shakes his head rolling it to look at me. I watch as he pauses, and he gets a look in his eyes. "Oh wonderful, you might want to cut her off. Don't want non-employees back here." Ryker says before pushing off of my desk and heading back to his station. The sudden change makes me pause, and my head spin. What the heck was that?

Turning my head, I am pleasantly surprised to see my mother looking around the shop with interest. I at least now understand his statement. "Mom, what are you doing here?" Setting everything down I walk towards her making her stop only a few feet inside of the garage.

"I wanted to see where you worked. You never did get a chance to show me this place." She continues to look around and her eyes dart around to each mechanic before falling back to Ryker. "I was wondering why he was so dirty the other day." I force myself to shake my head at her statement.

"Mom you can't be back here. I have to talk to Sandy, ask if I can take a minute or two to talk alright?" She nods slowly looking around, like she's trying to memorize the place.

"No problem, I'll be waiting outside for you." My mom finally turns and leaves the shop, and I start to wonder what this is about. Turning back to the door between the shop and the front. Opening it up I check to see if there aren't any customers.

"Hey, my mom just showed up. Do you mind if I take a few minutes to talk with her?" Sandy looks up at me before glancing at the time.

"Not a problem, just make it quick please? I need you to write up another estimate for the Clarke's insurance company to review." I nod, giving her a soft thankful smile.

"Thank you!" I call out before letting the door close as I head for the front of the building, attempting to find my mom. I see her standing by her car on the phone. Before I can get close enough to hear her side of the conversation she looks at me, before saying goodbye abruptly. I'm gonna have to guess that it's a business call of some sort. "What are you doing here? I'm a little busy with work." She smiles patting my arms, looking over the place.

"I wanted to see if this place was a good fit for my girl! Besides I didn't have anything to-do and wanted to explore more, I'm still looking for a store front for my boss. Do you know if there is anything close to here? That's up for sale." I stop and look around, confused.

"I'm not really sure. Why don't you go to one of the real estate agents, wouldn't they be able to help you more?" She gives me a shrug.

"I wanted to see if you knew anything." I shake my head, I don't understand this thought process but ok.

"I'm sorry Mom, but I can't help you with that one."

"What time are you gonna be home?" The lane change of conversation once again throws me for a loop.

"I don't know I'm probably going to be working a little late. I have some estimation reports to write up. Why?" I can't help but ask, I'm still lost.

"I have a dinner meeting tonight, I didn't know if I should bring you something home." I shake my head, in answer.

"No, I'll be fine figuring out something." She nods before looking around.

"Alright, that works for me. I might not be home till later tonight, I'm not sure when I'll finish up with the meeting." I have to appreciate that at least she is being more open about when she's taken care of 'business'. At this point that's a big step up from what she was doing.

"Thanks for the heads up. Listen I really need to get back to work, I don't want to upset my boss." She laughs with a smile.

"Alright, I'll make sure to shoot you a text if anything changes. Go be a good worker Dear." She pats my arm before turning and heading towards her car. Shaking my head I turned away from her, that was only slightly strange. I can say that my mom has changed, and I'm excited that we can actually talk without screaming at one another. It makes me think back to my childhood, looking back on the parts that weren't shrouded in horror. 

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