| ❅ | Finding Home | ❅ | A No...

By Decembra1998

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A young orphan named Risa, is sent out on her own now that she is eighteen. Trying to find her family and fol... More

❅ Copyright Information ❅
❅ Author's Disclaimer ❅
❅ Awards & Publish Dates ❅
❅ Cover ❅
❅ Chapter One ❅
❅ Chapter Two ❅
❅ Chapter Three ❅
❅ Chapter Four ❅
❅ Chapter Five ❅
❅ Chapter Six ❅
❅ Chapter Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Eight ❅
❅ Chapter Nine ❅
❅ Chapter Ten ❅
❅ Chapter Eleven ❅
❅ Chapter Twelve ❅
❅ Chapter Thirteen ❅
❅ Chapter Fourteen ❅
❅ Chapter Fifteen ❅
❅ Chapter Sixteen ❅
❅ Chapter Seventeen ❅
❅ Chapter Eighteen ❅
❅ Chapter Nineteen ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-One ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Two ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Three ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Four ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Five ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Six ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Eight ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Nine ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-One ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Two ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Three ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Four ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Five ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Six ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Seven ❅
❅ Epilogue ❅
❅ Author's Note ❅
* Bonus Chapters *
❅ Bonus Chapter ❅ Part One ❅
❅ Bonus Chapter ❅ Part Two ❅

❅ Chapter Thirty-Eight ❅

19 2 0
By Decembra1998

After changing, Risa, Vincent, Medusa, and the Rosenbergs traveled to the party in the carriage the Rosenbergs were going to take before being captured by Medusa. They were pretty sure everyone was going to be worried by their late arrival and were surprised Medusa joined them.

Risa rested her head on Vincent's shoulder, her hands stuffed in the pockets of her coat. "You missed your train," She spoke, looking up at him. "You know you can probably make the last one if we drop you off now."

Vincent looked down at her. He hadn't thought about that since he had followed Loyal, who was sleeping on his lap. "You know, the whole reason I was leaving wasn't because of making amends, it was giving you space." He explained, wrapping his arm around her.

Risa looked away and felt a bit embarrassed by his words. "Oh," She mumbled, earning strange looks from her family. "Since we made up and I'm no longer mad at you, do you think you could stand a little longer?" She sheepishly asked, looking down at her lap.

Vincent smiled slightly, humming as he thought about it. "Let me see," He pretended to think, a serious expression on his face before cracking another smile. "Sure, why not. I'm not in any rush and I should stick around for the party, Rolando would like that."

Cyrene watched silently from beside her mother. She was happy to have her big sister back and she thought she might get a big brother too someday. Thay big brother was Vincent when he married Risa. "Why don't you just kiss already." She mumbled out loud.

Vincent looked up, surprised at her words, although he hadn't heard them he heard her say something. "Hmm?" He hummed, tilting his head to the side, giving her a suspicious look. "Did you say something?"

Cyrene's eyes went wide and she gave a sheepish smile, sinking in her seat. "What? No, no, I was - well yes, I was talking to myself. Nothing‐nothing of importance." She stammered out, snuggling her face into her scarf.

Risa sat up and raised her eyebrows at her younger sister. She wasn't buying it but wasn't going to press the issue. "You're so cute when you stammer all embarrassed." She teased Cyrene, sticking her tongue out at her.

Cyrene playfully glared back and stuck her tongue out at Risa. "Haha," She deadpanned, rolling her eyes. "Are you going to tease me about everything?" She inquired, not minding if Risa did. It would be nice for a chance, and she knew it was all in good fun.

Risa giggled softly and nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe. Maybe not. We'll have to see," She mused, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry that I don't remember anything from our childhood - er, our time together before the riots." She did feel a little guilty.

Cyrene could tell that Risa did feel guilty but she wanted to put her mind at ease. "It's all right," She began, reaching over and placing a hand on her knee. "They may come back to you as time goes on, or they may never come back. I will gladly tell you the stories - well, of what I can remember."

Risa was glad to know who her family was. Even if it was a little cliché, at least in her eyes. "I'd appreciate it," She then looked over at her parents. "I also want to warn you that I'm sorry if I end up ever embarrassing you for being a little stubborn."

Vincent shot her a funny look and laughed. "A little? Risa, you're the most stubborn person I know and that's coming from a man whose middle name is stubborn - not really, but you get my point." He nudged her with a chuckle.

Risa rolled her eyes and nudged him back, mocking his laugh. "Funny," She deadpanned, shaking her head. She looked back at her parents. "Seriously, though, I tend to let my stubbornness get the better of me and that has landed me in hot water too many times."

Nathan knew she had gotten that from him and he was still rather stubborn to admit it. "That makes two of us," He said, grinning ear to ear. "Nothing you will do will embarrass us. We understand your situation and know you didn't grow up with - structure." He hoped that made her feel better.

Risa couldn't deny that he had a point. She didn't have any structure like Cyrene or her younger siblings did. "I turned out all right, though. I've survived this long - mostly by myself - and have gotten myself out of very sticky situations." She proudly declared with a smug smile.

Vincent snorted, yearning for a strange look for Risa. "What? If I recall correctly, those situations I helped you out of. For example, the ship when you fell overboard and you drowned, just back there with you in the water yet again." He listed off, trying to make a point.

Risa put her hands up in defeat. "I get your point," She sighed and leaned her head back on his shoulder. "I'm very grateful for your help, despite not always being the most . . . accepting." She forced a smile only to let it fade and roll her eyes.

Medusa silently watched them interact with Hans and Iggy snuggles into the pockets of her coat. She couldn't help but feel awkward after all that happened and all she did. She didn't feel worthy to be here with them going to an engagement party.

Risa noticed and gave her a soft smile. "Don't look so uncomfortable, Medusa," She spoke, getting the older woman's attention. "I know this may be a little awkward for you as it is us, but you've got your second chance and I hope you feel everything you didn't feel you were."

Medusa looked down at her lap. She had never heard such kind words before. Risa was the only one to show her mercy and offer a second chance. "Yes, I understand. It may take some time to adjust to that and I've got to work my way back into your good graces while also paying my debt off for all the trouble I caused."

Persia leaned over and placed her hand on her shoulder. "I'm happy to have my best friend back," She smiled softly and withdrew her hand. "All will be forgiven in due time and I'm just happy you get to have a second chance." She truly was grateful that Risa had suggested it.

Medusa was beyond touched. She didn't quite know how to react or what to say. She supposed that it hadn't hit her fully yet and it would soon come crashing down on her. "I just hope others feel that way." She knew not everyone would be forgiven and she had a lot to do to make up for her actions.

The rest of the ride was filled with reminiscing old times, talking about plans for the future, and just spending time together. Everyone was a bit on edge once they pulled in front of the venue the engagement party was being held in. One by one they got out of the carriage and walked in.

Persia looked around the room as everyone's eyes landed on the group, tightly holding her eldest daughter's hand. "Since we already have your attention. I would like to announce that Clarissa has been found and it is none other than Risa." She explained resting her hand on her shoulder.

Rolando sighed with a smile, sharing a look with Stella. "About time you guys figured it out. I was losing my mind with none of you seeing what was before your eyes. How did you come to that conclusion?" He asked, walking closer to the group with Stella on his arm.

Risa shyly pushed her hair behind her ear and gave a sheepish smile. "Long story, but even though it is quite unbelievable. I am still accepting it since many things are overlapping and fit together like a puzzle. It may take a while before I can form a bond with them again." She admitted, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

Stella hugged Risa tightly. She was so glad to officially have Clarissa back in their lives. "I am glad you are together again." She pulled away with a bright smile on her lips. Seeing the smile on her family's faces, meant the world to her. They seemed so happy, even Nathan seemed to smile a little and didn't look so unhappy.

Nathan walked over to Sherry and Lena, he took a deep breath before he began to speak to them. "I want to apologize for how I have treated you. It wasn't right and it wasn't your fault for Clarissa being lost. It was mine for being a coward and running away when I should have stayed and fought. I took it out on you two when you were just doing your job." He told them, hanging his head down.

Lena gave him a soft look, she had never blamed him nor had she felt any hurt towards him. "All is forgiven. I never was angry at you, I was sad that she was gone. Not knowing what happened hurt me more than the actions." She told him, setting down her glass on a nearby table. "I'm just glad you've found her."

Sherry nodded, feeling the same way. She wasn't upset, only sad about what happened to Clarissa. "Lena is right. I too never blamed you, I was just heartbroken about what happened. There were a lot of people out at the time, it could have happened to anyone and I'm sure it happened to more people. I just had a happy ending like this." She was glad that Clarissa was alright.

Nathan felt a little better. Perhaps it wasn't a bad thing to own up to his mistakes. If everyone was as forgiving as the nannies then it was alright. Yes, he knew not everyone would be forgiving, but a majority would. "Thank you, truly, I do have a lot to make up for." 

Brandon walked over to his son, wondering why he was back. "You are back? Why didn't you leave?" He asked. He knew Vincent was dead set on leaving but yet he came back with his suitcase in hand. "And what happened to your coat?" He noticed how ripped up it was, which wasn't how it looked when he left.

Vincent noticed he still had his suitcase in hand. He set it down in a chair that was close to him. He also had forgotten about his torn coat. "Risa and the Rosenbergs needed my help, which is what happened to my coat and the reason I didn't leave. I should probably wait to leave until after the engagement party. The ticket is good until tomorrow evening." He replied, scratching the back of his neck.

Brandon was glad to hear that he had come back to help Risa and the Rosenbergs, although he didn't know what that meant. "At least you are back. I will be honest, I didn't want you to leave so soon, nor did Noah." He had just gotten to spend time with the son he hadn't seen in twenty-one years.

Noah nodded, walking over and hugging Vincent. "I didn't want you to leave yet, I wanted to spend more time with my big brother." He whined, looking up at him with his bright eyes before pulling away. He put his hands behind his back and rocked back and forth on his feet.

Vincent had returned the hug before also pulling away. "Well, looks like you got me for the rest of the party. I will not be leaving any time soon." He said with a smile. He glanced over at Risa, who was one of the reasons he wasn't leaving, although he wouldn't admit it.

Reneé cupped his cheek and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I am glad you returned too," She pulled him into a tight hug before pulling away. "It might be selfish to say, but I'm glad you're staying, even if it is for a short time." 

Stella turns towards Medusa after seeing the sweet family moment between Vincent and his family. "I don't believe we have met, I'm Stella, Persia's sister." She offered her hand out to shake. She did look vaguely familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Medusa shook her hand and swallowed harshly. She slowly nodded while feeling a little awkward about introducing herself. "No, we had never formally met," She began, feeling a bit hesitant but the encouraging smile Persia was giving her helped her find a little bit of confidence. "I'm . . . Medusa, and before everyone goes crazy about what I have done, I have been given a second chance." She quickly said all in one breath.

Risa placed her hand on Medusa's shoulder and smiled. "I suggested the second chance, so, if anyone has a problem with that, take it up with me." She declared and quickly added. "It's long overdue." She just wanted to do what her parents hadn't done, to begin with.

Rolando could tell she was sincere and if Risa thought it was a good idea how could he complain? "If they are going to give you a second chance, then as will I." He wasn't going to hold a grudge over something that happened eleven years ago. "I can see Vincent has been rubbing off on some people." He teased, nudging him and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. 

Vincent rolled his eyes and looked at Rolando. "Haha, very funny, Rolando," He deadpanned and rolled his eyes. "Risa gave me a second chance and I will not make the same mistakes I did before. What she did helped show me my errors and I wouldn't have done it differently." He smiled softly at Risa.

Risa gave Vincent a soft look and looked away, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. "But you did help me realize that I needed to give you a second chance. Seeing as you were going to leave to make amends made me rethink something. You have changed, for the better." She shyly looked over at him and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

Stella was beaming brightly at this whole thing. What better engagement present than a family reunion and forgiveness. "I think it is time for celebration! Not only my engagement but the reunion of Risa and her family, along with a newfound friend and outlook on life." She declared, raising her glass.

Everyone got themselves a glass and raised it after she had. Agree by letting out a "here here" before drinking some of the punch from their glasses. Everyone was in a good mood and happy, going back to their little clusters. 

Kyle looked around the room and piled pigs in a blanket onto his plate with cubes of cheese unassumingly. "Touching," He remarked under his breath, not understanding why it was such a grand thing. He had been kept out of the loop much of his life.

Cyrene walked up behind him and crossed her arms. "What do you think you are doing?" She asked, making the young man jump out of his skin. She grinned and continued. "You know those are for everyone right? You can't hog them all to yourself." She smirked after she finished talking. 

Kyle jumped and whipped around, sighing when it was her. "Nice to see you too, Cyrene." He sarcastically greeted the younger girl. "What a way to greet someone you haven't seen in eleven years." He popped a cube of cheese into his mouth.

Cyrene put her hands on her hips, giving him a challenging look. "How else was I supposed to greet you? All nice and friendly? Pfft, as if! I thought it was long overdue that I tease you after all the things you did to me as a child." She explained with a smirk on her lips.

Kyle dramatically gasped, putting his free hand on his chest. "Oh, payback," He cried and then laughed. "Isn't that a bit childish, Cyrene? Aren't you sixteen? Shouldn't you be more mature by now?" He asked, popping a pig in a blanket in his mouth.

Cyrene rolled her eyes. He had gotten witter with age. "Most people would be thrilled to know I am alive - not to mention I almost just died for real - and wouldn't stop hugging me. Alas, here you are stuffing your face in a corner all by your lonesome." She pointed out, grabbing a glass of punch.

Kyle popped another piece of cheese into his mouth and grabbed a cup of punch, downing it in a matter of seconds. "Your point being?" He asked, setting the cup on the table. "I am not a hug type of person nor the type to get all sappy over a reunion. You're alive, yay, I am happy but I just don't show it." 

Cyrene took a leisurely sip of her drink and rested it on the napkin in her hand. "Your mother said you cried your eyes out when news got around that we had all died. You were a wreck, you stopped eating for a few days and stayed in bed refusing to move." She slowly said, wondering how he'd react to that.

Kyle shrugged his shoulders. He showed no shame since he was merely a kid. "I was young then. I was sad that my cousins were dead and I never got to make up for all the teasing I had done." He admitted, looking down at the floor.

Cyrene nodded, pursing her lips before smiling and letting her arms fall to her side. "It seems you turned out all right. Maybe it was a blessing for you that that happened. I am trying to see the silver lining in it and so far I have come up with a lot of them. Mostly I would have never met Clark." She glanced over at the young man who was walking past.

Clark walked up to her as if on cue, looping an arm around her waist and smiling at Kyle. "Ah, you're the infamous Kyle, who used to tease Cyrene a lot. I am sure you have changed." He eyed the young man up and down, seeing he was hardly what Xyrene had told him that he was as a child. "I'm Clark if you didn't realize."

Kyle nodded looking between the two and smirked. "I figured," He sarcastically commented. "I can tell you both fancy each other and by the looks, Uncle Nathan is giving you. He doesn't approve or is still very protective over you Cyrene?" He asked, smugly.

Cyrene turned around and sent her father a glare and sighed before turning back to Kyle. "He is overprotective and thinks no man is worthy of me. He doesn't know Clark as I did, even Stella loves him. I just hope he will let us go to court because I can see myself married to him in a few years." She looked up lovingly at Clark.

Kyle cringed at the loving look in both their eyes. "That is my cue. I will see you later, I suppose? I should eat my food before I lose my appetite." He waved to them as he walked past them after nodding to them and sitting down in a chair.

Cyrene rolled her eyes but kept a smile on her lips. She was glad Kyle wasn't like he used to be, to put it simply a brat. He had matured and that was a good thing. "Just remember to save some for the others." She called to him as he walked off and laughed.

Loyal chewed on a dog treat sitting beside Éclair. Hans and Iggy had perched themselves on the chair that Loyal was under. "I am glad . . . Stella made me . . . dog treats. I really . . . needed them after running . . . after Vincent across . . . Paris." She mumbled in between her chewing.

Hans looked around the room, a smile on his beak. "I am just glad Medusa took the second chance and is finally forgoing revenge. It may take a while for her to come to terms and not act bitter or cold some days. I will support her and be by her side." He had yearned for this day for as long as he could remember.

Iggy munched on a little cracker that he held between his paws. "I did not expect it to go down like that. Who knew forgiveness was that strong. I know love is the strongest force but so is forgiveness." He didn't expect Medusa to humble herself and accept a second chance.

Éclair wasn't too fond of Iggy or Hans being close to her but she let it go since Loyal didn't seem bothered. "I am glad I stayed here. I am not sure I could have helped in any way. I am happy to hear no one died, that is a good thing." She nonchalantly said, looking at her polished nails.

Loyal looked over at Éclair and gave her a funny look. "I didn't help, I just got Vincent," She wasn't going to take credit for something she didn't do. "I knew I would have been a snack for Draco, so I stayed beside Hans and Iggy watching it go down." She admitted, going back to chewing on the dog treat.

Hans nodded, yawning a little. He was relieved someone else felt the same way he had about that awful dragon. "Draco always used to say he wanted to eat me. I didn't do anything either, there was nothing any of us animals could have done to help. It wasn't our place anyway." He agreed, jumping down beside Loyal. "Can I nap beside you?"

Loyal nodded. She was a fluffy puppy, she could offer some of her warmth. "Of course. Iggy if you want you can come beside me. I am pretty tired and think I'll take a nap after this treat." She yawned after speaking and lazily chewed on the dog treat.

Iggy followed Hans and snuggled against Loyal's soft fur, making himself comfortable. He patted the pillow he was on to make a little comfy place for himself. "This is warm and nice." He mused, closing his eyes after hugging himself with his wings.

Tessa grabbed Risa's hand and suddenly hugged her. "I am so happy for you!" She exclaimed, pulling away with bright, sparkling eyes. "You finally found your family and who knew you were a princess?" She couldn't believe she was friends with royalty.

Risa laughed as she pulled away from Tessa and hugged Jaelle. "Duchess, the princess title has been laid to rest since everyone still thinks the Rosenbergs are dead." She replied, patting the Romani girl's back.

Jaelle didn't want to let Risa go but reluctantly stepped back. "Either way, you're still royalty by birth and nobility by the title!" She exclaimed happily, clapping her hands together. "Wait, does that change things now between us?" She was worried that it would affect their friendship. 

Risa shook her head. She figured they might think that. "No, no it won't change anything. I'm still the same Risa you knew before and I'm not going to let my newfound title get to my head. I won't even use it, I'm happy being Risa." She smiled at her friends.

Maurice nodded, giving Risa a brief hug so as not to make it awkward for her. "How about let's enjoy the engagement party? This goes to show that love is for all ages, not saying Rolando and Stella are old, but you know what I mean." He corrected himself, not wanting to have a miscommunication between the others.

Risa laughed and placed a hand on his shoulder. She understood quite well what he was saying. "I understand. Who knows? Sometimes the guy for us is right in front of our nose." She was mostly hinting at Maurice and Tessa, it was obvious yet they were oblivious. She also knew she had feelings for Vincent which they never confessed to each other.

Jaelle sipped her drink and smirked. "We all know you have a crush on Vincent and vice versa. I may not know him like you, but the eyes he has been giving you since you came back say a lot." She said with a smile, giving Vincent a small wave.

Tessa gently smacked Jaelle's arm as she watched Vincent excuse himself from his family and started to come over. "Jaelle!" She chided the younger girl. "She does have a point though, and I may have spoken to Rolando about you two on your way here." She nonchalantly spoke with a casual shrug.

Risa was flabbergasted. She had no clue that Tessa had spoken to Rolando. She didn't even know when that could happen. She crossed her arms over her chest and furrowed her brows. "What? When? How did you even find time to talk to Rolando?" She asked, wondering when did this happen.

Tessa took a long sip of her drink before replying. "Coincidentally I was window shopping at this little bouquet yesterday, and he just happened to be passing by. We started talking and I asked about what happened between you and Vincent. I wanted to hear from his point of view and not just yours." She wasn't shy about admitting to getting another point of view.

Risa couldn't deny that she would have done that too. An event can be told in many ways depending on the perspective of the person. "Well, I'm glad you got his side. I'm sure it was unbiased since he isn't partial to anyone." She had always admired that about him.

Vincent looked at the group wondering what he had come over to. "What did I just walk into?" He questioned, putting his hands in his pants pockets. "I saw your wave, Jaelle, but I didn't know what it meant so I came over." He was a bit skeptical about the reason for her wave.

Jaelle nodded pursing her lips and hummed before cracking an embarrassed smile. "Oh, I was merely waving. I didn't mean for you to come over and leave your family," She replied, pushing some hair behind her ear. "I was talking about you . . . I do wanna get to know you better, though." She hoped that clarified things for him.

Vincent pursed his lips and nodded, well, that wasn't something he had anticipated to happen. "I would be happy to get to know Risa's friends. I am just glad she made some," He gave Risa a nudge and a smile before turning to the others. "You must tell me how you all met, later of course." 

Tessa smiled fondly, looking between the two as they interacted. "Why not know?" She suggested innocently, having an ulterior motive. "We have the rest of the night and your family seems to be deeply talking with Rolando." She pointed out, setting down her empty cup.

Risa rested her hand on Vincent's shoulder. She had a faint idea of what Tessa was going and she was all for it. "Stay? For me please?" She asked, batting her eyes playfully. She meant it, she did want him to stay, but she wasn't going to not play it off.

Vincent nodded after giving it some thought. "Fine, I'll stay since you asked so nicely," He teased back, grinning from ear to ear. "How did you all meet each other?" He asked, not knowing the story since he had been out of touch.

Risa smiled as she looked at her friends, recalling how she met each of them. She wished she could have relieved it all over again but she did have the memories. "We will first start with Maurice," She began to recount how she met each one of her friends. 

The rest of the night was filled with memories everyone would remember for the rest of their lives. 

This was an end, which is only the beginning of a new chapter in all their lives.


I am happy to feel so proud with how far along this story has come. Yes it may need some more work, but I am happy with the ending. I will say it is a little shorter than I wanted but that is okay, I will come back and add more when I have more ideas. It will merely be adding on, it won't change anything here. So, do not worry. 

I will be wrapping a few things up in the next chapter. Please read to the end of the epilogue because there are some important things to be read. 

Chapter Talk:
Risa is finally back with her family. Such a happy reunion for everyone. Not only did Stella get engaged she has also gained a niece, which she knew was Clarissa all the time. It was really sweet and the interactions were so cute. Medusa is getting her second chance and mingling with everyone there.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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