By indicolitque

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〖ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛ+ᴅɪᴀʙᴏʟɪᴋ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀs x ᴍᴀʟᴇ!ᴏᴄ!〗 ━━━ • 𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓; 𓆩⚝𓆪 Yuu... More

【 ♚ ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ ♚ 】
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1.5K 64 0
By indicolitque


Kanashimi sat near the window, he gazed out of his room as the light was shining from the sun upon the sky, signaling noon. He longed to be free from confinement in this room, it was so suffocating. Even if his room was full of things he took an interest of, along with his easel stationed in the corner of his room, his art supplies all aligned neatly, it lacked a lot more however. The promise of a sense of freedom was long gone, luxury surrounded him almost seeming a lot more artificial. He still missed his little sister Kaname, his oka-san and otou-san... It was ironic truly for him to be surrounded by so many people, yet he felt so alone once again, he turned over to look at the door.

An old butler and maid who tended to him carefully, out of duty, there was actually no connection, but employer and employee. It was something he was so unfamiliar with, it made him wish to have someone to talk to him, and not reply so stoically with "Yes master." or "Right away sir." It increased his boredom in bed. Suddenly the door opened, it surprised Kanashimi, who was supposed to be in bed, he sat frightened. Karlhienz stared at Kanashimi, he turned to the servants, who looked fearful, shuffling their feet, not wishing to meet his stare. Karlhinez dismissed them, the relief on their faces were recognizable, it irked Kanashimi, who remained still in shame.

     "You appear quite well son." Karlhinez approached Kanashimi. Kanashimi was unable to read his expression, he remained cold as Karlhinez unraveled the bandages on his arm. He examined it with such precision and judgment, tracing his fingers across the notable scars on his arms.

"Yes sir..." Kanashimi nodded, as his father prepared another needle.

"I worry for you greatly and your well being, I assure you that you already know this." He would wipe, his arms clean with an alcohol wipe, before preparing himself to inject the needle on his shoulder.

"You understand." Karlhinez smiled. Kanashimi did not even pay attention to what he was saying to him, instead he held his breathe, bracing himself. He did not know how to properly behave, staring downwards, while he hit the inside of his cheek.

"Y-Yes sir." Kanashimi stuttered, this stirred Karlhinez into frustration, he sighed while he disposed the used needle. He sat next to Kanashimi, in a manner which opposed him of his boundaries.

"Why are you stuttering again boy? You promised how you would be able to just do that little, and yet here we are once again." Karlhinez held his face, pressing his finger to his cheek, his aura frightened young Kanashimi who stared at him.

"No it won't happen again sir!" Kanashimi announced, this pleased Karlhinez who got up, tussling his fluffy locks of hair, even with all these medication that Kanashimi had to take, he maintained being pudgy.

"Good boy." Karlhinez smirked, placing his lips on his cheek, Kanashimi smiled in pride, content with the praise.

"Now before I do anything any further. I want you to memorize these ancient text. If you are not able to do so, you will continue to stay in this room. Understood." Kanashimi nodded, Karlhinez left in his voice still ringing in the distance of his mind. While the servants entered his room, back to stand near the entry way to make sure the young master is well taken cared of.

"Yes father." Kanashimi answered obligingly, as he studied over the text, writing them over in a journal he has in his room, while he admired the outside view.


The Sakamaki garden was overly extravagant and well maintained. There would be lush green grass which spanned through the land. A large fountain would be the centerpiece in the garden, from the balcony, you could admire the symmetrical layout. The way how everything was arranged and delicately cared for. It was simply unreal for the mind to comprehend, the natural beauty that was bestowed in front of him.

Anyone who is lucky enough would desire to simply roam around. You would have believed you were in your own fairy tale, as a princess, admiring the palace garden. While she is blissful from all of the frightening world. Even if it was beautiful, the garden held unforeseen evils that allowed itself to thrive off of the family. In the distance the children are seen running as they laughed so carelessly. They ran to chase bats that happened to be out, hoping to catch one.

     "Over here!" Sakamaki Ayato cheered on, his younger brothers, followed from behind him while he ran. Ayato is the oldest out triplets. He was quite rambunctious, fiery bright red hair, which is soften in color, and bright, pretty, green eyes he inherited from his mother.

"Wait for me!" Sakamaki Laito, laughed, he is the youngest out of the triplets, making Kanato the middle child. His hair was also red like Ayato, but it had a shade of brown. He too has pretty green eyes like his mother and older brother, and a little mole on the right side of his chin.

"I worked so hard to catch those bats but they got away!" Kanato cried out loud, rubbing his eyes with his right hand, while holding his teddy bear tight with his left hand.

"Don't cry Kanato it's no big deal at all, it'll be super easy to catch them again!" Laito said, also comforting Kanato.

"Yeah really, stop blubbering like a baby! I'll go catch em' for ya! Just watch me!" Ayato bragged, just as he was about to catch them, his mother yelled for his attention.

"Ayato! So this is where you've been all this time, I need you to come with me right now." Cordellia shouted, walking her way to the triplets.

"C'mon Kanato, lets go!" Laito suggested, while waving a stick around in the air.

"Okay." Kanato agreed, quickly following Laito.

"Listen, you're going back inside to study." Cordellia barked.

"But I don't want to! Give me a break it seems like all I do is study!" Ayato shouted, balling up his fist in anger. He absolutely despised everything that had to involve studying finding it rather a bore. It was so difficult for him to focus, and usually slept within a few minutes after opening a book, choosing to sleep on a rabbit plush which was a gift for him from his father.

"I don't want to hear any excuses, return to your room this instant." Cordellia snapped at Ayato.

"It's not fair that Kanato and Laito always get to play and all I ever do is study..." Ayato complained, he just wanted to join along their games but it was just so difficult to do so indoors.

"That's because you're not like other children, you're special." Cordellia commented.

"No I'm not! I just want to play some more!" Ayato demanded.

"How many times do I have to tell you?! You are the successor you do understand what that means don't you?!" Cordellia yelled in frustration at his refusal of wanting to go study.

"Now tell me Ayato, what is it that you must do?" Cordellia spoke in a more calm manner.

"I must become number one, I must... Be the best... Better than my brothers... Better than... Anyone.." Ayato responded, not wanting to gaze at her eyes, it spoke nothing but harshness and anger. As he stared downwards to not see her scornful expression.

"And what if you fail to do so?" Cordellia smirked.

"Then I am not worthy to be my mother's child, and I deserve only to be sunk to the bottom of the lake." Ayato uttered timidity, looking downward at his feet.

"Exactly! That's a good boy! You're uderly worthless to me unless you are number one so you better work harder, what happends to worthless boys? They spend eternity, cold and drench at the bottom of the lake, all alone, where no one can hear them scream, if you dont want that to happen to you, then.." Cordilla insisted her punishment to the boy, describing it in detailed. Ayato looked visibly upset. He imagined drowning to death in that lake, he bit his lip, turning his head away, and ran away.

"Go to your room right now!" Cordellia commanded, before she sighed, exhausted with his refusal, collapsing onto an bench, before she could even dare think, her son ran up to her happily.

"Mother!" Kanato yelled out excitedly.

"What is it Kanato my precious little song bird, sing for me. I want you to sing that beautiful song of yours."

"Yes mother as you wish." Kanato agreed, wishing to sing to his mother for her happiness. It was a ballad, a complex song but when Kanato sang it could put anyone into a trap.


In another section of the garden a marble gazebo was isolated from the main entrance of the garden, instead it was more private. The gazebo was surrounded by bushes that separated from one another, aligning themselves near the pathway for anyone to enter.

"Shu, what do you think you are doing with that mongrel?" Bellatrix got up in disgust, lifting up her dress in order to examine what her son had brought with him, noticing the unwashed mongrel shed its coat onto his pristine clothing, which were nothing but filthy. Now tainted with whatever could possibly be on that damn mongrel that could be on her son, immensely disappointed how he could affiliated with a common child.

"Look! My friend just gave him to me! isn't he cute?" Shu smilied happily, as he held the dog to his mother, but all his mother expressed was hate.

"Release that vile thing at once!" She demanded, but Shu did not react to her worries at all, still holding the dog out happily, as it licked his face.

"Hey! That tickles!" Shu laughed.

"Shu! You mustn't forget that you are the eldest son, you'll be the head of this family one day therefore you must learn to conduct yourself properly at all times." She scolded, grabbing onto the dog to try and tear it away from his grasp.

"No!" Shu tugged back but his mother was a lot stronger.

"What do you think you're doing?! I said no! I promised Edgar that I would take care of him!" Shu cried, continue on tugging at the dog which whimpered. Bellatrix ignored his worries further handing the dog to the butler, as she seated back down. Shu balled his fist back into a ball, running away from them, not knowing how he could tell Edgar the news how he allowed his dog to be taken away by his mother and some servant.

"Mother look! I finished memorizing this entire book!" Reiji announced but his mother remained focus on her embroidery, not even glancing at the boy, who began to read once again in dejection of the attention his mother shown towards her brother.


Yuu watched the activities from down his bedroom window, he can sense how upset everyone was. The treatment was unjust, and easily displayed, but what was Kanashimi to do, there was a drastic change in routine when he arrived at the estate, but maybe they were always there. The third wife of Karlhienz, Christia was already extremely unstable and frequently called him a filthy abomination and to kill her, or harm himself. Subaru took her words from heart, Kanashimi reassured Subaru he was no such thing. Kanashimi secretly knew that Subaru was one of the best, he hoped that Subaru could realize it too.

In a way, all the brother struggled due to the lack of guidance or nurture from their guardians. It was quite saddening, but in a way Kanashimi showed little concern about, it was almost something that was expected, in a way it might have been his fault all along. The thought worries Kanashimi, he caused trouble for his biological family before he foolishly ran away, but his situation at the moment was not ideal. It was a bit off, sure there were wonderful times. Where he laughed, and enjoyed company with his other brothers where they would play silly games.

Kanashimi turned over to look at his butler who remained alerted with attention in case the young master needed assistance. Kanashimi rang the bell near his foot, the butler rushed to him, lowering himself down in order to hear what the young master will actually be saying. Since Kanashimi had bandages around his face which constricted his ability of speech. The bandages were supposed to be removed once again, but Karlhienz instructed the butler and maid to make sure they stay a bit longer. He was fearful that his son would pick at his face and cause the healing process to worsened or be slowed.

"Yes, young master?" The butler questioned.

"You may be dismissed in order to retrieve that dog, please." Kanashimi asked politely, as he happily tapped his hands to his laps, awaiting for his reply.

"Of course young master." The butler nodded, as he left the room to retreat the dog.

"Oh! Also, Ms." Kanashimi called out to her to garter her attention.

"Yes, young master." The maid replied.

     "Kanashimi would like you to bring Ayato in my room, under my orders. If Cordelia had an issue, Kanashimi will take the fall." He announced quite proudly, as he bounced slightly, awaiting for her reply.

"Understood sir." She obliged, leaving out the room to return with the boy.

     "Ayato-nii-chan!" Kanashimi cheered happily, bouncing slightly in place when he recognized him.

     "What do you want?" Ayato grumbled, he looked a bit skeptical when he entered the room, only visiting Kanashimi rarely ever, recently doing so when he was sick bedbound.

The room made Ayato uncomfortable, he was unsure why. It could be the medication that was displayed on the bedside table, along with the basin filled with water which was polluted into water. It just struck him as off.... It might be the maid, that stood idly near the doorway, the fear of possibly being caught by his mother feared Ayato even more. He glanced at the bandaged vampire, he was truly a pitiful sight, the bandages wrapping him made him appear a lot more weak. He seated next to Kanashimi cautiously, but his eyes had a innocent like twinkle that made him in ease.

     "I was hoping we could play some games." Kanashimi smilied gleefully.

"Fine... Just don't tell mother." Ayato sighed, he worried what his mother would do if she found out. Just being there worried him immensely, imagining what she would do caused him to shiver slightly.

"Of course. I really am not fond of her, she reminds me of a witch.." Kanashimi sensed his worry, wrapping his arms around Ayato, in an attempt to comfort him. He hoped he did anyways, Heidel would do this in an attempt to soothe him from the sadness and rejection he felt when he was back home. Ayato paused for a moment, being a bit nervous by the sudden gesture, hugging him back him response while his face became crimson.

"Me too, mom can be really mean. I hate how we have to fight for her attention. It gets so annoying." Ayato sniffled sadly, trying to not cry as he spoke.

     "Kanashimi understands, oka-san and otou-san did not really like me.. Kanashimi has a little sister they liked more... it might because she happens to be a girl." Kanashimi responded worryingly, he still did not know what could possibly be wrong with him, and the treatment he received by his family. Ayato buried his head in the crook of his neck, patting his back gently.

     "I like you even if you happen to be a boy." Ayato confessed, it surprised Kanashimi. He even laughed wholeheartedly which made Ayato flustered from embarrassment.

"It's okay Ayato-nii-chan!" Kanashimi played with his hair, which made Ayato flustered even more.

"Hey! You said we were going to play a game, but you're just messing with me!" Ayato yelled, without realizing it the maid, struggled to keep her composure with the brothers, she found them simply adorable. The relationship of the two were simply to lovely.

     "Oh! Sorry Ayato-nii-chan!" Kanashimi apologized.

     "Yeah don't worry about it..." Ayato sighed with blush still plastered on his face, scratching the nape of his neck out of embarrassment.

The boys began to play marble on the floor, while discussing what games they could play once they are able to do so. Before they talked about things they liked which turned to them talking about their family. Then a few minutes of playing with the marbles led to them playing with the dog that the butler retrieved for Kanashimi. They gushed in excitement to being able to play catch with the him, or try to. As they snuck into the kitchen, where they fed the dog some meat they found stored in the refrigerator. Then they Laito ate most of the milk candy they had, becoming furious that he did not feel generous enough to save some for the rest of them.

     "You owe us now Laito! We'll tell on you to Reiji!" Ayato yelled angrily, they all knew Reiji was quite brutal when it came to his scoldings, Kanashimi never witnessed it but he saw how mean when he came across the brothers when they done something mischievous.

     "How about I can give you some, and you guys don't tell on me!" Laito suggested, as he held his hand out four pieces of candy wrapped colorful in pink, Kanashimi and Ayato stared in temptation.

     "That's a deal!" Ayato smiled, taking two pieces leaving the other two pieces left for Kanashimi who felt a bit guilty for accepting the bribes from Laito, when everyone else did not get the chance to eat some candy for themselves. As soon as Ayano tried to take a bite, the dog immediately began jumping at him, simply eyeing at the candy, wanting to try the treat as well, with a big smiled while it barked.

     "No dog! Don't you dare eat my candy! It's mine!" Ayato yelled trying to shoo the dog from getting his piece of candy, quickly eating it as the dog stared sadly, turning to Kanashimi for a chance of sweetness.

     "No. No. You can't eat it, it'll make you sick doggy." Kanashimi warned not wanting to eat it though, he tucked it into his pocket.

That evening Reiji scolded Shu, Kanashimi and Ayato about the candy incident. Laito was smart enough to put the trash into Shu's pants pocket which led to Reiji discovering the same wrapper in Ayato's pants, then Kanashimi did not even eat the candy from guilt. Then his candy was taken away, which proved that he really got nothing out of this situation, as he cowered behind his two brothers, as Reiji's word spewed them all like a sword. Who wanted nothing but
Kanashimi to rest easy since he was still in bad condition, but for him to get out of bed and move around was quite reckless at his part. Kanashimi repeatedly said sorries but Reiji continued and continued, when he was finally done, the mood changed to frustration at Shu's part who stormed away to be in the music room.

    "Shu-nii-chan..." Kanashimi peaked into the music room, walking in as he held the dog in his grasp.

     "What is it Kana— Wait is that Edgar's dog!" Shu turned, the relief he felt once he saw that fluffy dog was immeasurable.

     "I saw how the dog meant to you so I made the butler get it for you." Kanashimi smilied, Shu's was surprised yet very grateful.

     "Thank you." Shu patted Kanashimi's head which caused him to blush from his appreciation, something he was unfamiliar with. Kaname was certainly unpleasant but still Kanashimi still missed his older brother, yet he would never trade Shu away for cold-hearted elder brother; Kaname.

⟪ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ : 3350 ⟫

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