Mistress Of The Shadows: Guar...

由 SayoKittiwake

272 77 82

Laurie Bloom could always see into the supernatural world, but she never understood what she was seeing She h... 更多

Shadows and Genies: 1
Turn your face: 2
Towards the sun: 3
The New Kid: 4
A Shadow of doubt: 5
The Shadow of time: 6
Charming The Genie: 7
The Kiss of Death: 8
The kiss of death: 9
Shadows: 10
Island I am: 11
Black Sun Queen: 12
A Battle: 13
Snake trap: 14
Depths: 15
The Skies are far away: 16
Spilt ice cream: 18
Surface Scum: 19
Revelation: 20
The prodigal gal: 21
Healing departures: 22

Up Wall Battle: 17

6 3 3
由 SayoKittiwake

"Watch out!" I shouted, but it was too late, a branch sprouted from the wall and slammed into us, she dropped me, I felt my heart sped up when dark energy shot from my chest and grabbed onto the wall.

"Go!" I shouted to her, she smiled then continued to fly up dodging the occasional branch and falling boulder.

I used the dark energy that acted like an additional limb to help me climb up the wall, luckily nothing was attacking me.

The limb reminded me of my great grandmother, I couldn't shake the memory of killing her.

I was close to the top when the wall legit opened like a huge mouth and tried to swallow me with a vine that acted like a tongue.

I screamed and tried to avoid it, I looked around, I was the only one at that level, everyone else was a little higher.

"Oh crap, I don't wanna transform, wait why the hell not!" I asked myself, just then the vine gripped me then reeled me in, the wall started to lock me in.

I screamed again then transformed into my black sun form then blasted my way out and flew up the wall too fast for it to block me.

I can't believe I forgot I could transform here, everyone is different here, everyone is like me in a way that set us all apart from everyone else, we were all individual but I was starting to recognize that something that we all shared.

"You made it!" Jelena said after I landed and reverted to my normal form, my necklace was briefly exposed I tucked it in quickly, but not before Talon's little friend got a quick glimpse.

"Yeah unfortunately the last of the red team made it before you." a tall long haired guy said, he didn't sound angry just annoyed at losing.

"Oh no, did I make you guys lose?"

"Nah, Bobby did, he's still up there." The guy replied.

"Hey little miss, those were some pretty wet moves." Talon said after jogging over. He was mad sweaty.

"Yeah, if I'm not mistaking that was a black sun form, you have to be a descendant of the black sun tribe." A random guy said, I nodded then others flocked me and started to question me about my black sun magic.

I noticed Rapunzel watching me, she definitely saw the necklace.

"Alright, give her some space. Red team are our champions which means they are one step closer to winning the trip to the surface."

A trip to the surface! That could be my way out! Then again I'd be putting everyone I love in danger.

Red team cheered, I felt like such a loser, It was my first day and I already felt a need to be the best, stupid Bobby, I should've joined red team!

"Miss Bloom I have never seen anyone scale that wall on their first try, that's an A+ on this activity."

"Yes!" Jelena exclaimed and the long haired guy high fived me.

"Did I miss something?" I asked confused as to why everyone on my team seemed so happy for me.

"Every high passing grade is a minor point to our entire team." Jelena said.

"How much is a minor point worth?" I asked.

"A quarter of a regular point which is what they just got, and as a result of losing we all, except for you failed this activity." Long haired guy explained.

"Wow this is a competitive academy." I replied.

We all hit the Locker rooms then had lunch, I sat with Jelena and some of the people on our team.

I felt like I already had my own circle of friends, I'm mean I barely knew them, but it was so refreshing to feel like I belonged in every way.

"I'm telling you Laurie you should go Boho." Marisa another dreadhead suggested, she had decorative shells, feathers, beads and all kind of accessories in her hair.

"I couldn't pull it off like you can, I certainly wouldn't be able to maintain it." I replied.

"So how come I've never seen you around, Laurie?" Long haired guy- whose name was Jerome asked.

"I'm from out of town."

"She means the surface world and she obviously has no idea how monumental that is." Jelena said.

They proceeded to ask me about the surface and I in turn asked them about the under water kingdom.

Apparently they were expecting a visit from some senior Relic Hunters and it was supposed to be the highlight of the school year.

I didn't see Talon after lunch. My last class was an earthly one, I almost didn't wanna leave when it was time to go home.

I felt more comfortable at the academy than I did in the palace.


"Wow, sounds like you conquered first day jitters like a boss." Farley said.

"Sure did, it was definitely not what I expected."

"So the other day you said Shawn is your mom's favourite, is it because he's the youngest?"

"No, actually. Shawn and I are only half brothers as you've probably noticed. My mom didn't have much of an amicable split with my dad."

"She's still with Shawn's dad?"

"No, he died saving her life."

"Oh, sorry."

"No sweat, so tell me more about this Talon, I might be able to look him up for you."


"I want to see Laurie."

"We all want things, dear. Demanding them doesn't push any of us up on the proverbial waiting list." The queen replied.

"Why are you doing this?" Ramses asked.

"It all started with a wish, back before I was the woman I am today."

"Wait a minute, I know you, from before." Ramses said holding his head as a massive headache incurred.

"Yes, I owe a lot of this to you." The Queen replied.

"How come I didn't remember meeting you?" Ramses asked as the memories returned painfully.

"Because of my final wish, the wish that whisked you away, I regret not knowing about the lamps curse all those years ago."

"What does this have to do with Laurie?" Ramses asked.

"Hush, your memories have only just begun to return. There'll be no more talk of Laurie Bloom."


Later that night the Queen sent for me, I was just about to go to bed and really pissed off that my sleep was being interrupted, but I was more worried about Ramses than anything.

"Laurie, darling how was your first day at the academy?" She asked. I was in her office, I had never been to the oval office, but I imagined it would look like a closet compared to the room I was in.

"Great, where is Ramses?"

"Have a seat darling."

I sat in front of her desk hesitantly, she was so much more gorgeous up close, it was mesmerising, it felt like she was pulling me in and forcing me to like her some how.

"I spoke with Ramses, it's not good." She said.

"What do you mean? What did he say?"

"Well he doesn't want to see you dear."

"What?" I exclaimed.

"You have to understand, darling, we've been hunting him for a while now, and I have to admit we haven't been as gentle as I would've liked."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Well he despises Relic Hunters dear and he now sees you as one. I can tell he cares about you, so it must be very hard for him." She replied in a comforting tone.

"What? He knows I did that for my family."

"I know booboo, you just need to give him some time, I'm sure he'll come around."


That was the first blow. I couldn't believe Ramses didn't want to see me, but I remembered how upset he was when he found out Shawn was a Relic hunter.

Ramses never saw a future for us, he always knew our relationship would be the opposite of his immortal existence, transient.


The next day I was a little bummed on my way to the academy. But the first class although terrifying was very intriguing.

"Weapons training, part of why I enrolled was to get to use the high tech weapons." Jelena said.

"Alright class, today we're moving on to what is possibly the most valuable relic hunter weapon, especially for non supernatural hunters, it's their bread and butter." Mr Wilkinson said.

"Can anyone tell me what that is?"

"An authorized relic?" Talon said entering the class.

"Mr. Walters thank you for joining us."

"Hey, little miss. Sorry Mr Wilkinson my dad just got back." Talon said.

"Just get settled in. Now, obviously Mr. Walters is incorrect, can anyone else answer?"

"A nullification pistol?" I asked raising my hand, I felt like such a little prick answering that when I only knew because I've been on the business end of more than one nullification pistol.

"Outstanding, Ms. Bloom you've been on a very impressive streak since enrolling, keep it up." Mr. Wilkinson said retrieving one of the pistols from under his desk.

"I need two volunteers."

"Right here!" Talon exclaimed grabbing my hand.

"What?" I exclaimed as he lead us up to the front of the class. God did he have to be so handsome, so dashing, so gallant, so wild, so douche back meets debonair.

"Alright who is going to be doing the shooting?" Mr Wilkinson asked, I quickly grabbed the gun, I was not about to get hit with one of those again.

"Alright, Laurie you'll be demonstrating for us how to properly use the nullification pistols and you Mr. Walters will be showing us how to escape the pistol if your enemy were to get a hold of your weapon. Everyone give them some space." Mr. Wilkinson said backing up.

"Alright, no hard feelings this will hurt." I said, he smirked then I fired, he legitimately did nothing and the rope bounced off him and trapped me, I fell hard on my ass, injuring my ego.

"No hard feelings?" He said reaching out a hand.

"Alright can anyone tell me what Laurie did wrong?" Mr. Wilkinson asked.

"She underestimated her opponent." Jerome said.

"She gave him too much time to react, she should have studied her enemy." A female student said.

"All very true." Mr Wilkinson said then shot Talon while he was in the process of freeing me, he fell hard right next to me.

"The element of surprise. When dealing with a powerful supernatural enemy or in this case a mediocre one with the knowledge of what the pistol is capable of, your only effective strategy is an unexpected one."

"Great, can someone help us out?" I asked.

He sent two students to free us.

"Alright, two more volunteers."


We were having lunch outside, it was refreshing, we had a clear view of the school and the magnificent pool.

"Hey guys, stupid question. Do some mermaids have wings or is that just a part of the statue?" I asked nodding towards the Queen's statue.

Jerome, Talon and Jelena looked at each other wondering if I was serious.

"Girl, I keep forgetting you're from the surface." Jelena said.

"Me too!" Talon exclaimed.

"Melusine are what we call Mermaids with wings, they aren't very common, but you've already befriended one." Jerome replied brushing his thick dark hair back.


"Yes, chile. We're the best of the best, all the other mermaid b#tches wish, okay."

"Interesting, do you guys have special abilities? Besides flying of course."

She stopped eating then dramatically cleared her throat, she started to hum and my mind started to feel fuzzy, I felt completely disoriented for a minute.

"Please don't ever ask her to do that again." Jerome said rubbing his temples.

"Big woop, she can cause a little headache " Talon said then Jerome's hair started to float around like it was blowing in the wind, only there was no wind.

"What are you?" Laurie asked.

"He's a witch." Jelena said rolling her eyes.

"Half and I prefer the term warlock, its more badass, like me." Talon replied.

"Holy crap it's the prince." someone shouted.

We all turned to see Shawn approaching our table with two guards. He looked absolutely regal in the sun light, his teeth glistened like his crown.

Everyone stood and bowed as he neared us.

"Laurie." Jelena tapped my shoulders.

"Please, there's no need for formality, pretend I'm not here. Laurie Bloom a word please."

The entire school was looking at us, even the guy with the wings.

I thought I loved attention, even wanted to be famous, but it was just too much, ugh I felt so pretty and envied. 🙄

Jelena stared at me like 'girl you better explain when you get back.'

His guards stayed behind and we walked over to the massive pool, that no one else was loitering around.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I just wanted to check in on you and give you something."

"Look you can't buy me sir, but I'm not opposed to you trying, what did you bring?" I joked.

He handed me the most high tech looking smart phone I'd ever seen.


"You can use it to contact your family, of course they need to have one too so when I go back to the surface I'll give them one and.... ask your dad for your hand in marriage."


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