The Darkness Within (mirajane...

By _Chewy-bunny_

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A Mirajane x Fem reader The truth about youre true inner self that even you are scared of. what will happen i... More

Something to know
Chapter I: Coming back!
Chapter II: The thunder legion
Chapter III: The Mission and My Confession
Chapter IV: Coming Out
Chapter V: The Kings Mission
info (pls read).
Chapter VI: the unwanted
Chapter VII: Juno
just something A/n
Chapter VIII: waking up and secrets
okkk .....oh and question
writers block
hey guys (author's note and art)
sneak peek on one of the chaps.
Chapter IX: Mission with Wendy
pls read!!(this is about the story!!)
Chapter X: The Necklace
Chapter XI: A Date
Chapter XII: S-Class Trials
Chapter XIX: Best of friends
Chapter XX: well I'll be damn...
Chapter XXI: Family
sorry pls read
Chapter XXII: Let's Go Home.
Chapter XXIII: Tadaima :>

Chapter XIII: Snap out of it!

815 25 3
By _Chewy-bunny_

*flash back before the trials*

Master's POV

I was in my office clarfying anything else for the trials tommorow when someone knocked at the door.

"Come in." I said to the person behind the door.

Y/n came in and closed the door behind her.

"What is it my child?." I asked her curious.

"Master...about the trials." She looked at me seriously, a look I've only seen on her when something's utterly wrong.

"What about it?" I asked her now serious.

"I need a request sir....when the trials are happening I wish to not participate on the trials instead let me roam in the island." She stated nervously.

"Why is that?" Master asked me.

"It's just....I feel like something is about to happen and I mean a really terrifying things are about to happen in the island." She said to me looking down.

"Hmmmm...alright child I won't question any of it as long as it's for the guild's safety." I said to her nodding.

She nodded at me but didn't leave right away it looks as if she was contemplating about something.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me child?" I asked her while standing up and going in front of her.

She looked at me a look of fear etched on her features.

"Y-yes...alot actually." She said trembling.

I've never seen her like this and that scared me.

"Master....I've found out what my past consisted of." She looked at directly in the eyes.

"Alright... explain child." I said encouraging her to speak.

"Just promise me something Gramps...that you won't tell anyone about this not even the guild...I just fear that they'll be scared of me..." She asked voice trembling.

'Scared of her?'

"I promise child my mouth is sealed." I said to her reassuringly.

"Ok...h-here it goes." She said nervously.

*Time skip after the explanation*

I was shocked quit frankly more concerned of the discovery not for myself or the guild but for her.

Y/n....has gone through so much and is still facing so much more.

'why did it have to be one of my children who is facing such awful things' I thought while clenching my fist.

"M-master?" She asked me concern lacing her voice.

"Y/ don't need to worry... because I will do anything in my power to save you and help you from this awful things your facing and I'm keeping my word." I said while hugging her.

Y/n grew on me after the first few weeks laxus took her here in the guild she is practically considered as my grandchild besides laxus who sees her like a sister.

And I will do anything in my power to protect my children.

She kneeled in front of me and hugged me back while sobbing uncontrollably.

' I promise...'

*Flashback end*

Y/n's POV

I was roaming tenrou when I felt the ground shake.

"I guess Gildarts at it." I said smiling while shaking my head.

I was roaming alone with Juno asleep.

She said she was gonna sleep because she was tired of my bullcrap that made me glare at her before she disappeared.

I thought I should stop and and relax for a bit.

I headed to fairy tail's camo sight for something to eat when I saw Erza, Juvia, Lissana and Mira on one of the tents, Erza was cooking something while they were talking.

"Yo." I greeted them while sitting next to Mira and lay on the chair for support because I was too tired.

"Oh Y/n where have you been?" Lissana asked me

"Oh I was patrolling around." I said while closing my eyes to relax.

"Hmmmm... aren't you one of the S-Class ranks?" Juvia asked me.

"Yup." I said to tired.

"Then did you encounter someone then?" Erza asked me looking at my tired figure.

"About...that" I said sitting up straight while scratching the back of my head.

They all looked at me confused.

"I didn't participate this year." I said to them while laughing nervously.

" You what!?" They exclaimed at me.

"Why is that?" Mira asked beside me while holding my hand and placing it on her lap.

"I requested it to master that I'll be patrolling while the trials are's just a feeling that I've been having that's something is about to happen... something horrible." I finished explaining to them while squeezing Mira's hand.

"Alright then if it's important I'll let it slip by." Erza said smiling at me and I returned it.

They continued talking but I was to tired and just rested my head on Mira's shoulder and sleep.


(Still your POV)

I woke from a very bad feeling.

"Ugh...what?" I looked around and saw Mira and Lissana are the only ones there cooking.

"Mira where's the others." I said standing up quickly.

"They went to find Mest and Wendy." Mira answered my question confused.

"Why is something wrong?" Lissana asked me.

"I-i need to find them." I stood up completely and was about to run when Mira grabbed my arm.

"Y/n what's wrong?" She asked me worried.

"I feel that there's something wrong but I don't know what but I have a really bad feeling." I answered her then there was a red signal flare shooting from the sky.

"Wh-what?" Lissana asked looking at the flare.

"Enemies." Mira looked at the flare seriously.

"I-i gotta find wendy!" I exclaimed and run to the direction of Wendy's smell.

"Y/n!" Mira shouted for me but it was too late I was already heading my way there.

I was running and running I didn't stop until I saw Mest, Wendy and the exceeds except happy there fighting a man with dark skin, brown hair and green clothing.

I saw Mest teleported Wendy and himself behind him while pantherlily was in his battle form up in the air emmiting a green glow.

Wendy was about to attack when the man spoke directly to them and casted his magic.

Wendy's POV

I was behind the man about to cast my magic when suddenly he spoke and casted his magic.

"You childish fool." He said then casted his spell.

I waited for the impact but it never came.

I looked up and saw nee-chan shielding us from the attack her back clothing was torn.

"Nee-chan!" I screamed.

She looked at me with a reassuring but serious look and then turned around to face the enemy.

"You've got some nerve declaring war to our guild in OUR sacred ground." Y/n said slowly with venom lacing her voice.

There was a dark aura emitting from her, dark violet and black magic swirling around her body making her hair flow up that left a heavy pressure around us.

"So much magic power..."Mest whispered while looking at Y/n.

I saw pantherlily in his exceed form with Carla and Blake besides us.

"When did you guys get here beside us?" I asked them.

"Y-y/n teleported us in her void." Carla said in awe of the magic pressure emitting from Y/n.

"Now prepare your suffering because you made me mad." Y/n said directly to the man and I saw a glimpse of her eyes they were purple.

"Really... you pile of dusts are just so..... annoying." She said while lifting her hand and emmited a void like ball and shot it towards Azuma.

"Like that could stop m--" he was cut off when her magic made contact with him and exploded with so much power it shooked the ground beneath us and blew us away luckily we went down and hold on to the ground so we wouldn't be blown away.

"That much damage in just one small ball?!" Pantherlily exclaimed.

"How strong is she?!" Mest exclaimed besides us.

"She is stronger than you guys think she is...." Blake said seriously.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Y/n....her magic power surpasses those even stronger than the whole guild combined, that's why she is an S-Class." She stated while watched Y/n with arms crossed on her chest.

I looked at Y/n in awe while I saw Azuma had a hard time standing up.

"Y-you wench!" He exclaimed at Y/n.

"Oh your still standing? I'm quite surprised if I do say saw myself." She said taunting Azuma but her face and arms, there were marks surrounding it.

"How dare you I'll beat you into a pulp----" he was once again cut of by Y/n snapping her fingers and multiple of explosion erupted around Azuma's body.

"It's okay time." Y/n said with such playfulness in her voice it was scary.

"She's toying with him?" Carla asked in disbelief.

"Yes she is...but that aside you can clearly see she is rather pissed by her magic." Blake stated seriously.

Explosion after explosion was the only thing we saw until it all completely stopped, we Azuma laying there on the ground unable to stand.

"Awwww... Over already? And here I am just starting to have fun." She said while chuckling darkly and slowly approaching him.

"B-blake w-whats wrong with nee-chan?" I asked her voice trembling.

"I-i don't know I've never seen her like this." She said in scared voice.

The look in Y/n's eyes and the use of her tone was sending shivers to all of us.

She was now in front of Azuma and slowly bend down.

"Say goodnight and" (A/n: another reference 😉) she said and clutched Azuma's neck and lift him up in the air while a dark glow emitted from Y/n's hand that went to Azuma's neck.

"W-we gotta stop her she's out of control!" Blake exclaimed worried.

"If we don't she's gonna kill him!" She said while tears flowing in her eyes.

I stood there frozen...

'nee-chan's about to kill him?'

"Y/n! Stop it this instance!" Carla screamed.

"Y/n snap out of it!" Pantherlily also screamed for her to stop.

"Y/n please this isn't you!" Blake screamed while crying.

"Y/n! Don't become a murdered!" Mest shouted at her while clenching his fists.

I stood there and didn't now what to do I was scared....

But in that moment...I thought

'ill help you nee-chan!'

My body moved on it's own I see my feet started to move into a sprint where Y/n was standing.

I run to her and hugged her tightly from behind.

"Nee-chan! Please! Snap out of it!" I shouted t her while tears were flowing down my eyes.

"Wendy get back this will be over soon." Her voice was demonic and it scared me but I was determined to help her.

"No! I won't let you do this! I'll help you out of the dark just like you helped me! So please! Onee-chan.....SNAP OUT OF IT!" I screamed at her while tightening my grip on her.

It was silent for a second her hands were shaking and suddenly she let go of Azuma who was dropped beside a tree then he merged into the tree and disappeared.

"I-im so-sorry...." She said then slowly fell down.

"Nee-chan?!/ Y/n!" We all screamed as she fell down.

Mest teleported to us and caught Y/n in his arms.

I didn't care about Azuma right now I'm more worried about Y/n.

"Nee-chan! Is she going to be okay?" I asked Blake who was now beside us with the others.

"Don't worry.. she's fine by now she just went a little out of control but I handled it." Juno said appearing in front of us.

"Juno! What's going on why was she like that." Blake asked her.

"I'm sorry but it is not my place to tell you but just know that she's fine and that her magic just took control of herself a little but I was able to stop it in time." She said calmly said.

"O-okay." I said and suddenly it all turned black and I fell down.

Juno's POV.

"Ugh....why did they have to black out now?" I asked my self annoyed and layed Y/n down along with the Mest and Wendy and the three exceeds.

"Don't worry Y/n natsu's coming this way." I said and patted Y/n in the head while she's still unconscious.

I looked at the direction natsu was coming from and slowly disappeared into Y/n.

'I'll do my best to keep you safe no matter the cost'


A/n: hey y'all I know this is short but so sorry bout that hope you enjoyed today's chapter and as always fairy tail belongs to Hiro Mashima not me 😘

See y'all in the next chapter!

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