Best years- Calum hood

By cany0nm00nHS

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You've been best friend with Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael since highschool and you stook by them through a... More



70 0 0
By cany0nm00nHS

Boy was I wrong.

"How could you not tell me?!", I shout to him.

"I didn't think it mattered!", Calum shouts back.

Let me catch you up a second.

When we got to the dance hall we had our food and I was getting starstruck by everyone. "Guys they're coming on", Sierra says and the lights go off and stage lights appear.

'You're the only one who makes me', I hear Calum sing and I cheer. Wildflower.

We all stood up and listened to them rock out there amazing song. If they win best album I think We might have to get seriously drunk.

"5 seconds of summer!", the host says. "The final award tonight before we let you all take advantage of the free booze, is for album of the year.
Your nominees are-
Notes on a conditional form- the 1975
After hours- the weekend
Future nostalgia- dua Lipa
CALM- 5 seconds of summer.

We all cheer. Okay calm down. If they don't win it's fine.
"And the winner is-". If they don't win you can still get drunk there's other awards. "5 seconds of summer!".

We all jump up and cheer and clap while I scream. "Wooo!".

"Thankyou so much for this award, we want to thank all of our fans who have been there from the start, we want thank our amazing girlfriends sat at the front!", Luke cheers. "And also that one there for giving one of this guy an inspiration for a hit new single". I laugh. "We appreciate you all and I guess we're gonna go get drunk Thankyou!".

They run off stage and come around as the award show ended and the cameras cut. "I'm so fucking proud of you", I jump on Calum.

"Album of the year feels pretty good but half of those songs are due to you", he says kissing me. "Let's get drunk, there's an after party".

"You don't wanna stay?", I ask. "Free alcohol". He takes my hand and grabs a bottle of champagne before smuggling it under his jacket as we all take off back to the limo.

"To the best album and best band!", Hannah toasts and we all clink glasses.

We all get heavily drunk in the limo and we barely made it to the after party. "Oh my god I think I'm gonna lose feeling in my legs", Michael says wobbling making us all laugh. "Let's go!", he steadies himself and runs on.

"More alcohol!", I cheer grabbing the bottle on the side of the counter inside the house. I had no idea whose house this was but it was a party. "Cal here", I pass him a cup.

"Calum! I just saw it on tv congrats!", a girl greets him. Now how come I've never met her. "You must be really proud of him", she says to me.

"Yes super proud of my boyfriend, sorry Who are you?", I ask.

"Oh sorry, I'm Jackie I figured I'd invite you guys over for a celebration. Me and Calum where in an after school music class".

"How come you never said anything about her?", I ask him.

"I don't know", he shrugs.

"Oh well glad to know you thought a lot of our relationship", she says laughing. "We secretly dated for like 10 months".

"Secretly? What?".

"Yeah, we thought we were cool doing that", she laughs putting her hand on his arm. "It's really good to see you", she smiles kissing his cheek and I just cringe. "You too maggie".

"Yeah thanks Janice", I smile. What the fuck. She walk off into her party. I just stare at him like I was going to murder him.


"10 months?!", I hit his arm

"I'm super drunk right now can we not do this", he says walking into the crowd. Fuck him.

"Did you love her? You told me you never had feelings for anyone as strong as me so I wanna know if you lied", I pull him back. "Cal!".

"What! Okay yes I did something that had nothing to do with you get over it!".

"Fuck you", I scoff and stumble my way outside.

"Where are you going?!", he shouts.

"Away from here". I run out and I see our limo still parked out. "Hey! Limo guy sorry what's your name?".


"Can you take me home? You're going back anyway aren't you?", I ask. "Please".

"I'm not supposed to do this, Get in", he says and I jump in the side. "Thanks".

He drops me at home on his way back to the limo park and I go inside ignoring all of Calum's calls.

'Where are you?!'

'Maddie I'm serious now I'm getting worried!'.

'Please reply'.

I pour myself some water and drink it all. Ew.

Then I think about Jackie, I can't believe he never told me about her.

'Maddie are you at home?'.

'It's Hannah, Calum's worried and so am I now'. I reply to hannah that I was at home. 'Good<3'. She replied.

I thought I'd make my self something to eat before I went to bed so I wasn't completely dying in the morning. Champagne tends to do that.

As I sat down to eat I heard the door go. "Where are you?", I heard Calum shout. "You don't run off like that!", he was clearly drunk. "Do you have any idea how crazy I've been going? I have no idea what's going in that fucking head of yours", he comes closer and he was pointing his finger at me.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you were in a 10 month relationship?! I thought I was the only girl you loved. That's what you told me".

"I didn't love her!".

"10 months Calum, it only took me 2 with you", I throw my food in the bin not in the mood anymore. "I would never keep something like that from you".

"No you're worse, you keep important shit from me like you cutting yourself or wanting to fucking die".

"Did you have fun at your party? Did you have fun taking your girlfriend to your ex's house to pretend like nothing would happen!", I shout throwing the plate in the sink. This is starting to escalate quickly.

"Yeah I did have fun", he backed me to the counter. "I had lots of fun with her", I could smell the alcohol on him like he'd taken a bath in it.

"Calum I hope you're fucking joking". He just stares and smiles and I shove him away. "Are you serious!", I smack him and he grabs my wrist.

"Don't fucking hit me", he pushes me back and hit him again.

"Woah woah", Luke runs in pulling me away.

"I hate you", I shout trying to kick my legs at him.

"I wish I hadn't of caught you from falling. Would of made my life easier", he shouts and I kick out of lukes grip jumping on Calum.

"I hate you I hate you", I hit his chest over and over till I'm left crying. Luke pulls me up and everyone else came in. "I don't want you here anymore", I run to my room and grab all of his things. "Here!", I throw them out at him. "I don't want to see you ever again".

At this point he wasn't angry it looked like he regretted everything he ever did and said. "Can we talk in your room?".

"No", I look at my necklace and back at him. "Here". I take it off and throw it at him. "Maybe you can give it to Jackie".

"Guys can we just talk about this", Hannah says.

"No!", I shout. I walk to the hallway. "Please don't follow me", I say to him and run out to my car.

I see someone run down. "Maddie Wait", it was luke. "Don't drive", he says and I slide over. "I didn't drink much", he says driving us away. "What the hell happened?".

"He kissed Jackie Luke, or probably more I don't know", I put my head in my hands and luke pulls over into a parking lot. "I wish we never got together".

"Hey, couples fight. Maybe this was worse than usual but you can get through it", he had his hand on my back an I sit up facing him. "Please Don't cry", he wipes my tears.

"I can't stop", I say covering my face. Luke takes my hands and without even thinking we kissed. Wait. This is luke. We both pull away. "Definitely shouldn't of done that".

"Definitely not", he says with a slight laugh. "I won't say anything if you don't".

"That was my fault I'm sorry", instead we opt for a hug and he held me for a while. "I don't think I'm gonna be hanging around with you guys for a while".

"Come on its you and Calum you can figure this out", he kisses my head. "Let's head back, why don't you talk to him in the morning".

"What if that's it for us? What if we're better as friends. I mean we never had arguments before".

"Yes you did". He laughs. "You and Calum bickered all the time but that just because you loved eachother and you were angry that you weren't together", he drives us both back to my place. "I'll come in with you".

We walk inside and everyone was still over. "Hey are you okay?", Hannah hugs me. "I was worried".

"I'm fine, Uh did Calum go home?", she shakes her head and points to my bedroom. "Am I ready to deal with him?", I said it mainly to myself.

"Call me when you need help", she says. I slowly walk to my room and open the door only to see someone sleeping.

He had fallen asleep on my bed with my necklace in his hand, he must of been waiting. Seeing him lead there I realised how much I loved him but I don't think we should be together. I change in to my pjs and he wakes up. "Maddie", he groans.

"Water", I pass it to him to clear his throat.

"I'm so sorry, if I could take back everything that I have done bad to you I would in a second. I didn't hook up with Jackie I was just trying to piss you off", he sits up. "I'm sorry about what I said". He holds my by my waist as he rested on my stomach.


"No, don't say it like that", he pulls back and opens my hand, he puts the necklace in. "Take this back".

"We should just be friends", I whisper. He rests his head against mine. "We shouldn't be together".

"But I love you", I wipe his tear leaving my own to fall. "Please don't".

"I'm sorry, I just miss when we would have our nights together without talking about our relationship or arguing". He pulls back.

"You think we're going to go back to normal? We can't go back to normal", he gets annoyed again. "We can move past this because we love eachother, I can't see myself with anyone else Maddie".

"I need time. Can you give me that?".

"As much time as you need", he holds me face. "Just don't leave me".

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