| ❅ | Finding Home | ❅ | A No...

By Decembra1998

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A young orphan named Risa, is sent out on her own now that she is eighteen. Trying to find her family and fol... More

❅ Copyright Information ❅
❅ Author's Disclaimer ❅
❅ Awards & Publish Dates ❅
❅ Cover ❅
❅ Chapter One ❅
❅ Chapter Two ❅
❅ Chapter Three ❅
❅ Chapter Four ❅
❅ Chapter Five ❅
❅ Chapter Six ❅
❅ Chapter Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Eight ❅
❅ Chapter Nine ❅
❅ Chapter Ten ❅
❅ Chapter Eleven ❅
❅ Chapter Twelve ❅
❅ Chapter Thirteen ❅
❅ Chapter Fourteen ❅
❅ Chapter Fifteen ❅
❅ Chapter Sixteen ❅
❅ Chapter Seventeen ❅
❅ Chapter Eighteen ❅
❅ Chapter Nineteen ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-One ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Two ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Three ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Four ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Five ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Six ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Eight ❅
❅ Chapter Twenty-Nine ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-One ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Two ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Four ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Five ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Six ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Seven ❅
❅ Chapter Thirty-Eight ❅
❅ Epilogue ❅
❅ Author's Note ❅
* Bonus Chapters *
❅ Bonus Chapter ❅ Part One ❅
❅ Bonus Chapter ❅ Part Two ❅

❅ Chapter Thirty-Three ❅

15 1 0
By Decembra1998

Risa attentively looked out her window, waiting to see Rolando pull up in front of the hotel. Today was the day they got her pocket watch and looked out to see who all had gotten this particular watch. It was exhilarating but also nerve-racking, all the outcomes made her a little uneasy.

She did wonder how many people had a watch similar to hers. She figured it was probably one of a kind, which would have made it easy to find out who her family is. It was only logical that if it was one of a kind that her journey would be over. Everyone was hinting that it was one of a kind, that she would immediately find her family. Her journey would be over and she would have the closer she needed.

She didn't believe that. She was starting to think that maybe it wasn't hers and she had found it or someone had found it and thought it was hers. She may have been questioning all she knew, but could you blame her? She had no real memory of her past, only bits, and pieces that she didn't know if it was real or not.

All her life she had dreamed of this moment, but it wasn't like she had anticipated. Perhaps she had gotten her hopes up or she had set the bar way too high. Either way, she just couldn't pick one emotion to settle down on, it was like a stormy ocean and she was sitting on a piece of driftwood.

She sighed, sitting on the chair in front of the window. She rested her elbows on the armrest and then put her chin in her hands. Her foot tapped on the carpeted floor, trying to see if she could spot Rolando driving down the snow-covered road.

She didn't know what was what anymore. Everything was getting more complicated. She didn't understand why her mind was acting this way or why she couldn't just understand that her dreams, her feelings were real and that her family may be right in front of her. Yet she just couldn't come to terms with it.

Just one day wouldn't give her all the answers, it would take weeks. She had to look through all the people who had gotten one like it, call them or write a letter, see all who had lost a particular pocket watch like hers. Maybe she was going a little overboard, but she was trying to plan for every outcome.

She groaned, just the thought of all that work just to find her family was discouraging. But she did promise herself she would find them no matter what it costs. The disappointments were part of the task at hand, whether she liked it or not.

She shifted in her seat glancing down at the pocket watch that was hanging down her neck. 'I am glad Stella got me this chain, it is a lot easier to wear than to keep in my pocket when most of the time I don't have any.' She thought to herself, her fingers gliding up and down the chain.

She smiled when she saw Rolando pull up to the curb. She rushed over to the bed and kissed Loyal's head.  "See you in a little while, Loyal." She whispered, beaming with excitement as she walked towards the door and opened it. With a bounce in her step, she left the room and closed the door behind her.

Rolando smiled as he saw Risa, in such a happy mood. He got out of his car and walked around to the other door. "Good morning Risa, ready to find out who all has had a pocket watch like yours?" He asked, opening the door for her so she would be able to get in.

Risa chewed her lip gently and she climbed into the car. "Yes, yes I am. I hope I get the information and the closure I need and perhaps find my family." She was worried, but she was doing her best to keep her nerves at bay. She needed to have a positive attitude about this.

Rolando got into his side of the car and drove away humming a little. "No matter the outcome, don't give up. I will help you until the very end. I will go through as many hoops as I must to accomplish your goal." He would always help her find what she was looking for until all ends were exhausted then he would do it all again.

Risa nodded. He was right, she was not going to give up and no matter the outcome she would see it through. Yes, it may be a little discouraging, but she needed to hold out and hope that everything would work out in the end. "Let's hope my journey ends here." She mumbled, pushing her hat down on her head.

Rolando figured he ought to bring up another topic. To ease Risa's mind and to make her less anxious. "How has work been going for you?" He asked, knowing that was a good question. He had been busy so he hadn't gotten to speak with her over the last few days and he was curious.

Risa looked over at him, glad he was talking about something different. "It's been great! Really busy thanks to Stella, and having two friends to work with is nice as well. Last night, Jaelle, Tessa, and I went out to the Folies Bergère together and it was nice. I should thank Stella for the tickets, such a shame she couldn't attend with Persia and Cyrene."

Rolando was glad that she was having a good time. That work and her time were being spent with her new friends. "Sounds like you've been having the time of your life." The way she spoke about spending time with her friends having them at her job made him happy.

Risa pursed her lips as she nodded. She was having the time of her life, even with a job, she couldn't complain. It was much better than how bleak her life looked back in Canada.  "I feel at home here. Unlike in Canada, I feel I have so many options and can start afresh here. Which is exactly what I've been doing, and I have been looking for an apartment, but nothing is in my price range just yet." She explained, tapping her fingers on her leg.

Rolando thought about that for a moment. She was dead set on doing everything for herself and he didn't feel he ought to suggest help. He knew she might not take it but at least he could offer. "If you need recommendations, I can ask Stella to compile a list for you from lowest to highest." He offered, knowing Stella had a ton of resources and people.

Risa was grateful he was always willing to help. Having someone who offered was something she never had growing up. When you needed something you had to do it yourself. "Thanks, but I'm enjoying looking at apartments. It's interesting to see how different they are despite most looking the same from the outside." She sincerely replied, smiling softly.

Rolando chuckled heartily as he turned a corner. "That is one thing that I never did when I was your age. It was straight from my childhood house with my parents to the palace to serve under Nathan." It was true, he had never had a place of his own, even before leaving Canada, it was the palace, that was his home.

Risa thought about it for a moment. It never struck her that Rolando might very never have a place of his own. The thought never crossed her mind but she understood now and it was interesting. "I take it that once you ask Stella to marry her and you end up marrying her, you will move in with her?" Stella didn't seem like the type to move locations.

Rolando nodded his head, confirming that he would move in with her. "Yes. I plan on that. However, she does wish to return to Canada with me for a few months while I see how far the restoration of the palace has come. I received a letter from an old friend who said the ballroom has been completely restored. The gate and fence have been keeping riff-raff out while it's being restored." He smiled, hardly waiting to find time to return and see how things have gone these past few months.

Risa recalled how the palace looked before when she first went there. It was a mess, eleven years later, but with how everything turned out, funding to restore it wasn't easy. "Heh, that's how I got in. I just walked onto the grounds since there was no gate or fence. I do know that was wrong though, trespassing on private property." She did feel bad.

Rolando truthfully didn't mind. Everything had worked out in the end. She got to come to Paris, he got to be reunited with the Rosenbergs. "You did only come because someone told you to. Besides, I am glad to have met you." He nudged her in the arm with his elbow.

When the shop came into view, Rolando pointed to the place. "This is it." He stopped in front of the little shop, modest in every way. He got out and walked around the car. Opening the door, he offered a hand to Risa, helping her out. "Ready?" He asked, giving her an encouraging smile.

Risa took a deep breath as she placed her hand in Rolando's as she got out of the car. "Thanks and as ready as I will ever be." She nodded. A little bit of nervousness began to swell up in her body but she did her best to suppress it. She had prepared and yet she was doing what she promised not to do.

Rolando opened the door for Risa, letting her go in first before following behind her. He looked around at the brightly lit shop. Clocks ticking away on every wall, grandfather clocks standing against the lower part of the wall, and shelves on the main floor with even more clocks. Near the back was a single desk with a door straight behind it.

Risa looked around, looking up at the high ceiling, and turned in a circle with wide eyes. She had never seen this many clocks before. She didn't even think that was humanly possible. Yet here she was. They all ticked away in unison, not a single second off. "Wow, this place is pretty good. Look at all these clocks, so many different types." She marveled, turning back towards Rolando and following him to the desk.

Rolando gently tapped the bell with his hand twice, as the piece of paper before the bell instructed. "Hello? Is anyone here?" He called out, and when he was met with silence he continued. "I believe we spoke over the telephone?" He glanced over at Risa who was enthralled with everything.

Herman walked out from the back, limping a little. He took off his hair revealing disheveled gray hair as his blue eyes focused on those who had come in. "Bonjour, monsieur, mademoiselle, you must've spoken to my son. He mentioned you would be coming by today. What can I help you with?" He asked, sitting down at the counter, pulling on his goggles then pulling them up onto his head.

Rolando walked over to him and rested his hands on the counter. "Are you Herman Dubois?" He asked, hoping that he had come to the right place and he was the man to speak with. It would be odd if Herman happened to be the son who didn't seem to be here. "I'm Rolando Galvin."

Herman nodded with a grin, giving a slightly dramatic bow. "In the flesh." He glanced over at Risa then back at Rolando. "Is this your daughter?" He asked, not seeing any resemblance but his kids didn't look like him and she was so young. He was going to add in if she was his wife but he didn't want to make them uncomfortable.

Risa was a bit surprised but shook her head, feeling a little flustered. She had never been mistaken for Rolando's daughter, although he was of age to have children her age. "Oh no, I am merely a friend. I'm Risa. We came to know who you all sold this pocket watch to." She explained, taking off the pocket watch from around her neck and laying it on the counter, and stuffing her hands in her pockets. 

Herman pulled on his goggles and picked up the pocket watch. Looking carefully at it, he inspected every inch of it for minutes upon minutes, taking in every single detail. "Oh yes, I faintly remember this watch. It was my pride and joy, alas I don't remember much else about it." He apologetically replied, setting it back down on the counter and taking off his goggles.

Rolando looked over at Risa, seeing her downcasted face made him not want to give up just yet  "Do you perhaps know who all bought one of these? Risa has had it for as long as she could remember." He turned towards him and asked. Perhaps he had records for such a pocket watch as he said it was his pride and joy.

Herman hummed, he thought about it for a moment. He couldn't remember off the top of his head, which he searched his head a few times. "I can check in the back. I may not have it, so don't get your hopes up. Oh, and how many years were you thinking?" He asked, hoping it was only a few years and not a decade or so like most have come in about.

Rolando knew by the tone of his voice and his words he wasn't going to be happy with how many years it had been. "Eleven years. Before the chaos that ended the Rosenberg Royal's reign and turned Frontrance into a democracy." He replied, glancing over at Risa who held her pocket watch to her chest.

Herman let out a whistle. That was certainly a long time. He normally never kept records but for a few years afterward they'd be useless. "That is quite a while. I may have something if this happened to be a very special pocket watch. Just give me a minute." He said, setting down the pocket watch and walking to the back.

Risa hummed, walking around the shop, looking at all that was there. 'This is just great. So far he remembered it but didn't know much else. He could have the documents on who all bought this or had it made but that was still no guarantee. I shouldn't get my hopes up.' She thought to herself, sighing heavily.

Rolando walked over to her and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Are you nervous? Worried? Excited? Since we left you haven't been able to stay still." He asked, seeing how she was lost in thought. He wanted to be positive but he knew that might do more harm than good considering things weren't looking up.

Risa broke from her thoughts at his touch and words, looking up at him. "Oh, um, a mix of all of the above? What if he doesn't have anything and he said he faintly remembers it but doesn't remember who all got it. I feel like this may be another dead end and I've wasted his and your time over nothing." She admitted, looking down at the pink-painted clock in her hands for a brief moment before setting it back on the shelf.

Rolando shook his head, looking her straight into the eyes as he placed both hands on her shoulders. "Come now, don't think like that. I am sure this won't be a dead-end, even if it is, I still will not rest until we know who all had this watch. Even if I have to post in newspapers all over the world to see if someone has any information, with even a reward for information that leads to it." He wasn't going to give up.

Risa sighed gently, removing his hands from her shoulder, and turned around walking over to the window. "Don't do a reward. You know how it turned out for the Rosenbergs. If people truly want to help, they won't be motivated by money. A good example of that is Vincent, money drives people to do crazy things." She glanced back at him.

Rolando understood that it didn't quite turn out how they had wanted. He gave her a sympathetic smile and turned on his heels. "You do have a point. I just hope it doesn't have to come to that and we find the answers we need here." He would find another way to find out who all had her pocket watch.

Risa hoped so. If this would stop her journey then she'd be happy but she had a feeling that she was asking for too much. "Thanks, Rolando. Whatever the outcome, I am prepared for it. I know not to get my hopes up only to have them crash down again." She admitted stuffing her hands in her pockets.

Rolando grinned, clapping his hands together. He was always happy to help her out or anyone for that matter. "That is the enthusiasm I want to hear. I know for sure our journey ends here, I have a feeling and my feelings are always right." He knew it'd probably show that she was Clarissa and he had his fingers crossed.

Herman walked back out and handed them a piece of paper. "That particular pocket watch was specially made for one family only, Count Willard and Countess Baretta Rosenberg as a gift to their granddaughter as a little hint about inviting them to Paris." He replied, saying what was noted on the piece of paper.

Risa had to do a double-take to make sure she could comprehend what he had said. 'Did I hear him right? For the Count and Countess Rosenberg? The ones offering a reward for their lost granddaughter?' She thought as her jaw went slack. "You must be mistaken. This pocket watch can't be made only for them. That would mean I'm Clarissa, which is impossible! I'm not related to them. There has to be another reason." She exclaimed, rushing up to the desk and placing her hands on the counter. 

Herman frowned a little. She seemed genuinely concerned about the news and most would have been thrilled to find out the watch belonged to royalty, and she was royalty. "I even have the sketch that was submitted to create that pocket watch. It is signed with his signature and he had strict guidelines for it written on the sketch." He replied, showing her the sketch.

Risa rubbed the back of her neck as she took the paper and inspected the sketch. Sure enough, it was signed by the Count, the pocket watch looked exactly like hers, down to a T. "Perhaps it was someone else's and it was found by me. Perhaps it isn't even mine. If what you say is true, then I must've found it amongst the chaos and don't remember or someone found it and thought it was mine. That's the only logical answer." She rambled on, handing back the paper, clearly in denial. 

Herman sighed, taking the papers and putting them back into the folder. "Sounds like you're in denial. Why don't you think you could be related to them? Have they lost a child or had been separated from them?" He asked curiously, not having heard about the reward or anything.

Rolando nodded, a bit surprised someone didn't know what was going on. It was big news when it happened and now as time went on it was dying out. "Count Willard and Countess Baretta are the late Frontrancian King's parents and recently they had put out a reward for anyone who could find her. They believe she is alive and they did lose a granddaughter who was lost in the chaos of that fateful night ." He explained, recounting everything he knew.

Herman pursed his lips. Hearing what Rolando said led him to the conclusion that Risa must be Clarissa and it was unlikely the pocket watch was found or given to someone else. "That makes sense, it doesn't seem like a coincidence but more like fate." He was a strong believer everything happened for a reason and no matter what happened you would be brought back to what you had been looking for.

Risa frowned as she looked down at her shoes. "Fate? Yeah, fate that I'm royalty. Pfft, how cliche." She scoffed, not believing it for a moment. There was no way he believed that nonsense but he did and so did Rolando, even Vincent. It was ridiculous. Even delusional thinking.

Rolando extended his hand for a shake, glad that he could at least tell him that much. He didn't want Herman to think he had done anything wrong. "Thank you Herman, it helped us clear that up." He informed Herman, knowing he would speak with Risa more about it outside the shop. 

Herman gave a gentle smile. He was in no way hurt about what Risa had said. He took it. She had a lot of people saying the same and she was tired of it since she didn't believe it. "It is nothing. I do hope you find what you're looking for and it comes to pass that you are their long-lost granddaughter." He called with a wave, looking at Risa and watching her leave.

Rolando followed behind her, closing the door, and sighed. "Just think about it. You have found your family. Why aren't you happy? The pocket watch confirms that you are indeed Clarissa. There is no way that you could've gotten the watch any other way but by it being given to you by the Count and Countess." He pointed out, knowing Risa would probably just dismiss it.

Risa rolled her eyes leaning against the vehicle parked on the side of the street. "Oh come on, you don't believe I could be the long-lost duchess? That is ridiculous. Me royalty? Pfft. It's simply a coincidence and there is a logical reason why I have the watch. Not that I'm her." She scoffed, flabbergasted he believed it.

Rolando sighed, opening the door for her. "It is clear as day. If you look at it you would be around her age now, you look like Persia when you were younger and you were also lost during that time, not to mention you know the tune to the lullaby on the back. No regular person could know that. I am not the only one who believes so and you may deny it as much as you want." He knew she'd end up believing it, hopefully, that was.

Risa got into the car and gave him an unimpressed look and frown. "Vincent only believed that for money, he didn't truly believe I was the duchess and no one else thinks that." She recalled, crossing her arms over her chest. She knew Stella had never mentioned a thing about it, Tessa and Jaelle knew only what she told them but they didn't know about her possibly being Clarissa.

Rolando shook his head, he wasn't the only one. "Stella does too. She may not have said it but she sees her sister in you. She should know. Why can't you believe that you could be her? There are so many flags going up just screaming that you are here." He explained before getting into the car.

Risa looked over at him and sighed heavily. "I can't believe you! Out of all people, you believe in such silliness. It can't be - I'm just an orphan girl. I couldn't be Clarissa. I mean look at me. Do you think I'd believe such a cliche? This is real life, not some fairytale." She was a bit upset that he was being this way.

Rolando could tell she was upset and was indeed in denial. "Risa, listen to me. You know how you said you had these memories but you didn't know if they were real or not? How about you write them all down, I give them to Persia and Nathan to see if any of them are the same and you could even talk with Persia about it." He explained further, knowing that she may not agree. He simply wanted it in her mind.

Risa slouched a little as Rolando pulled away from the shop. "I don't want to get their hopes up again if it turns out I am not. I don't want to hurt them. It's just unimaginable. I can't come to terms with that, without more proof so I'm going to have to turn your offer down." It hurt her to know how it turned out for them before.

Rolando understood, Nathan for certain wouldn't want to believe she was either and it would cause more drama than needed. "Risa, that pocket watch is all you have. Now that I think about it, Vincent said you recognized Persia's locket when you found it." He recalled that memory from the train or was it the ship?

Risa looked over at him and raised her eyebrows. "So? It probably was on one of the paintings." She bluntly said, with a nonchalant shrug. "When did he tell you this? I was speaking to myself, you know, but by accident, I spoke out loud."

Rolando glanced over at her. "It was but it is unrecognizable in the painting since I was the one overseeing the restoration of the paintings. So only those who knew her could know that since it was her most treasured piece of jewelry. Clarissa used to wear it all the time and pretend she was her mother." He chuckled at the memory. Such idyllic times. It's saddening to know they were simply memories.

Risa ran her thumb over the pocket watch, tracing the Eiffel Tower. "I don't remember that. Even if I did, how can I know for sure I didn't come up with it? I am so confused, and no it may not make sense and it may be silly but I just don't understand anything anymore." She let the pocket watch drop against her chest as she crossed her arms.

Rolando could tell she was torn, she was having a battle inside her. "How about you think about it for a while hmm? After I propose to Stella, at our engagement party, you can speak with them there. You can bring up those memories while trying to start a conversation or something." He suggested, knowing it was a bit away and it gave her plenty of time.

Risa nodded with a sigh. She knew she couldn't continue to decline. She just wanted him to leave the subject by agreeing it would be the best way. "I can try that, but no promises - wait, you are going to propose to Stella?" She asked, a little surprised. A smile graced her lips. "Oh Rolando, I am so happy for you! I know she will say yes because who wouldn't?" She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up brightly.

Rolando was glad to see her happy again and he had to admit he felt like a child. "Thank you for your encouragement. I am a bit nervous but I do know she will accept. She has been waiting for me to ask for her hand very soon, I got permission from her parents." He sheepishly laughed, feeling like a nervous schoolboy again. It was amazing Stella made him feel that way still.

Risa laughed along with him, finding what he had admitted was sweet. "You two will certainly make a happy couple. The perfect couple that is. Your engagement and wedding will no doubt be huge news." She could imagine how grand that would be. Even if Stella was a simplistic person, she knew Persia and their mother wouldn't allow for such a small occasion. 

Rolando nodded with a smile, but he knew Stella would want a simple, small, humble wedding. "I am well aware. Stella doesn't want a huge wedding, it will be simple for friends and family. She does want you to be her bridesmaid since she figured it would be good to get some wedding experience." He hoped that would make her feel better.

Risa was flabbergasted. "Stella wants me to be a bridesmaid? That is such an honor." She looked out the window, listening to him and nodding her head. "Can I invite Tessa, Jaelle, and Maurice? They are like my family since they are my friends and I haven't been able to spend much time together apart from work. Maurice has been a regular customer. I am pretty sure it is because he is sweet on Tessa." She curiously asked, figuring he wouldn't decline her.

Rolando wouldn't say no. How could he turn down her friends, those who seemed to mean a lot to her? "Of course, you can. Why do you think he is so sweet to Tessa?" He was curious to know what made her think that and if it was true then he'd be happy for them.

Risa smiled, her eyes dancing. "Because the first time he saw her he was smitten and stumbling over his words. It was so cute. I couldn't help but tease him about it. Whenever I mention her name he gets this goofy look on his face. I swear he is probably thinking about her every second of every single day." She explained with a small giggle, it was more of a devious giggle than anything. "He also has been pulling some strings to help Tessa advance in her fashion career. He told me not to tell her anything about what he was doing, since it isn't set in stone yet." 

She let her pocket watch go and laced her fingers together resting it on her lap. "I was going to ask Stella if Tessa could perhaps make her wedding dress and the bridesmaids since it would be good practice and get her name out. I've seen her designs and they are amazing! They capture this era of glamor and sophistication in a modern age."

Rolando gave a smile as he listened to her speak. She was happy and he was glad she was no longer feeling down.  "I am sure she will stay, yes. She is very open to having small designers design clothes for her so she can help promote them. I will pass along the message if you wish. I'm planning on seeing her here in a day or so." He couldn't wait to see her. It made his heart leap.

Risa smiled, she was so glad to hear that. Once she covered it with Stella she would be telling Tessa. "I am glad. Tessa needs that promotion so the world can see she has talent. I am so happy, even if I still have a lot to think about, I am happy." She was trying to focus on the good and real things in her life.

Rolando pulled up to the curb of the hotel and smiled. "I am glad you are. I will let you go about your day. I am sure you need to get to work since Sundays you work the evening shift?" He asked to make sure he was right. He recalled her mentioning her work schedule but it had been a while since then and he had a lot of his mind.

Risa nodded, opening the door and stepping out. "I do work the evening shift on weekends, so I am free during the day to do some shopping and so forth. Thank you Rolando for everything." She meant it. "I know I'm difficult sometimes but I know you're trying to look out for me and it means a lot."

Rolando gave her a soft look, his heart swelling at her words. "You are welcome, it is nothing. I am just glad to help out a friend of mine." He did count her as a friend, even if they were twenty-something years apart, he did see her as a friend as well as a daughter.

Risa gave him a smile before walking inside her hotel room. She had much to think about with the information she was given. She needed to recall those memories and write them down, just to make sure she had every base covered. She wouldn't hand it over to Stella or the Rosenbergs, but it would be good to get them out of her head 

Could she be Clarissa? It seemed so far-fetched but it could be a possibility. No matter how much she denied it, it would always hang over her if she didn't pursue it. As much as she loathed the cliche idea that she could be the lost princess, it did mean she'd have her family. She needed to see this out no matter where it led.


Aye another chapter done, woo. I have been trying my darndest to get this boom finished up by the end of the month but my mom is making it impossible so bare with me. Those who are waiting for my others don't worry I will get to them after I finish this. ^^

Chapter Talk: 
She is in denial. Yes I am aware the chapter may be a bit confusing or not make complete sense but I intended it that way. I will come back and edit it more, but I wanted to show how messy Risa's brain is and what she believes and her troubles.

This chapter I wouldn't call my pride and joy yet, but I am content with how it turned out. Even if this isn't the final thing, I just wanted to get it published, since, like I said before, if I want around any longer for more ideas I end up procrastinating and putting it off.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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