Percy Jackson and the Triwiza...

By LindinCapps

173K 11K 4.1K

After another rough summer, Percy Jackson just wanted to have a calm school year with his family and friends... More

0.5) Introduction
1) Invitation
2) The Dursleys
3) Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
4) Fake Wands
5) Dinner with the Weasleys
6) Breakfast
7) Stoatshead Hill
8) Portkey
9) The Not-So-Proportional Tents
10) Seamus' Shamrock Shack
11) Krum's Sexy Eyebrows
12) Ludo Bagman's Worn Robes
13) Barty Crouch's Crisp Suit
14) Talking With Fake Dobby
15) Lucius Malfoy, the Only One Who Actually Sucks
16) The Team Mascots
17) The Quidditch Match
18) Hermione's Dilemna
19) The Dark Mark
20) Winky the Elf
21) The Chapter Where I do Nothing
22) Winky Gets Clothes
23) Back to the Tents
24) Back to the Burrow
26) Magenta Robes and Hellhounds
27) Onto the Train
28) Compartment Conversations
29) Water-Bombs
30) Tiny Teeny Dennis Creevey (and Others)
31) Mad-Eye's Mad Eye
32) The Quadwizard Tournament, Technically
33) Draco and I in Bed Together
34) Arranged Marriages and a Threat
35) Seamus < Pus and Skrewts
36) Stick My Stinger in Your Sucker -insert winky face emoji-
37) What Really Went Down With the Magic School Bus
38) I Have a Feeling Traumatic Memories are Going to be Brought Up
39) Moody Shows Us Stuff That Makes Me Moody
40) I'm Gonna do Something Unforgivable if he Says CONSTANT VIGILANCE Again
41) A Pandemic Caused by Eating a Bat is Not Believable, Apparently
42) Things Are Getting Pretty Sirius - Oh, and SPEW is a Thing
43) I Win Ten Galleons For Doing The Opposite of What I was Told
44) The Bee Movie - Or is it The Bee Essay?
45) This Chapter Has Some Dark Vibes - It'll Get Darker Later
46) Fidget Spinners are Sexist for Some Unknown Reason
47) We Did Not Not Break the Pavilion
48) We Meet Some Weirdos in Purple
49) Ron is a Sad Fanboy
50) We Talk About Demigod Stuff Because Harry Knows Nothing
51) Chapter 51 and We Still Haven't Seen the Goblet of Fire
52) You Waited Fifty Chapters for a Wooden Mug That Doesn't Burn
53) Warrington Is Afraid Of Me, And I Like It That Way
54) Hagrid's Suit Might Just Make Me S.P.E.W.
55) Hah, No Cliffhangers Here Ha ha ha please don't kill me
56) Hahaha It's Another Cliffhanger, You Can't Kill Me
57) Is it the Quinwizard Tournament Now?
58) The Chapter Where I do Nothing: The Sequel
59) A Night By the Lake
60) Harry's Got his Panties in a Twist Because Ron's Got his Boxers in a Bunch
61) Hedwig is the Jealous Type
62) How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck if a Woodchuck Was Hermione
63) My Sword Is Underweight - I'll Give it a Diet of Monsters and Mayhem
64) Imagine a Filler Chapter - Now It's a Reality
65) Insert Random Title Here
66) I Don't Like Surprises Anymore
67) Captain America Should be Fighting the Hydra, Not Me
68) Ron's Gonna be Jealous - Me and Fleur Are Pals Now
69) The Egg Screamed - It Must Have Been Egg-scruciating
70) When Pig Flies
71) Witch Weekly: Which Witch Likes Which Witch?
72) The End
73) I Guess It's Not the End
74) Bagman? More Like Badman
75) Ron's Seeing Things Again
76) I Make a Dangerous Promise
77) The Quest Doesn't End All That Well
78) Dances, Dentists, and Dire Letters
79) Draco Totally Has Never Seen Anything Bad
80) McGonagall's Crown of Thorns
81) The Normal Brothers - I Don't Think That's Right
82) Pansy Wasn't Always Panties
83) Finger Licking Good
84) Major Moron, Reporting for Duty
85) Draco Makes a Deal with the Devil
86) No Chic-Flic Moments - Wait, Wrong Book
87) Hermione Does Something Stupid
88) Hagrid Picks Favorites - And Its Not Me
89) Harry and I Have a Heart to Heart
90) Ron's Suspicious of Snape - Again
91) I Wear Pajamas to a Pool Party
92) Try Saying 'Cipactli' Five Times Fast
93) We Get Stalked By a Snake
94) Readers, Do You Prefer Legless Lizard or Glorified Worm?
95) Not My Little Mermaid
96) Fleur is a Maleta
97) The Seaweed Brain Takes the Lead
98) Me or Hermione - Who Would Harry Date?
99) Snape is a Firm Believer in Not Using the Bathroom
100) Maybe Snape Isn't as Greasy as We Thought
101) We Have a Sirius Chat
102) I Realize Something That Could Have Saved us a Lot of Trouble
103) We Learn Why Crouch Has Been Such a Grouch
104) Rats For Feasts
105) Underwear
106) Caroline don't forget to put in the boi's name
107) If The World Has Teeth, Can It Get Cavities?
108) The Weasel and the Panties
109) I Ask Draco to do the Impossible
110) Ron Lightens The Mood, and Pansy Ruins It
111) Some Shocking Character Development
112) How Am I Supposed to Come Up With a Fun Title for this Chapter
113) Draco Does the Impossible
114) No More Child Abuse... For Now
115) Draco Loves His Daddy
116) Happy Easter, Not
117) The Title I Wanted To Put Was Too Long
118) I Like This Perry Better
119) Perry < Perry, But He's a Tree < Katy Perry
120) Mistakes Ron Has Made and Mistakes Made Ron
121) This Chapter is Shorter than Average, Just Like My Di-
122) The Pensieve Sieves
123) Fudge is Not as Sweet as Fudge
124) Fudge is a Little Like Fudge Now
125) Some Sort of Kink Shaming
126) Dad?
127) Hotrod the Bearded... Bodrod*
128) The End is Nigh
129) I Think I May Have Gotten Drugged
130) The Author Describes Her Dad
131) Blast These Skrewts
132) Riddles Suck
134) sorry
135) Stuff Got Dark Really Fast
136) Lord Voldemort Touches Himself
137) Peter Pettigrew, AKA Gross Bucky Barnes
138) The Chapter Where I do Nothing: A Trilogy
139) Gods, That Was A Long Monologue
140) Voldemort and Wormtail, Sitting in a Tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G
141) I Get Ghosted
142) Would You Rather Joke About Something Slightly Offensive or Cry
143) Another Long Monologue
144) Moody Isn't Moody Anymore
145) Winky Winks, but Instead of Winking, She Just Cries
146) The Chapter Where I Do Nothing: The Prequel
147) Jokes About Death, But They Aren't Jokes
148) Sleepy Conflict (My Step Mom Came Up With This Chapter Title)
149) Fudge is Much Less Like Fudge Now
150) Stupid Fudging Fudge
151) Emotions Could Totally Beat Superman in a Fight
152) Hagrid: You're a Unit of Power, Harry Harry: I'm a Watt?
153) I'd Take a Monster Over Mortals Any Day
Fifth Book!!!!!!! <3

25) Harry's Sore Scar

1.1K 78 26
By LindinCapps

At Harry's revelation, Hermione gasped and immediately started with suggestions she'd gotten from all sorts of books. Ron just looked dumbstruck.

"But — he wasn't there, was he? You-Know-Who?" Ron's eyes were wide. "I mean — last time your scar kept hurting, he was at Hogwarts, wasn't he?" 

"I'm sure he wasn't on Privet Drive," Harry nodded. "But I was dreaming about him... him him and Peter — you know, Wormtail. I can't remember all of it now, but they were plotting to kill... someone." I couldn't help but notice the hesitation in his voice, and for a long moment I wondered what he was about to really say.

"It was only a dream," Ron said bracingly. "Just a nightmare."

"Yeah, but was it, though?" Harry turned to look at the brightening sky outside of the window. "It's weird, isn't it?... My scar hurts, and three days later the Death Eaters are on the march, and Voldemort's sign's up in the sky again."

"Don't — say — his — name!" Ron hissed through his teeth.

"And remember what Professor Trelawney said?" Harry continued, completely ignoring Ron. "At the end of last year?"

"Uh, I kinda left early last year," I said, feeling very left out. "So nah, I don't really remember."

Harry quickly filled Harry in, explaining the way their old Divination teacher had started spouting on about the Dark Lord and his servant and a whole bunch of other stuff that made me uncomfortable.

"Oh Harry, you aren't going to pay attention to anything that old fraud says?" Hermione didn't look horrified anymore, instead looking annoyed.

"You weren't there," Harry said. "You didn't hear her. This time was different. I told you, she went into a trance — a real one. And she said the Dark Lord would rise again... greater and more terrible than ever before... and he'd manage it because his servant was going to go back to him... and that night Wormtail escaped."

There was a long silence. I couldn't help but remember that Professor Trelawney's grandmother's name was Cassandra. Like the Greek myth. Apollo had blessed a girl named Cassandra with Sight, but she had abused her power in a way, and was then cursed to not be able to share what was going to happen in the future correctly. I had no doubts Trelawney could see the future, in a sense, but she went about it terribly, and none of it was right. Not really.

Then there was the matter of Harry dreaming of Voldemort. That... that scared me more than Trelawney's prophecy. If my theory was right... if they were connected... well, that would not be pleasant. Not at all.

"Why were you asking if Hedwig had come, Harry?" Hermione asked. "Are you expecting a latter?"

"I told Sirius about my scar," Harry shrugged. "I'm waiting for his answer."

"Good thinking!" Ron said, looking a lot less troubled. "I bet Sirius'll know what to do!"

"I hoped he'd get back to me quickly."

"But we don't know Sirius is... he could be in Africa or somewhere, couldn't he?" Hermione said. "Hedwig's not going to manage that journey in a few days."

"Yeah, I know," Harry said, staring out at the sky again. How dramatic.

Ron tried for to convince Harry to play Quidditch, while Hermione tried to convince him of otherwise. I just sat on Ron's bed, thinking.

Would it be wise to use a drachma to call Sirius for Harry? Normally I wouldn't hesitate, but... it was dark times. We didn't have many campers, the ones we did have were really struggling, and we were stuck in a pre-war plane of utter suckiness. Thalia looked like she could be turning sixteen anytime now, and it was a bit terrifying.

I decided not to, in the end. I may have ended up needing that drachma. I carried that drachma with me for a while. During that winter, two days before Thalia's sixteenth birthday, I did end up needing it.

Harry did end up wanting to play Quidditch, so they went outside and played (Hermione watched, annoyed) and I soon went home with Luke.

"You've been limping this entire time," Luke said as he drove. He was a weird wizard, and he liked to drive. "What happened?"

"Well, uh, I saw Seamus go and fight the Death Eaters, and I was all like, 'Oh fuck yeah, Ima go stab 'em!' And Mr. Weasley said no but I gave a super dramatic speech and ran over there, and we were doing pretty well, until they dropped the Muggles and I got distracted, because you know, they dropped the Muggles, and I got hit with a spell really hard, and I fell funny, and I broke my ankle. Seamus dragged me away and all sorts of fun stuff happened that someone probably talked to you about, I dunno. Ginny set my ankle back though, cause she's a badass, and I had some Ambrosia already, and it's wrapped, so it'll be good in, like, two days."

Luke blinked and said, "You know, every time you curse, it catches me off guard. Like, you're so small and sweet looking, you don't seem capable of it, but here you are, calling little Ginny Weasley a badass."

"That was not what you were supposed to get from that conversation. Not at all."

"Eh, whatever. Oh, you're taking it easy when we get home, too."

I just smiled, "Good, cause I'm kind of tired anyways, and I can always vibe with being lazy."

"That's cause you have lazy vibes."

"You have stupid vibes."

Hey guys! You guys are cool. I like you guys. Neato guys. Yeah. So you guys might know that I recently wasn't feeling very motivated to write. This lasted for like a month. Well, after the bad events of the other day, I started writing again! Who knew trauma could get you into the mood. That sounds bad. But I have written about half the chapter for my other book. Depending on whether I go to sleep early tonight or not, it should be up either today or tomorrow. If it's not... then I went to bed early and spent a lot of my time working on homework tomorrow. Cause I've got a crap ton of work due tomorrow. Then it would be up on Friday. But most likely it'll be up today or tomorrow. Also, my dad has been in a really bad mood. Like grumpy all the time and overreacting a lot too much. It's weird. I don't like it. It's not that weird actually. It's just worse than the usual.

Anyway, I hope you guys have had a great Wednesday, and I'll see you on Friday! Love ya!

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