Iida x reader (Aizawa's daugh...

By volzyx

348K 7.9K 14.5K

Y/n is the daughter of eraserhead and is very close with all the UA teachers. Her mother has passed away leav... More

Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9
Chapter #10
chapter #11
chapter #12
chapter #13
chapter #14
Chapter #15
chapter #16
chapter #17
chapter #18
chapter #19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter #22
Chapter #23
chapter #25
chapter #26
chapter #27
chapter #28
chapter #29
chapter #30
chapter #31
chapter #32
chapter #33
chapter #34
chapter #35
chapter #36
chapter #37
chapter #38
chapter #39
chapter #40
Chapter #41
Chapter #42
chapter #43
chapter #44

chapter #24

6.8K 146 371
By volzyx

Tenya starts to walk a separate was and I run over and stand in front of him.

"good luck ten, I know you'll do great." I smile up at him.

"thank you y/n, its going to be a challenge working with bakugou, and then having to act like I villain on top of it." he trails off.

"you'll do great," I say reassuringly.

"ill do great for you y/n, ill be back soon, I must go meet bakugou." he puts a hand on my shoulder before walking away.

"ill walk you there, all might won't mind." I follow him.

"if you say so y/n" he turns back to wait for me.

we got to the door that all might was holding open and I see Bakugou already there.

"what the hell are you doing here?!" he asks angrily.

"am I not allowed to say good luck to you guys?" I ask.

"alright, Young Iida, young bakugou, you will go in and setup and then the good guys will join you after 5 minutes." all might says loudly as izuku and Ochako walk up to us.

"bye guys, see you soon." I wave and wink at them.

all might closes the door and turns to the other team.

"you will enter in five minutes ok? ill let you guys know, young y/n and I will be heading to the observe room." 

I follow beside him as we walk away and once we were out of hearing distance,

"y/n, I can sense that there is already some rivalry between Bakugou and Midoriya, and if things get too out  of hand I want you to step in and stop it." he tells me seriously.

"yea I saw that too, and will do mister, and by the way, what is with Izuku's costume? it looked almost exactly like you." I take my hands out of my pockets.

"remember when I told you about my quirk?" he looks down at me.

"yea I remember, one for all, and you can pass it on and stuff." I slowly start to get what he was hinting at.

"well you can't tell anyone, but I chose izuku." he says quietly, and my eyes widen in the slightest, so dad was right, Toshinori really is helping him out.

"damn I thought you were going to choose me, uncle." I say with fake disappointment, knowing I don't want the responsibility of that quirk.

"y/n-" he stops in his tracks.

"I was just kidding old man and I would never tell anyone." I laugh and he does too. 

we make it into the room with the rest of the class waiting for us, all might walks to the front and  I stand towards the back near Todoroki.

all might gives the announcement for Izuku and Ochako to go in and meet Tenya and Katsuki.

we just watch them walk through the hallways for a moment then suddenly Bakugou comes out of a corner and attacks Izuku.

the whole class starts making their comments on the fight, I just sit back and giggle at Katsuki getting thrown on his ass for once.

Ochako runs a separate direction and Izuku stays to fight Izuku.

I look over at one of the camera's to where Tenya is and he's freaking out about something.

I walk over to Todoroki and tap lightly on his shoulder.

"what are you thinking?" I ask.

"bakugou is annoying." he says blandly.

"yea he really is." I say in a tired tone.

I look back over to where Tenya is and see that Ochako found him and it looks like he's talking to himself, then turns and sees her.

I look back over to bakugou that is about to let off one of his gauntlets and all might yells and tells him not to do it, but he does it anyway.

toshi gives me a look to let me know that he might have me step in soon and I relax and make sure my scarf is on right.

"sir isn't this getting out of hand." Kiri asks all might.

"Bakugou use that stored up power again and i'll stop this fight and your team will lose," Toshi says seriously into the intercom and then tells him about how he shouldn't be causing to much damage to the building as a hero, 

Bakugou attacks Izuku again and then I hear Todoroki starts to talk.

"he doesn't come off as guy with a strategy but he's actually quite intelligent," he explains Katusuki's tactic and then Momo adds on to it as well.

All might turns back and looks me in the eye and nods, I teleport next to him and he hands me and ear piece and I disappear before anyone could question it.

I teleport to the hallway next to Bakugou and Izuku.

"y/n I want you to stop them when I give you the signal, stay away from the fight as long as possible," I hear him say from the headphones.

"will do, all might." I respond and wave at one of the cameras I saw.

I hear Izuku start to run away and then Bakugou yelling at him.

I decide to peak around the corner, they sound like there having a very deep conversation about how they see each other and I probably shouldn't ease drop but then the start to attack each other again and Izuku is using his quirk this time. 

I step out from the hall way and then I hear all might yell for them to stop and izuku punches up instead of hitting bakugou and a large wave of wind is blown my way and before getting out of there I quickly look to see if they are both ok and it looks like they are.

I quickly activate my eraser quick, careful not to look at anyone and pull my self out of the area and back into the sheltered hall way.

"I hope no one saw that." I mumble to myself and tuck my scarf back in.

I walk back out to where izuku is and see him on the ground and run over to him.

he was standing the last time I saw him??

"you ok man?" I ask concerned and then see his broken arm, "this is the second time."

"damn deku!" Bakugou screams.

"shut up bakugou, you asshole." I say while turning izuku onto his  back. 

some of the nurse robots come in and put him on a bed and head to the office, I teleported back to the observatory room and saw that everyone was staring at me.

"where did you go??" Denki runs over to me.

"didn't you see her on the cameras dummy." Mina runs over too.

"all might had me go in to make sure it didn't get too out of hand, bakugou went over board with his attacks." I shrug.

"im glad you didn't get hurt, you almost walked right in on Midoriya's attack bro." kiri comes and put a hand on my shoulder. 

"thanks but I would've been fine." I smile.

All Might, Ochako, Bakugou, and Tenya walk in and as soon as Tenya sees me he's at my side.

"I heard you got into the fight, are you ok? did you get hurt?" He asks with real concern.

"i'm fine, I was only in the last part, you?" I look up at him.

"we lost, but, theres always room for improvement." he smiles.

I give katskui a dirty look and he just gives a 'are you serious' face in response.

"lets announce the results!!" Toshinori rushes over to the screen.

"Well despite the results the MVP of this exercise is young iida!!" he says loudly and Tenya's face is filled with shock.

"shouldn't it be one of the hero's instead since they're the winners?" Tsuyu asks.

"hmm, valid question. why didn't I chose one of those two?" he asks the class and Momo raises her hand.

"Sir, I can tell you why Iida embraced this challenge, he was the only one who truly adapted to his role," she talks about how bakugou had a grudge and Izuku got hurt, then ochako let her guard down.

Tenya gets a weird proud look on his face and I giggle, 

all might announce the next teams going up against each other and it was me and shoto as heroes against Ojiro and hagakure as the villains.

I smile and wave at Tenya before having to leave.

all four of us walk towards the building that we will be battling in and of course the other team goes in before us.

"what was your plan?" I ask calmly.

"im going to freeze the whole building, it would be safer if you just stayed outside," he says serious but calm at the same time.

"umm i'm not going to just sit back and let you do all the work, I can help you freeze it." I walk over to be face to face.

"how?"  he asks confused, I copy his ice and fire quirk and put both my palms up, I make small ice crystals on my right hand and light a small flame on my left hand.

"I have some experience with both quirks but not a lot so i'll be careful." 

"did you just copy me?" he asks.

"just you're quirks." I reply.

"how many do you have right now?" he asks. 

"I have 3 active right now." I say.

"how many can you hold at once?" he asks intrigued.

"max 5, I could pick up some more before the match?" I smile.

"yes." he responds.

I take the small plastic cards out of my pocket and flip through them, I pick up a hearing quick and a speed quirk.

"k, i think we're ready." I look up at him and he nods, we then hear the announce telling us to go in.

"lets do this." I say quietly as we walk in.

Todoroki activates his ice quirk and put his hand to wall and starts freezing everything, I do the same and listen for foot steps.

"there both barefoot right now." I inform him.

"how do you know?" he looks over at me.

"I could hear it." I tell him and he nods.

after a matter of moments the whole building was frozen, I smile, proud of myself and him. 

"there on the fourth floor, north side." I tell him and we both take our hands off the wall. 

"what hearing quirk are you using?" he says as we walk at a regular pace towards the target.

"i'm not sure of the exact one, I just know that its basically enhanced hearing." I shrug.

"so you don't need to know the name or anything about the quirk to copy it?" he asks,

Tenya's POV: 

"what are they saying?" I ask All might as we all shiver from the cold.

"young Todoroki and young y/n are just talking about the functions of her quirk, it seems she has copied both of Todoroki's." he says shivering as well.

"her and Todoroki are like a straight power team." Momo says confidently. "they are both very strong and are surprisingly calm, and both got in through recommendation."

I have no doubt that y/n and Todoroki will win, I am so proud of her.

I cant help but plaster a smile of my face.


we took our time before making it to Ojiro, 

"this quirk is insane." I hear him say before we walk into the room. 

as we walk the ice shatters underneath us, i'm glad i'm wearing boots, I can't imagine how Hagakure must feel right now. 

as soon as Ojiro saw me and Todoroki he tensed up and got ready to fight, 

"pry yourself up if you want, but it might be hard to fight us with no skin on the bottom of your feet." Todoroki says with a small smile on his face and I just furrow my brows and give Ojiro a 'sorry on behalf of him' look.

we walk past him and straight to the target, and in sync we put our hand on the fake weapon. 

winning the battle,

then Todoroki starts to de frost the whole building.

"wait how do you do that?" I ask curious.

"like this" he takes his hand off and shows me the small flames licking his hand, and I recreate it and we both go back to melting the ice.

"its not your fault, we're just playing on different levels than you." he looks back at Ojiro and my eyes slightly widen at his comment.

"that was a little blunt of you." I whisper so only he could hear.

"Im just stating facts." he looks over at me, we finish melting all the ice and leave the building we each other.

we got back to the observatory room and everyone except bakugou was proud of me and shoto for winning, 

Todoroki got MVP, because it was his quirk that made us win and everyone was a good sport about it. 

it was Kirishima and Sero vs. Tokoyami and Tsuyu next.

"good luck guys!!" I ran up to kiri and scotch tape.

"thank you, you did great!!" kiri smiles.

"thanks y/n." Sero blushes.

"anytime, you guys should get going though." I push them out of the room and walk over to where Bakugou was standing alone.

"what's going on?" I ask calmly because I didn't want him getting pissed off and making a scene.

"tsk." Is all he says.

"your ignoring me?" I look over at him and he glances at me and looks back to the screens. 

"k." I say then walk over to Tenya leaving Katsuki alone again.

"hey tenya." I smile. 

"y/n, your match was great! you and todoroki were so strong!" he says passionately and Todoroki glances over and then looks back to the cameras

"thank you Tenya, you did great too, getting MVP and all." I smirk.

"how is Midoriya doing?" he ask quietly. 

"I don't know but I can find out if you want?" I take my phone out of my back pocket,  i'm surprised it hasn't fallen out yet.

"y/n I don't think your supposed to have your phone out right now." Tenya says seriously.

"Im finding out how izuku is doing, all might is chill." I look up at him.

"please  don't get yourself in trouble." he pleads.

"I won't, I'm just going to make a phone call quickly, ok?" I tell him before heading over to Toshinori, "can I call the nurses office to see how izuku is doing?" 

"yea of course young y/n, be quick though, I want you to learn from these battles."  he winks,

I nod and leave the classroom.

I go to my dads contact and call him.

"have you been to the nurses office at all today?" I ask quietly and I don't hear a response from the other end of the line,

"look to your left." I hear dads deep voice,

I looked to my left to see dad standing there with Mic at his side.

"what are you doing out of class?" Dad asks jokingly.

"I was going to call the nurse to see how Izuku Midoriya was doing, but called you because I knew you wouldn't ask me if I needed a checkup or not." I explain while leaning against the wall.

"me and this guy just came back from the nurses office, he's doing fine, he's asleep, he just kinda broke his arm again, ya know." Yamada does some crazy movements while explaining.

"is he going to be ok?" I ask remembering how he looked laying on the floor after using his quirk.

"yea he'll be back to normal tomorrow at max, but, y/n, ma girl,  ya need to get back to class." Mic says dramatically.

"fine, love ya guys." I wave and open the classroom door and walk back in.

"how is he?" I heard a ton of people say at once,

"he's fine, recovery girl healed him, just passed out right now." I put my hands up. 

I hear sighs of relief and I walk back over Tenya and he gives me a loving look.

"thank you." he says sincerely.

"any friend of yours is a friend of mine Tenya." I smile and nudge him with my shoulder as a sign of affection and he blushes. 

we watched the rest of the matches go by and he was invested in every single one, it was amazing to see how supportive he is of his classmates. 

once all of the matches were completed, we all met outside.

"hmmm thats a wrap!!!" All Might announces proudly and after some encouraging words he runs off at full speed.

"now thats a real hero!" someone says and everyone agrees.

we went back to the locker rooms and got back into our school uniforms, 

"you did great Momo, even though you had to work with Mineta." I smile while taking off my scarf.

"I hate him so much, he's such a perv." Mina says in disgust. 

"I can't believe someone could be so disrespectful." Momo says in shock.

we all finished changing and walked out of the locker room and back to the classroom together, we completed all of our afternoon classes and the whole time Katsuki was zoning out and was just generally in a bad mood, more than he normally was. 

when the final bell rang he got out of his seat as fast as he could and started to walk out.

"Katsuki." I grab his wrist as walks past me.

"what the hell do you want now?" he says annoyed.

I pull him back and he stands over me as I look up at him from my desk,

"hey, I know they whole battle today has been bothering you and I just want you to know that its ok to lose sometimes, you can learn from this experience and move on like a pro. and if it's not even about that, and if it's about Izuku beating you, that's just some immature shit your pulling, from what I heard you used to bully him and now he isn't what you thought he was. but you need to get passed it bro." I say seriously and he stares at me with wide eyes.

"shut up." he storms out of the classroom. 

he probably didn't listen to a single word I said.

I got up from my chair and walked over to where Tenya and Ochako sit.

"ohh hey y/n." Ochako smiles.

"hey!!" I smile back and sit on a desk right in front of Tenya and Ochako puts a hand over her mouth to stop her from laughing. 

"y/n, you do know what your doing right?" Tenya glares at me.

"no, what am I doing?" I ask calmly.

"your scuffing school prop-" He starts to raise his voice, but then Izuku walks in.

Tenya looks around the classroom and sees Tokoyami also sitting on a desk. 

"TOKOYAMI, stop using that desk as a chair, get off of it this instant!!"

"dude, you need to chill." Jiro says cooly.

"your caring a lot of tension, and plus you don't yell at y/n for doing it." Ojiro points out.

"y/n has a free pass for everything, have you not been able to see that by now?" Jiro says calmly and me and Ochako giggle from our seat just watching the whole thing go down.

"i'm going to go over to Deku, have fun with Iida!!" She gets up and waves before rushing over to him.

"Tenya you do need to chill." I walk over to him yelling at Tokoyami and Jiro. 

"no one understands." he says disappointed. 

I look over to see that Izuku has run after Bakugou and everyone else is starting to leave. 

"hey guys I might be. throwing a party In the near future, would you like to come?" I ask nonchalantly.

"I heard party." kiri yells from the other side of the room.

"Yea!!" I move to the front of the classroom so everyone can hear me. "im throwing a party on soon I dont know when yet but yea,"

"hell yea!" Denki yells. 

"alright  you all can get my number from Kirishima or Mina, just text me your name." I say loudly once more. "im going be leaving because there is stuff that needs to be done, c'mon Tenya lets go." I start to walk out with Tenya following me,

"make sure that mineta doesn't get my number." I whisper to kiri and Mina and they nod. 

once me and Tenya got out of the classroom I hugged him.

"y/n?" he puts his hand on my back.

"I missed you." I look up at him with my arms still around his waist.

"were still at school." he whisper yells.

"RIGHT!!" I back away and we walk towards the exit. "today was tiring." 

"today was a great learning experience." Tenya states.

"I forgot to tell my dad that I was going to your house!" I blurt out and grab my phone out of my bag.

"while you inform him, i'll call Tensei to come get us." Tenya tells me and then takes out his phone too.

I text my dad and Tenya calls his brother.

Me: dad I'm going over to Tenya's for a little bit i'll be home later tonight.

Dad: ok sweetie, don't be out too late.

Me: thank you! 

I put my phone back in my pocket at the same time that Tenya hangs up the phone.

"he will be here soon." he says reassuringly.

I nod and we make it outside the school and see All might talking to Izuku.

"Hey Midoriya!" Tenya calls.

"Young Y/n, Young Iida, what are you doing out here?" Toshinori bellows.

"waiting for our ride home, you?" I answer.

"I tried to catch up with young Bakugou, but he didn't seem to happy to talk to me, so I started to talk to my other student, young Midoriya." He answers loudly,

"Izuku, you did great in the matches today." I say with a small smile.

"th- thank you y/n, I still have much to work on." he blushes.

Tenya was about to say something then we heard a car horn and knew that Tensei was there to pick us up.

"oh, that's us, bye Izuku, bye all might!!" I start to walk past them, Tenya bows and follows.

he opens the car door for me and I get in, he closes it and gets in on the other side.

"how was school y/n?" Tensei smiles at me.

"we had combat training today, Tenya was the MVP of his match." I smile.

"oh really? Tenya tell me about that!" Tensei asks proudly.

"my team lost, but, I was the only one that stayed on task and my partner went off and did his own thing." he explains with hand motions.

"i'm proud of you brother, what about you y/n?" Tensei drives down the street.

"my team won, I wasn't the MVP, but it was fun working with Todoroki." I shrug.

"Todoroki? like Endevor?" Tensei asks confused.

"his son, just like y/n, he got in through recommendation."  Tenya answers.

"he's not anything like Endevor though."  I add.

"that's good, I've worked with him before and he can be very mean." Tensei says disapprovingly. "how are the teachers?" 

"we have Present Mic for English, Eraser Head for homeroom, and All Might for our hero course." Tenya informs.

"thats cool, those are some very good pros." Tensei turns into our neighborhood.

"yea they are." I say happily.

"alright were here." 

"thank you for driving us Tensei." Tenya smiles.

"No problem, I have to go by my agency, but ill be back in about an hour, the house is all yours." Tensei winks.

"thank you!" I smile then go to grab my bag but see that tenya already has it.

we get out of the car and walk into the house.

"is there anything I can get you to drink?" Tenya sets the bags down by the front door.

"water is fine, thank you ten, ill be right back, im going to go change out of my uniform."

"ill do the same, ill be in the kitchen." Tenya smiles and I wave before teleporting to my room.

I found my self in the middle of my room and walked over to my closet and pulled out a cropped f/c tank top and some sweat pants.

I took off my uniform and put that on, I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and pulled my hair back the way dad does and teleported into back to where I was in Tenya's house.

I walked into the kitchen to see him making some tea, he was in a loose T shirt and some shorts that stopped at his lower knee.

"i'm back." I announce happily.

"y/n, I made some tea, but here's your water." he turns and as soon as he sees me he blushes.

"thanks, wanna watch a movie?" I take the glass from him.

"that would be nice." he grabs his mug and we walk into the living room.

"ill get some blankets, where are they?" I ask.

"in that cabinet over there, i'll get some snacks."

he went to go grab some food and I got a blue blanket and sat on the couch waiting for him.

Tenya came back with a bowl of pop corn and set I down on the table in front of us, and sat next to me.

"what kind of movie would you like to watch, love?" he puts his arm around me.

"any kind really." I scoot closer to him.

he nods and turns on the TV and plays a random romance comedy on Netflix.

"I didn't know you liked romance." I turn to him.

"I don't normally, but I thought you would." he smiles.

"awww your so sweet." I kiss him on the cheek and we both blush.

I feel my phone go off in my pocket, so I take it out to see that I have over 15 messages from random numbers.

"is that the class?" Tenya asks confused.

"I don't know let's find out." I open the first one.

Momo: hello it's Yaoyorozu, I got your number from Mina.

Me: hey girl!! I'm glad you got my number.

I open some more messages.

Tsuyu: hi its asui, 

Todoroki: Its shoto,  I got your number from Kirishima.

I soon then had everyone text me except Mineta which was amazing.

"all done." I set my phone on the table and lean back on Tenya's shoulder.

"your quite popular y/n." he says happily.

"I guess." I shrug and look at the TV. "it feels like I haven't had you to myself in forever." I tell him.

"yea it does feel that way, i'm glad to have you here with just me right now." he pulls me closer.

"your crazy at school, ya know?" I wrap my arms around him.

"what how?" he asks concerned.

"your constantly yelling at people for sitting on the desk, its cute." I look up at him.

"um yes because UA students should not be damaging school property." he defends him self.

"yea your right, buts it's just more fun too." I say childishly.

"its irritating, how so many people don't respect the classroom." he goes on "and then Bakugou treating you with such disrespect makes me so mad, I saw you trying to talk to him and he was just plain out ignoring you." 

"he was just mad about the whole thing with Izuku, he be over it by tomorrow." I comfort him.

"I hope so, because I can not have him treating you that way." Tenya says passionately and tucks some hair behind me ear, causing me to blush.

I kiss Tenya and he kisses back, it was gentle and sweet.

after moments of us just being with each other, we broke apart for air, both of our faces red.

I glanced out side to see that the sky was now dark and Tensei should be back any moment.

"Tenya your the best ever." I rest my head on his chest.

"I'm afraid you're wrong, you're the best y/n." he kisses my forehead.

"awwww thank you ten." 

we both hear the front door open and Tensei foot steps.

"im back!!" he calls,

"what time is it?" I ask Tenya.

"almost 8" he looks up at the clock.

"Hey guys." Tensei walks in and smiles.

"hey Tensei." I smile back.

"do you have a way of getting home? you probably shouldn't walk when it's this dark out." he walks into the kitchen.

"yea, ill just teleport." he gets a confused look on his face. "one of the quirks I have active right now, from school." I explain.

"ohhhh, thats chill." 

"I should get going before my dad gets mad," I get out from beneath the blanket and give Tenya a quick kiss and Tensei gives me a hug on the way out.

"your welcome anytime y/n!!" Tensei says happily.

"Bye y/n, i'll see you tommorow." Tenya says loudly.

"Bye!! thanks for a having me over!" I smile and grab my bag by the door and teleport to my room, dropping my bag and putting my phone in my pocket, I went into my bathroom and washed my face.

I then went downstairs to see my dad laying on the floor in his pajama's and Zashi standing over him with a pillow.

"Nemuri!! I think I killed him!!!" he cries.

"OMG REALLY?!?!" she runs to them from the kitchen.

"Are you guys pillow fighting?" I walk over to them.

"Ohhh!!! y/n we missed you!!!"Nemuri yells and tackles me to the floor with hugs and I just lay there next to my dad.

"OH MY GOD!!! WE KILLED THEM BOTH!!" Zashi screams.

"not completely." dad gets up and brings me with him.

"where were you?" Nem asks me.

"I was at Tenya's, I went over there after school, dad didn't tell you?"

"Nah I was too lazy." Dad says and walks over to the couch and lays down I teleport next to him and use his shoulder as a pillow.

"i'm tired, I think I'm going to turn in early." I yawn and take out my phone and set my alarm.

"me too." dad says and then closes his eyes for the night.

"I think we will too." Nem and Zashi dog pile on each other next to us and we all fall asleep to the sound of the low playing TV.

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