Two Idiots One Bed

By CursedLowlife

74.9K 1.9K 4.9K

Tolkein, now trusted by his parents to go by himself, invites his friends to the summer resort that his famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Anime Beach Episode)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpter 13
Chapter 14 (Time Skip: Week 6)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 6

3.1K 82 128
By CursedLowlife

Kenny POV:


I sloppily pick myself up from off the ground. Before I even think about running after Butters, I have to take a moment to just...ya' know...figure out what the actual fuck just happened.

I sigh. "Heh..."

Heh indeed. I know what you guys are thinking and yeah, I get it. Before you jump to conclusions though, I didn't intend for that to happen. Maybe I'm overreacting but that was kind of nerve racking. Now I may be stupid but I am not an idiot...Well- uh actually, that's debatable BUT I am smart enough to tell that that was hella' suspicious. I need to stop saying that and get to the damn point.

I like him. Like, like like him.

God, that sounded just as cheesy if not more in my head as it would've sounded out loud. I have to be honest, I'm a really straightforward guy. I don't like to dwindle too much on things like feelings and bull crap. If ya' know, ya' know, right? I'm not going to ignore what I'm feeling and bottle it up. All that emo bullshit that the other guys are pulling in their point of views, well that's just not me. That said, I don't force others into straightforwardness either. If they want to share how they are feeling then good on them but if they don't, I won't bug them to. So...I guess someone is gonna have to play the waiting game. Me that is...not you, the reader. Don't worry, I'm not going to keep you held captive here against your will until you get to see your favorite ship play out.

Well, I guess I can't say the say the same for the author.

Anyways, let's just put my thoughts aside for now and get back to the story...

I finally decide to get off my ass metaphorically and chase Butters down. Not in a creepy way, I honestly just don't know where the bar is. All those years of helping Stan practice sports has payed off quite well and I manage to catch up with him very quickly.

"Hey dude, wait up!" I holler, grabbing his arm.

Butters look back at me. "Sorry, I just don't want to keep them waiting."

Suddenly my throat goes dry as if I ran out of things to say. I kind of just stand there, my grip on his arm becoming tighter. My heart starts doing that thing, ya' know, when it beats like super fast.

"Are you alright, Ken?"

I let go of his arm. "Huh?" I take step back. "Y-yeah...Say Butters, do you want to go somewhere with me after we eat?"

He looks at me, confused for a moment but then smiles and turns his gaze to the ocean. "I don't really know...Why, do you want to go somewhere specific?" He asks.

I look out to the ocean as well. "Well not particularly. I just thought that maybe we could hang out..."

"But Kenny, haven't we been doing that all day?" He turns to look back at me.

I scratch my head. "I uh- I guess but-"

He giggles. "I'm just playin' you, of I'd love to hang out with you after lunch."

I smile. "I guess we should probably go meet up with the guys now, huh?"

"I guess we should."

And with that, Butters and I head to the bar as fast as we can. Once we get there, I'm surprised to see that the bar isn't just a bar, but a restaurant as well. Maybe I'm not that surprised, I mean Token and Clyde wouldn't have invited us to a bar to eat. Speaking of Token and Clyde, they are both waving at Butters and I to come over to the table everyone is sitting at. As we approach the table, I realize that not everyone is here. In fact, we are missing two people: Tweek and Craig.

"Where is Craig and Tweek?" I say, taking a seat in the circular booth.

Stan smirks. "They are probably making ou- OW!"

Clyde and Kyle, both on either sides of Stan, elbow him at the same time.

Clyde rests his hands on the table, clasping them. "What Stan meant to say is they are probably busy right now or didn't get our texts."

Token chimes in. "We might as well let them do their own thing."

I nod. "Yeah, you're right. Now, can we get some food, I'm starving."

Kyle chuckles. "Still thinking with your stomach, I see."

I wink. "Always have and always will."

As if he were psychic, Tweek shows up out of the blue. Butters smiles at him and invites the boy to sit next to him. Tweek does so, setting his bag down. Once seated, I get a closer look at him. He doesn't look too good. He's paler than usual. The kid stares at his lap as if he cannot look anywhere.

"You don't look so good, buddy," Clyde says first.

Tweek snaps out of his trance and looks up at him. I know he usually look nervous but right now anyone could tell that there is something clearly wrong.

Kyle seems genuinely worried and it is in his tone of voice. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yeah? I'm okay, really," he murmurs.

Butters puts a hand on his shoulder. "Tweek you don't have to tell us what's wrong but please don't be scared to confide in us."

Butters, you hypocrite. For legal reasons, that's a joke.

Tweek looks down again and sighs to himself, we can see it though. At this point, we are probably all thinking the same thing: where the fuck is Craig?

"Where the fuck is Craig?" Stan asks, taking the words right out of our mouths.

Tweek jumps a bit. "I uh- I h-haven't seen him since he went to change into his swim shorts!"

Token raises an eyebrow. "Mhm...So you don't know if he's coming to lunch or not?"

Tweek shakes his head no. We all kind of just sit there in silence, waiting for someone to say something. Suddenly, with perfect timing, our waitress comes out of nowhere.

"Welcome, my name is Sophia and I'll be your waitress for today! Can I get you boys started off with something to drink?" She takes out a notepad and pen. I see through that fake ass smile immediately and can tell she doesn't want to be here.

Token smiles politely. "I'd like a water please."

Clyde takes the opportunity to pop in. "Me too please!"

The waitress nods and looks at Stan and Kyle.

"A Dr. Pepper for me, thank you," Stan says. He is so predictable.

"I'll have ummmm...may I please have water as well?" Kyle asks. Now, he's definitely not as predictable.

The waitress scribbles down the orders so far and finally turns to Tweek, Butters, and I.

"I'll have an ice tea, thank you!" Butters grins. It's just like him to get a tea.

"Coffee," Tweek says and we all look at him confused.

The waitress chokes up a bit. Uh, a-are you sure about that, hon? It's the middle of the day and over ninety degrees."

Tweek nods. "I'd like a coffee please."

"You want cream or sugar with that?" The waitress asks a bit hesitantly.

Tweek shakes his head. "No thank you."

With that whole thing aside, it's finally my turn. "Chocolate milk," I say, leaving everyone but Stan and Kyle speechless.

The waitress looks even more confused now but writes it down anyways. "Coming right up," she says and walks away.

Token squints at me, completely bewildered. "Chocolate milk?"

I shrug. "I'm a simple man."

Stan and Kyle nod in agreement and Clyde laughs. Butters giggles as well but Tweek...he just seems disinterested. Now I'm really curious to find out what's up.

"So Tweek," I say, clasping my hands together. "What did you think of the beach?"

Everyone gives me that 'What the fuck are up to?' look. I ignore it, looking smiling with confidence.

I continue to ask questions. "Did you like it?"

Tweek seems as if he can't answer my questions. "I uhhhhhhha I don't...know..."

I don't know you guys, seems pretty sus to me. Let's put that thought aside though, I'm starving! Actually, I guess I wouldn't call it starving. I would just rather be eating food at this very moment.

As if God heard the dejected growls of my stomach, the waitress walks up to our table again, this time with our drinks. Well, it's not food but it is one step closer to me getting food. The waitress set down all our drinks, one by one, in front of us. I'm really not going into detail about what we ordered because the author of this fan fiction is tired and wants to get to the fucking point.

Anyways, we all ordered our food. I noticed that Token ordered an extra meal to go and I presume it's for Craig. That's not surprising seeing as how Token worries way too much about his friends. As soon as the waitress walks away, we get back to our pestering conversation with Tweek.

"Did he behave?" Stan asks Tweek.

The boys starts to get real nervous now. "Y-yes...Why are you asking me this?" He gives Stan a dirty look.

"Just wondering," Stan replies.

Token sighs. "Give him a break Stan, they barely know each other. I doubt they have even talked much."

Clyde chimes in. "Plus we all know that Craig likes to pretend to be a loner."

We all share a laugh, knowing oh so well that he is right. From what I've seen, Craig likes to pretend to be all emo and disinterested, when in reality he cares about his friends more than anything. I'd call it charming in a way, well as charming as Craig Tucker can get. Anyways, can we just get on with it already? I wanna get to the juicy part...I also want to fucking eat.

So blah, blah, blah, our food came and we ate it. Afterwards, Token paid and we all went our separate ways again. I noticed Token giving the box of the food he ordered to go to Tweek. Before I could ask about it, the boy ran off with the food. It's a bit obvious that Token asked him to give it to Craig but I wanted to ask just cause. Oh, I actually had something important I had to do. You guys know what that is, don't you?

I run after Butters, grabbing on of the bags from him to carry the burden. "Don't think I forgot about you running off with these."

He gives me the same smile as always. "Oh, why thank you," he says.

I walk along side him, not really knowing where we are going. "No problem but hey, you said we could hang out after lunch. Are ya' still up for that?"

"Of course I am. I think we should put these in our room first though..."

"Y-yeah, that makes sense," I say, kind of embarrassed by how desperate I just sounded.

And so we brought the bags up to our room. There isn't really much to say about it, nothing interesting happened. In fact, we didn't even say much. It was just kind of quiet...AhEm, well after that I dragged him around for a bit, looking for somewhere to go.

I kept thinking to myself that I just needed to talk to him. After a good while of searching, I came across a set of stairs with a sign saying they went to the rooftop. The look on Butters' face was nothing but worry but I ignored it and went up anyways. When we got to the roof, I let him go and stared out at what was below.

Butters walks up to stand beside me. "Why here?" He asks. It's the first time I've heard him talk in such a serious voice since last night.

"I thought it'd be peaceful," I say quietly, matching the serious tone.

It feels as if Butters is closer now. "Is it?" He continues to stare out at the world with me.


Here comes the pit in my stomach. This is really happening fast and of course I can't say that I'm not nervous. I better knock it out of the park before I loose this chance. Well, I would if I could but right now if feels as if I can't get any words out. It's just quiet.

Walks up to the edge of the roof and takes a seat, his legs hanging off. "Come here," he demands.

I nod and take a seat next to him. My hands sweat, seeing him so close to the edge like that. I reluctantly grab one of his hands, just to reassure to myself that he isn't going to fall.

"Kenny, I'm not going to fall. Don't worry."

I grip his hand tighter, still just as worried. "Sorry."

He raises an eyebrow and tilts. "What's up with you, Ken? Are you angry that I gave you a bloody nose earlier?"

I shake my head. "No no, that's not it."

"Hm," is all he can get out.

I believe he's starting to catch on. This just feels off. I don't know if he is aware of what exactly I'm feeling but I think he knows that there is something more is going on here.

I turn my head to look at him and he does the same. The distance between us is so small. It's so small yet feels so far, as if I can't touch him at all besides having a tight grip on his arm. I relax my tense body and take a deep breath. I lean forwards a bit, resting one of my arms beside him. Butters leans back, still looking no less confused than before.

I don't want to do this without consent. I know that he won't hate me for it. He's too nice. I just don't know what I'd do if he didn't reciprocate my feelings. I know I said that I'm a straightforward guy and don't like to think about things too much but maybe I'm going a little too fast. Scratch that, I am going too fast. I pull back, attempting to move away from him before I do something stupid. Before I get a chance to think though, Butters leans in, matching the exact movements I made a few seconds before.

I try to concentrate on what is happening at this very moment. It is late afternoon and the sky is doing that thing it does before sunset. It's still blue up top but just above the horizon, you can see a yellow glow. That glow reflects itself onto the ocean. It kind of looks like a computer desktop wallpaper. I think I just ruined the mood with that statement. I'm just confused, why is he so close to me?

Anyways, I let out an awkward chuckle. "You good?"

Butters moves away from me, pulling his arms back. "Y-yeah." He looks away. "Kenny, why did you bring me here?" By the tone of his voice, it sounds as if his feelings were hurt.

I stand up, dragging him with me and then let go of his hand. "I already told you, I thought it'd be peaceful."

"Are you sure?"

I nod. "Mhm, the resort is so busy and crowded, I just wanted to be somewhere quiet."

"We have a room, ya' know?" He replies.

Damn it, he saw right through my broken logic!

"You can tell me Kenny." Butters smiles. "I won't be angry at you." He grabs both of my hands.

I smile back. "Don't worry about it." I then turn my head away from him. "Seriously, it's nothi-"

I suddenly feel my shirt getting tugged at and a warmth coating my lips. I take a step back, surprised but am still being pulled in from the waist up. It doesn't take me long to realize what's happening.

He's kissing me.


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