Baby Dallas

By MainlyCam86

100K 1.7K 427

1 party 2 Drunk individuals One Night Stand 1 choice More

The Party
Questions And Answers
Going On Tour
Ready Or Not
I Think I Wanna Know You
Taking Austin
26mgmt Event
The Results
Secrets Revield
I still Get Jealous
Meet and Greet
Table Reading
2 Month's Pregnant
Ice cream Please! (5 month's pregnant )
Too Early
Dakota Alexandrea Dallas
Movie Day with Dakota
The Fight
The Fam
Need A Break
1 Month Later
Unfortunate Misfortune
The Next Day
Slowly Letting Go
Baby Dallas 2

Rumor Has It

4.1K 68 11
By MainlyCam86

Paisley's p.o.v

I was flipping through the channels and I saw a picture of Sammy holding a bag......Oh Shit! I started laughing and turned the volume up.

"Sandra im telling you all of the fans we're right Sammy is a bad boy."

The Tall and skinny dark haired man said.

"I cant believe he got a girl pregnant and this whole time everybody thought it was Cameron and Ms .Paisley Jacobs." The guy nodded his head in agreement.

"So what's up with those two anyway George? " she asked.

"Well theve been spotted a few places holding hands and hugging...I think the two are dating but keeping quite." He said.

"I agree. Stay tuned-" I turned off the T.V and I heard someone come through the door.

"Hey babe im back!" Cameron hollered. A few minutes passed than I herd footsteps coming through the door.

"Babe you never going to believe this!" I said . He looked at me and thre his hands up in the air being sarcastic.

"What?!" He said. I laughed a little.

"Everyone thinks Sammy got a girl pregnant its all over the news!" Cam started laughing.

"Are you serious?!" He said while still laughing. His laugh is the cutest thing in the world I swear.

"Yea." I said and he took a seat next to me on the couch and wrapped his adm around my shoulders.

"Thats great. Hey babe lets go somewhere.....I want to get you out of the house its boring and you and our baby need some fresh air." I smiled at him.

"Well where do you wanna go then I mean there's not much to do around here." I replied.

"Im glad you asked you see I've spent my whole morning planning an amazing day for you. First lets go out to lunch because I just sat through a meeting and I am starving. So go get ready" he said whike standing up.

"I need to be motivated to get off the couch babe." I said and he leaned down to my face. With our lips slightly apart he looked up at me.

"You can always wash my laundry. " he wisperd and I playfully hit his arm.

"Fine ill go get dresses." I said and he stood up.

"Glad I could motivate you babe." He said

"Oh your one of the best." I replied while walking up the steps.

I reached the bathroom and quickly stripped down and hopped in the shower. After I got out I looked out the window and saw it was pretty sunny outside so I settled On a Black crop top and some jean short shorts and back slip on Vans. (Picture above). I then pulled my wet hair back and started doing my make up. After I finished I dried my hair and curled the ends. Perfect I thought when I looked in the mirror and Cam walked through the door and his eyes grew.

"Babe you need to change." He said and I was shocked.

"Why do I have to change?!" I said and he looked worried.

"Because you look to good...." he smiled and I walked over to him.

"Babe I did this for you." I said and planted a kiss on his lips.He kissed back and held me closer to him. My hand went up to his face and he slowly pulled back.

"Are you ready to go back." I smiled and nodddd my head, He intertwined my fingers with his.

"Lets go." He said and off we went.

Cameron's P.O.V

Today was going to be perfect I mean pretty much spaced out on the whole meeting and was just thinking of things to do today with her. First im taking her to this really nice Italian restaurant down town. After the restaurant im going to take her to a little Ice cream shop not to far from the beach than obviously im taking her to the beach. I slowed down at a stop sign and Paisley messed with the radio.

'I aint got no type bad bitches is the only think that I like you aint got no life cups with the ice and we do this everynight I aint check the price I make my own money so I spend it how I like im just livin life and let my mamma tell it nigga I aint livin right." She sang and I knew I had to jump in.

" Chop the top off the Porsche, that's a headless horse
Extendo long as an extension cord
Bitch I ball like Jordan
And I play full court" I rapped than she jumped in.

"And if you not my type then you know I got to keep this shit short
What you know about a check? What you got up in your pocket?
What you spending when you shopping, dawg?
Why you wanna go flex like you all in the mix?
Like you got some shit popping off
I got some models that you see up in the movies and they want to make a flick for the camera
Wanna be Kim Kardashian, heard I was living like a bachelor"  we both rapped and laughed.

"I dont think I could have found anybody more perfect for me Paisley. " she blushed and we made small talk the rest of the way. We pulled up to the restaurant and my stomach instantly growled. 

"Babe im starving." I said.

"Me too lets hurry and go in." We both hopped out of the car and I opened the door to the resturant for her.

"Table for two?" He said and he had a thick Italian accent.

"Yes sir." I replied and he led us to a round table.

"Is this table fine with you?" He asked and we nodded his head.

"Okay can I start you off with anything to drink?" He asked.

"Ill have a water." Paisley said.

"I'll have the same." I replied.

"Okay your waters will be here shortly." He said and walked away.

"This place kinda reminds me of the resturant in the movie Ratatouille." She said and I chuckled.

"It does! Okay this might sound mean but look our waiter is fat and bauld just like the Waiter in the movie." I started laughing.

"Its not like theres a little guy with a mustache in the kitchen." We looked at the kitchen doors and they opened. A guy who wasnt taller than 3 feet walked out.

"It looks like I spoke to soon." The coincidence was surprising and funny as well.Our waiter came back with our waters and sat them down.

"Would you like to hear our specials today?" He asked and we nooded our heads.

"We have an excellent dish today Ratatouille-" he was cut off by our laughter and looked slightly confused.

"Did I say something funny?" He asked

''No its just an Inside joke im sorry....but umm well take the Ratatouille sir right Paisley? "

"Yea." Paisley said and he walked off.

"Lets hope we dont find a rat hair in our food." She said  and we started chuckling.

Skips lunch.
"That was really good and hey I didnt even find one rat hair." She said and I chuckled

"Well I I was thinking maybe we could go get some ice cream than go to the beach.

"That sounds great." She said while she took my hand and wrapped her fingers in mine. We pulled up into the ice cream shops parking lot and we both hopped out. We walked into the cute little shop that was decorated in ranbow colors and ice cream stickers. It was like a Make It Yourself place so we walked straight over to the machines.

"What kind are you getting babe?" He asked.

"Chocolate chip cookie dough its my favorite. " she said.

"Its mine too." She smiled a quickly pecked my lips. She likes it plain I notice considering she put nothing on it besides a littel bit of fudge. After I finished decorating mine we went up th the cashier and payed for our ice cream and sat down at one of the square purple tables.

"Cameron I want to know more about you. Your fears...what you want to accomplish.....Your biggest secret.Just those kinds of things."  I hesitated a little bit.

"Well my biggest feear is being buried alive and an airplane crash is a very close secound. Im accomplishing everything I've ever dreamed about. A movie....A family....being loved by the people you love the most." She smiled and cleared her throat. 

"What about your biggest secret?" She asked curiously. 

"Well cant laugh at me if I tell you." She held up her pinkey and thrusted it to me.

"I pinkey swear." I hooked my pinkey with hers.

"Okay. When I was six I was diagnosed withh ADD and ADHD it was always hard for me to focus and I always got into trouble at school. I bugged the teachers so much they would just pass me to get me out of their hair. Well that caught up wkth me in the long run...I didnt learn how to read until the 5th grade." She lookdd shocked. 

"Really?" She asked with a surprising tone kn her voice.

"How could they not catch that I mean didn't they ever call on you to read out load or write a paper?" She asked.

"When they would do reading I would say I was sick and they would send me to the office. And the papers, I would do my sisters chorus and she would write it." She looked at me slightly angry

"Cam I want you to know I would never laugh at you. I hate those teachers who just passed you instead of helping you because that's what there for." I nodded my head in agreement and was longing to change the subject.

"What about you babe whats your biggest secret?" I asked and she looked down at the floor.

"I-I dont have one." She said with her voice shakey.

"Baby you can tell me anything okay? Im here for you." She took a deep breath and tears rolled down her face.

''I was raped."


!Authors Note!
Hahahaha clif hanger! I love you guys and oh my god almost 1,000 reads yall are incredible! 
What do you think of the chapter? 
Sorry if it suckes im really sick and this is the best I could do!

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