By svtluver

138K 3.4K 1.7K

No one wants to get tangled in with seventeen, the most notorious and ruthless gang in Seoul, but what's goin... More

Aha ha
Z e r o
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x t h
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y o n e
T w e n t y t h r e e
T w e n t y f o u r
T w e n t y F i v e
T w e n t y S i x
T w e n t y S e v e n
T w e n t y E i g h t
T w e n t y N i n e
T h i r t y
T h i r t y O n e
T h i r t y T w o
T h i r t y T h r e e
T h i r t y F o u r
T h i r t y F i v e
T h i r t y S i x
T h i r t y S e v e n
T h i r t y E i g h t
T h i r t y N i n e
F o u r t y
F o u r t y O n e
F o u r t y T w o
F o u r t y T h r e e
F o u r t y F o u r
F o u r t y F i v e
F o u r t y S i x
F o u r t y S e v e n
F o u r t y E i g h t
F o u r t y N i n e
F i f t y
F i f t y O n e
F i f t y T w o
F i f t y T h r e e
F i f t y F o u r
F i f t y F i v e
F i f t y S i x
A small thank you and a possible sequel?

T w e n t y T w o

2.2K 53 24
By svtluver

J laughed at the Polaroids of her and Wonwoo and she stuck them on the mirror in wonwoo's room. She heard Wonwoo come out of the bathroom and lay down in bed.

"You're seriously amazing ya know?" Wonwoo spoke as he put his arm out to J.

She laughed putting her head on his extended arm laying down beside him. "Where is this coming from?"

"It's weird, trust me I know." Wonwoo sighed.

"What's weird?" J looked up at him.

"My feelings." Wonwoo didn't look at her.

"Ah- that's what I used to think too but then I realized that sometimes when we start to feel something that's new to us, it freaks us out a little because no one really likes change and having to adjust to the new incoming feelings." Her eyes were fluttering a little.

"You're so wise." Wonwoo laughed. "But so naive sometimes."

"You know how you asked me if I liked minghao the other night?" J asked out of nowhere half asleep.

"Yeah?" Wonwoo looked down at her.

"I wasn't sure at that time but I don't think I feel anything for him. I think him and nabz like each other and I'm happy for them." She was exhausted from walking around and fell asleep in no time.

"Really?" Wonwoo spoke but got no reply. He looked down to see J snoring a little.

His heart was beating at a fast pace and he couldn't stop smiling. He dozed off just as tried as J and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

J moved her arm expecting it to land around Wonwoo but it fell back down beside her making her realize she was alone. She quickly shot up and and looked down to see the bed empty. She noticed the bathroom lights were off and the room door was a little open. She walked out and saw the other members room doors were wide open with none of them in sight. She hated being alone. She rushed down the stairs and saw Rowoon sitting on the couch. He got up as soon as he saw her.

"Hey?" J's eyes fluttered in a sleepy state. "Where is everyone?"

"Mission." Rowoon spoke looking at J itch the back of her neck.

"Ah. What are you doing here?" J sat down patting the place next to her signaling Rowoon to sit down as well.

"Wonwoo told me to stay in here in case you woke up and got startled. He was right." Rowoon sat down next to her.

"When are they coming back?" J was tired and could feel herself wanting to go back to sleep.

"Always depends." Rowoon started. "They've been gone for a couple of hours now."

"What time is it?" J asked yawning.

"5:08am." Rowoon looked at how tired she was and felt bad.

"Oh." Was all J said before putting her head on rowoons shoulder almost unknowingly.

Rowoon looked down at her about to push her off but stopped himself feeling guilty.

"Aren't you tired?" J questioned him with her head on his shoulder.

"Not rea-." Rowoon didn't get to finish as the door swung open.

"J?" Coups questioned as the thirteen members stood behind them.

Wonwoo's eyes laid on J who had her head on rowoons shoulder and he felt fury.

J turned around to see the gang members standing in an almost line behind them. Rowoon quickly got up bowing and left as coups dismissed him while J stayed on the couch until she noticed the boys were hurt. She quickly sprint up and walked towards them.

"What happened?" She asked staring at their busted cut lips and eyebrows along with their bloody noses.

"Why are you awake?" Woozi questioned not answering her question.

J touched juns eyebrow a little and he took a step back. Instead of going back into their rooms they all sat around in the living room while Jeonghan went to get something from the second floor. J sat by Wonwoo but he turned away from her a little. Jeonghan came back with a big first aid kit box. He opened it up and they all took out the stuff inside there. Everyone attended to their wounds and cuts while J sat there examining everything around her. She noticed Wonwoo who wasn't getting his face patched up correctly so she took the cotton ball from his hand. He protested but she didn't give it back. She gently patted his eyebrow with some hydrogen peroxide and he flinched a little but you could tell he was used to it. She wiped off the blood from his eyebrow to reveal a cut going through it. She put a bandaid on but when it didn't stick she put two crossing each other so they'd hold one another down. She moved onto his bottom lip which was swollen and cut. She wiped the blood away with a tissue before she unconsciously wiped his lip with her thumb making him jump.

"Sorry, sorry." She moved her hand away thinking she hurt him but she was wrong.

She continued to clean his lip before giving him an ice pack to put on it. He said he could clean his nose on his own and headed to the bathroom. As soon as he got in their he felt his knees go a little weak thinking about J's finger on his lips. He touched his lips and closed his eyes a little. 'It's getting worse' he thought. He cleaned the blood off his nose and headed back into the living room to see a tired J cleaning up jun's face. He furrowed his eyebrows and quickly walked to them.

"You're tired, let's go." He started walking towards the stairs.

"Bye guys, you're gonna have to explain later." She eyed them as she walked behind Wonwoo.

"You okay?" J turned on her side to face Wonwoo.

"Mm." Wonwoo hummed.

"If your arm hurts you don't have to put it under me." J out her head up a little releasing his arm.

"No. No. It's okay." He put her head back on his arm and turned to face her.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" J looked up at him.

"For waking you up." Wonwoo frowned.

"It's not your fault. Don't apologize." J snorted.

"Do-do you wanna uh cuddle?" Wonwoo didn't let his eyes meet J's as she started laughing.

"Aren't we already?"

"No, it's different." Wonwoo shook his head.

He pulled her closer to himself leaving no space in between them as he put both his arms around her. One under her head and around her neck and the other on top of her pulling her closer. Her face was nuzzled in on his chest and they both felt each other's warmth and sighed drifting off to sleep.

Wonwoo was woken up by the light shining through under his door signaling  that it was day time. He looked down at J who was still right next to him with both hands around her and her face in his chest. He smiled and felt his heart beat faster. He looked down at her noticing the moles she had on her face and the one above her eyebrow hidden by her hair.

"Cute." He smiled.

Wonwoo began to slowly unwrap his arms around the sleeping girl and trying to get up before he felt J grab him by the arm and he was back in bed.

"Where you going?" She asked in a sleepy voice.

"It's late." He chuckled at the drool on the corner of her mouth.

"Ah don't leave." J put her arms around Wonwoo holding him on the bed.

"Ok ok. It's the weekend anyway." Wonwoo chuckled as he laid back down.

"Wonnie." J spoke in a cute voice motioning for his hand.

Wonwoo could feel his cheeks turning red at hearing the new given nickname. He shook it off and put his arms around her as they both got into their previous cuddling position. They both fell asleep comfortable as ever and woke up around 2 later that evening.

"So Wonwoo, what are you gonna do for your birthday?" Dk turned to Wonwoo as they all sat down for the breakfast/lunch J had made.

"It's your birthday??" J shot up from the other end of the table.

"No." Wonwoo continued eating his pancake. "I've never done anything for my birthdays so why would this one be different?" He eyed dk.

"Why don't you?" J asked.

No one replied and things got awkward very fast. J closed her eyes for a bit remembering what Wonwoo had told her on the way back from the camp.

"When is it?" J asked again trying to get over the awkwardness.

"Tomorrow." Dino perked up.

J shook her head and quickly got to planning as they all moved to the couches and started messing around.

"Can we talk?" Minghao tapped J on the shoulder as he stood above her.

"About what?" J asked.

"Anything." Minghao sighed as J got up and walked behind him outside by the pool as wonwoo's eyes followed them.

"What's up?" J asked sitting down with her feet in the water.

"I'm sorry. For yesterday, I shouldn't have invited nabz. I just-" J interrupted minghao.

"Why are you apologizing? Nabz is our friend too."

"Yeah but I told you I wanted to hang with you, not her. But then when the boys tagged along I don't know what came over me. I guess- I guess I just wanted some sort of reaction out of you for some reason." Minghao looked down at the water.

"Well, it's okay. No worries." J shrugged.

"Stop" minghao looked her in the eyes. "Stop talking to me like I'm a stranger and like you don't feel something between us."

"What are you-." J shook her bead and minghao talked again.

"There's no way you don't feel what I feel. From the very first moment, when you smiled at me before you knew who we were. The first day of school."

"I don't-I don't know what you're talking about." J looked away.

Minghao grabbed her hand and spoke softly this time. "You're special to me."

"You're special to me too. We're friends and nabz has a huge crush on you, me and her are just now starting to be good again. I can't just betray her like that." J smiled at minghao.

"It's always been you." Minghao shook his head. "From the very beginning, I've always been about you."

"Minghao, we cant. We're better as friends, close friends. Trust me." J stood up but noticed minghao staring blankly at the pool. She hugged him from behind and smiled at him. "I'll always be here. As one of your best friends mingi."

"It's not what I want." Minghao didn't hug her back.

"You'll see why this is the better decision within time." J walked back to the house.

She felt the need to cry but didn't understand why. She thought she let go of all her feelings for minghao. For the betterment of them two and nabz. She walked in and smiled at everyone sitting down playing games.

"Hey coups." J had a questioning tone in her voice.

"Mm?" Coups didn't turn from the game he was playing with Wonwoo on the tv.

"You never told me about yesterday. Let's go get ice cream and talk? It's been a while." J's voice trembled a little and Wonwoo looked back at her with his eyebrows furrowed.

Coups put the controller down and smiled as him and J got up and left everyone doing their own thing. They went to the place J had gone with the other guys the night before.

"Wah. You were right, this is the best ice cream." Coups nodded as he took a spoonful of the ice cream in his cup.

"How was it?" J smiled up at him even though her mind was raving about what had just happened between her and minghao.

"It was so amazing." Coups sighed. "I held his hand, and he didn't mind at all. We got to know each other really well and I think my feelings for him just grew." He giggled at the end.

"I'm so happy for you." J was being genuine. "Are you guys hanging again soon?"

"Well he invited me over to his house next Sunday to watch a couple of movies and just chill but I'm nervous." Coups took a big breath in.

"Don't be. It'll be fun!" J smiled at coups who looked a bit calmer. "I was thinking, we should do something for wonwoo's birthday. I know he doesn't celebrate it but that's only because of what happened like 7 years ago. We can't just let him live with that terrible memory as his birthday."

"You knew?" Coups questioned.

"He told me on the way back from camp." J shrugged.

"So what'd you have in mind?" Coups raised his eyebrows a couple times making J laugh.

"Nothing too big, I want him to be comfortable. I was thinking we can throw him a little party at home, with a cake and balloons and all that, just showing him how much he means to us, me and you can get the supplies right now and just sneak them in later and tomorrow I'll distract him after school while you and the gang set everything up. We can invite Chan and Felix too of course, and nabz." J took a breath and nodded.

"I think that's a brilliant plan. Let's go get the stuff." Coups got up with his ice cream cup in hand.

They got what they needed and headed back home. J walked in and everyone perked up. Coups went to sit down and they started playing video games again.

"We have to train." Coups said out of nowhere.

"Yeah, we were way off our game last night." Jeonghan nodded in agreement.

They all got up and J started getting up as well.

"Not you." Coups laughed.

"No no. I'm coming too." J ran in front of them knowing where they were going.

She arrived at the second floor and looked around. It was her first time being down there since the gang had showed her briefly when she first got there.

"Wah." J examined all the games as the gang came down the stairs.

They all just let her be knowing how stubborn she was and started going different places. Wonwoo and jun got into the wrestling ring while the other heading for the punching bags. She watched them train for a little bit before she got bored and started playing some of the games. She continued playing games until she decided to just go back upstairs and make dinner since they'd be tired and hungry after training.

She was absolutely right. After two or three hours the gang came back up stairs sweatier then ever but smiled instantly smelling the food. They all rushed over to the table sitting down and started eating.

After dinner everyone went to their rooms to sleep since they had school the next day. J sat on the bed scrolling through her phone as Wonwoo was taking a shower. Not too long after she heard the door open and out came a shirtless Wonwoo. Who had only a towel wrapped around him that was barely clinging on to his waist. J looked up from her phone and her eyes laid on wonwoo.

"AHHHHHHHHH." She screamed covering her eyes. "YOU CANT JUST-WONWOOYAH." She still had her eyes covered and Wonwoo laughed even harder. "GO PUT SOME CLOTHES ON."

"Theyre out hereee." Wonwoo opened up the closet. He got his clothes but lingered there longer wanting to see if J would peek. She didn't and he headed back to the bathroom.

When he got out, now fully clothed J got up and hit him on the arm. Before he could whine she put her finger up and said. "Don't you dare whine." It was enough to stop him from whining or pouting in any way.

They laid down in bed and Wonwoo brought her closer to him cuddling her like yesterday. Her nose was buried when she spoke.

"Wonwoo. Let's do something tomorrow."

Wonwoo could feel her breath on his neck. "I already told you, I don't celebrate my-"

"Let's just go out to K cafe after school." J interrupted him. "Just me and you."

Wonwoo thought about it and realized he had never done anything with just J and automatically accepted the idea.

"I'm glad I can be here with you on your birthday wonnie." J smiled as wonwoo fell asleep.

J got up when she made sure wonwoo was asleep and headed downstairs to Rowoon and wonho. She had Rowoon take her to get wonwoo's gift since she wouldn't have time tomorrow. All the shops were still open so it wasn't difficult. She ended up coming back in about 30 minutes since she already knew what she was gonna get him. She put the small gift bag down and sat on the couch making Rowoon sit with her, she had one more thing left to do.

The next day at school it seemed like everyone knew it was wonwoo's birthday, and that was true. All the girl basically lined up with gifts in hand. They had pretty wrapped boxes and snacks with drinks in their hands begging for Wonwoo to accept them.

As third period rolled around J's stomachs grumbled a little.

"That bread looks so good." She eyed the girls in the back who were staring at wonwoo.

"I really want some bread right now." Wonwoo spoke up a little loud and all the girls rushed to his side.

He took two bread packets and waited for the squealing girls to leave before putting them on J's desk.

"I love your birthday." J smiled shoving the bread down her throat.

"Calm down. Bread is dry. You're gonna choke." She laughed at her.

After school J and Wonwoo headed to the cafe as J texted coups telling him to set everything up and that she'd tell them when they were on their way.

"So.." J interrupted the quietness that roamed the air between her and Wonwoo. "How do you feel?"

"The same." Wonwoo shrugged. "Wanna order?"

"Sure, get whatever you'd like." She smiled at him.

They ended up getting the choco brownie and drinks as they sat around laughing and chatting away. J was about to pay but Wonwoo wouldn't let her.

"No. It's your birthday and it's my treat." J pushed his card away from the waiter.

"Id never let you pay." Wonwoo pushed her hand away.

Finally the waiter got tired of standing there watching them argue and decided to take wonwoo's card. They got in the car and J quickly texted coups letting him know they were coming. J and Wonwoo were laughing while walking up to the house when J stopped in front of the front door. She turned to Wonwoo and spoke.

"Don't let a bad memory ruin your birthday for you for the rest of your life." And with that, they opened the door and everyone screamed.

"SURPRISE!" The gang all had hats on making J laugh.

"What-what is this?" Wonwoo looked around at the banner hanging from the stair case and the cake on the dinner table.

"It's your surprise birthday party?" J shrugged a little.

"Wonwoo hyung, you're gonna love what I got you." Dino grabbed him by the arm.

"No no. He's gonna love my gift more." Seingkwan grabbed his other arm.

After hanging out and cutting the cake Felix, Chan and nabz went home. They all opened the gifts and Wonwoo loved everything. J's gift was the only one left and she pulled out a small gift bag out of a bigger one as they all anticipated it. She pulled out rings?

"Here." She put one forward to Wonwoo. "They're matching rings. So we'll all somehow be connected.

Wonwoo's heart rate picked up as he took the ring from J's hand. He always thought matching rings were cute. The ring was simple. Silver with symbols at the top. Wonwoo slipped it on but it didn't fit his finger he frowned until J pulled out more rings from the bag.

"These are for all of you." She eyed the gang who eagerly grabbed the rings from the table.

"You're supposed to wear them on your pinky." She snorted. "Except me. I'll wear mine on my ring finger."

"Wah. They're so cool." Coups looked down at his ring.

"You have good taste." Joshua gave J a thumbs up.

"Greatest gift ever." Dino smiled

"I'll never take mine off." Jeonghan spoke up.

"Me neither." Minghao and everyone else smiled at J and she felt happier knowing minghao was feeling better.

"Wonwoo?" Vernon poked him signaling him to say something.

"I love it. Thank you." He looked down at his ring.

He really did love it, it was one of the best gifts he'd ever gotten, but he wished it was something only him and J had. Although the more he thought about it the happier he was knowing his whole family had matching rings now.

They all headed upstairs and J told Wonwoo she had one more thing for him. She pulled out a painting. It was her and Wonwoo, they had a pencil in between them and it seemed like they were tugging at it.

Wonwoo's eyes widened as he gasped a little. "Just like the first time we met." He put his hand over his mouth as he took the painting from J's hand.

"Mhm." J nodded.

"I'm going to hang it up right now." Wonwoo got up.

"No no. We'll do it tomorrow." J pulled him back making him sit back down on the edge of the bed with her. "There's a note as well but read it later, when I'm not around."

"Wah. This has been the greatest birthday ever. Thank you. For everything. For the ring." He tapped his ring a little. "For the painting and for throwing me the party. But most importantly for coming into my life." He smiled at J sitting across from him and in that moment he wanted to hug her and keep her in his arms forever.

She beat him to it and she sling her arms around him and spoke. "Of course wonnie. I'm glad you and seventeen are in my life. Happy birthday." She finally let go and heard her phone buzzing.

It was chan. He was gushing over coups and their 'date' the other day. J and Chan continued talking for a while, about everything. She updated him on what happened with minghao and he told her he was proud of her. They finally said goodnight and went to sleep. Wonwoo pulled her as close as he could and it seemed like they became one person. J sighed at how comfortable and safe she felt in his arms and Wonwoo sighed back feeling the same way. Especially tonight. Tonight he was the most grateful person ever, to the girl that was laying down right beside him.


Ahhhhh it's Wonwoo's birthday (irl hahaha) damn bro, I really love him. Wah. I hope he's really happy moving forward. Along with the rest of seventeen!! <3

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