Doctor Who Imagines

By vampireofvenice

7.8K 123 7

i started to rewatch doctor who and quarantine can get really boring so here's the love child of that mixture... More

reader x 10th doctor
reader x 11th doctor
reader x 10th doctor
reader x 11th doctor
reader x 11th doctor
reader x 11th doctor
reader x 10th doctor
reader x clara
reader x 12th doctor

reader x 11th doctor

631 5 0
By vampireofvenice

You woke up in a strange room full of medical equipment. There were plastic sheets separating the medical beds spanning across two levels. Everybody else was unconscious but for some reason, you weren't. You slowly removed the tubes from your mouth and sat up. The last thing you remembered was being thrown off of the ship by the storm and into the sea.

A beautiful voice filled the air and you whipped around to see an equally beautiful girl gliding towards you. The same girl from the ship that took all of the crew and presumably, you.

"Hello" you said with uncertainty; the TARDIS was visible to you from where you stood so your words should've been translated into the appropriate diction.

"I don't understand, you were dead, I didn't know how to heal you" she said softly.

"Perks of being immortal I guess" you smiled, trying to lighten the situation.

"Get away from her!" you heard Avery shout from the other side of the room before a deafening shot rang through the ward.

The Siren turned a blood red as she stalked towards the owner of the gun. Her face was demonic, an antithesis of her former self. A sneeze sounded from behind one of the plastic sheets. The culprit looked up in horror as a thread of fire ignited in the Siren's hands.

"Fire, that's new" the Doctor muttered as he backed away from the advancing creature. "What does fire do? Burn? Yes. Destroy? What else? Sterilise!"

He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket.

"I sneezed, I brought germs in" he stated as he blew his nose and threw the hankie on the floor. Just as quick as it hit the floor, the offending article was on fire from a blast from the Siren.

"Anaesthetic, tissue sample, screen, sterile working conditions. Ignore all of my previous theories!" the Doctor shouted, pacing back and forth.

"I stopped paying attention to your theories a while back Doctor" you said stepping out from behind the plastic screen.

"Y/N, thank god you're okay!" the Doctor pulled you into a soggy hug and kissed your head.

"I'm always okay" you blushed smiling slightly.

"If you two are quite done, I have to find my son" Avery said, clearly frustrated with the brief reunion.

The three of you walked further into the sick bay to find Avery's son and a way out.

"Toby!" Avery cried, running up to his boy and stroking his head.

"The TARDIS!" the Doctor cried in the same manner, sprinting up to his ship and kissing the door.

"If only you loved me like you love that machine" you murmured quiet enough, so the Doctor didn't hear.

The Siren returned again in her demonic form and glided over to Avery and Toby.

"Avery, stop, don't touch him. Don't interfere!" you called over to him as he was fiddling with the life support machine.

"He's my son, I have to get him out of here" Avery pleaded, tears in his eyes. It was obvious how guilty he felt after leaving Toby to fend for himself back home while he became a pirate. You could see that it was the worst decision he'd ever made.

"She's not a killer at all, she's a doctor!" the Doctor exclaimed. Avery slowly stopped pressing buttons on the life support machine and the Siren turned green again.

"This is an automated sick bay. It's teleporting everyone on board. The crew are dead, and so the sick bay has had nothing to do. It's been looking after humanity whilst it's been idle. Look at her. A virtual doctor, able to sterilise this a whole room" the Doctor strung together as he made his way over the Avery family.

"Able to burn your face off" you stated, following the Doctor to be by Toby's bedside. While looking after him below deck, you got to know how funny and smart the kid actually was. He was going places that boy.

"She's just an interface, seeped through the join between the planes, broadcast in our world. Protean circuitry means she can change her form and become a human doctor for humans. Oh sister, you are good." The Doctor rambled, impressed by the very thing that was trying to kill him not moments ago. That man really did fascinate you.

"She won't even let me touch him" Avery choked out, "I'm his Father for God's sake!"

"You have to take full responsibility for him Captain. Show her the necklace. She may be virtual, but she's intelligent. You can't do anything without her consent. Come on. Sophisticated girl like you. That must be somewhere in your core programme" the Doctor pleaded.

Suddenly, the Siren pulled out her hand and a circle of light appeared around it.

"Consent form. Sign it. Put your hand in the light. Toby's sick. You have to take responsibility for him" you said taking Avery's hand and guiding it towards the consent form. Once the Siren has acknowledged Avery, she disappeared, leaving the three of you and the crew alone in the sick bay.

"He can't ever leave, can he?" Avery whispered.

"I'm sorry. Typhoid fever. Once he returns it's only a matter of time" the Doctor said softly, placing his hand on Avery's shoulder.

"What if I stay with him, here. The Siren will look after him. I can't go back to England. And what home does he have now, if not with me?" Avery looked at you and the Doctor, tears threatening to fall.

"Do you think you can sail this thing?" you smiled.

"Just point me to the atom accelerator" Avery laughed obviously referencing his visit to the TARDIS with the Doctor.

Once you'd said goodbye to Avery and Toby, yourself and the Doctor stepped inside the TARDIS and walked up to the console. You couldn't help but feel deflated. Those men were going to spend the rest of their life on that ship, kept alive, not living.

"Y/N, stop worrying. They'll be fine. It's what they wanted" the Doctor walked up behind you and snaked his arms around your waist as he placed his chin on your head.

"I know, I just feel bad that they're going to spend the rest of their lives on that ship" you sighed.

The Doctor spun you around so that you were facing him and leant in to kiss you. One of his hands gently cupped your face as the other rested at the small of your back. You lifted your hands, so they rested on his chest as your lips moved in sync with his. You both pulled away when you ran out of breath and rested your foreheads against each other.

"I don't love you like I love my machine Y/N" the Doctor stated in a blunt manner. Your eyes pricked with tears as you assumed the worst.

"I love you more" he whispered, leaning in to kiss you again.

hello :) this was a long one i apologise. i took some lines from the episode the curse of the black spot but i changed it quite a lot to fit with my own ending. let me know if ya liked it! as usual requests are open :)

also thank you so much for 200 reads, thats amazing!

cheers x

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