When a Monster Strikes

By TheSPNFriends

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Jessica Coleman used to have a normal life. She went to work and lived with her best friend Rachel...life see... More

Chapter One: The Pony Caper
Chapter Two: Rachel's Gone
Chapter Three: Pie and Magicians
Chapter Four: Motel Shenanigans
Chapter Five: The Dead Garden
Chapter Six: Monsters Are Real
Chapter Seven: The Hunt Continues
Chapter Eight: The Truth of it All
Chapter Nine: Research and Guns
Chapter Ten: The End of the Beginning
Chapter Eleven: A Monster Killed My Friend
Chapter Twelve: There goes my Burger
Chapter Thirteen: Abandon All Hope
Chapter Fourteen: Worth a Shot
Chapter Fifteen: Brace For Impact
Chapter Sixteen: Surrounded
Chapter Seventeen: Too Late
Chapter Eighteen: Enter THE DEVIL
Chapter Nineteen: Sam, Interrupted
Chapter Twenty: Loony Tunes
Chapter Twenty-One: We Need to Go
Chapter Twenty-Two: Are you with me?
Chapter Twenty-Three: Swap Meat
Chapter Twenty-Four: A Demon's Importance
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Pickett's
Chapter Twenty-Six: Demon Summoning Time
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Something's Wrong with Sam
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Teenagers
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Sam and Dean's Past
Chapter Thirty: The Song Remains the Same
Chapter Thirty-One: Best Friend Bonding Time?
Chapter Thirty-Two: Demons in the Supermarket
Chapter Thirty-Four: Protection Against Demons and Angels
Chapter Thirty-Five: My Bloody Valentine
Chapter Thirty-Six: Hunters Gonna Hunt
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Sam Knows
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Talking it Out
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Famine
Chapter Forty: Safety Plan
Chapter Forty-One: Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Chapter Forty-Two: More Dead than Alive
Chapter Forty-Three: What's Dead Should Stay Dead
Chapter Forty-Four: Dark Side of the Moon
Chapter Forty-Five: Reunion
Chapter Forty-Six: 99 Problems of No Return
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Other Brother
Chapter Forty-Eight: Brawls and Battles
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Witches Bond
Chapter Fifty: The Least Likely of Duos
Chapter Fifty-One: To Kill a Witch
Chapter Fifty-Two: Zombie Mob
Chapter Fifty-Three: Hammer of the Gods
Chapter Fifty-Four: Hotel of Death
Chapter Fifty-Five: We Gotta Get Out of this Place
Chapter Fifty-Six: Stream Ghostfacers Now!
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Two Demons Walk into a Bar
Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Devil You Know
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Two Minutes to Midnight
Chapter Sixty: The Deal
Chapter Sixty-One: Storming the Warehouse
Chapter Sixty-Two: Swan Song
Chapter Sixty-Three: The Tales of a Prophet
Chapter Sixty-Four: Endgame
Chapter Sixty-Five: Moving Onward
Chapter Sixty-Six: Author's Note PLEASE READ!! (Sequel Information)

Chapter Thirty-Three: Revelations and Forgiveness

19 1 14
By TheSPNFriends

    It was quiet in the motel. She ignored Chloe's question about dinner and vanished into the bathroom, taking the necessary precautions to write a devil's trap on the bathroom door for security. This effectively kept Chloe from opening the bathroom door and getting inside where Jess was sitting...in the bathtub.

    Jess had been sitting there for a couple of hours as she waited on her trio to return. The only thing she wanted right now was a hug from Sam and for Castiel to explain what the heck was going on. Why hadn't Chloe been honest in the first place? She couldn't trust her, not until the boys returned.

    "Jessica?" Chloe had been parked on the other side of the bathroom door for who knows how long. Collectively they both knew that Chloe had messed up and both women weren't sure how to fix all this.

    "Jessica...can we talk?" The demon asked and then heard something like a shuffle in the bathroom, moments later the door cracked open and Jess's head poked out.

    "What do you want?"

    "Can we talk...can I explain myself?" Jessica was silent for a beat and then nodded so Chloe began her tale.

    "So you already know I'm a demon. Hmm well, I've been watching you...not in the stalking creepy way. Anyway, the Winchesters are two people of interest to me."

    Jess pushed the door open a bit more as she asked, "Why is that?"

    "Ever since Sam killed big bad Lilith and unleashed Lucifer from his cage, I've been curious about which side he would choose. Heaven or Hell you know, that sort of thing. I didn't want to hurt the brothers or have anything to do with them at all but then feathers showed up–"

    "You mean Castiel?" Chloe nodded at the question and then looked around the room as she continued.

    "He told me that I was destined to help you, that it was some prophecy or something." Jessica moved away from the door and over the threshold to sit beside Chloe.

    "Do you think he's telling the truth? Do you think you're supposed to help us?" Chloe blew air from her mouth to cool her forehead.

    "Honestly, I think my boss is gonna figure out what I'm doing and sic hellhounds on me before the night is up. I didn't kill all of those demons. I'm sure one is reporting me right now!"

    "Your boss would really do that, and your friends–" Chloe interrupted Jess who was kinda confused.

    "They're not my friends or family. They're vile and sick and only do what pleases themselves. Of course, I'm no better. Everyone is picking a side, but me, I'm just tired. I'm tired of all the deals and destruction. I want something more, you know?"

    "Then why did you become a demon?" Chloe rolled her eyes before she replied

    "I didn't become a demon because I wanted to, a deal was made, my soul was bought and I didn't have a say..." Jessica's gaze on the demon intensified.

    "What happened?"

    Chloe shrugged, "There was an accident...a drunk driver... I was brain dead. My brother didn't know what to do. He made a deal with something called a crossroads demon and I woke up in my bedroom. I was completely fine for a month then I died again. Hellhounds tore my brother and me to shreds. We both went to Hell. Aaron is still there I guess in some management position...I haven't seen him in nine years."

    Tears ran down Jess's face she listened to Chloe tell her story. It reminded her of something very similar...something her father had done right after her mother had died.

    "You alright?"

    Jess swiped at her eyes, "Yeah...your story just brings up bad memories is all. My father...one night hit a car, he was drunk and the people died. The newspaper said it was the worst vehicle wreck on the Ohio turnpike in years. Sounds similar to your situation...I actually haven't thought about it for a few years now."

    Chloe's head snapped to attention at the girl's words. "Ohio? Jess? How... How could you know that?"

    "Know wh-"Jessica​ stopped and it all fell into place. She placed a hand over her mouth to hush the garbled cry coming out of her mouth. Chloe settled herself nearer to the girl.

    "Tell me what happened?"

    "My mom had just passed away from cancer. My father...couldn't handle it so he left. We lived in Connecticut at the time so he was driving home to get me...Chloe, I'm so sorry." The demon wiped at her eyes before she placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You're a demon because of...what my father did. I-"

    "It's not you're fault, okay. If there's anyone to blame it's this British bucket of crap. My boss has never played nice and never will, he's the one who holds my deal."

    Jessica's tears started drying on her face, "There's no way to break it?"

    "Oh, sure there is, it's just he's too clingy. He'll never let me go...just like any other demon; he's greedy." Chloe said and then tilted her head to the side. "Maybe this whole prophecy business is legit...since we're obviously connected. Maybe I am supposed to help you for as long as I can."

    Jess smiled before she helped Chloe off the hard flooring. Though she was a demon, she had been charged with keeping the girl safe, Jessica had a feeling that Chloe truly meant her no harm. She had to believe that they had been slotted together for a reason.

    "So, your body is yours then?"

    "Yep, just soulless." Chloe tossed her leather jacket on the back of one of the motel's chairs. "Technically I shouldn't care about any of this but I have some motivation, of course, you have to be determined if you wanna make it in sales. Still...I'd like my soul back."

    "Maybe Castiel could help?"

    "That doesn't seem likely Jess, I don't think he likes me. I'm just another pencil to be pushed," Chloe said and plopped down on the sofa and flicked on the tv, another cheesy movie was on but it wasn't like they'd be watching anything else so Chloe just let it play.

    Jessica joined the demon on the couch "What? No. Cas wouldn't do that, he's the nicest guy, well angel I know," Jess said as they situated themselves further on the couch.

    "You'd be surprised."

    Jess offered Chloe some candy and then asked. "Why do you suppose those demons were trying to kill me earlier? I mean...I'm no one."

    Chloe shrugged her shoulders and accepted a candy. "I'm not for sure but it's probably because you're shacked up with the Winchesters...they'll be after you because, in this neverending war, you'd make wonderful leverage probably for either side."

    Jessica stared at the television and watched some commercials about a lawnmower. She never even thought that just being with the brothers would cause both Heaven and Hell to come after her. Of course, she had been thrust into this life quite quickly and a lot had already gone down with big players like Lucifer and even that one demon...Meg.

    She still had nightmares about hellhounds ripping them all apart back in that tiny town.

    "So, I'm not safe?"

    "No one is Jess." Chloe said and snacked on the candy, "Not in this world at least, but being around those brothers isn't going to help you. The best thing would've been for you hightail out of here after you met them and started over but now it's too late. They've seen us together too so if you weren't chained to this life before you are now."

    The past few weeks had been quite a rude awakening for the newbie hunter and she was starting to think that the previous decision to dedicate her life to stopping the supernatural was going to be a lot more difficult if she and the boys were gonna be on the run for the rest of their lives. Still, she had nothing but this and she wasn't gonna go out without a fight. This was her life now after all.

    "Also, do you always smell like rotten eggs?" She asked gently trying not to pry even though she was curious.

    "Unfortunately but it's only when I manifest or teleport. Now, I've got one question?" Chloe said as a new movie started on the screen though they weren't paying attention to the tv anymore.


    "Do you always carry a water gun loaded with holy water?" The demon asked which caused Jess to laugh.

    For some reason, fate had brought them together and Jessica wasn't sure how...but considering all they'd had just been through it seemed easier if they just stuck together now. She'd figure out telling Sam and Dean about Chloe some other time.

• • • • • •

(Dean's POV)

   Michael sent them back in the early morning. Dean immediately saw Jessica asleep in one of the beds once he got over the time travel wooziness. She looked to be in one piece which sent an instant calm over him. The second thing he saw was demon sigils on the door. Maybe Jess had called Bobby or Cas had done them, he didn't know but he was glad that they were there and he was also glad they were back and intact.

    They had risked Jess's life by leaving her here alone...even with the room warded, being in a different time with no way to help her if something were to happen hadn't sat right with him. But he had to try and save his mom and dad...

    They let her sleep as Dean pulled out a bottle. Sam was doing something with some cups when across the room when he yelled out. Dean whipped around to see Cas barely standing.

    "Castiel!" Sam quickly grabbed the angel so he didn't​ fall.

    "Whoa, hey hey!" Dean moved over to help his brother who was trying to hold Cas up. Dean immediately reached out for both of them, trying to keep them all upright. The angel looked like he was about to pass out.


    The commotion woke Jessica and she sent a smile their way until she saw Castiel stumble over his feet. She darted out of bed and hustled over to his side to help.

    "I'm very surprised." He said and then his weight dropped. Jess moved out of the way so the boys could sit him down on her bed. She patted Cas's hand in a comforting way even though he was unconscious. The three shared a look and the brothers explained what went down with Cas and their parents.

    "So you couldn't save them?" She asked quietly Sam shrugged and looked away. Jessica's question was answered. "That's terrible, all of it for-" She sighed and trailed off.

    He knew all too well the look that had taken over the girl's face. She was sad for them and for some reason that he couldn't explain, touched Dean. It was very easy to see that Jessica had a lot of feelings and most of the time she projected those feelings at the brothers and even Cas. She felt for them because she had been where they were and vice versa. They were all orphans.

    Dean had already grabbed the bottle again when he said, "Well I could use that drink." Sam agreed and got the cups.

    A few moments went by and then Dean spoke up.

    "Well, this is it." His brother looked over at him.

    "This is what?" Dean swallowed the rest of his drink which Jessica rolled her eyes at.

    "Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, a high-school dropout with six bucks to his name, an overly-hopeful orphan, and Mr. Comatose over there. That's awesome." Dean looked over at Jess who was still looking down at Cas lying on the bed, waiting for the angel to open his eyes.

    "It's not funny," Sam said.

    "I'm not laughing," Dean replied with a solemn look.

    Sam sighed, "They all think we're gonna say yes. What if they're right? I mean-"


    "I've been weak before."

    "No," Jess said and Dean looked over at her. She abruptly stood from Cas' side and faced them.

    "What if they're wrong? What if they're all wrong?" She kinda yelled at them and Dean was shocked at her outburst. He watched Jessica grab her jacket. She seemed angry...like properly angry.

    "Tell me when it's time to go, I've got my phone." Dean set his cup down before he tried to take a step towards her. She couldn't leave, everything in the universe was after them...essentially.

    "Where are you going?" Sam asked before the elder Winchester could.

    She turned her back on them and shoved open the motel door, "Out, I'll be back. I just need...air."

    Dean lifted his cup and watched as she left the room.

• • • • • •

(Jess's POV)

    Without another word, she left the brothers, Cas, and the suffocating motel room. Jess pulled out her phone and punched in Chloe's number as she walked to a secluded area behind the building which housed an old playground.

    "What's up?"

    "Nothing. Dean and Sam are just talking about giving up but I couldn't just listen to them anymore. They're questioning the future and if they'll be able to withstand their offers and I- " Chloe immediately teleported to her, sat beside her on the swing, and offered her a can of soda. Jessica accepted the can as tears welled up in her eyes.

    If she wasn't so sad, she'd ask the demon how she'd gotten the soda so fast but she couldn't think of anything else but the brothers. From what they had told her; they had given everything to take down evil and now that they needed help, true help...they had received nothing. And Heaven and Hell were still adamant about taking them.

    The idea that Sam and Dean could be kidnapped any day really put a damper on whatever future for them she had dreamed about in her head. All this nonsense made her question if this was really the best path to be walking down?

    "It'll be okay Jess." The demon said.

    "That's the thing Chlo, I'm not sure if it will be. I don't know if I'm cut out for this?"

    "Of course you're cut out for this. Word on the crossroads is Sam and Dean are the best hunters around...a lot of folks are scared of 'em. You're in good hands." The demon said.

    Jess nodded, that she didn't doubt. But whatever was about to come...that was what she was more worried about.


To celebrate Dean's birthday...here is a chapter! Thanks for reading.


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