When a Monster Strikes

By TheSPNFriends

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Jessica Coleman used to have a normal life. She went to work and lived with her best friend Rachel...life see... More

Chapter One: The Pony Caper
Chapter Two: Rachel's Gone
Chapter Three: Pie and Magicians
Chapter Four: Motel Shenanigans
Chapter Five: The Dead Garden
Chapter Six: Monsters Are Real
Chapter Seven: The Hunt Continues
Chapter Eight: The Truth of it All
Chapter Nine: Research and Guns
Chapter Ten: The End of the Beginning
Chapter Eleven: A Monster Killed My Friend
Chapter Twelve: There goes my Burger
Chapter Thirteen: Abandon All Hope
Chapter Fourteen: Worth a Shot
Chapter Fifteen: Brace For Impact
Chapter Sixteen: Surrounded
Chapter Seventeen: Too Late
Chapter Eighteen: Enter THE DEVIL
Chapter Nineteen: Sam, Interrupted
Chapter Twenty: Loony Tunes
Chapter Twenty-One: We Need to Go
Chapter Twenty-Two: Are you with me?
Chapter Twenty-Three: Swap Meat
Chapter Twenty-Four: A Demon's Importance
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Pickett's
Chapter Twenty-Six: Demon Summoning Time
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Something's Wrong with Sam
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Teenagers
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Sam and Dean's Past
Chapter Thirty: The Song Remains the Same
Chapter Thirty-Two: Demons in the Supermarket
Chapter Thirty-Three: Revelations and Forgiveness
Chapter Thirty-Four: Protection Against Demons and Angels
Chapter Thirty-Five: My Bloody Valentine
Chapter Thirty-Six: Hunters Gonna Hunt
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Sam Knows
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Talking it Out
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Famine
Chapter Forty: Safety Plan
Chapter Forty-One: Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Chapter Forty-Two: More Dead than Alive
Chapter Forty-Three: What's Dead Should Stay Dead
Chapter Forty-Four: Dark Side of the Moon
Chapter Forty-Five: Reunion
Chapter Forty-Six: 99 Problems of No Return
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Other Brother
Chapter Forty-Eight: Brawls and Battles
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Witches Bond
Chapter Fifty: The Least Likely of Duos
Chapter Fifty-One: To Kill a Witch
Chapter Fifty-Two: Zombie Mob
Chapter Fifty-Three: Hammer of the Gods
Chapter Fifty-Four: Hotel of Death
Chapter Fifty-Five: We Gotta Get Out of this Place
Chapter Fifty-Six: Stream Ghostfacers Now!
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Two Demons Walk into a Bar
Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Devil You Know
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Two Minutes to Midnight
Chapter Sixty: The Deal
Chapter Sixty-One: Storming the Warehouse
Chapter Sixty-Two: Swan Song
Chapter Sixty-Three: The Tales of a Prophet
Chapter Sixty-Four: Endgame
Chapter Sixty-Five: Moving Onward
Chapter Sixty-Six: Author's Note PLEASE READ!! (Sequel Information)

Chapter Thirty-One: Best Friend Bonding Time?

15 2 7
By TheSPNFriends

(Two Hours Before-Chloe's POV)

    "You want me to watch her?"

    "Just until I get back. Sam and Dean were adamant about going back to 1978. I have to take them but Jessica has no reason to go, so she will be staying behind." Chloe hopped down from her stool to stand in front of the angel. She had more important things to do than watch some girl that was tagging along with the death squad.

    "Why can't you just zap them there and watch her yourself?" She asked pointedly.

    "The brothers would have no way to return, will you do it or not?" Cas said with an annoyed look on his face. 'Must've fallen from the wrong side of heaven this morning.' She thought and sighed.

    "Whatever you need feathers. I just have to keep her safe, yeah?" The angels' eyes narrowed at the demon but then he nodded. Seemed easy enough if she was honest with herself.

    "Thank you." Castiel disappeared without saying another word.

    So, ten minutes later Chloe found herself at the dingy motel door trying to find some courage to knock on it.

    Before the demon could knock, however, it opened and she was face to face with Jessica herself.

    "You're Jessica Coleman...." Jessica's eyes squinted at the person standing in front of her door and then she nodded.

    "And you are?"

    "I'm Chloe, Castiel sent me... to protect you while he's with the Winchesters in 1978." Jess smiled at the mention of her friends. She seemed quite loyal to them even though she barely knew them.

    "Oh, okay... I was just gonna grab a snack from the vending machine....care to join me?" Chloe nodded and followed the girl down the hall a short way, to the machine. Easily trusting, that wasn't very good. Anyone could just say the same things she had said to gain entry and kill her instantly. Now she knew why the angel had asked her to watch the human. Chloe surveyed the area around her but didn't see anyone suspicious lurking.

    "So, are you an angel too?" Jessica asked her which made Chloe shrug before she replied with a hard no.

    "I'm a friend of Castiel's I guess you could say." It would be easier to tell her that instead of the actual truth. She would probably run tail if she mentioned her demoness and that was the last thing she needed tonight. Jessica nodded and punched the button for a Nutter Butter.

    "You want anything?" Chloe shrugged again and looked at the dusty vending machine. It had been a while since she had and junk food as she didn't really eat.

     "This thing got Salt and Vinegar chips?" Jess crinkled her nose before she shoved her thumb back at the room.

    "Nah, but Sam's got some in his duffle, let me buy some sodas and the chips are all yours! He doesn't need them anyway." Chloe nodded in response and watched her get various items other than soda. Cas must've told her it would take a few days. She followed the girl back to her room after she'd ransacked the vending machine.

     A famous 80's movie was quietly on the television when they both entered the empty room. Jess dropped all the snacks on the sofa before she grabbed a large container of salt.

     "Gotta put this down again first." Chloe watched her coat the doorway with the salt. It efficiently locked them both in the room. Well, at least they taught her that. The demon glanced around said room at the various sigils. There was no pentagram up.

     "Shouldn't you have a sigil for demons in case they get in?" Chloe asked but Jessica just shrugged and started rummaging through a duffel bag.

     "I don't know it and Dean and Cas didn't put it down before they left so, I figure I'm okay for now. Aha. Here you go," She said and tossed the stolen chips at the demon. "What would demons want with me anyway? I'm no one important." Jessica asked and opened her soda. 

    Chloe's eyes fix on the girl who had just directed her attention to the movie on the screen in front of them. It showed three teenagers as they ran around a city that looked a lot like Chicago.

     "They may want to kidnap you. You probably know valuable information about the Winchesters and their friends and you'd probably break under the pressure. Also not to mention the little problem they've found themselves in here recently." Jess glanced away from the T.V.

     "You mean the vessels?" Chloe nodded. Looks like the brothers weren't keeping a tight lid on their secrets around her. Could this girl be trusted? But other than that why would Chloe care? Chloe had known a lot of dumb and clueless people and this girl was very naive or seemed to be anyway.

     Jess munched on her Nutter Butter and looked away, a few moments passed before she spoke.

    "Look,  I didn't want a babysitter. I am a grown woman after all. You're a friend of Castiels' so you probably know him better than I do. That doesn't mean you're a good person, or that I can trust you... I haven't known Castiel or the Winchesters very long, but they mean a lot to me already. In the short time we've known each other I've been through​ so much and they've been there for me so I wouldn't harm them or tell any demon anything about them. So, if you're who you say you are and Cas trusts you, then I guess I trust you as well. And if demons come after me then you'll be here. You are supposed to protect me after all." Jessica said and looked back at the movie.

    "So, you really do trust Cas then?" Jessica nodded at Chloe's question.

    "He hasn't shown me that he can't be trusted, also he's helped out quite a bit in the past and he's a good listener." Chloe huffed at that remark. She definitely didn't agree with that one. Any angel got on her nerves and Castiel was no exception.

    "What?" Jess asked her when she huffed at her words.

    "What? Nothing..."

    "Uh, so how did you meet Cas?" Jess asked as she changed the subject and snacked on the food she bought.

    "Well, it was on accident actually. He needed my help. Apparently, he knew who I was before we met."

    "He said he knew me too when we met actually. Did you know he was an angel?"

    "Of course, Cas is big news in the und- in America in general." Chloe cleared her throat. Jessica nodded and turned back to the tv as another movie started.

    "So 1978?" Chloe asked.

    "Oh right, you're probably wondering why I didn't just tag along? I didn't know time travel was actually a  thing until a few hours ago but apparently, it isn't all ponies and rainbows. Cas said he couldn't take all of us and I was fine with staying behind. The boys went back to save their family because some angel named Anna is after their parents." Jess said.


    "Yeah, Dean said she'd helped them in the past but she got caught and sent to 'angel boot camp' and wasn't the same as before. I guess some type of brainwashing thing but I didn't outright ask."

    "Oh, that sounds serious," Chloe said. Heaven brainwashing its angels. That in itself told Chloe that something shady was going on up above.

    "Tell me about it, I'd hate for a friend to double-cross me but from the stories Sam tells me, it happens quite a lot to them." They sat in silence for a while after that until Chloe piped up.

    "Uh, maybe I can show you how to draw the demon sigil later before you go to sleep. Without Cas here, you're a little more vulnerable to them finding you, also maybe we should go to the store, because who knows when your boys will be back." Chloe looked around at the junk food and Jessica nodded.

    "Thanks, that'd be nice."

    Chloe watched the girl drink the soda before she turned back to the movie as well.

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