New Angel | N.H.

By TwerkForNashbrowns

68K 1.2K 740

Parker has always dreamed of meeting Niall Horan. When she accidentally becomes internet famous this dream ve... More

Chapter one.
Chapter two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six.
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter thirteen.
Chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter sixteen.
Chapter seventeen.
Chapter eighteen.
Chapter nineteen.
Chapter twenty.
Chapter twenty-one.
Chapter twenty-two.
Chapter twenty-three.
Chapter twenty-four.
Chapter twenty-five.
Chapter twenty-six.
Chapter twenty-seven.
Chapter twenty-eight.
Chapter twenty-nine.
Chapter thirty.
Chapter thirty-one.
Chapter thirty-two.
Chapter thirty-three.
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-six.
Chapter thirty-seven.
Chapter thirty-eight.
Chapter thirty-nine.
Chapter forty.
Chapter forty-one.
Chapter forty-two.
Chapter fourty-three.
Chapter forty-four.
Chapter forty-five.
Chapter forty-six.
Chapter forty-seven.
Chapter forty-eight.
Chapter forty-nine.
Chapter fifty.
Chapter fifty-one.
Chapter fifty-two.
Chapter fifty-three.

Chapter thirty-five.

884 15 3
By TwerkForNashbrowns

Parker's POV - September 11th

It was 7:30 am and I was wide awake. You know those nights when you're excited for the next day so you can barely sleep? Last night was one of those nights. Even though we didn't have to be up early I still managed to wake up on my own at the ripe time of 5 am. I tried to go back to sleep but had no luck.

I was up watching Harry Potter on my laptop. I gave up looking for something to watch on the tv and thankfully my laptop was laying on the bedside table next to me. I had the volume down low as well as my brightness. Niall was still fast asleep next to me. After a while of watching the movie I got bored and decided to scroll through twitter while I watched. Moving the window to the side of the screen so I could open a new one next to it. Since it was 7 here that meant it was around midnight in the states.

I looked through my indirects first. Seeing photos of Niall and I walking around yesterday which was slightly surprising since I hadn't noticed anyone taking pictures. I clicked on one of the posts that had a photo of me attached, seeing that it had a lot of replies which sparked my interest.

'She's so skinny, why would anyone think she's pregnant???'

I shook my head in agreement before reading the next tweet.

'They have only been together for like 2 months she wouldn't even be showing yet if she was. She could be lying'

I mentally facepalmed myself at the fact that people were genuinely arguing over whether or not  I was having a baby. I guess this is one of the things that comes with being in the public eye as Niall Horan's new girlfriend. A bunch of crazy rumors that come out of no where and don't even make sense.

'She already said she wasn't pregnant and she said something about birth control in her last video'

I raked my brain trying to remember what I could have said. Just when I was about to give up I saw that the next reply was a clip. Of course. I paused the movie and hit play on the video.

"The next person asked for advice on which birth control to use. I am certainly no expert so I can only speak from my experience and what I've heard from friends. I use the pill and it's been fine for me. Been taking it a few years now and have no complaints."

The videos stops before I speak any more about the topic. The video was basically a Q & A where people sent me things they wanted my advice on. I had totally forgotten about that question but I guess this was the proof the fans needed to get over this whole baby rumor. Everyone seemed to drop the topic after the clip had been retweeted a bunch. Which only made them start talking about the other rumor.

'So she's not pregnant but they could totally be engaged!!'

'What if they are getting married while they are in Ireland ooommmggg'

'Niall is head over heels for that girl I wouldn't be surprised if he already popped the question'

I rolled my eyes at all of the comments. I guess these rumors are much better than people speculating that one of us is cheating or something but they were still crazy. I few people pointed out how I have never been seen wearing any rings and how Niall was never seen buying one. Which I thought was a very good argument. After reading a few more of the replies I leave the thread. Scrolling through more tweets before leaving the website. Deciding to finish editing the video that I planned to put up this week.

I had convinced Niall to be my photographer so I could have one of the classic instagram influencer birthday posts. The one where you have the number balloons. I just recorded the behind the scenes of the whole process since it was a very interesting day to say the least. Ending in Niall smashing one of the cupcakes in my face. He came over acting like he was going to put me into a different pose and smashed the cupcake I was holding into my face.

I figured people would be excited to finally see him in one of my videos since it was all they ever talked about. Since I would be posting the picture before the video goes up I figured it would be a nice surprise for everyone.

I took me a while to finish but by the time I was done it was nearly 9. The time had gone by fast and I was hoping he would be waking up soon. I decide to get out of bed and get ready for the day. Grabbing my toiletries out of my suitcase so that I could take a shower. Turning on the shower so that I t would warm up as I got undressed.

Once I stepped in the warm water relaxed all of my muscles. I washed my body before beginning to shave my legs. Instantly becoming thankful that the shower had a seat that I could rest my leg on. Even though it was fairly cold here I refused to wear tights with my dress. I would be inside all day anyway so it wouldn't matter.

Once I finish I turn off the water and wrap myself in my towel. Drying myself off a bit before stepping out of the shower. Only to be met by a shirtless Niall standing in the doorway. He still looked a bit sleepy but I was happy that he was finally awake.

"Hey sleepyhead, you're finally awake." I said as I gave him a quick kiss before walking over to the sink to wash my face.

"How long ya been awake?" His voice was low since he had just woken up. I was in the middle of rubbing the soap on my face when I felt his arms wrap around me. Making me open my eyes to see him looking like he was falling asleep with his head rested on my shoulder.

"Since 5, it's been brutal. Been wide awake the whole time." I finish scrubbing my face and bend down to rinse it off. Niall's body following my movements as he refused to let go of me.

"I'll take a shower and we can't go get a late breakfast." I nodded my head as I applied lotion to my face. Him not wasting anytime to strip out of his clothes after turning on the shower. I brushed my teeth and made my way out of the bathroom to get dressed.

I didn't want to put my outfit for tonight on just yet so I settle for a pair of black leggings and dig through Niall's bag to find a shirt. I had plenty of shirts of my own that I could wear but I would much rather wear one of his. I find a navy blue t shirt and throw it on. Sliding on a pair of socks before I stepped into my Ugg sandals that I haven't stopped wearing since I bought them.

I put my hair into a high ponytail and sat on the bed while I waited for Niall to finish with his shower. He came out about 5 minute later with the towel wrapped around his waste.

"You have got to be the only person on earth who would rummage through someones bag and fold their clothes in the process." He let out as he noticed his once messy suitcase was now neatly organized. His bag was a mess after he had gone through it yesterday. All of the time I spent packing it for him went to waste. I had nothing better to do so I just fixed the clothes for him when I was looking for the shirt I ended up wearing.

"You're welcome" I replied with a big smile making him shake his head at me. He put on a white shirt and some navy shorts. Pairing it with some sneakers and a black hat.

We eat at a cute little diner that was right around the corner form the hotel. Both of us eating enough food for two people. After we finished we went back to the hotel and just laid around watching whatever came on tv. I called my mom when I knew she would be on her lunch break. Leaving the phone on speaker as I styled my hair.

"Hey honey, how are you?" She said in a n excited tone over the phone.

"I'm doing good. We're getting ready to head over to Niall's mom's house for dinner. From the little bit that I've seen since we got here Ireland is beautiful." I said as I combed through my tangled hair. Sending Niall to refill my spray bottle with water when I realize it was nearly empty. Anyone with curly hair knows that combing it while it's dry is absolute torture and only makes things worse.

"You'll have to let me know how it goes. I don't want to keep you from getting ready, but I'm happy to hear your voice. Have fun tonight sweetie!" We said our goodbyes and she hung up the phone.

I ended up putting my hair in a half up half down style. Applying some natural looking makeup before finally putting on my dress. I decided to wear a pair of boots with it so that I wasn't too dressy and picked out my black crossbody bag to go along with it. Putting our room key in it along with some chapstick.

The whole drive there Niall had his hand rested on my thigh. My nerves had gradually increased with each second that we grew closer to our destination. I was nearly ready to explode when we pulled into the driveway and he could tell.

"You'll be fine petal, they already love ya." He kissed my cheek and we both stepped out of the car. The chirp of the locking noise making me jump as we walked up tot he front door. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe before knocking on the door. Niall had his arm wrapped around my waist in an attempt to comfort me. The door opened a few moments later and revealed Maura looking very excited to see us.

"Niall! Parker! I'm so happy you two are here. Come in it's freezing." She waved us into the house and closed the door behind us. Taking Niall into a big hug first before moving over to me. Taking me into a big hug as well. "You look gorgeous honey"

"Thank you, it's nice to finally meet you in person." I slowly began to feel my nerves subside the more that we all talk to each other. She guides us into the living room area where everyone else was waiting. I had hoped we would get here earlier than everyone but Niall took longer on his hair than I did.

Everyone welcomed us with more smile and big hugs. Chris and Bobby being the first to greet us before Greg appeared in the room with Theo. My heart melted when I saw Theo. He was adorable and it was crazy when I thought back to seeing the picture of Niall holding him when he was born. I couldn't believe he was already 7. The time flew by so fast. I made sure Niall sent him a good gift on his birthday and put my name in the card that we mailed out.

Niall pulled me over to them knowing how excited I was to meet him. Squatting down to his level so that he could give him a hug.

"Theo this is Parker, my girlfriend, she was very excited to meet you." Niall spoke up, totally exposing me in the process.

"Hi Theo, it's nice to meet you!" I said to him, earning a confused look from him.

"She talks funny" He said pretty loud which made everyone in the room laugh.

"I'm from America so I guess I probably do sound a bit funny" I give him a smile and he walks toward me before giving me a hug as well. Making my heart melt even more and making me miss my nephews who I hadn't been able to hug in ages.

"You might have to watch out for him Niall, he may steal your girl" Greg speaks up from the living room where he had joined Bobby and Chris.

"Already making his move on her" Niall said followed by a laugh.

"You two get over here so Parker can tell us about herself. I'm sure Theo wants to get back to his toys." Maura says as she makes her way to the couch, sitting down by Chris.

We make our way to where they all are and sit down on the couch that was across from where Maura and Chris were seated. Everyone looking at us eagerly as if they had a million questions that they were waiting to ask. Maura spoke up first, breaking the brief silence.

"So you're still in school right?" She asks

"Yes, it's my last year. I'm studying to human biology. I've decided I'll be taking a break from school before I start on my nursing degree."

"Oh, so you want to be a nurse? That's cool!" Bobby speaks up once I finish.

"I figured I could give the whole being slightly famous thing a fair shot before I commit to a normal job. The program is a little over a year so it's not much more schooling."

We continued to talk for a while. The guys mainly paying attention to the game while Niall's mom continued to ask me more questions.

"How has it been staying with Niall all this time. I hope he's treating you well."

"It's been great. I definitely wasn't expecting my two week trip to turn out like this but it's been wonderful. Compared to the roommates I've had while in college Niall is a godsend. He'll occasionally leave a mess but never anything crazy. We're both pretty organized so it works out. The only difficult thing is really when we leave the apartment. Having people follow you around or stop you for pictures is definitely something I've had to try and get used to." I let out a laugh thinking about how crazy my life had become in such a short span of time.

"I'm sure that can be uncomfortable. You seem to be handling it well though."

"It's really not so bad. They care more about what Niall is doing so the eyes aren't on me as much. I was prepared for it though. It's just something that comes along with dating Niall."

"Yeah, ya can't really avoid it much. So then I guess you've already considered the other things that come with dating him too? Not always being together since you live in different countries, him touring for months on end." She questions, trying to see how I feel on those subjects.

"I'm happy I'm able to spend so much time with him now since he normally isn't in one place for this long. I think the hardest part are the time zone differences. It's harder to find time to talk but we've made it work so far. I honestly can't wait for him to tour, which probably sounds crazy. You can tell how much he loves it and I can't wait to see him back out there performing. I could never be upset about it when he's doing something he loves so much. It's his job at the end of the day, might be a bit abnormal but a job nonetheless. If he's happy I'm happy, we can make it work." A smile creeps onto my face as I answer her question. I could see her eyes get a bit glassy by the time I was done talking.

"Where have you been! Niall you better keep this one around. Get over here and give me another hug honey" I laugh and walk over to where she was sitting. She stands up and we both embrace each other. Causing the attention to leave the tv for a second.

"While the boys are occupied I wanted to ask you if you wanted to spend the day with me tomorrow. I told Niall he could hang out with his friends so that we could have a little girls only day. Maybe get out nails done and get lunch. What do you think?" I had nearly forgotten to ask and now was the perfect time to pose the question.

"I would love to, you just get better and better darling!" She pulls me in for yet another hug before letting everyone know that we should head for the dining table so we can eat dinner.

The family continues to ask me more questions as we eat dinner since the guys were too occupied with the game to listen in on the conversation I had with Maura. Eventually the night came to an end and we had to say our goodbyes. I made sure to let Maura know when to be ready tomorrow and we left the house.

"That went very well" Niall said as he started the car and rolled out of the driveway.

"I enjoyed it, your mom is a sweetheart. Just like you" I said as my fingers ran through his hair. Making him look over at me to give me a smile before gently squeezing my thigh.


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Posted: 7/7/20

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